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Oct 2015 · 634
charmaine Oct 2015
a freight train of
run my mind,
they pass through
plains and
pick up passengers
who stay for awhile,
then leave
when they
no longer need
a ride.
i wrote this almost a year ago in my journal completely forgot about it.
Oct 2015 · 377
giving up.
charmaine Oct 2015
I feel I've lost whatever made me inspired.
whatever made people connect to me.
I feel that the criticisms don't make me better,
they make me think I am the worst at what I do.

I try to take it with a smile on my face
knowing they are trying to help.

Maybe I have lost it,
maybe I should give up.
a letter to my writing class, I think it's making me worst.
Oct 2015 · 420
you let me fail
charmaine Oct 2015
You let me fail,
you told me you would be there,
but you weren't.
You let my failures define me,
and didn't feel the need to defend me.

You let the wolves take me
and devour a part of me
that I had yet to learn about.

You called me your sister,
your best friend
but then one day,
I was no one.

You made me believe that you
would be there for me,
but when I made the wrong decisions,
you let me go with
the monster who almost ruined me
and my life for good.

Back then, I didn't know what to do.
I still thought you were my sister,
my best friend.

Then one day you went away,
and I never heard from you again.
It hurt,
and I felt relief.

I was glad you left,
it made me grow up
and made me chose the right people.

Even though,
I now see you on
a Facebook post,
I don't know who
you are.

Now you are no one to me,
not even a person in my dreams.
those friends who pretend to be there for you, but are only there for themselves.
Sep 2015 · 341
10am - 10pm.
charmaine Sep 2015
I awoke in a puddle of tears,
can't remember if i cried last night
or while I slept.

The sun was out today,
but he hid away from me,
so all I saw were his cloudy eyes.

I laid there,
with all my fingers and toes working
but couldn't move them.

Finally I rose,
had my usual pork
and heart attack.

Didn't change any clothes
from last night,
I don't have anywhere to go.

Tried to write this poem
assigned to me,
but only wrote my name
a million times.

Stared at that box of characters
that can now follow you on
your phone, and your computer.

They seemed to laugh at me,
amused at my empty eyes, and my bumpy skin.
At my foolishness and
my childishness, and my

Laid there again,
not completely dead,
definitely not alive.


Trying this again,
and failing,
the words are coming out,
but I can't feel them.

I check my phone
to see if anyone
would check on me,
but there was nothing there,
once again,
not even you.

I watched my characters on
my tv again,
this time I'm slighly amused
by their foolishness and nonsense,
and childishness.

In the shower.
Where I cried a sea of tears
and sobbed alot of nothings.

Came out as though
the only thing I washed was
my bumpy skin and empty tears.

Back in my puddle again,
getting ready for the next day.
a day in the life of me.
Sep 2015 · 217
untitled #1
charmaine Sep 2015
this is me.
in front of you,
eyes wide open.
with no tears
but can't you see
the sadness in them.
can't you see yourself in them,
can't you see the love in them?
Sep 2015 · 253
charmaine Sep 2015
i cut-

down the nails
so i don't cut the legs,
cut the arms,
cut out the pain.

after some time,
i let them grow,
until i have to cut them again.
Sep 2015 · 1.9k
to my nieces
charmaine Sep 2015
Although you may be to young
to understand
and too beautiful to comprehend.
I will tell you about this world
this world i live in.

This world you will live in.

This world is not sweet.
This world is the enemy of some
and the death of many.

This world has no patience for tears,
no compassion for the unhealthy.

This big onion of a world has
its folds
and as we peel the folds
we cry,
we cry for the death of many
and the impatience of the tears.
family, world,
Sep 2015 · 333
how to say goodbye
charmaine Sep 2015
He was thinking of the words
the words to say goodbye.

He was thinking of the kisses
and the hugs
and the love.

The love he no longer felt
for her.

He finally got the courage
the courage to look her in the eye.

He looked in those eyes and
realized he couldn't.

The words wouldn't come out,
the words wouldn't form.

So he thought of the kisses
and the hugs
and the love.

And said goodbye.
love, relationships, trust
Sep 2015 · 184
part 4. the time I let go.
charmaine Sep 2015
I'm not the greatest person in the world,
but I don't deserve to be treated like this.
I've been trying my hardest to support you
and be everything for you.
But you pushed me away
made me hate my own voice.
You made me want to not speak at all,
that everything I said was salt in the wound.
I'm sorry.
I repeat it so often, I am a broken record.
You never accept it, you always dismiss it.
But I mean it every single time.
i really do.
Sep 2015 · 461
after awhile...
charmaine Sep 2015
I spend most of my time alone.

