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 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
If you were a mountain I would climb to the top and gaze at the majestic view
If you were a lake I would swim, and relax by your shore
If you were air, I would breathe you in and be restored
If you were a song, I would gladly sing along
If you were the sky, I would be the stars to light you up
If you were mine, I would cherish you with all my heart, knowing that you feel the same
 Sep 2014
from time to time
i tell myself things happen for a reason
i may not know it now
i will know it eventually
but my body never learnt to absorb that theory
because my body has allow
the disaster i have created
eat me up alive
and i reach out for a hand
to lead me out of here
but no one can hear me
 Sep 2014
Silence Screamz
Coloring pages full of sadness,
Darkened circles with crazy madness.

With crayons in hand, I started to paint,
Reds and blacks, I was feeling blank.

No one to see my beautiful muse,
No one to look at, I was confused.

I needed direction, when I was a child,
Home all alone, loose but not wild

I talked to my friend,
the one you can't see,
you said I was crazy,
he made me believe.

We played many games
and talked many hours,
you went back to the closet,
I was in sorrows

Have I made you up?
My closest friend.
This family is gone,
I need you again.

Come back my companion,
I need you so.
Come out of my closet,
I will hold you close.
Have you ever had that imaginary friend?
 Sep 2014
Chloe sonnenburg
Why do i always mumble, i always do, even if i try not to.
I was thinking of how i mumble when i talk to you, and how i sounded last thursday when i asked you to go bowling, you said no[you had an okay excuse]
I am not worried if you like me, I am not worried if i mumbled because non of it matters.
The way you smiled and waved. you looked so happy to see me. your lips curved and your smile exposed your lies and your skills to tell the truth[may you use them wisely]
You asked me to go to the mall. I smiled and nodded, my voice cracked as you gave me butterflies.
Its now 3:00 on a saturday, you messaged me on thursday[it didnt  say the time]
I messaged you today and I'm waiting. I've been waiting. I'll wait, You will never reply.
 Sep 2014
Arcassin B
By Arcinder

**** your ignorant preference,
I know people that would get you bodied,
Everybody don't believe I have a pistol,
But ***** I ain't everybody,
I heard you came in town,
Filled with a lot of words,
Ask anybody around,
Save your life for what its worth,
Be smart and walk away,
If you don't want to in up in the e.r,
For you and your team of old people,
******* don't get far,
Kicking leaders out their groups,
So pathetically mental,
Keep listening to dash,
He's gonna get you killed in a pin iCal,
Never met such lame people in my life,
I'm know to hang wit jail birds,
With my heart as cold as ice,
You fagets have some ****** up lives,
I swear to god you are beneath me,
Laugh over your coffins,
Set it on fire and then ***,
Keep ******* with me,
You won't have future.
**** the mafia
 Sep 2014
Bleed! My poet...
Again I say, BLEED!

Let your blood be posted!
Can't you feel the need?

Let the world know your angst!
Let the world know your mind!
Let the world know your joy!
Let the rhythm know your rhyme!

Bleed! My poet...
Again I say BLEED!

Without blood the flesh dies!
Are you dead... indeed?

Catherine Jarvis
I see a great many poets posting more
REAL work. Getting down to brass tacks.
That's a great thing to see!

There is nothing wrong with
"Feel good" and nature poetry.
But sometimes the very poets who
Write it are dying inside!

We inhale words and our
Surroundings. The catharsis comes
In our lungs, the mind/soul/spirit.
These very lungs oxygenate the
Thing that keeps us alive... Poetry!
We HAVE to bleed!!!

(better read than dead)!!!!
 Sep 2014
A plotting mind linking line by jotted line in hopes to find some form of vitriol to sooth the untempered soul before the coal has been toiled and burned out.

No matter the highest heights or crashing lowest of lows.
This I know not if my hand-glide will sail smoothly

or will Tempest roar too soon before?
I come crash-landing to the floor.

!!Beam me up God-dy!!
~in blaze of blue-bellied rays~

or something akin to Eternal Light...
s o m e
a c h i n g
*E t e r n a l-l y
 Sep 2014
Just Melz
I didn't know what to say
I was too shy to speak
The moment that I saw you
You made my knees go weak

I know you couldn't help it
But you were barely able to breathe
I love the way you held me
Like you never wanted me to leave

I'm so happy I got to hold you
And see the look on your face
I'm so happy I got to kiss you
And touch you all over the place

I can't wait to do it all over again
Never know what could be in store
But with every breath I take
*I can't help but want you more
 Sep 2014
a mercury heart
enclosed with lucid skin
vacant hollow eyes
looking on

hardly vain
loathing every inch
of a marvellous body
she calls her own

line pale thin arms
will never be enough
 Sep 2014
She comes to me
bleeding inside
from a thousand
individual scars
with pleading eyes
self contained
She speaks in gentle

"I don't know where
I'm going
I don't know who
I've become
I go through the motions
deaf, blind and dumb
I dance on cue
I stand in line
I've tried to be so
I've left behind the darkness
I've forgiven the past
I'm far too aware of time
It doesn't matter really I don't mind
I wish I could tell
you what I find

The struggle between
my internal world
heartaches there, vile rages, petty hatreds
*** dancing on the head of a
exquisite laughter
it's all there.

While my behavior is quite the
accommodating, loving, compassionate
flirtatious, curious
connection is my goal

When I'm alone I'm lonely
when together suffocated
the best distance is
from here to there

I wish I could tell
you that I mind

The storms still
come and go
luck rides the
each day the

This human stuff
is all too real
it creeps up on you
so you don't know
how you feel

Which is why I've
come to you to
speak my mind
they say you are the
complaint department
the garbage collector

I'm bleeding inside
from a thousand scars
that's not to say I really mind."

They say the healer
must heal themselves
so of course I ask
"How can I help you?"
 Sep 2014
Ann M Johnson
To trend or not to trend, that is the question?
There seems to be so much focus on whether poems trend or not.
There are many great poems that do not trend and they deserve recognition too.
 Sep 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen

You wrote in a book
That I will again stand up
After my death,
Where there will no sigh to fly on the autumn air

And you told me
That she will smile again
Where there will be a captivated full moon that will play with her rectangular eyes

And there will be played a long summer
That should be risen again in a mystical sweeten,
As the kissed when my love was just only sixteen

Again you said to me
After death, her beauty will never die
Where there will be a lovely haven on her lips
And her simple kiss that I will be missed through a thousand of years long

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Love is immortal.........
 Sep 2014
I've been seeing you in my dreams
pink sky and a cape
your smile is bigger than the moon
and wider than the ocean
you are breathing in flakes

I dreamed someone didn't let you say sorry
and you punched him over
and over
so that he'd know how it feels
to have an apology stuck in your throat

There was a night I told myself
your smile was just a mirage
and feeling every bump on the road
was just like making sense
of your breathing pattern

Then the time when I heard
the gap in your laughter
and realized it had lost its soul
when you forgot whose to mould it against
oh, the irony.

One dream had you walking barefoot
across a wooden bridge
you’d kicked your shoes into the sea

Suddenly you’re on a huge green field
making flowers die as you walk

I kept seeing you as lampposts,
a soft gentle presence in the dark
but always flickering
threatening to leave in a moment

There were the bruised hips
from the torrent of unspoken words
I decided I didn't want to keep

There was a postcard you sent me
with a return address that didn't exist
so I could write to nothing like I always have

The pillows with the tear stained blotches
hold reminders of every night
I tell myself I can make do
without seeing your eyes

And all these dreams I've had
are from my veins
pulsing with visions of unrest
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