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Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
Nothing is

The TiDeS are always changing.
Today’s sand isn't the same as
yesterday’s sand.
The shells
come and go.
The fish swim away.
One minute you’re standing TALL;
the next you’re
                          belly up
                                         in a feeding frenzy.

Sharks prowl the surface and

creatures lurk the depths.
There are places man will never go;
and things we’re not meant to see.
                                                                People leave nothing but their
but even they are stolen by the noon waves.
The timid walk on paths already forged.
                                                                                                     The reckless run from predetermined trails.
                                                    The strong stride next to the path,
                                                                   but never on it,
                                   because how will you ever know what the sand feels like
                                                          if not with your own feet?
                                                                 It may be hard,
but in the end you’re smarter than the reckless and
                                                                                                                                       braver than the timid.

                                                                   Life is like an ocean.
Formatted for the computer, so sorry if it looks weird(er than it should).
Carsyn Smith Jan 2013
The Pressure of the water
Is almost too much to bare.
The weight that is crushing me
Makes me tarnish and wear.

Waves crash above me --
Remember the forgotten.
The air that folds under waves --
A tease -- makes my soul rotten.

I will crave the oxygen
That I know is sweet relief.
But I am too far under --
Bottom -- to swim through grief.

But, like all worldly problems,
They are resolved by autumn.
I'm carried from the water --
Away from the bottom.

But, like it is expected,
It stays with me.
I hold the water -- Pressure --
With me when I am "free".
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
I cherish you

like the feeling of cracking open
the window on the first day of spring
Feeling the warmth of the sun
breathing in the smell of flowers and grass
hearing the birds awaken from a slumber

I cherish you

like waking in the dead of night
to the sound of a summer storm
Listening to the soothing patter
watching the lightening eluminate
as you smell the damp macadam

I cherish you

like that moment of precipus
before plumetting into sleep
It's a calm filled with ambiance
and warm enveloping bedsheets
that emphasize the taste of mint on your teeth

I cherish you

like hearing a hearty laugh or
putting on a new pair of socks
because the little things
the things we tend to take for granted
was the way I loved you --

the way I cherish you.
I still care about you.
Carsyn Smith Apr 2015
I ponder, perhaps too much, of how I've lost my touch. I wonder if, in my delusion, it was just a dreamed haven. Somewhere in the hours of meditation, someway I've lost my salvation. My thoughts are trapped and closed like a man-lake is cement opposed, like soaring eagles discover they are just gifted wren actors, or the chlorine stinging your eyes is the spray of ocean waves crying. I feel like a snuffed candle trying to burn, a cloud wisp trying to rain, a parched rose trying to flourish, a winter breeze trying to warm your fingers. Suddenly I feel a kith with the discarded plastic bottles littering my beach, for, like them, I am searching for a purpose out of reach: the woes of a cursed wordsmith.
ranting about my loss of muse/inspiration
Carsyn Smith Jan 2013
Blackness tugs at the edge of my vision.
Everything is blurry and all I see is a man,
He’s yelling at me, telling me to run.
He scares me, with his yelling.
I look around, searching for something,
But finding nothing.
I blink and I’m in a meadow,
Blurry images of grass and trees.
Beautiful flowers nuzzle up against me,
Hugging me and filling me with warmth.
I see him again.
He’s yelling at me, telling me to run.
I’m surprised to see him, and hear his yelling.
I look away from him, and ignore his voice,
And I feel pain in my ankle.
I look down to see snakes where
The flowers once grew.
I fell, away from the snakes and the man,
And into a room with you.
You hold me tight, and whisper things to me.
I look over your shoulder and see the man,
He’s yelling at me, telling me to run.
I pull away from you, listening to his yelling,
And see you’ve changed.
A pronged tongue pokes from fanged teeth,
And your kind eyes are slit green daggers.
I turn and run
Away from you and to the yelling man.
He leads me to a meadow where
Flowers don’t bite.
I asked him his name, but he refused to answer,
Just reassuring me that I’d be safe with him.
I wake with a warm feeling, and a clear head.
I forgot his face, the story, the why
But I remember the warmth and the safety.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2015
The way his ghost fingers weigh on mine
Could break every tiny bone as if my hands
Were the dried petals of the roses hanging in the summer sun.
The heat of July is nothing like the fire that consumed him
One late winter day;
His water written promises couldn’t save him from the ashes.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2014
There’s a third space
That’s not quite here
Yet not quite there.
It’s a dark place
With no clear light
Other than the fireflies
That hover close listening,
To our quiet whispers
To our quick mumbling
And to the declarations.
There’s a slight drizzle,
But I don’t mind,
Because your voice is
      My umbrella
      My blanket
      My everything.
Close my eyes, listening
To the muffled backg­round,
It makes me think
I’m there with you.
But not quite there –
In a third         space,
With you beside me.
I don’t hangup first
Because I want to
Listen for your guard
As it falls         away
Some where in         that

