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 Sep 2020
I'm addicted to you
thru and thru
even though I know
Between us
there'd be Nothing new.

I tell myself you're still the same
But I have changed
And if that's true,
I should be able to see you.

In truth
it's the same old addict game,
Just an excuse to use...
 Nov 2019
I am a shadow
You will never know
Haunting behind you
Never letting go

I am a shadow
Never letting go
Whispering you words
You will never know

I am a shadow
A prisoner in the dark
You helped me escape
You fixed my crooked heart

I am a shadow
I will never let you know
Who you are to me
Why i will never let go

 Nov 2019
I tried to write my story
On a blank piece of paper
And so i began with
Once upon a time
Like in fairytales
But then i remember
That i'm no princess
And you're not my knight
And there'll never be
A happy ending for me
So i left it just like that
An unfinished sentence
On a blank piece of paper
Just like all the poems i wrote for you

 Nov 2019
What my reality is
Is not a dream come true
It's a flowing tide of incidents
With people true to who they believe they are supposed to be

What my reality is
Is a mess of circumstance
And an unrivaled openness
That oft scares those afraid of who they are

What my reality is
Is the nightmare that my truth
Leaves me lonely surrounded by those I love

What my reality is
No longer concerns you
 Nov 2019
I have an axe
in one hand
an olive branch
in the other
I choose to confound
my enemies
any of those
who may wish
to befriend me
as well.  
No wonder
I stand in Isolation.
I alone Conquer
These are the things that serve me well.
 Nov 2019
Living in a state of unbalance,
cuz peace & rest don't serve.
Take away everything,
tackle & push me to my limits,
with my back against a wall
I will perform all my best miracles.

My saving grace is always found
while I'm walking thru the storm
Peace of mind is death,
Chaos and uncertainty create new waves.

Ask any physicist, Entropy Rules the Day.
 Nov 2019
I don't need you
to solve
all my problems.
I just need you
to not
become one
of them.
 Nov 2019
Moon tears
It's not the poison that it's poisoning you
Is the reason why you take the poison
I pic my poison and it's you
Nothing can **** me like you do
 Nov 2019
Shruti Atri
There is a deep space
In the corners of our minds,
Where our hearts dwell,
Solemnly, and in silence.
Patiently, the stillness draws closer,
The feeling recedes,
As all awareness is numbed.

The quietness takes hold,
We are asleep
And alone,
All on our own;
And we meet ourselves,
See what we've never known--
The darkness inside
That gives way to the light,
That shines from within us,
Like moonlight slowly caressing
The earth,
Consoling it,
To not fear the darkness
Of space.

We awaken then
To realize,
What we hold within us,
The energy,
The positivity,
To overcome,
To strive forward
And move on the path
That would lead
Simple beings like us
To *greatness...
 Nov 2019
Tell me your secrets as you weave your fingers between my thighs
Teach me your history as your eyes knock down my mind
Tell my why while we both get high

Please let me into your world as you tell me I complete it
Please let me win you over as you coach me; tell me more as you tell me "more"
Let's close our eyes like we always do, this time opening our minds and allowing ourselves to see
I can't catch feels; too late.
 Nov 2019
P​ain Is The Spice of Life.
It's Bittersweet Agony Flavors Your Soul.
It Makes Us More Complete & Whole, Rounds Us Out, Teaches Us, Gives Us Clarity.
Without It,
There Would Be
No Joy Or Truth.
It's Not To Be Avoided But Embraced
With Grace...
 Nov 2019
These mountainous gaps
Between what I know is right
and should be
and what actually is
Leave me gaping in doubt,
uncertain we will ever be able
to transverse this crevasse
Spanning the distance from you to me.

I won't ever allow for less from you
than we deserve
and know you are worthy
of offering me.
I try to balance
and accept your capabilities,
remember just cuz you have it to give
doesn't mean you will,
accepting with Grace and Love
that which you do.

If I do not walk this tightrope carefully,
I know there is no net to save me...
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