I take all of the day
going over what makes me, me.
And what has made me, me.

I go over any memory my mind has
experienced, collected and preserved.

I pick them apart,
I try to see what when wrong
when I didn't walk away,
and what could've happened had I said no.

I pick apart the bad memories,
the memories that caused me pain,
and still do today.

I study them.
I cry over them,
I sometimes cut over them.

I rememeber the bad memories more than the good ones.
The bad memories seem to live
just below the surface,
while the good memories
I have to search a whole ocean for.

I question myself on this preservation of pain.
I let it sleep on my shoulders
and darken my eyes.
I let it enjoy me,
enjoy every piece of me.

I spend most of my time alone.

Sometimes I make no sense at all.

But to the memories inside me
that make me me
that controls every part
comes in pieces

pieces of me.
Feb 2015 · 3.5k
wedding dress
charmaine Feb 2015
He left her in white.
He left her in awe.
He wasn't there, he didn't arrive.

She smiled and waited,
waited until sundown.

He never came.
He left her alone.
He left her with nothing.

She pouted and shook hands with the departing guests.

He left her.
He was nowhere to be found.

She walked, barefoot and red,
eyes blurry from the rain.

He left her,
he ran away.

She passed strangers,
who laughed,

He stayed away, nowhere to be found.

She was home. In the dark.

He was gone. In the dark.

She took a bath in her wedding dress.

He never took off his tux.

She laid in an empty bed.

He laid there.

i dreamt this and thought i'd write it down.
charmaine Jan 2015
I told you how I finally felt,
hopefully it came out right,
lately everything I've been saying has been wrong,

Has been angry and disgusting,
has pushed you farther away from me.

I'm scared of tainting you with my pain,
but I think I'm too late.

I've turned you into me.
I've made you hate me as much as I hate myself.

I am so sorry.
Jan 2015 · 233
jan. 6. 2015
charmaine Jan 2015
I slept in the dark last night
I forced myself to face the monsters
that was making me keep the
light on all night,
I forced the monster to come out of the dark,
I'd rather face the monster than become it.
im tired
charmaine Dec 2014
I can't sleep anymore,
my mind is full of fantasies
and thoughts,
full of dreams,
I hope to one day fulfill.

But my mind is running,
it's running on pain and loneliness,
it's running on memories,
those who I thought was long forgotten.

Each day I don't sleep,
more of these painful memories
return to remind me,
reminds me,

I am not at rest.
charmaine Dec 2014
I used to write every day,
I had a passion.
Every thought was special
It had to go on paper.

Until I met someone,
someone who I thought
Who I thought
could understand me
and my passion.

Not destroy the little of it
that I had received.

Almost all my dreams are gone,
this was the one thing I had left
and it was killed.

Replaced with your dreams and

Not mine.
Oct 2014 · 900
im not done yet.
charmaine Oct 2014
this is the saddest day of my life.
a smile can barely run across my face.
i stay up late
i sleep in the daytime
the sun never made me smile
but i didn't crawl away from it
as i do now.
i get enjoyment out of being alone
human interactions i no longer need
i need to learn to love myself
instead of making people love me.
i need to think about my happiness
and why i am the way i am
what certain changes i could've made
what path i could've taken
a different school could've made me miss out on
the friends i did make but make me miss the ones i lost.
i like being naked now
in my own skin
that's what im most comfortable in
my hair in its natural state
not burning its way to be straight.
i just wish the rest of me could
be happy with me.
Sep 2014 · 275
charmaine Sep 2014
It'd be nice if you could break my heart right on the spot instead of waiting it out and waiting for me to hurt more.

It'd be nice if you would tell me I'm being stupid instead of making me feel stupid.

It'd be nice if you for once would tell me how you felt instead of blaming me for why you feel as such.

It'd be nice if you could say i love you and me feel as though you actually meant it.

It'd be nice to not cry over you and smile over you.