                 Third space.
Why won't Hello Poetry add my tabs :-/??
Carsyn Smith May 2013
Close your eyes.
Do you hear it?
The soft ticking in the background;
The sound of ink being punched onto parchment.

When you blow out your candles,
close your eyes,
and listen as the paper is reset.
Life is like a typewriter,
equipped with limited paper and red, Red ink ribbon.

Every action:
word, breath, kiss,
is stamped onto parchment.
Some people try to white it out,
forget it ever happened.
But turn the page over,
place it in front of the flame
and the red ink will be there,
a constant reminder.
Read what you’ve written,
be astonished by words,
and ashamed of phrases.
But accept the idea that it is the past, and cannot be undone.

Nothing is planned, for the parchment ahead is blank,
but this is not always a bad thing:
A blank page is like an open trail.
You’re free from restrictions and guidelines.

Will you sit with me,
close your eyes,
and listen for our typewriters?
One day,
when I re-read my story,
I hope you will always be in there,
somewhere close.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Threads are woven,
like streams into a river;
or wisps into a cloud --
they weave into something beautiful.
Memories laced in violet,
peacock colored romance,
a tear doused in sky blue:
it is the tapestry of a mind
one withering and eroding
like the base of a mighty waterfall;
or the land under a tornado --
it despairs into emptiness
until my name is nothing but
conjoined syllables on her lips.
The unraveling of a tapestry is slow,
a simple snag in the seam.
Over time it falls apart
like a river scattering into the swamps;
or leaves in the four winds --
it lets gravity weigh it down.
We are told that love holds things together
but as she slips away
my weapon is nothing but an empty hand.
Time took something precious from her
without flinching; without a first glance,
leaving no evidence in her mind
but a river of blood in ours
and an eerie reminder
that time is as unforgiving
as the gravity that tore that first thread.
She unravels before my eyes
and time has me by the throat,
the best I can do is follow behind her
and pick up the pieces as she marches
unknowing and unbending.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2013
People wonder why I look out the window,
Instead of climbing on the seats and hanging from
Open windows all while laughing like lunatics.
They wonder why I keep to myself,
And not whisper secrets or talk of people.

The window offers something that you can't.
I can watch my imagination dance on the mountain side,
Swim with the River People, and curl herself in the autumn leaves
Warmed by the afternoon sun
All through the glass.

I'm a star gazer.
I'm a dreamer.
I wouldn't change anything about me.
I wouldn't loose myself to join the herd.
Because while you're swinging on chandeliers,
Laughing like hyenas, loving like gorillas,
You can't see your imagination fly free.
It dies without you,
Alone on that mountain,
Frozen in the river,
Falling from the naked branches of winter trees.

So, no thank you,
I don't want to be like you,
I want to watch my imagination through the window
Because that's who I am.
And I wouldn't change anything about me.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Time does not bring relief; you all have lied  
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!  
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;  
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,  
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;  
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.  
There are a hundred places where I fear  
To go,—so with his memory they brim.  
And entering with relief some quiet place  
Where never fell his foot or shone his face  
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”  
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.
One of the poems I'm reading for Poetry Out Loud <3 </3
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Carsyn Smith Aug 2014
Today I killed a man.
He was a  good man,  with a  wife  and
three kids waiting for him in a suburban
house  about  half a  mile  from  the city
with two  nice  cars and  a  trained dog.
     I killed that man
just because  he  wanted  his money. The
one-dollar  bills  weren't  enough, so in I
went,  deep into  his   stomach, rupturing
exactly  7  different  veins, one  of  which
was a  main  artery, and  slicing  open his
spleen.  The  good  man might have lived
if he didn't take  the  man’s  hard-earned
phone. Instead,  the good  man  bled out
in a dark alley between  Main Street and
3rd   Avenue.  No  one   heard  his  cries
or  turned   a  head  to   simply  look,  so
he   died  before  any  aid  reached   him.
     I created  a  widow and  three fatherless children
     I created a broken home and a dark, dead place.
I won’t  go  to  jail though, but I will
be confiscated  because  I’m nothing
but the knife inside the thief's pocket.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
I love rereading old notebooks,
Scanning forgotten phone notes,
And rummaging through filled diaries…
I like to see what I thought was important:
         Love Notes
                   Cute Texts
                             Unfinished Poetry
They're almost like gravestones,
The way they define a moment
And hold dear to their date of creation.
Even the ones without a month or year,
I know: your name is in most of them…
Back when you used to randomly tell me you loved me;
All the poetry I wrote for you
But was too scared to ever tell you about it;
The nightmares where you weren't there
And the dreams where all there was in the darkness
Was the sound of your strong yet soft voice.
I love these notes and pages,
These tombstones of a happy time,
Too bad they're gone now--
Just like you.
1:24am insomnia poetry
Carsyn Smith Sep 2014
I don't want to think about
What will happen to us.
I don't want to think about
     Next year,
          Next month or
               Next week.
I just want to think about

