As sunlight fades earth’s rich brocade,
We follow the flight of the birds,
Past the emerald forest now in shade,
Our silence speaks a thousand words.
We climb up a ladder of blue cloud.
To sit on a moon edged roof,
Far away from the madding crowd.
Hearts filled with vibrating truth.
Our shadows dance in melodies of mist
We sit drifting through the circling stars.
Our souls tumbling, flying, when we kiss,
For this night only, heaven is ours.
A moment that ought to last forever,
Has come and gone before we know,
Our hearts which opened like flowers in spring,
Will become frosted, iced, with snow.
And the barks and crows and life jars
As the saffron sunrise fills the sky,
We linger with pearl drops in our eyes,
Then lift our hands to wave goodbye.