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 Aug 2015
Death by Daydream
We stood there with his body pressed up against mine and my body pressed up the against the wall.
Our lips were touching but not being kissed.

"Why won't you just take the choice away from me and just kiss me?"

He looked at me with his lips still grazing mine and said,
"I pinky promised you I wouldn't kiss you until you were ready, I'm not one to break a pinky promise."

It was then I knew I was ready and I kissed him more passionately than I've ever kissed someone before.
Never break a pinky promise ❤
 Aug 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
I didn't tell you about the life I led
The number of times I bled
I didn't show you the chapters I read
I wanted not pity to be the reason you stayed
I didn't show you the towns I've been through
I didn't want you to partake of the melancholy they brew
Didn't speak about how I fed on tough times till I grew
I regret never letting you in, you don't have to believe it's true
I didn't want to tell a single lie or see you cry
I didn't want to fail that's why I didn't try
All moments I was close enough to feel your sigh
When you helped me with my collar and tie
I didn't speak about how much I wanted your lips
Wish I had trusted my pips with their cunning tips
I didn't let the skeletons out of the closet for fears
They would hurt you and flood your eyes and heart in tears
 Aug 2015
can be such a threat.
Broken hearted girl
why'd you think like that?
Now your tears will overflow
"Life can be such overdose.."
You should shove it
all behind you, I suppose.
Stop wishing to fall into a
Just hit your head already.
No one will miss you
you're too unsteady.
 Aug 2015
There are no goodbyes.
Just a long exhalation, then a sigh.
A sigh of peace, a sigh of grief.
A sigh of guilty relief.
Relief that you let go.
Relief that you went gently into the night.

Selfish is death as it steals your breath,
and takes ours away in grief.
But memory is kind it rose colours our mind,
and allows us to be left behind.

You'll always be our best memory
You'll always be at your best
You'll always be at rest,
and we left behind will always be bereft.

But there are no "good"byes
Just tears to cry
A life to dignify
And the question Why?

I never said goodbye dad, always "see you later".
Goodbye is too final, and love never dies.
There isn't a full stop, and the clocks still tick then tock.
While we children still breathe, half of you never leaves.
Good or bad, perfect or flawed, you are always our dad.
My father is dying and I'm waiting for the inevitable call to come.

Copyright © JLB
02:34 BST
 Aug 2015
As Jim Morrison put it-

“come on baby light my fire”

Well consider me burnt

I am the embers of a dying flame
I am an ashtray in your heart

I am the curl of smoke on freshly lit incense

I am light
I am light

I am bones in a field

I am a solitary crow

I am smite
Baby, I am fading light
 Aug 2015
Sometimes my hands get really itchy
like my bones are trying to crawl their way out of
the skin that entraps them

I get really nervous when I can’t write
You speak in riddles and you're making me crazy

And last night I told you that if hell was real
According to Dante there are 7 levels
and I think I belong in all of them

And we talked about heaven
and you said that you think heaven could be here on earth

And I laughed and said maybe in bits and pieces
but I think my heaven is all chopped up

And then it was silent for a long time
and I realized that you were subtly saying
that it felt like it was heaven with me

Maybe I just shouldn’t speak but I want you to realize is
I am all dark and sin
I am rust on your shine
 Aug 2015
I have this creeping ache on the edges of my bones
like the way crystal forms,

Like the way prehistoric bugs that live in caves die every day.

I think I forgot to close my eyes and woke up blind.

I live my days hoping to grow inwards until my bones
start the delicate tearing of my skin and
water fills my lungs.

I have longed for this to happen ever since i was 7 and
I heard drowning was the closest you can get to

 Aug 2015
Seher Seven
the pull to your core riles my attention
the pull is dedicated, though not to you.
your core is what I'm after.
you represent an immature version
of us, I add in my growth and we
continue to develop.

though you are merely a fraction,
we are spread far. the pieces
rile my attention, create a tunnel
that emblazons my affection for myself.
for us all. in each meeting,
I am looking for you.
my thoughts are captured
in the essence of the trueness of everything,
the fragility, the permanence of nothing.
flowing in this interaction, the balance.

it seems life must be short.
my daughter calls me to live long,
I wake each day to embrace another chance
to sit in myself, in this body,
to witness this vantage point.
I get lonely in here, my tribe spread thin.
I know that the energy of
the spread of a galaxy realigns us constantly.
we create the things that communicate to
hear our own memories.
and I am just thankful,
all other emotions lacking substance.
 Aug 2015
Luna Lynn
nothing but a dream and a pen
they say i'm too creative
to be working 9 to 5 again
who's to say i really didn't know
that nothing would come of
the dream i was sold
i just water the seed to watch it grow
but to harvest the farthest
is the distance i'll go
they say to never give up fully on a dream
keep the hope well alive
and your heart will be free
still entrapped within my mind's brutality
sometimes i'm told just to go
without even knowing the personality
it's a gift
it's a blessing
it's curse
it's all the same
do i do it for the love
or do i do it for the fame?
attention can be tricky on our sleeves to be as shade
when your world around flips upside down in a selfish pride parade
but who's to say i can't be proud
i speak my mind
i say it loud
i can't help that the words flow like water in a stream
that me without expression is a soul that lives unclean
a window to a world that remains unseen
you think you've seen the full on vision
but you're looking through a screen

let me open the door for you
and show you my dream
(C) Maxwell 2015
On this course we travel
Of love, life and the things between
We all go through pain and suffering
We all have our own battles
Our own regrets, our own dreams
But it seems to me
That we all just need someone to say
"I'm here for you"
"I love you"
Something that simple can help us all get through
A hand to hold or a shoulder to cling too
Just having someone there
Knowing someone actually cares
That's what gets all of us through everyday
Through every path, every different road we take
And although we all make mistakes
We need someone to lift us up
Tell us everything will be okay
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