I don't know
What I'm wearing tomorrow,
What I'll eat for breakfast,
Or if I'll even wake up tomorrow.
What I do know is that
I'll still love you.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2014
Someone was wearing your cologne today
So many memories in one breath --
I exhale and find myself gasping for you again,
Breath after shallow breath until I am hollow with you.
It was light enough for the wind to carry it
but it made me feel like Atlas under the Earth.

It was nothing but empty hopes
wishes left ungranted.
As night falls,
and the darkness comes for me,
I find myself gasping for you

Clutching crumpled Tootsie Pop wrappers
And cradling torn Four Leaf Clovers.
Wishing you are far away
The more distance I can place between us,
The safer you are.

Wishing I was in your arms
Craving your lullaby, your steady heart beat,
For selfish reasons.
Take my Tootsie Pop wrappers and Four Leaf Clovers.

I am the very last person who deserves a wish.
Take them and know I never wanted to hurt you.
Wish for a thread and needle

Or a plane ticket to Neverland
Just please,

Don't wish for me.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2015
My love for you is like the sunset through the tree line:
It shifts, shakes, blights at times and flourishes at others.
One thing is clear every time the day ends and
Those deep red rays touch the crown of my bowed head.
The trees do not move.
They are a constant I rely on far more than I’d admit.
The only way I could get rid of the trees
Would be if I cut them down…
I don’t have the heart to do that.
Carsyn Smith Jun 2013
They are forever frozen,
reaching, stretching
towards the skies above.

They are told they
can touch the stars,
just out of reach.

Armies of them are placed
together -- frozen in the battle
to achieve their goal.

Wars are fought, lives lost
seasons past, years fly
they stand there - forever frozen.

Some are as ancient as the
stars themselves,
others are born into the world
with this impossible task.

They are imprisoned
by the earth
but still reach for the stars:
Carsyn Smith Jan 2014
One road splits two trees
The leaves will forever reach -
Cursed with desire
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
I hate myself

I hate myself because
I'm not strong enough to say no
I kissed you knowing how I felt
I held you even when my head said not to
I let you think… I let myself think…

I am despicable
I hate people like me,
The world needs to be rid of
People like me.
Why go into a coma when you could sleep for eternity?
Carsyn Smith Jul 2015
Hey guys! Please don't hate me for not posting something in a while, I've just been having trouble finding inspiration. I've been caught up in my religious studies, plus I've been working on a book! Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of poetry. Now that it's summer, I have to be responsible for setting time aside to write -- and it's harder than I thought. My mind has been wondering tonight, plus I just got back from a pleasant lake vacation, so I expect at least something in these next few days. Until then, here's a typed up version of scribbles from my notebook. They are just ideas that need developing, but I felt like I had to reach out to you guys. I love you all, and thank you for your support <3


It all started for freedom & fun, but now it's to forget you

The drinking started
in the name of fun freedom...
now it's to forget.

If that was the last time you ever saw me,
would you be satisfied or regretful?
If I died on my way home, or perhaps
disappeared from the face of the Earth,
would you feel the slightest bit of guilt?

Your call to action is nothing more than a soapbox whisper.
Your yarms of summer romance are nothing but a fisherman's platitudes.