It'd be nice.
Aug 2014 · 207
I'm done
charmaine Aug 2014
Find me a body with no feelings,
no feelings so I don't cry over you,
so I don't bleed my legs over you,
so I don't die over you.
Jun 2014 · 502
¿Que hora es?
charmaine Jun 2014
I woke up at 2, spent two of those hours
arguing with you, spent the next hour
watching unsuccessful weddings,
then cried the rest of the hours.
charmaine Jun 2014
when I;m angry,
i throw everything
i hit myself
i cut myself,
i scatter about,
i slam on things.
but i never scream it ouT



i was angry when i wrote this.
i pounded on the keys at the end of this.
May 2014 · 1.6k
laal ishq
charmaine May 2014
It hurts.
I'm hurting so bad.
I want to cut the pain away.
It will stay as long as I live,
and I don't plan to live long.
This is not my suicide note,
this is my pain.
and I don't know if it'll ever go away.
maybe I like it,
maybe it keeps me sane,
maybe it keeps me strong,
maybe it makes me weak.
May 2014 · 740
charmaine May 2014
It’s been awhile since I wrote something worthwhile

A moment since I sat down and told you my thoughts,

Thoughts that came and went,

thoughts that haunted me ever since.

I think I created a space where a part of myself

can think, while another part of myself, stops thinking

to think about you.

This may sound confusing,

but this is just me,

hopefully you’ll see that too.
May 2014 · 436
a year ago
charmaine May 2014
this morning i woke up, stripped naked out of the womb
cold wind hitting my body, making me shiver
feeling so small
curled up like a ball.

this morning i laid in bed for hours upon hours
thinking of life
the mistakes i made
the ones i wish i could fix and the ones i wish i never made.
feeling so ashamed
stuffing my face in the pillow.

this morning i watched the sun come up
and on my skin i felt its warmth protect me from the dark days
feeling its arms around me
there is a smile on my face.

this morning i woke up alone
no one to cuddle with
tears on my face that they’re gone
never to return
feeling invisible
i don’t get out of bed.

this morning i turned old
gray hair grey eyes
feeling that I'm overdue on earth
i sleep forever.
I wrote this a year ago. not sure of the date.
May 2014 · 324
charmaine May 2014
You tell me lies to find out who I am,
but what does that make you?
The lies you tell me,
put me on a whirlwind of hate and distrust,
and I don't know when the ride will *end.
living in confusion
May 2014 · 304
charmaine May 2014
I'm making breakfast at 3:06 p.m
sitting in front of the computer
wondering if this is life I want.

To wake up after the birds and
after the action news,
only to watch the sun go to sleep
instead of me.

Wondering why I cry at the slightest of things,
at TV shows that depict no realization
to me.

My bed is a prison of comfort,
while my mind is locked away.
I think I'm sad.

I don't know what to think.

If life is like this,
confused, sad, and hopeless.

Is death any better?
May 2014 · 1.2k
charmaine May 2014
Today's my birthday
and I cried for the first hour of it.

I feel happy but sad,
just a few months ago
I didn't even want to live

Now I'm in my 20s,
officially a grown-up.

No more teen to fall back on,
I'm gonna miss it.
Apr 2014 · 481
Buenas Noches
charmaine Apr 2014
For the first time in months, I can finally be myself,
I can finally open my eyes and heart to tell you everything I've been holding in,
been struggling to find my heart again,
to tell you my days have
even become hard to breathe in.

Instead of hitting myself and
letting my eyes cry me to sleep,
I started being me and I missed me.
The sad lonely me
but somewhat content with life me.
The no longer angry at the world me,
the no longer I will scratch your eyes out if you even think of asking me a question.

I'm glad I found me again, she's hungry.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
charmaine Apr 2014
Those who say they will never leave you,
are always the first to go.
This thought literally just smacked me in my head & I had to write it down.
Mar 2014 · 201
charmaine Mar 2014
You love to give me your pain,
to give me the pain that has slapped
you around, kicked you down,
made you hate those who love you.

Your pain has made you turn into
a monster.

Your pain that I've carried since arrival.

It's made me you.

Your pain who I can't fix,
has left me empty.

The pain we carry runs our lives,
and controls me.

