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 Sep 2019
I love when colored salmon spawn
And leap with ease over towns on high
With rippling waves and glistening sheen
How they bound between these rocky outcrop clouds
And spread their whispy tendril fins
Across the cascading pinkish sky
I love the night just before it breathes
Quiet as waivering gills unseen
When the salmon color seeps into the sky
 Sep 2019
This brain of mine
Steadily being eaten
By the worms
Of times
Yet still
We are of truth
I am of flesh
I am a breath
Away from death

It uses me
My poetic muse
The words flow free
Aesthetically bruised
From above and beyond
From without and within
Thoughts come together
And impossibly blind
Stanza after stanza
Line after line
Each verse a maze
A map
Of a poet’s mind
I am but a
Issue stricken poet
With a brilliant muse
Blessed to be in a world
So easily amused
Traveler Tim
 Sep 2019
If you could have me
Like my girl has me
You would never want
For love again
 Sep 2019
I wish she would go
But I need her to stay
I can’t go home
I can’t find the way
I lost my nerve
To call out for help
I lost my voice
I lost myself
Traveler Tim
 Sep 2019
Jack Jenkins
I'm okay with not being okay
and that's okay
I didn't want to wake up
and face the day today
Didn't want to be alone again
Surrounded only by empty air
and voices in my head
Telling me they've told me
For the millionth time to let go
and I hold on tighter
Let it out but keep the leash on
Let it leech my hopes out of me
But that's okay I guess
I promise I'm okay
Even when I'm not
//On anxiety and depression//
 Sep 2019
There is more to living
Than just a breath
Or a heartbeat being

Just as there is more to swimming
Than the ocean
Freshwater streams
And the pools filled with meaning

Simply put

There is always more
To be
Than being
I love it when my mind turns off. When my thoughts are no longer thinking and I can finally find myself, simply being, in the words. You know? That peaceful rest where your eyes are full and your mind is quiet with thought?

It's like the settling of the sea after a cup of wavy caffeine. Awake, alert, alive, but free. One with the simple truth of being. I am, though I will not be forever. And THAT is OK with me.

At peace and loving it.

 Sep 2019
Jack Jenkins
Anxiety is depression without the resignation;
the teetering hope on the cliff edge, not knowing if it will fall or right itself.
//on anxiety//
 Sep 2019
Sally A Bayan

Moss-wrapped rocks are moist
twilight mist showers nature
palms seek warmth from fire

sparks fly........flames, entice,
.....kiss of fire~~~~~eroticize,
.......eyes seem.....hypnotized,

dazzled....and blinded,
heart plays deaf to rules and truths,
.....but...the mind sees through...

wind stirs the fires....flames
flicker.....the dark night lays claim
.....over things......unchanged...

cold wind...hums same song,
same tune wakes dying embers,
...flames..........refuse to die...

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
August 30, 2019
 Sep 2019
Climb inside
Take me for a ride
See for yourself
My heart is Divine
Caring is what I do
Can I reach through
And touch you
A handful of anything
Is more then I have
Feel free
Poke your fingers in
Make me real glad
I have a heart
I have a soul
I am but a empty
*** of gold
But my heart is divine
That I know!
 Sep 2019
I'm so glad not to know him
  He was what he was I'm sure...
Fortunately my memory of him
Is but a beautiful blur...

I remember Tim in the old days
Such a young foolish man
Traces of his childhood
Blemishes of who I am

When he died
I killed him
By the mercy of my being
So if you happen to see him
It's actually me
That your seeing
Traveler Someone
 Sep 2019
You’d have better luck storing rain in your mouth
Steadying quiet clouds with your eyes

Mere perfection doesn’t exist I see
And the cake is a lie

It’s the desire to interject
And infuse
Which I push against

Yourself insinuating from which I hide

This look says me
Let me feel my feelings felt
Or else there is no point left alive
A name would be too personal here. But I will say that there was once a time, when my intuition was very right about something. And in that moment, I felt awful about life. Because I knew what was happening, and yet the other person, who was supposed to reassure me of such, only furthered the deception and tried to comfort me with kindness, not truth. Which is something, to me, that is super personal. Don't forcibly stop my feelings felt, unless you have a **** good reason for doing so.

Just Let Me Feel My Feelings Sometimes. That to me, is humanity.
 Sep 2019
I made mistakes,
But so did you too.
A random one...
I know this is completely outta context but I can't upload my profile pic.Y'all can't do it too?
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