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 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
The ability to write poetry is the ability to understand life
To know it's not always about being the best
That it's not always about who can do what
Poetry is emotion
It is the silent words that lurk in our minds
It is our unsaid weaknesses exploited to their full potential
Which then makes it our strengths
It is the bridge that connects us to the mortal world
It is the proof that we are human
That we can cry
That we can laugh
That we can have remorse...
To us poet it is so much then just words on a piece of paper
It is our heart and our pride
As poets we all have our reasons why we write
Because we all come from our different backgrounds
Some of us have lost sight of the light
Other bath in it
There are even some who sit upon the border because they can't make up their mind
But as poets we all have one thing in common
We write because we are not immortal
We write because poetry is our life
We write because  poetry is our hope
And if we didn't have it we'd all be in a different place
Most likely a place beyond darkness
Even if the reason we write is joy
What's the point of being happy if everyone else is not
So we write to share
That's what it means to be a poet
 Oct 2014
Amitav Radiance
Words penned centuries ago
Comes alive each time we read
Taking us back to that moment
Holding hand of those words
And time travelling to the past era
Showing us vivid imageries
Of what the writer has gone through
Inspirations, triumphs, failures, heartbreaks
Solitude, travels and an insight to his world
Connecting with the soul
Through the words penned in indelible ink
Each page, a revelation
Still living in words and within the pages
Faint heartbeat of the distant past
Reverberates in each composition
Immortal through the words
And still holding the rich legacy
Antique words, relevant even today
 Oct 2014

Everytime I hear No, its always .......MY FAULT
as the Brain drags me down this train of illogic
Anxiety Loops in unending Circles Spun to the Tragic
What can go wrong, then to feel like.......
Life has ***** me, And why is it always my Fault

The FIST FLEW out of Nowhere, Sucker punched
Slow motion falling as a..........
childs head bounces off the ground
Awaking to throbbing Pain,
my Pants around my Knees,
And why is it always my Fault.......JMF  9/28/14
Sometimes you have to deal with it

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
Blank page
either a source
      Of frustration
It is hard when you are not sure what to write at times whether for an assignment or creative writing. It helps to think on the positive side about Endless Possibilities.
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
Don't judge based on outward appearance
You will miss the beauty that lays within
Don't miss an opportunity to make a new friend
If you look past the outer disguise
That person might be the one that is there to comfort you
when you cry
Don't let a good friend pass you by listen with your heart
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
Motivation I need to practice daily
One small step setting things in motion
propelling me forward
If I lose focus I remind myself of my goals
I press on and get back on track
Making me one big step closer
To making my dreams come true
I am grateful when I have motivation
How about You?
 Sep 2014
C Me
Eating up books,
Chewing up lines,
No purpose or reason
Just passing of time.
A moment of quiet,
And clarity of mind,
For some unknown reason
The words start to  rhyme.

Readers forgive me
if it seems absurd;
if it looks unfinished
Or missing a word.
There’s really no telling
How ideas will start,
In moments of sadness
Or matters of heart.

Sometime a soul saver
In trials of stress,
When balance of mind
Seeks sated redress.
Tuning out life,
The kids and TV,
For a few simple words
And a mind flowing free.

Awakened at night,
When sleep is no rest,
Is often I  find
When I do it the best.
Or when no one is home,
With a nice cup of tea,
A few stolen moments ….
My pen and me.
 Sep 2014
Do you remember when you held my hand?
When we walked across the sand?
Do you remember how we talked for hours on the phone?
How we never had a moan, or a care?
The world could take us anywhere?
Remember how we thought our world would last,
and that we, in our naïveté just danced?

*Now fifteen years are gone by,
we laugh as much as we cry.
I, no longer walk upon the sand.
You, still hold my hand.
Now, we moan, we pay bills.
I take a lot of pills.
To get upstairs I use a lift.
But, you my husband, are my gift.
This MS my curse, my fate.
But, I wouldn't have my life off of another plate.
23:38 BST
 Sep 2014
She glistens beautifully on the river night
With blurred sparkles yet glinting
She waited so long for her daylight
But He only came when she’s sleeping

He shines brightly with infinite fervor
Giving life to the ones in pain
He knew it’s impossible for them to sustain
To see her once he’d always hoped for

They always knew it was unviable
But their love bestows hope on earth
Their curse afflicted despite their denial
Yet they still believe in their oath

They’re inclined to do their utmost
Knowing everything will eventually be in tarnish
Not remorseful to what they lost
Until they prevail on what they wished

They finally met from time to time
Only to be torn apart again & again
Yet they cherished their eclipse to rhyme
**For the love they always believed in.
I always envy those who are in a long distance relationship  who got married or decided to live together. They didn't give up. It's really heart wrenching to wait at the other end  to wait like a few months to meet or the worst, once a year.
But then when you think about it. If two people are really meant to be together, they will be.
Even if they're like 15000 miles apart, if they're bounded by fate for each other. Nothing will break them.
And this i got inspired  by looking at the eclipse . It was really beautiful:)
(And I reposted this because I feel that it deserves more recognition. So if you guys could repost this it would be awesome. Cause I want to let those who are in LDR to know it's not that bad, you just have to believe. But then again you have to choose too)
 Sep 2014
Sometimes its a shame to be black
We claim we're in it together
But the unity we lack

We belittle each other
Even though we all came
From the same father

Our ancestors fought to bring us to where are now
But how we choose to separate each other is foul

Light skins and dark skins
Doesn't matter we still have black skin
We need to begin
To listen

Build our race
So that every black person is safe
Racism is still real
And I cannot begin to explain how I feel

The black race is still frowned upon
Because our values are lost and gone

Let us begin to better each other
Build each other
Help one another
To get farther

Teamwork is essential
We have to realise our potential

It is a shame
How we let each other suffer
It breaks my heart
To see hungry child lost by a mother
When we have rich people
Who are greedy
In their fast cars speeding
Having no conscience or feelings
Because they won't even give to the needy
Lord Jesus I'm screaming
Please change the world
Make everyone start believing
That africa can rise
If we stop ignoring the cries
Of the poor
Revitalise the land
Before it dies
I know we can
If we keep our eyes on the prize

We can build africa
Make africa a staple
If only we work together
Bring something bigger to the table

We were blessed to be born on this beautiful land
So let us join hands
And make africa
As big as we can
I just want not only africans but black people to stop being victims and make our race be more respected and accepted worldwide
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
Do not just merely follow your dreams
Chase after them
Visualize them coming true
Overcoming all obstacle's
Keeping your eyes on the prize
The joy of your dream coming true
You will then inspire others to make their dreams come true
This poem is inspired by one of my lessons in a class I am currently taking.
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
Watching the sun set with orange and pink hues
The Sun goes down in a Blaze Of Glory!!!!
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