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 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
-The moment you stop wanting it, you will have it
-The moment you stop planning, your life will begin
-To be happy, you must stop saying you will achieve it after a goal
-Forcing will not help what's meant to be a falling into placement
 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
A voluntary victim of life
Parasites called eyes
What we see are lies
We learn to segregate our intuition from physicalities
You gotta unfold inward
A paradoxical lesson of how to 'wake up'
 Dec 2014
You can never know anything
Except that
You can never know anything
 Dec 2014
Amitav Radiance
Lose yourself in the rhythmic vibrations
Waves of tranquility will wash you away
To a far away land where there is silence
Hear your inner self speak the profound words
Here we live by the moments
In the distant land there is no concept of time
All in the eternity, whole existence becomes clear
Finally, open the eyes of your mind
Realize the existence of the universe, within
And the oneness will be your realization
Chanting the hymn of eternal mantra
You are ONE
 Dec 2014
vamsi sai mohan
I love you absolutely
and you don't have any idea
of what can I do for you.
Ask me the universe I will embed in your eyes,
and When you close your eye-lids
you can see what I feel and mean,
I can be anything you love,
I can do anything u want,
the only thing is you have to ask me
or I have to know that you need it....
and even by the ripples of your breath
or by the fluttering of your eye-lids,
I would know what you want without being told,
love is not just an utterance...
Love is for me the source of my existence,
and I want it to be as a blend of our existence,
and the divine reflection of our creation.
I love you .....
* * * *
I saw my reflection
in an ethereal mirror
My face I could see
vision so clear

blending with all eternity

Ripples of light
emanating forth
Ancestors behind me
a knowing loving force

ribbons in hues of celestial colors

Held within faces
of all humankind
blending perfectly
from the beginning of time

my blood tracing back to first mother

Acknowledging all strength
from beauty now shown
Acknowledging truth
I have always known

I carry all within my heart
I carry all within my mind
Knowledge of survival, truth, divine
I release my consciousness from
earthly tethers

I choose to surrender
I choose to surround
myself with
Pure Love
Pure Light
Pure Sound

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Introspective Reflections
 Dec 2014
eunsung aka Silas
I hover between worlds
"I am a spiritual being having a human experience"
and not the other way around,
when I embrace that truth
each single moment shines with brilliance.
quote from teilhard de chardin, who was a theologian/ philosopher and Jesuit priest.
 Dec 2014
We come looped back and forth
infinite upon this plane.

All experience gels into itself
catalysis gooing
yet remains ungoo'ed.

Who we are is figments
of this basket and that
collecting from this
dimension and that.

One spike strikes the mind
affecting conscious mental
aether electifies, plucking
synapse physically
reroutes emotional body
looping back into itself and out.

Perpetual film flowing
through lens
stamped and projected
onto screens of life
for viewing.

Movement may come from
any beginning, middle or end
looping is not linear
unless the loop is cut.
Felt Inspired by my Poetic friends
Onoma and Kensho
 Dec 2014
Oscillating timekeeper ticks and tocs.
Pendulous seconds bumping time forward on the face of a clock.
Father Time, that Patriarchal chronometer
that martyr, master, commander and observer.
Watch the clock, it's moved forward, did you notice time moving?
Father Time so old, and bearded, a scythe by his side waiting to cull.
Waiting is dull.
Time is a lull, a lullaby before you die.
Cronus never steps back, always marches forwards
and we the human race, suspended in time, and space
watch the clock, wishing more time away with regret,
whilst watching the clocks face.
01:45 GMT
 Dec 2014
vamsi sai mohan
If God speaks to me and wishes to fulfil my wishes,then I wish that I would be given the immense potentiality for once to destroy the whole universe.The whole cosmic wanderings.
This life or universe or from an atom to its entirety doesn't make any sense...paraphrasing it would be "human intellect is not capable of perceiving as such"...anyway in either of the ways still it doesn't make any sense.....
 Dec 2014
vamsi sai mohan
The ability to recreate every moment you live and
imbue it with something as unique as "you" itself...
The absolute involvement with every moment of your life brings a great level of insight into life...
 Dec 2014
vamsi sai mohan
In search of truth

Did I go back and forth

Wandered through mountains

Bathed in rivers sacred

With the pious

Whichever way the blind pointed

With hope and zest me travelled

Every which way I smelled his scent

But round and round is all I went

Wasted lives to know the one who is not

But the feverish pitch of seeking would cease not

What does it take to fathom the ocean

Even fish or whale is clueless of the ocean

It is only the salt that can be ocean

A salt doll I became

Just a plunge made me the ocean.

So all it needs is a plunge.
 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
kaleidoscopic geometry
                                   and shapes made from sound
human reality
             is an experiment
say hello to the machine elves
                                who reside inside mandalas
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