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 Aug 2014
Marley Jane
6years later
My mind calls it illusions
I think it's because we lacked Kodak moments

But how do you create a moment
You never had the time
I wasnt used to spending mine with you

Yet you have created a void
I miss you
I convinced myself that we have had moments

Although everything you had left
The void has taken over

It has created moments
Non existing ones
I miss you

The Void will never fill
We never had those moments
Memory missing
My love for you will never fade
My first freestyle thing I just sed "add poem"
No planning or searching for good words lol
Mind me
My dad
 Aug 2014
Marley Jane
It is something I appreciate most
Toodlers feeling grass on their **** feet
Ice cream dripping
People of all kinds  
Bilingualism always caught my attention

Caution ...
Its all so precious
Lets take a kodak
For we do not know when we will share something so rare again
Grass as green as the algae on the deepest side of the sea
Sun so harsh as the truth we all hiding
And the closeness of the secrets that hold us together

My second most valued possession
In my hands
There it waited
To capture something so rare
Exactly so I could look back
recall every detail as is
Because it is a Beautiful Life ♥
Life is an amazing inception .......
 Aug 2014
Marley Jane
It is cruel to love the pieces of this world
With all the pieces of you
That fit
Into its existence and yours.....
But flow into mediocrity
 Aug 2014
Poetic T
Good talked to evil one day
Disguising what made them the Right for man,
To belive in which was
The right
Or wrong
The path that should be taken each day.
Good said that to be right to
Believe in one thing was good to
Tell the truth never lie was the
Way to be.
Evil thought
And said out loud
But to believe in one thing
When others don,t can cause
Make it them and us
And is that not evil & bad,
To tell the truth is good
But to hurt anothers feelings
To have a negative approch on
Others this is bad.
Good thought i said out loud to
Believe in good in the right path
To be this is the only way.
Evil answered back but to who
Is good and evil,
We can talk
But we know that in all humanity
That good
Has its place
Also evil
But the in-between is the grey area
Which is just goodish but a little bit bad.
Both spoke all of good but not all of evil
A mixture which can choose on each
Given day the path of
Or just to
Be a little goodish but a little bad.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
Their are times when I wish I could recapture some of the past
and have good memories that would always last and not fade over time
There are times when I can recapture something if only for a moment
A taste a smell, reminding me of a loved one lost, but for a little while at least I feel happy and content and in a way feel somehow transported back in time.
I call it the tastes of childhood, like when I was in Grandma's kitchen I remember the smell of her M&M; cookies, I have never since tasted cookies so fine
I remember my Dad making polish sausages bought fresh from the local sausage house, my mouth just waters just thinking about it even though I just ate.
Then on Sundays we would all gather around the table together as a family and eat together which was quite a feat, considering a family  of nine children, and everyone seemed to scream out I want a leg all at once, which was a problem being chicken fryers back them did not consist of all legs; I still don't know how my parents managed the chaos of all us  children

I also remember my dad smelling of Old Spice and I think it was nice
I wonder if you to will be transported down memory lane, if only for a moment
What are your tastes of childhood? feel free to share
Feel free to share or write something on your own with a similar theme and if you do please share it with me, I would Love to read it,
I thought of this after eating some local meat market Polish Sausage this morning.
 Aug 2014
Tiptoeing in the shadows,
hiding behind a crusted keyboard
spewing raw threats in freak speak
dug up from the shallow realm
of which they are formed

Beneath a pink umbrella
where cowards lounge
Shivering like babes in snow banks,
tossing stones, targeting hearts
inflicting pain…expecting a laugh

Stand up, be a man (if you can)
Allow me my aim
Dance about if you like in your tutu,
pirouette in your disgust,
my hand is steady

Unlike yours...moving up and down
staring at a screen, pretending
someone actually gives a crap
about something like you…

I’ll find this circus
where tents are pitched,
cotton candy stains the sawdust
and you climb out of that tiny car
with a fake smile painted on your face

