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 Mar 2016
James Alai
I am a ghost
I am not here
When the sun goes down below the hills
and when the dead leaves on the dead trees
rattle like snakes in the cool breeze
I appear

My tombstone is blank
No flowers
No tears
I am a ghost
I am not here

I will haunt you
Your dreams will be a horror show
screams from hell below
"No" you scream. "No"
Yell as you wish but I will not go

And the sun will become meaningless
Your eyes heavy but you mustn't sleep.
You mustn't .
Your thoughts are mine.
Mine to keep.
Weep. Weep. Weep.

I am a ghost
I am your fear
I was once a man
Now I am not here
This is my first attempt at horror. Let me know what you think.
The tedium and mediocrity;
insepid, vapid, stale husks of souls
be nary a bit of resistance for
eccentric and eclectic spirits!
Dedicated to all y'all beautiful beings out yonder.
Hold ye fest 'fore the ugly face of indiscretions levied by tortured angels.
That they who suffer often seek to multiply suffering is a feature of the unenlightened.
To inflict yet more harm in vindictive retaliation is equally callow, fascile, and noxious.

Just remember,
as t'was so eloquently put by
His Compassionate Eminance,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness.
Only light can do that."
 Feb 2016
Ghoulish spectres move in the shadows
follow into the night and into the day
half nightmare half dreamscape
half real half imagined fear.
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
My life has been taken,
but you look away from the light.
My heart has been broken,
but you disappear into the night.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
The Sun rises in the east,
Where I'll wake up next to you.
I’m dreaming in the west,
Trying to find my way to you
Believe me when I say,
You are my everything.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
My heart is racing inside of my chest.
The life I use to know is far behind.
For I am looking at the finish line.
Just another life to go,
Until I am in your arms.
No valley or mountain will stand in my way.
I can see the finish line.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
The calm water,
seduced my stare.
The ghostly mist,
Filled the air.
The cool wind,
Chilled my bones.

The birds sang,
A lovers song.
The trees slept,
For winters day.

I dreamt of summer,
But, I was lost in winter.
I embraced December,
wishing for September.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
I took her hand,
I held it tight.
Kissed her head,
And said goodnight.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
Hearts are flying high tonight,
I can feel the rush of wind in mine alone.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

May you be kissed by Winters Kisses!
May you embrace the new beginnings!
May you drown yourself in His salvation!

May you find Grace,
On this Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Small poem for you amazing people! Thank you so much for reading all my poems and the constant support! I love you guys so much!!!
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Samuel Hesed
We are all nerds,
Just looking for the-
Right glasses to wear,
The right pants to lift,
The right tie to bear,
An the right book to pick.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
Emily B
i sat alone at a civil war battlefield
in a picnic shelter
at dusk in the fading light.
i sang old songs
to amuse myself.
my voice is not golden
but there was no one
to annoy.
i noticed
at the far end of the shelter
the faded out shape
of a man
and then another
and another.
there must have been
a dozen in the end.
i suppose
it had been
a goodly number of years
since the old soldiers
had heard a woman
i sang all the old songs
i knew.
the sound of a car
and headlights
diverted my attention
when i looked back
the company was gone
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