You say that you miss me, yet you act like youre carrying on just fine. You talk a big game, but you don't know how to hit the ball -- or perhaps the most heartwrenching thought: you never intend to play. Just string me along, maybe for a while I'll trail behind because silly me still believes in fairytales and a mystical thing called "change."
~C. E. Smith
Carsyn Smith Oct 2014
He asked me how I liked it today--
from the back or front?
He wanted to know why--
too small or didn't last?
He said he knew, so I shouldn't lie to him--
as if I was less than him.
What's a ****** to do
when the rumors peg her as a ****?
She can't ignore the whispers,
or the blatant accusations:
Now we all know how ***** she really is.
It's been twenty-four hours,
and already the **** is coming
with dogs, chained, in their heels,
makeup streaked and lipstick smudged.
He releases the *******.
But they don't wait for the cover of night to bite,
no, they lunge at noon in the crowded hallways
teeth of words, power of the sideways glance,
venom of whispers, bullets of pointed fingers
He needs a new name for the list,
his quota is short--
because when a girl becomes single,
she is an updated item on the auction:

Name: Lilith
experience: 1 guy(s)
     hands: 4/10
     tongue: 6/10
     on top: 3/10
     bottom: 7/10
volume: loud

Her reputation is spoiled--
the way her friends talk to her,
the invites she gets to hang out,
the fact that no one wants to talk to a ****.
Welcome, little ******,
to the Virtue Laments.
Because it wasn't hard enough as it is...
Carsyn Smith Jan 2013
come with me
and listen to the
sound of water.
listen as we sit
alone on the bank
and run our fingers in
the smooth sand. watch
as the rain leaves streaks
on the window and lightning
flash as we embrace in the
dark. listen as the stream
works around pebbles.
feel me when I am
close and never
let me go. we
only have
so long
until the
come with me
and listen to the water
as it soothes us.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
What a dark time it's been,
no dreams to fill this void.
I don't need them when I'm with you.
You make me forget the lost hours,
the blank darkness, the cold silence.
I no longer wake because the sun rises,
but merely because I must see you.
          You may never know that
          your laugh makes me smile,
          your smile keeps me warm,
          your touch drives me crazy,
          your eyes hold me tight and
          your arms house me.
               You may never know;
               that's okay --
               I'm the quiet type.
11/13/13** found in an old notebook and needed to be shared.
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
Look at what you did --
you foolish girl.
Don't you remember --
words spoken
long before the crisp autumn breeze --
the oath you took?
The promise you made.
Took some time to rehabilitate,
but just as quickly
you've left all sense behind
for the drug.
You foolish girl,
so easily you thought
you could control it.
Now look at what you've done:
valleys of fire surround the
shattered pieces of
broken glass.
The same glass that he said he could fix,
so you sat in the fire,
let the flames lick at your charred skin,
as you fumbled with a puzzle with no image.
Look at what's become of you.
Do you even remember what it was like before?
No great detective could
paint you a picture of the past.
Look at what you did --
you foolish girl.
That oath will forever echo in your head.
I hope you never forget it;
I hope it follows you to your grave.
Carsyn Smith May 2013
Love is a tricky thing.
It can be received, but not given.
It can be lent, and never returned.
You are what you love, not who loves you.

It's a great relief to hear:
you are what you love, not who loves you
Someone else's emotions towards you
doesn't define you.
Its how you feel and
how you act
that really matters.

And yes, you may love
the wrong thing then,
but that's not now.
So that doesn't define
your future!
It's domain is the past.
You must let it rule there,
or else it will
invade your future.
You are what you love, not who loves you.

Love life.
Love happiness.
Love the smell of summer rain.
Love the feel of soft grass.
Love the chill of snow and
the heat of the sun.
Charish what you love.
Charish you.
*You are what you love, not who loves you.
Carsyn Smith Jan 2014
I've been tapping my pen on my spiral
trying to put words to emotion --
trying to explain a sensation so serene.
I wanted to tell you, in clever woven words
that when you touch my waist, my heart stops
that I'm not ticklish, I just want you to hold me
that your cold green eyes make me feel so warm.
What I'm trying to say -- what I want to tell you is
that I'll never be able to be sad with you around --
you wouldn't let me;
that I can't think straight with you near
and that's why I practice talking in my room.
I want to be able to tell you these things
in sophisticated metaphors and similes,
but the only thing that comes to mind
is you.
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
You don't know what you do to me.
Your crooked smile rips me apart as
the sound of my name on your lips
lites a fire in every vain under my pale skin.
Your gentle eyes hold my heart firmly
as I watch the dark blood pool
and start to drown me slowly.
What really throws me--
makes me dive off the cliff:
your eyebrows.
Quirk them and tell me you care.
Raise them and tell me you're listening.
Twitch them and tell me you're interested.
Furl them and tell me you fell for me.
You don't know what you do to me--
this pain feels so good
so long as I'm the one your eyes want.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
Looking at the crack under my door and seeing the light go out.
At that moment, I know you are all asleep and dreaming,
and I can’t even close my eyes.
I can't enjoy the most simple of silences
because my body and mind won't let me.
Fill me with pills and formulas,
sing me lullabies and read me stories,
tuck me in and kiss my forehead...
it doesn't change a thing.
I'm still watching the light under my door go black and
the house fall silent, crying soft tears into a useless pillow,
fearing I'll never dream again.
Go home and get some rest they say...
ha, if only their words made it so.
Make me Ella and command me to sleep... please.
All I want... is a dream.
A series of images that make no sense,
a nightmare that makes me wake up screaming,
because you know what that means?
I was sleeping... I was dreaming!

