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 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
One day an old man was walking down a beach and He say a little boy picking up starfish that had washed up on the shore,
He came up to the little boy and told him "You can't possibly save all those Starfish" The little boy picked up a starfish and threw it back in the ocean and said" For this one I made all the difference"
I am sharing a story I heard some years ago this is Ad lib to the best of  my memories.
My friend's if you feel like you don't make a difference , or feel discouraged your poems don't get many views, keep in mind if they reach even one person they can make a difference.
Never Give Up!
 Aug 2014
In my life I've dealt with grief.
Deaths of family, friendships and innocence.
Still I'd hoped that life and time would make up,
become friends and chime a tolling bell of peace.
Thought ruins dreams.
There is inside us a black so dark we become a void.
Why try searching for the light?
The light has gone aground.
Mankind has ***** this fruitful earth,
despoiled its beauty and its worth.
Money means more than humanity.
Desecration of this fair planet and its inhabitants
justified by the men in suits.
News is just a propaganda tool,
it makes a mockery and a fool of us.
We line up for bargains, forgetting the unfed
We lie to ourselves that good still exists.
Where? When even religion becomes contentious.
Guns, bombs, hate, greed, ****** of the innocents,
who among us opened the seventh seal?
The Seventh Seal was it opened by blood mixed with oil on the altar of greed?
If so, it wasn't done in my name.
01:06 BST
 Aug 2014
Vanessa Gatley
Wat I think i am
  What i'm not
Wat i dont wanna be
   Wat I need is to lose some
   its not  healthy
    But dont wanna be too skinny
       So I'll stay chubby
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
Growing up I always had
Some very special friends
Where we shared in everything
Even our love for Heavy Death Metal Bands

But every time one of us
Pick up an instrument
Whether banging, blowing, or strumming
We never made a lick of sense

That is until we found the jewel
That we all could play
Which turned around our tender lives
And tenderized us all that day

Now we travel the country side
With our own road crew
In a Heavy Death Metal Band
Where we all play Kazoo's

The very first Kazoo's we purchased
Came from the Five & Dime
But were able to throw down for the better stuff
Once our careers all started to climb

Now when we step out into the lights
Taking center stage
It's worth the pain in our vibrating lips
To see adoration on a groupies face

And playing lead Kazoo
Isn't as easy as it looks
You've got to hold your lips just right
To come up with those major hooks

We used to open up for other Metal Bands
Like AC/DC and Metallica
Pretty soon though our style passed them by
Leaving those sissies in top 40 dust

Because next to us they played soft rock
And when your "Axe" is a killer Kazoo
The others stand around dumb founded
With no clue of what to do

Don't get me wrong this rock and roll road
Isn't always paved in gold
Day in and day out in a Kazoo Death Metal Band
Can take away your very soul...
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
I need to forgive

I can never forget

I need to forgive

My mind has been set

I can never forget

That I've paid my debt

I can never forget

What behind I left

I need to forgive

So my heart it can heal

I need to forgive

So I can turn my life's wheel

I can never forget

The dark secrets and lies

I can never forget

Who made me cry

A father so drunk

That he lost out on love

A mother so involved with herself

I couldn't give her enough

I need to forgive

But I can never forget

I need to forgive

With such little time left

I can never forget

The pain that they caused

I can never forget

The childhood that was lost

I need to forgive

To release all the pain

I need to forgive

So it won't happen again

I can never forget

As I stand on the edge

I can never forget

What I can never forgive
For a friend...
 Aug 2014
I'm writing this only because I know you won't see it.
Because I let him touch me this time.
And this time I wasn't drunk.
And this time he didn't drug me.
This time he hit me instead.
Luckily I tripped on my way out the door
Just a few days later.
And I was able to chuck the bruises and blood
Up to that incident.

This time I got pregnant.
And this time I couldn't tell anyone.
And I couldn't tell you,
Because of us losing the last baby.
And now this one didn't even belong to you.
It didn't feel like it belonged to me either.
It just felt like his.
Like he robbed a bank
And used my insides as his hiding place.

