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  Jun 2015 Candy Noire
Ron Gavalik
Saturday sidewalks are filled by the youthful,
the boys with young muscles and hard heads,
the girls with soft skin under short skirts.
They wander sidewalks in search of escape.
Each of them dance with lust,
drink hard,
and inject madness
into their veins.

On Sunday mornings,
after the splendor of uninhibited release,
the young weep in regret of poor choices,
their air saturated in reality.

Sidewalks then belong to the wise
who wake from a good rest.
These men and women drink roasted coffee,
reflect on a transcendent spirituality,
read great poetry,
and meet friends to discuss
the roots of democracy.

Every year, the unchanging concrete slabs
of sidewalks appear slightly different.
They reflect our perspectives.
Sidewalks that once led to freedom,
now lead to enlightenment.
In future years,
these same sidewalks
will lead to rest.
Just a thought.
Candy Noire Jun 2015
You crawled under my skin
And made a bed in my chest
The weight of you is heavy
But knowing you're there gives me rest
Tore a hole in my heart
I keep your promises there
Soon you grip onto my veins
I lose my balance, you pull my chair
I feel you inside my bones
You made your way through my body
I need a map through your thoughts
I sit here frozen with worry
You smoked up in my brain
Clouded my sensible vision
I know that love it makes you crazy
But I swear you're an addiction
  Jun 2015 Candy Noire
There is love.

And love is said to be beautiful.
Ever so lovely.

But when I look at you,
Do you hear me saying that you should stay away?

Do you hear me begging
That you should keep me

my dear love.

All I ever did was pound you,
hurt you

Ignore you..

My love..
Can't you see?
I'm not that innocent girl
You used to see..

My lovely fellow,
How can't you know?
Sticking around beside me
Makes me wanna blow (explode)?

Fair human..
What do you see..
I'm afraid to say..
We're not meant to be..

My dear lover...
Do you need to know?
That my knees are bleeding
For you to go...

I'm such an evil person,
Of course you'd say no..
But whenever we hiss,
You tell the written sins that you know..

I know who I am..
And I'm not proud, you see?
I'm not perfect either,
Like you. Who doesn't see?

Not just that..
Other parties contradict..
You don't know how much I loved you..
They don't know that they make me sick..

My faithful friend,
What can you do?
How can it stop
*When you're loving me too..
Candy Noire Jun 2015
Losing weight
Losing my mind
Losing love
Losing time
Losing hope
Losing friends
I've fallen down a hole
And I've lost myself again.
Candy Noire May 2015
I guess it’s time to realise that this is goodbye
You’re too far gone to need me in your life
I've been sitting up at night
Wondering when you forgot the light
That you told me you saw in my eyes
Everything you said that you felt, was it a lie?

I guess it's time to realise we're both growing up
You've got your work and I'm moving on, but my heart is stuck
I keep your face stuck in my head
Think about you and feel half dead
You made me feel like I was the best
Now you're gone this pain is weighing on my chest
Never wanted you as much as I do tonight.

I need to learn to forget you
I've done it a million times before
But something about you really touched a nerve
You're the closest I have come to love
Leave me in the dark
Don't turn around, don't come back it hurts too much
If you're leaving then leave now
Don't raise my hopes to drop them down.
Candy Noire May 2015
I encompassed myself in a cocoon
To envision a transformation
I embodied myself like you
To become something worth gratification
I tasted the wine and I ate the fruit
But it all was a trick
Now they're coming for you
The serpent sleeps well knowing
I fell for the view
Got kicked out the garden
I'm destined for doom
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