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 Apr 2016
Denel Kessler
I am a borrower
collecting things that shine
all stashed in cracks and hidey-holes
where the rafters meet the roof
in the basement floorboards
lift one and you'll see
the treasures I've collected
two gorgeous glassy eyes
seven gilded antique buttons
a bouquet of sweetly fragrant lilies
a gleaming jar of pixie dust
three noble barristers
an Irishman netting butterfly dreams
a sorceress of the endless prairie
windmills like soldiers all in a line
the saddest porcelain doll
a small brown bear
trains screaming by on underground rails
a sprinkling of desert blooms
six jack-in-the-boxes so I'm always surprised
the hairless stuffed dog that bit me as a child
a Rickenbacker bass softly riffing the blues
a farmer's Ovation to accompany my woes
seashells that sing the ocean breeze
a merman from the Northern seas
tucked away in every space
packed within each sweet hollow
these simple pleasures I have borrowed
 Apr 2016
Like the beach,
sparkling with radiance.
Openly welcoming the soothing
caress of the waves.
Allowing them to
playfully tug
at her toes
before retreating back
into the ocean tide.

Like the leaf,
that shines amber
in the autumn sun.
Silently inviting the wind
to sweep it off the threats
of the brittle twig.
Trusting the breeze to set it aloft,
in a whimsical spiral
before releasing it gently
into the safety of the ground below.

Like you and I.
As we confidently
match each other's
gait in a display
of song and dance.
Though our exchange
remains unworded,
the promise of love
rings clear within
the clasp of your
willing hands
in mine.
 Apr 2016
rained-on parade
I’ve never needed more words
than the ones I already have.

I am a lost library book.

I have become overdue, forgotten
and I once gave you a good time.
 Apr 2016
Sia Jane
For hours, I tried to sleep.
The rain drums down on the tin roof;
the demons are knocking.
I see their tears stream down the window;
a cleverly designed artifice to distract
from their true intent.
I ignore their subtle attacks, but they always
find a way back in.
I watch their shadows drift in through
the windows;
morphing from one shape into another,
hovering around me,
their whispered breaths cloud the air –
there is barely a space unfilled by their presence.
I can’t seem to chase them away, and I’m
wrapped up into their world.
Empty, cold and alone,
my reality remains stranger than any dream.

© Sia Jane
 Apr 2016
Keith W Fletcher
With obsolescent clarity
Amid moribund metaphysical
As the iridium ball rolls
From eponym to epitaph
Engeneering an epoch diarama
In surfeit metronomic hysteria
While time chases time into infinity
Episodic vagaries celebrate
The metaphoric metamorphosis rising to
Metaphysical majesty as vacuous
As any minutiae will
When abstract vagaries
Become the vagrant epitome
Of a mordant mosaic
Made entirely of the lost causes
Torn from the very core
I surmise
As being the virulent....
.....Tragic and irridescent pieces
Left along the allegorical antipathy
Where those that are left behind
By the stigmatation
Of any irascible involutions
Mired in the mesh
Of scribbles and scribes
After the iridium ball rolls By
Leaving vacuous irridescent
Symbols of epigraphical
Stymied by
The obsolescent clarity
Amid moribund metaphysical  mutations.
 Apr 2016
We danced to Cuban rhythms
Late into the night
I twirled my skirts in girlish glee
Giggling in delight
My heart it started pounding
As you held me tight
I waited for the kiss
That would bring me back to life
Brutally it struck me
At the stroke of midnight
You were just an apparition
Your kiss turned into frostbite
A phantom on the dance floor
A cruel trick of the light
You melted into nothing
Just a shadow in the moonlight

(C) Pixievic
I was invited to be  a guest writer on a blog about Ghost Stories - this is what I came up with! You can find the rest here .....
 Apr 2016
sanch kay
"until death do us apart!"*
declared innocence.
"until time do you apart"*,
whispered wisdom.
my wisdom and innocence are in perennial battle.
for NaPoWriMo 2016, day 2.
(sorry for the late upload!)
 Apr 2016
Olivia Kent
You know what?
I don't care if I never indulge in closeness again.
*** is messy.
Love is complex.

I dwell in a room that I leave now and then.
To go to work when the need arises.
Another day.
Overflowing surprises.
Not cause I'm crazy.
I'm in love with myself.
My very being.
I can count upon me.

I don't argue back.
I have the knack of that.
I'm good at being alone.
No one to whinge at.
Nobody to moan.

The telephone rings from time to time.
Usually someone telling me that they're interested in arranging a pay out for the accident that I had many moons ago.
I say "what when was that then, you seem sure that you know".
After this I hold the phone away from my ear, and on they drone.
I can sense the pennies that tick.
As they're flowing  away down the phone line.
Do they really think, I'm that thick.
I guess, they've all got earn a crust.
 Apr 2016
Matthew Berkshire
When all around you saw darkness,
you gazed at the stars.

Everyone wants to paint their pain,
but only you, Vincent,
channeled that awful torment
into beauty
immaculate and sublime;
only you, dear Vincent
saw the beauty in the shoes, the bedroom, the weeds, the washers,
only you saw the beauty when it wasn't pretty.

To suffer is human.
to find ecstasy in the ordinary
and transform the banal into the magical
is something only you could do,
my dearest Vincent.

 Apr 2016
i'm used to the pain
but sometimes it gets unbearable
i want to scream
cry, and stab my foe
all at the same time
 Apr 2016
It's a life full of games,
From kicking ***** against your neighbour's walls to fixing heartbreaks and charging mobile phones,
You sit with the populars to feel less alone.

And in this game of life,
You'll sometimes have luck when you roll the dice,
But honestly just keep rolling with whatever may come, cause every blessing in itself is a prize..
You've got friends and family,
Teachers and knowledge that will actually come handy,
And you've got stars in your soul,
& a galaxy of a mind that only you control

So run! Under the summer sun
If you want danger here it comes
Oh I'm no stranger to giving up
But as I grow up,
I've started missing how it felt to be.. wildly young (!)
So i'm gonna use my voice,
As this year I'm turning 19 without a choice
Let's run... If not hand in hand,
run as fast as you can, and leave a trail for me
Oh If you can't fall in love with me
Then I hope you'll fall in love with your life at least,
Cause life's a breeze when you live like you're wildly young
This was really fun to write. Hope some of you find it relatable x
 Apr 2016
the Sandman
Love’s rising tide, from
Rest to rest; your moon-obsessed
Gleam rolled, on ripples
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