That small sliver of light under my door keeps me sane,
without it I am alone
a room of light in this world of darkness,
and I want nothing more than to join it.
When the sun goes down, the clock slows its march.
The seconds feel like minutes
The minutes feel like hours
The hours... feel like they never come.
But when the sun finally does rise, it is a sad and happy moment.
It's an escape from the darkness but
it's another battle to fight.

This black ribbon that laces my door
fills me with dread and sounds the gun to make
the seconds feel like minutes
the minutes feel like hours
and the hours never come.
Insomnia *****...
Carsyn Smith Jan 2014
I close my eyes when the stars rise
but the sweet darkness does not cradle me.
No -- it is the past that thrashes me about.
The echoing of laughter and pointed fingers
and hiding in the corner as names pierce my heart.
Stupid --
a gun shot for not knowing the right answer.
Slow --
a backstab for not reading fast enough.
Ugly --
a grenade explosion for looking different.
You want to know why I am so chary?
Why I no longer speak out?
It is because she did not stop --
even as my defense crumbled before her.

When the stars rise and I sleep,
She is there-
laughing at my failures and shouting
**"I told y'all she Stupid."
Carsyn Smith Jun 2013
It's the best place to cry.
It's the place where it all surrounds you,
Covering you, engulfing you, drowning you.
It falls over you like every pound of weight placed on your shoulders,
It falls and runs over your barren, exposed, vulnerable body,
And when it hits the floor -- its gone, washed down the drain,
But it's replaced by another, and another, and another,
Never ceasing, never pausing, never calming.
It beats at your back, your face, you chest,
Until your skin in red, sore, raw.
It's the place where you don't feel tears,
It's impossible to tell if they're yours, or the water falling on you.
It's the best place to cry,
The shower.

It's a good place to cry,
It's a mask that protects you,
Covering you, surrounding you, isolating you,
It hides every acid drop that rips away at your eyes and cheeks,
It conceals you from others, banishes their comfort,
It makes you alone, weak, vulnerable
They can't see you, they won't know these feelings, they don't care.
They can't see through their ignorance, so I've used it to protect myself.
It's a mask that leaves everyone none the wiser,
All you have to do is wipe the stray tears away.
It's a good place to cry,

It's an unexpected place to cry.
It's a scary place, because everyone can see you.
And the scary part is, they do nothing but watch.
The ignorance of the mask is taken away, replaced with clarity.
They can see tears, but they will choose not to acknowledge them.
Light reflects from it, hiding some features, but the picture is still there,
Staring them in the face.
They can see the redness, watch the tears as they gather and charge your dry cheeks.
They watch, but pretend they didn't see anything because they have chosen
It's an unexpected place to cry,