Pain that blew our brains out,
swallowed those pills,
and we departed.
Sep 2013 · 385
it's okay.
charmaine Sep 2013
i know i'm not special,
not worth the love
you've given me
or lack of,
i don't deserve your forgiveness,
so i just sit back and let you
get your anger out.

let you hurt me as I've hurt you.

submit to every request,
will that make you happy?
will it make you feel better?

anything for you i'll do
because I've hurt you as you're beginning to hurt me.

it will be okay,
i can cut all the pain away.
will that make it better?

i'll hold my tongue when you
make fun of me
as it is, i made fun of you too.

i'll stay up nights making sure you are okay,
while i cry all night
wishing i was dead.

but its okay, because i do it for you.
because while you hurt me for hurting you
, i still care.

you don't even have to say sorry,
i'll deal with it.

while i tried to love you,
you didn't accept it
a joke you called it,

i kept quiet, don't argue.
it will get better.

no apologies can
make it better
so i let you get it out
while i sit back and take it.

because while you're killing me for
hurting you,
i *died.
Sep 2013 · 306
charmaine Sep 2013
i've lost that touch
that inspiration
part of me
half of my soul
gone away.

thoughts are scrambled
can't think straight
days and nights seem
to collide.

can't be myself
what the hell
is going on?

helpp please.

i am dying.
something off the top of my head.
Aug 2013 · 472
maar dala
charmaine Aug 2013
i struggle with life
Out of my control
Not of sight.

pain is all i feel
In my eyes it flows

Simple is what I want
I receive the ok
Settle for the less

I struggle with life
Who doesn't
but what can we do?

Cest la vie
Aug 2013 · 225
a thought #1
charmaine Aug 2013
Some days I think I'm dead,
not of body but of mind,
it can't seem to think and all I do is cry.
I don't know it's the only thing letting me know I'm *alive.
Aug 2013 · 483
charmaine Aug 2013
rock bottom
not in control
love used to excite me
now all i do is sleep and wait for the minutes
to pass.

Food became my friend
as it was i had none.
pants started to rip
shirts could no longer fit.
*** now is fat

Hair is short and dead
eyes blacken and tired
nails bitten

Past haunts me
scared of the world
stuck in a trap
waiting to break out

Aug 2013 · 435
charmaine Aug 2013
Would die to give up
Am i brave enough too?
Jul 2013 · 463
do you get it now?
charmaine Jul 2013
You have no idea how it feels to
pour your heart out and think they’re doing the same
when truth is they've been laughing at you.

You have no idea how it feels to
be good to the one who you think is
lonely and sad just like you.
when truth is they take more
than they should receive.

You have no idea how it feels to
lie awake at night
crying at the man in the moon
wishing he’s doing the same.
when truth is he’s sleeping
like a baby.

You have no idea how many
scenarios play out
and if he’s playing them too
when truth is he’s studying
the school.

believe those sweet smelling lies
while the truth rots in your brain.
You have no idea how it feels
when the person you love
stops loving you back.

You have no idea.
Jul 2013 · 317
charmaine Jul 2013
He hurts me in ways,
I can't understand.
He chokes me when I'm drowning
And won't stop until I reach the sea floor.
He can play the victim;
While I feign the warrior role
And comfort him.
He plays both director and writer
And makes me the stagehand as he steals the screen
Then in the end, as the curtain comes down, he's drowning on the ocean floor.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
charmaine Jul 2013
Some days
I think I'm
Not of body
But of mind,
It can't seem to think
And all I do is cry.
I don't know
It's the only thing
Letting me know
I'm *alive.
life is trying to bring me down, but i won't let it.
Jun 2013 · 417
charmaine Jun 2013
I would go to church,
But I feel judged by the
I'd rather worship alone,
Only God is listening anyways.
a thought i had late at night, when people aren't there for you, he is.
Jun 2013 · 445
charmaine Jun 2013
Once I stopped letting my wrists bleed blood.
I turned to my legs who paralyzed in midcut.
Current events say I’m emo.
A dweebo, wannabe hero.
When all I try to hear is someone’s help me.
Tell, no.
Play telephone.
Secrets I’m best at, therapy I'm not.
Holding it in is all i got.
Letting it go only hurts my heart.
water my eyes and freeze my fringe.
Jun 2013 · 467
charmaine Jun 2013
how much can my heart take
I feel it’s being ripped apart slowly
Tugging and pulling
While its trying to stay whole.

It will **** me one day
And when it does I hope the pain will be quick.

