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I'll never forget her face.
Our eyes met; both had butterflies
In our stomachs that had
Butterflies in theirs.

Teenage features made
My eyes softer from
Touching them with vision.  
Smiling with every inch of

Herself; slightly protruding
Canines gave her a sense of
Wildness. An insanely
Beautiful wolf.

Mouth slightly open in
Centre at default.
Those lips that women botox
Themselves to achieve.  

Angelina Jolie's half-sister's face.
I became a slightly different man
Like after a near-death-experience.

After three and a half years together
She still blows my mind.
I can watch her from a distance, and
Contemplate the way her skin seems

So thin over her collar bone that
You wouldn't dare even kiss it
If you could. That, and how I rest my
Face there every evening and thank

Whomever it May Concern
For it all.
I am a man with hungry eyes and

Beauty is my ******.
My own strengthening, inspiring,
Comforting -every-day-Heaven-
Human Incubation

The world painted us with mud and it harden
She allowed us to see beyond the cracked dirt
Even though millions denied their own worth
She recognized that our path belong to us

Everything in us is beautiful even when life is ugly
She didn’t permit us to play victim
Our wickedness is only a distortion due to self-hatred
She promoted love through pain
I know sightlessness can still bring forth opportunity
She knew change was absolutely essential to move foreword - FK

Rest easy Maya Angelou.
She wanted him
She needed him
He liked her

He wants her
He needs her
She likes him

He wants her
He needs her
She wears a ring
June 2014
you could almost see
ink flowing through her veins
and how she spread her words
across her heart
waiting for someone to
read them
and she may have been
but she had such
simple needs
but no one took her
and she let things
hurt far more than they should
because she truly cared about
people. everyone. everything
because it felt right to her
and she had no idea
how to be anything else
because sometimes she
wished she could
but if you were to pick apart
all these little pieces
and how memories always stain
then maybe you could
see something
special there
I think it's cute when you cry
But I'd do anything to see you smile
Henry, You lost the love I love the most....
                          You ginger hair is the suns warm rays shining upon a blue eyed angel who doesn't see the love coming from the one who needs that angel to save her but she realizes he needs to be saved, she is his angel who is there to shine light upon a broken wing who needs to fly up above those blue skys so hey can together become one In harmony, not to be broken not to be frayed not to be left in the rain but to bring back the Tenerife sea in his eyes, to make her glow like a bright sunrise in a cloudy sky, she needs him as much as he needs an angel to make him shine, nobody understands why their love is so strong and deep and why a beautiful angel is with a broken wing but nobody knows that he is her everything, hes not only a majestic thing he is her sunlight on a rainy evening, he sees the angels scars but doesn't think they make her unlovable, shes difficult, but angels need to love too, no love story can save this angels broken wings but this broken thing will try to make her see that if she believes she can be saved, he doesn't see the love that she is trying give but Is not receiving, she doesn't understand why she is pretty but she understands that she is unlovable, she is making a permanent scar on her arm unlike the one that she can only see, he doesn't understand why she doesn't see what he sees but cant tell her these amazing feelings.... they both say why as their love is starting to die, the cry, they fight, they love, they sceam, they hurt, and they bleed, if only that broken wing came to save the beautiful angel dieing, bleeding, screaming, and crying why as she died... He finaly started to wonder if she is going to be alrigt so he decided to go in the middle of the night to fix things to tell her these amazing feelings and when he  got there he fell to his knees, crying in front of this broken beautiful amazing angel that saved him but couldn't be saved, he held her and cryed out ”please don't leave me, I need you, I love you, im so so so sorry I never told yu that your beautifula nd perfect for me, PLEASE PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!” he never understood why god let this beautiful angel die for him? but one day as he was going through her journal he cried as he read the last sentence that she wrote and it was about him, it said “If my angel were to ever read this, I didn't leave because of you, I left because I am not fit to be a mother,” he stopped and thought “A MOTHER?” and continued to read the letter “I know what your thinking what is she talking about? but im carrying our daughter, I didn't know what to do who to tell, I couldn't let me ruin you future, your so smart, live your life and continue to succeed, I know that you will be anything that you want to be and I know you will find someone thatloves you more than we ever could, im sorry for all the pain I have cause, we love you -your broken wing” he cried and cried and cried and screamed “WHY GOD WHY?” he never understood why until 6 years passed, he was a journalist with 4 best author awards, he always new that he had an angel watching over him, the day that his first daughter was born was the day he realized that, that angel couldn't be saved but needed to save him, he wasn't a broken wing any more, he was an amazing thing who had these 4 beautiful daughters and a loving wife who would never hurt him, he understood that his angel was set free!
Its a personal story that means a lot to me, its sort of a poem but its just something that makes me cry everytime I think about that beautiful childs blue eyes....
Insanity is again creeping back into my life
Making me cold, making me angry
It's beginning an uneasy strife
Within me. Am I too clingy?

Too clingy to the word hate?
Too much attached to insanity?
Is everything becoming too much to contemplate?
All I seem to do is soak my mind in pure vanity.

A word that represents worthlessness
Something I begin to over obsess
Turning myself into a monstrous mess
My happiness I begin to suppress

But it's like I'm dead now
Pushing everyone away
To try to bring one being closer to me somehow
As optimism sits on the shelf to decay.

Recurring dreams of sudden death,
A crash, burn crave
The kind that makes you gasp for a breath
Instantly bringing you to your grave

The desire for a terrible accident
To obliterate yourself entirely
A fantasy no one can prevent
As you race for an end intently

Watching your whole life fall apart,
But doing nothing
Silently you pray that it stops, your heart,
Your life, you continually keep crushing

Until your last breath is taken
And that flash of light turns to pure darkness
This mindset won't be shaken,
Till you finally lay lifeless.
They say
"Is it really worth it,
To read between the lines?
I've never really cared that much
And It's done me just fine!"

           I say
          "To see something naturally deemed perfect?
           With an eye always turned blind
           And comfortably concealed
           Behind the clouded thoughts of kind -
           Mothers and Fathers of times past by
           That you've suffered and you've fought
           Sometimes left feeling distraught
           There's nothing left to have faith in now
           No royal of the sort
           To kneel before and hide your thoughts
           Be loyal to yourself for once
           You know that you're worth more, have pride
           Morality is an ability of yours
           There since birth and always will be
           The reality is richer rather than poor

           So Yes! you should question
           Find out more open intentioned
           Open up and peak outside
           Logic beckons you not to hide
           What answers may arise
           Is far beside this point of mine
           Just swim the sea
           Just ride the tide
           Earth is our own playing ground
           Look for things inside
           If these discoveries could sing at you
           I think they surely would
           Just waiting for knowledge to be took from them
           Beckoning to be found!".
This poem is about science and learning and how I think people should be enthusiastic to gain as much knowledge as possible in life, questioning everything that is put in front of you!

— The End —