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 Apr 2015
S R Mats
What doesn't **** you doesn't **** you.
It does not necessarily make you stronger.
Does a crack in the wall make it stronger?

The bone heals the fracture.  Stronger -
The pipefitter welds the pipe.  Stronger -
Only work on "the broken" can make it stronger.

Become stronger -
 Apr 2015
Further still
Heat laced with wet silk
Lassoing isn't so easy
With hair forever unkempt and breezy
Reckless, careless, tossed to the wind
I close my eyes only to rise and fight again
Broken through the quakes, the rubble
I've got moonshine veins
Laughter like bubbles
I wrap you soft and sweet spun sugar boy
Only to fall away, this run hiding toy
You put far too much into my hints and clues
I'll be your heartbreak if you'll be my muse
A deal is a deal, sing it soft, dance slow
I want to hear it all go down
I want to be front row
 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
Out of the labyrinth of time
There is no sense of urgency
Ageless soul and silent traveler
Heart’s that’s young and generous
Not crumpled under the pressures
Encircled with the eternal feeling
Relationships do not wrinkle with time
Time is not the culprit anymore
No blemishes and succor required
It’s a woven fabric of trust
Not weakened by the ravages of time
Canopy of tranquility gives refuge
To the unleashed hearts
Dared to defy the boundaries of life
Ever fulfilling demeanor of soul
Look at life from a new perspective
 Apr 2015
K Balachandran
This  library is huge, I am amazed, by its oeuvre
at the far sight of the people of ancient, who put
it together,you are the book,timeless, I always longed
to read, all these days,but couldn't, even see you once,
but I couldn't give up my ceaseless search.

Now the quest is fulfilled,  isn't it simply magic?
I open you, light a scented candle and start to read,
pages turn, time flies like seabirds, big hawks, with large wings
that seek lonely islands to roost and come back,
I lose count how many, many times!

this book is a master  piece,I can't stop reading you,
but, don't want to finish it and feel lost in the wild, too
a dilemma yet to resolve, I don't know how!
One single star at the western sky sadly watch
sheds her light towards me and smile,

I was bleeding through my eyes, yet
I could recognize, it's you who keep awake
seeing me read your chronicles with contentment
all histories my dear,  gallops towards just that,
one place; at that moment I become aware
I am alone in the huge library fallen apart
from the frame of time and revolves on it's own,
we are in a dream woven by a witch in a planet
far far away from earth, but you the star is timeless
though I am part of a dream that will end at will.
 Apr 2015
Seán Mac Falls
She left him at night
Eyes moving away and hearts
Falling like Perseids
The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower or falling stars associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle. The Perseids are so called because the point from which they appear to come, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus.
 Apr 2015
Francie Lynch
If you should hear me
Say Ave,
Don't presume
You hear me pray;
It's just one way
For me to say,
How 're you?

If you should hear me
Say Shalom,
Don't assume
You heard a Jew,
I'm only offering
Peace to you.

If you should hear
Don't be amused,
I'm not Hindu,
I bow to the good
I see
in you.

Then again I say
Waz sup,
You don't think
I'm  Gangsta,
You know I mean to say
Les hang togetha.

Does it really matter
What you heard;
The silent or the spoken word.
Words spoken in brevity
Are heard with sincerity;
But there's none more true,
I Love You.
 Apr 2015

Walk with me, this path does lead us
Curved and twisted thru the fields
Tempting is the destination
And the secrets it may yield

Around the bend an entrance beckons
Long before the skies turn grey
Shrouded by the lost horizon
Wishing us to come and play

Golden grasses form the boundary
Step between the flowing lines
Quickly now the leaves are blowing
Listen as the wind it whines

Nestled in a frame like forest
Set amongst the view we see
Love awaits our storm chased folly
Calling out to you and me

Fade the darkness from your vision
Follow me to where I roam
Needless now to brave the weather
*For we have found our way back home
 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
Eyes speaks thousand words
Holds the sparkling stars
Enchanting cosmos of feelings
Night’s traveler halts here
 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
When the world will come to a halt
And words will be frozen within
Feelings halted in dark corridors
Emotions buried in piles of debris
World will be shocked to react
Humanity will be jolted to numbness
These idiosyncrasies’ will have no effect
No philosophy will be able to decipher
World will be shown the truth and futility
So much hurt, pain, wars and bloodshed
World will be scarred beyond recognition
As we hide behind political correctness
We have already marginalized humanity
From the deepest cosmic philosophies
We may have erred many times and still do
Lest we find ourselves orphaned one day
This abode will not be our shelter anymore
Left deserted, emptiness will reverberate
Opportunity lost, we have plundered it
Not much of a path is left for tired limbs
Our journey of futility and exasperation
Disconnected from the cosmic bonds
World will be a standstill, and time frozen
The transgressions of utter here and nowity
Unbeleivable longing for a collapsing norm
On the altar of self destruction and causal
Reciprocity fluttering on rebirthed dreams

You can sing and love these colorful birds
Vibritang meticulously with rare palpitations
Of greater bodies, which dust is a part of us
Delusional creatures, flying on the grandeur

Non reachable to written words, stellar ink is
Spilled, playing on the shores of ever returning
Waves of transformation; Shapes dance within
Your gaze, telling the story of water coy stillness

Unmovable we move on, unlovable we love hope
Clinging to tree roots and blood veins as clothes
Warm our trembling fragile figures travelling on
And on into the higher realms of transfiguration.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
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