End it all please.
I’m finished with the earth.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
The Ventriloquist
charmaine Jun 2013
Thinking about no one but,
Your needs.
I was there from the start,
When you had no one but me,
It was us.
Telling me, I know nothing.
It breaks me to know that you,
See me as nothing more than,
A dummy.
Speaking only when spoken to,
As you let go,
Of the stick that you control me with,
And I gain the strength,
To raise my voice
I hear my mistakes, my past
It breaks me to see,
That you would stoop so low,
So *****,
Just to get the stage light off of you.
Tears have dried up,
They will never go away,
I just can’t reveal that part of me no longer.
Can’t describe the hurt
Pain that no human wants to suffer.
I want you to feel,
Just for a second,
One day
Listen to me,
And look in these eyes,
The eyes that have cracks in them,
They’ve dried up like a prune,
Life is no longer,
The glimmer is fading out,
It may be the last time,
I ever see the sunny side of things,
The grass on the other side of the fence
Feel the wind in my hair,
You only realize when it’s too late
Too late to save me,
Too late to make up
For everything,
It seems,
As I am *broken.
May 2013 · 508
charmaine May 2013
You're doing it again

Am i invisible?
do i make you sick?
why do you ignore me
after all i do is for you.

I know i don't have the best
but i try my hardest
and each time
I struggle.

struggle for a glance,
maybe a thank you
or a* hello.

why is it
i do so much for others
and gain less than an ant.

try and try again
i *fail

fail at opening my mouth
fail at feelings.

what can i succeed at
other than failure?
May 2013 · 682
charmaine May 2013
I feel stronger than i did last week
even though my body feels broken.

My heart is beating slower than usual
but i can keep running faster than
rain can fall from the clouds.

My eyes can't see as sharp as they used too
but everytime i see your face
it's clearer than the skies on a spring day.

My legs seem to drag each step i take
but when you start to walk towards me
I lift each leg as though it doesn't hurt.

My arms can't lift groceries anymore
but when you wrap your arms around me
they fall unto you without any struggle.

My past is scars inside and out
but when you're around
it doesn't exist.

The scars i see
every morning i wake up
and every night i sleep
with them caressing me.

Never forgotten shall they be.

Replaced with your face
every morning i awake
and every night i sleep with you
caressing me.

Never forgotten shall you be.
May 2013 · 405
charmaine May 2013
Of course I knew it
Choose the greatness over the slightly good,
I’m not jealous oh no.
Just hurt
That we’re categorized and placed in boxes of good, bad,
And worse.
When you hurt us,
We can’t have a voice,
But if someone was to look at the world from their own perspective not yours,
Everyone’s against you and you need a pity party
I can no longer pity your *******
I can no longer take your lies
say one thing do the next
maybe if you stuck to your word
People wouldn’t take advantage of you
And you wouldn’t feel like **** all the time
I can’t keep sticking up for you and your mistakes
I feel crossed out already
Stepped over
I may be the youngest
But I’m still here
I may be overlooked
But others look up to me
I may never gain your respect
But I respect myself
I don’t need you anymore
I’ve grown out of my shell
And I’ve become the woman
I’ve wanted to be
A woman who in some ways
is better than you.
May 2013 · 467
charmaine May 2013
I treasure the little things
Things others seem to
I never realized how much i have taken them for granted and how
Delicate and
Fragile they are
Until they are no longer there.
May 2013 · 344
About Her.
charmaine May 2013
im so sick of this

wanting to improve on my happiness

to have it shut down

and called stupid.

it hurts so bad

when the person

you trust won’t even

let you be happy.

the person you spend

your whole life with

looks at you differently

calls you names

won’t understand

their brain forever


explaining over and over

it won’t get through

i want to end it

cut it off

but something keeps stopping me

what’s stopping me?

who’s stopping me?
May 2013 · 868
charmaine May 2013
He seems to take my hurt
my tears
my mistakes.
Use them with his tongue
say failure without a slight change
in his voice
his posture.
I feel smaller than krill
in his vast ocean,
in the dark he keeps me
from reaching the light
from being me.
I've lost the smile in  my eyes
months of crying have darken them.
Secretly i wish he would go away
but how would i exist if he was gone.
I hate him but i am desperately
horribly, sickening in love
with him.
I doubt he knows this
for i keep everything in.
A big ship of secrets that he knows
while inside a trap door are more.
He promised to leave me if i said more
than the ones he knows.
So I'm keeping them hidden
until he goes away
But how can i exist
if he was to go away.
May 2013 · 1.1k
charmaine May 2013
cranium feels like eggs
scrambling around the tears
and anger.

why does it do this?
beating the cranium
as it beats back.


am­ i caged in?
can i not control myself?
will i lose it?

run by big hands and
little voices
it reminds me of the past
doubting the future

i panic and try to breathe
i struggle.

i'm drowning on land
choking on air.

am i losing my mind?
am i slowly on the way
to frequent pills?

will i lose the little
hands and big voices
that control me?

— The End —