I got rid of it.
Sam drove me.
It wasn't legal,
But I wasn't hurt.
It wasn't a smart decision,
I was very drunk.
I don't regret it.

I scrub my skin for an hour in the shower,
Every day.
But I couldn't scrub the insides.

I took eleven tests to be sure.
Never have I ever seen so many double lines.

It's been a few months.
This time I've just moved on.
The best way to forget is to never tell a soul.
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
They are very cruel
Try to **** me
Cause I told the truth
What makes a man liar?
The question is not so fair!
I asked them,
Why do you **** me?
They told me, I am a liar
So I will be fired!

@Musfiq us shaleheen
like become true when you have no power...........
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
It will **** all the pain
Even sun stops lighting to moon
Love is a shine as moonlit
Death is small and narrow
Life is enlighten even after death
So lovely the love was and is
In all my poems for you
When I am past -

@Musfiq us shaleheen
A Love Poem
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen

*Rain has its own song,
When ping on the leaves or lakes
It sings as if I am alone,
When a heavy monsoon has blown
Sometimes it seems like a deep sad song
When it melts with southern cloud pang
And the little bits of your blues,
Its melody divine -
And flows through my blue spine -
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Melancholy songs of  Rain that You also feel when you are alone.......
 Aug 2014
I'm home alone
my thoughts are starting to take over
the more I think the slower I breathe
I thought I fell in love again, but I was wrong and now I'm stuck with somebody I can't stand kissing because he isn't you
you ended it 6 months ago, why are you still in my head?
I'm no longer sane
I wish I could love him like I loved you
I don't think I'll ever love again
my life is falling apart
everything is going wrong
my mom kicked me out and I'm not even concerned
all I can think about is you
and how it was
and what could've been
but it won't be
you don't care
and you never did
you told me you loved me and left 2 weeks later, you don't do that to somebody you love
do you know how bad you messed me up?
all I think about is how much I hate myself for letting you leave
I could've stopped you
but I was so stubborn
I thought you were gonna come back,
you always did
but boy was I wrong
I think I'll miss you forever
but then again
they say time heals all wounds,
so how much longer do I have to wait?
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I tried writing my words in the sand for all to see
Imagine my surprise when right before my eyes it got swept away by the tide of the river in front of me
I then tried to send a message in a bottle the bottle quickly got crushed and the paper turned to mush
I must have rushed and not planed to carefully
I later tried to write something on a stone, it felt good to hold ever so carefully, despite my best plans it slipped through my hands; and landed with too many other similar stones and blended in and I could not retrieve it again
I could have let discouragement win, but I thought I should try it again, because I really wanted to share this message
I tried once more and carefully explored my surroundings
I suddenly saw a big rock I had to trend some water to get there
I carefully took stock in whether or not this rock would do to display the message , and would it be worthwhile
I smiled as I observed that it was solid and could not be  moved by the tides: it had a  firm foundation so firm in fact that it could support my weight
The son shined on it creating warmth and I felt a sense of peace, I felt a release from the struggle of moments before; the words were clearly illuminated by the suns light on the words displayed  like lighting the way for those who would receive the message; and it was good.
This poem idea came to me at about 4 am, when unsuccessfully trying to sleep so I got up and jotted it down, then decided to post it.
I hope you like it my hello poetry friends and that it may inspire you.
 Aug 2014
eunsung aka Silas
divine creator, I thirst after you
because I have known the dryness of
trying to fill my thirst with worldly clamors

my thirsty soul cannot be filled with liquid spirits,
but by the life flowing and giving Spirit

help me lord to see clearly
and to love you more deeply,
so my love of you is not only in thought or
empty words.

help me to be honest and see that my
love is lacking when I hate even one
of your many children,
including myself

may your outpouring love
begin in me, so I may
share your life giving water
with those still
My heart was filled with desire to open my heart a little more, and then this prayer/poem took form.
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