And when you feel it you will know
this ain’t confetti,
as you fall in your own stench, and the audience…
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…
My friends, I want to apologize to all of you for this rant, but there is someone who has been attacking a good friend of mine, hiding behind false names and fake accounts, on this site. This person is a worthless and cowardice human being (I use that term loosely) and he or she needs to be stopped. When someone does something like this there is not much we can do except stand behind the one who is feeling the wrath of this individual. This piece of writing is directed at that person…pick on someone your own size…I am here and I ready…come after me if you have this need to hurt people.  Or better yet, have someone put the lid back on the trash can so you can not get out again.
 Aug 2014
The only freedom we have is the
unconditional love we have to give
and the painful confessions
we offer to the blank page,
there is no judge
but our conscience
and the earnestness of our hearts.
 Aug 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Don't judge my outer shell
Don't judge the marks or scars on my skin
Don't judge the look in my eyes as you spit the words of sin
Don't sear your judgements in my brain
Yeah ok, you think I'm insane
I hope you know that this inner pain does it
The pain you cause and from many others
So don't judge the tears that stream down my face
Sad angels cry the most
An angel as sad as I deserves to let these tears fall
So don't judge my outer shell
Don't judge it at all
Don't say I'm mental and insane
You don't know what has happened to me or what I've been through
So don't judge my outer shell
Till you've looked within me
Maybe then you'd see why I'm like this
Maybe then this will shatter your killing spree
Don't judge anyone's outer shell. I am trying not to myself.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
When I was younger I was hoping to go to some private university instead I was enrolled in The School Of Hard Knocks against my will. I think that I started this school when I was a premature baby fighting for my life. Then in school were I experienced such strife
I further experienced this school when I married young and while I was trying to further my education my husband violently knocked me against the wall, with the help of neighbors I escaped and got to a safe place. I had to leave town and drop out of school.
The school of hard knocks can be so cruel. I wonder who makes the rules for this school
I've heard it said that experience is the best teacher you get the test first and the lessons afterwards in life there are many lessons to be learned, when I was a new parent I learned many and not every answer is found in books, you learn at times through trial and error
You love your children even when at times they don't treat you right
I am still learning from the school of hard knocks, it seems when I try to get ahead a little bit I get knocked down I feel like I might frown
I think I will get back up I have before, but I have some advice if The School Of Hard Knocks comes knocking at your door don't answer.
 Aug 2014
Olivia Kent

The tension,
it is building up,
it's like a coiled spring.

The eternal optimist's fast becoming pessimist,
she's waiting in the devil's wings,

She's dressed in strawberry jelly,
her eyes blood red,
not tears,
just lack of sleep,
as so she quivers,
she's waiting for the end result,
sleep is so evasive,
when thoughts twist up your mind.
and so she sits and shivers.
Tossing and turning and drifting,
thought I should say,
maybe the time is nigh,
now hopefully all change.

Those who speak philosophy,
speak words,
they speak words of darkness falling heavier,
just before the dawn.
She sits and she waits,
for the rise of breaking dawn,
A strangulating game,
of you've just got to wait and see!
(C) Livvi
The second stressful day of the waiting game. The interviewer says I should know on Monday.
These decisions must be the right ones.
 Aug 2014
His name is Zachary James
But he's shouted at by many names
Running man or crazy jogger
Pushing all he needs in a stroller
Dodging cars like a game of Frogger
His passion for running is a benefactor  
Of his compassion for humanity
Running across the country is insanity
Knows politics better than Sean Hannity
A motor city kid and an Eastern Michigan grad
Thought he'd run to correct a world gone mad
Our paths crossed on the vicious highway 322
If you're lucky, fate will send him your way too
I'm proud to host such a fine young philanthropist
But soon he'll run off into the mysterious mist
Yet he will jog on proud and steadfast
With our help reaching his goals at last
Run for the children and for the love of running
Run for life and eternity hereafter coming
He is running from NYC to San Fran to raise money for children in poverty. Please help him on his journey if possible and/or help him combat childhood poverty. His website is And you can follow him on Twitter: @mrjubjub.
 Aug 2014
My poems are not brilliant
They have no meter nor rhyme
My poems are not published
They are hardly worth a dime

My poems are read little
They are enjoyed even less
My poems are not witty
Slightly amusing at best

My poems are fun to write
They bring me simple pleasure
My poems are nothing, true
Yet writing is sure treasured
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