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 Aug 2017 Christine
Benji James
Give me the sunrise
Give me a new dawn
Let the sun soak into my skin
I'm so optimistic
A future shining so bright 

Give me the setting 
of the sun
rising over the ocean

Let me feel the heat

In this good feeling of emotion

I'm starting to pave my way

To the place, I've been trying to create

The one that is filled with serenity

The one that gives me the inner peace

That I need 
and wanted so badly

I'm burying my past
Don't you dare allocate your allegations
It's time to move on
Time to look up
I'm tired of drowning in the sorrows
I'm tired of this smile I borrowed
I want to feel the warmth
Of happiness inside
I want that in my life

The sad memories
Are buried six feet under
I don't want to feel another
I held onto so much doubt
The pills wouldn't even drown it out
I had to work so hard
Just to be able to let go of my past
They say that is what makes your future
But I'll be ****** if I'm judged by a jury
I'll be ****** if I let life do that to me
I was hit and kicked while I was down
But I've got skin made of armor now
And I'm happy with where I'm at
That is something no one can take
And now I'm somebody
who doesn't easily break

I'm burying my past
Don't you dare allocate your allegations
It's time to move on
Time to look up
I'm tired of drowning in the sorrows
I'm tired of this smile I borrowed
I want to feel the warmth
Of happiness inside
I want that in my life

I've taken every task
Thrown my way
I've given all the blood
I can give
I've said every word
To band aid that hurt
I've got scars that show
But they're just a reflection
Of who I used to be
I'm starting to look at life
with more positively
I'm starting to feel more secure
with who I am
I'm starting to feel happy within myself
that is something that has been
a long time coming
Now my world isn't crumbling
Before my eyes
Now I've seen hurt heal with time

I'm burying my past
Don't you dare allocate your allegations
It's time to move on
Time to look up
I'm tired of drowning in the sorrows
I'm tired of this smile I borrowed
I want to feel the warmth
Of happiness inside
I want that in my life

©2017 Written By Benji James
into my heart ...

inside heart ...
there you are ...
the main vein ...
there i crave your name ...
and drew your beautiful face ...
to be the beat to my heart ...
and without you ...
there no beat ...
O you ...
my lady ...
you only ...
grant me the beats ...
to get alive ...
to feel a happiness ...
only with you ...

sweetheart ...
loving you ...
the only thing i do ...
and thinking of you ...
as my heart always do ...
however my heart pulse ...
and it will always do ...
because you are ...
the reason to my all beats ...
and the destiny to this heart ...
because you live always ...
into my heart ...
with every seconds ...
day by night ...

hazem ...
 Aug 2017 Christine
Paul Jones
An ivy cutting     will start growing roots
all along its stem,      if touched by water.
23:20 - 06/07/17

State of mind: reflective; deep thought.
Perspective: natural; structural.

Thoughts: from observations - of an ivy cutting that grew its roots, not only from the base of the stem where it was cut, but also all along the stem, at the intersections where the branches grew out its leaves.

We grow from what wounds us, but also from where we are allowed to grow. If that place is fear we grow fearful, if that place is want we grow wanting... and so on for any state of mind. Societies, too, have a state of mind.

If fear or want is to be overcome, it must be in a place where they are not familiar.

When conflict arises from fear or want, the peace must be bridged by creating an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and communication.

Questions: how can an atmosphere of respect, understanding and communication become the emphasis for interpersonal relations?
 Aug 2017 Christine
Paul Jones
All I have to do      is care, tend to you
and when you flower,     I will feel human.
22:45 - 10/08/17

State of mind: divided.
Perspective: natural; spiritual.

Thoughts: from thinking - what makes us human is an expanding capacity for love. It's the thought that counts... and your actions that add up.

Questions: What will you do with the sum of your addition?

Listening to: The Lumineers - Angela.
 Aug 2017 Christine
Paul Jones
Stones skim the surface     of a level mind.
Ripple's of broken      calm teach me to catch.
15:50 - 15/08/17

State of mind: melancholic.
Perspective: personal; natural.

Thoughts - from thinking - that over-thinking is like skimming stones on the surface of a level mind.

Questions: none.
 Aug 2017 Christine
I'm a no one;
Just a stranger that happened to pass by,
Who made a silly mistake,
Yet you talked like we were meant to.

Just a peculiar case;
Talking random things,
That seem to mean nothing,
Yet made its way to be remembered.

A cathartic mess;
Leaving a note that said I'll leave,
Trying to forget how much it'd hurt;
You told me to come back.

Words that made me hold on,
Coming from the most unexpected person;

Dancing with what you've said,
Somehow excruciatingly sweet;

Exhausted with nothing more to say,
Though wanting to talk;
Cold coffee.
I miss you

Even if I know you don't remember me
is enough.

this is not politics. some of us have changed our thinking

to suit our life.

end games.

 Aug 2017 Christine
Gabriel burnS
Your tongue speaks
The language of my lips
 Aug 2017 Christine
 Aug 2017 Christine
I tore down every bridge,
and every wall to let you in.

I dried lakes, rivers, oceans,
to save you from drowning.

I found myself,
draining in weakness to strengthen you.

You became powerful, you became immortal,
you became my god.

Now I clench onto this sadness of mine.
The loneliness you left behind.

Its the only thing that reminds me,
our story was once alive.

Its my safe place.
When you're gone,

and I need a muse to help
bleed all this pain out.

Like tonight,
when writing about the moon,
can no longer help me survive.

To Drew..
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