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 Feb 2018
I gambled away the sun.

Because the moon
had offered more.

I staked my heart and life.

Because of stories told
and fantastical lore.
 Nov 2017
I find myself doing the things you used to do.
The way you'd bite your lip when you were thinking.
The way you'd put your hands together
During a scary movie.

I find myself mimicking the little things
That I loved about you.
And it breaks my heart to feel this;
That I can't get you out of my head.

Your actions, your smile, your voice:
They're imprinted in my brain.
You became a part of me
And I think that's what made it hurt so much
When you left and took that part of me
With you, away from me.

Everybody tells me
"Just get over it"
"Move on"
"It was just a stupid summer crush"

But you were everything to me
And I don't think I'll ever be able to feel that again.
I steeled my heart and closed off my mind.

I'll never let anyone in like that again.

But sometimes... I want to
Some people you just don't get over. I don't care what others say. There's some love that stays with you despite the hurt or the time that passes.
 Nov 2017
Poor girl,

sometimes you love so
much, so fiercley,

and so madly, that
you forget

not everyone is half as
mental as you..

 Oct 2017
Do you remember, what it was like,
before you were born?
Before you came to this earth..

I don't. I have no recollection of who or what I was.
A million earth years could have passed by.
And yet, I still wouldn't remember who I was.
And I don't think I ever could.

This is how it feels. When you ask me,
who I was before you. My answer is, I don't remember.

There was nothing before you, nothing.
I was nobody before you, nobody.

You should have been called earth. 
 It is because of you that I live. And it is because of you,
that I see the whole universe' worth..

 Oct 2017
Thomas Newlove
‪Every night I cry myself to sleep,‬
‪Feeling your body comfort me.‬
‪My phantom limb, ‬
‪You were never there,‬
‪Yet every night I die in your arms.‬
 Oct 2017
Zero Nine
Left my heart in one with you
now, it's in two.

I return to find
the foundation
of my life

Ripped up
Roses clipped
The garden
closes in
a bed of grey

I return to find
the foundation
of my life

Removed professionally
Cautiously clamped, and taken
from the veins


You're the
in my

The tome forgotten
The lost home


Ani - mos - ity
grows over time
Ani - mos - ity
grows old and cold

I plead my case
to time,
"Be kind."

the resounding,

I return to find
the foundation
of my life

Ripped up
Roses clipped,
the garden
under your shoes

Left my heart in one with you
now, it's in two.
 Oct 2017
I loved him.
And I love this brokenness he left in me.

The freckles on my chest,
that carry his name.

The loneliness in my eyes,
that wonder where he sleeps at night.

I carry his pain,
and I sleep with it in the dark,
when the sun is still out.

It's better than feeling numb.
This hurt, tells me he's still alive inside of me.

He's the reason my dead heart,
still tries to beat for life.

 Oct 2017
Never love a poet so much,
for she will build her world around you.
She’ll contrast you to the sun and stars;
she will love you so.

She will give you lovely notes
to brighten up your day.
You’ll find it a little weird
but you look forward to it, anyway.

Never love a poet so much,
for she will invest a lot in you.
She will become the person you’ll only ever need
without taking a lot from you.

She will take you to places,
and make you experience things
within a room's four corners
and her words as your wings.

Never love a poet so much,
for even after all those things
she will take away her love,
and leave you without a trace
with her heartache as her fuel
for another masterpiece.
a poet leaves.
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