I'm sorry.
I shall take my pain somewhere else,
Take my suffering to the farthest depths of my heart,
in hopes it will not destroy my soul.
I will feed your ignorance,
your picture of a blemishless world,
And pretend I'm a perfect person, in your perfect world.
I will suppress each tear, choke down each sob, and straggle each tremor,
I'm exhausted, but I must keep running
Running away from your misguided decisions, your accusations, your falsifications.
They are like hot iron, branded into my skin like livestock.
I'm sorry,
I will destroy myself to spare your ignorance.
Carsyn Smith Jan 2014
Walk beside me as
Snowflakes fall like memories
And melt the Wicked
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
It was a cool morning in January
when I cracked my blinds
and peaked at the world I knew.
Bright breasted robin, perched in the azalea,
watched me dress and curse this life.
He did not sing, did not so much as move
as I dragged my feet and clutched my chest.
Bright breasted robin, soaring the skies,
always came back to make sure
each morning my lights turn back on.
He watched me tie myself to my bedpost,
hide away the razors, suffer through headaches
because I convinced myself I lost the aspirin…
It wasn't until a warm March morning
that I could open my blinds
and gaze upon the robin that sang me awake.
A nest, perhaps two feet from the glass,
perched on the limbs that clawed a child's dreams,
sat the bright breasted robin and three others:
A choir, A reminder, A hope.
You woke up today, you survived every dark day that's been thrown at you. You are strong and able; you are not alone.
Carsyn Smith Apr 2015
Pray tell, where be the sun that kept me warm,
And where be your body when comes the storm?
If I, asleep and drowning in the well,
Could see the stars, I’d dream of tales they’d tell:
Of you, of me, of what we used to be.
Luna watches me sleep on currency,
On tears of the dewy eyed wish-makers.
Bed of bargains, blanket of still waters,
Drowning in you, yet desert with needing.
They see me as a drought’d man bleeding
And you a cool glass of tricky poison:
Still I came to sell my soul or my sun.
          How fitting it was you who pushed me down,
          Took your heart from me, so in this well I’ll drown.
I'm not really sure what message I'm saying exactly. Mostly word ***** and my first attempt at a sonnet. :) excited to try again soon
Carsyn Smith Jan 2013
A face of a child
Round like the setting moon
With squinted eyes that cower from day and
Large, soft pink cheeks.

Body still awkward from sleep
Hair hung like heavy vines
Big pupils -- remembering a lost dream --
Heavy lashes

He's encouraged to dream
To imagine a world
A place where all is his doing and the
Law is soft.

Praise imagination
Paint in unreal colors
And draw things only you can think of
A world for him

His Glasses fade colors
And turn blends into shapes
They no longer want imagination
But clarity

Glasses were forced on him
Without a choice or want
They tunnel the world and shape his ideas
They are not his.

I want to show to him
A world without Glasses
It's all he knows, and he can not see like me,
Without Glasses.
Carsyn Smith May 2014
I watched God this morning.
I observed all He did.
I sat as the fog lifted.
The great sky that stretch far --
from the rocky beach 'til
my head could stretch back no longer --
was now broken.
One mirror with a single crack
right across the middle.
One barren strip of land --
a single tree.
I watched God
as He lifted away the fog
to reveal the beauty in imperfection.
One morning on the lake...
Carsyn Smith Jun 2013
Yesterday is still fresh in my mind,
Like the bee sting I got on my behind.
This day was a day to make things right,
A day to show your might.
Yesterday was the greatest day in many ways,
But alas the days of yesterday are behind us.

Today is a new day,
It is a day of new decisions and actions in a way,
But today is a day for forgiving,
And a day of what the world will bring.
This day comes and goes but will never be forgotten
Like a ripe fruit that will never be rotten.

Tomorrow is a day of opportunities,
The day can also be 24 hours of lies.
Nobody knows just what can happen tomorrow.
It can be a day of sorrow,
Or a day of pure greatness.
It is always a mystery but can always be molded
In to what you want if you make great dicisions.
I don't take ownership or responsibility for this poem. My little brother, Grayson Smith, wrote this for school. Start 'em young, right?
Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
It's amazing how,
in the silence,
you hear so much.
How the screaming
you thought so strong
is nothing but a whisper.
And those unintelligible whispers
echo in this hollowness
until they're the only thing you can hear.
You and I are like two very similar pieces of cloth:
both warn and tattered
both used and bedraggled
both healing wounds the other has left.
You and I --
we're meant to fit together like puzzle pieces:
shaped for each other.
You and I are like two magnets,
tell us to face each other and we repel,
turn us away and we attract.
There's so much that could be pushing us apart,
but so much more that's pulling us together.
In this silences,
that has cut me so deep,
I find I can't sleep
without seeing your face.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2013
you Can't Stop A War That's Already Begun.
Two Sides Face Down, Stalemate--
They Each Request my Aid,
But i Am Unable To Choose.
you Can't Calm The Tides That Are A Tsunami.
Waves That Crash, Relentless--
Time Is Running Out,
But i Am Unable To Choose.
you Can't Stop A Bullet That's Been Fired.
Small Metal With The Force Of A Hundred Men, Blood lust--
There Is No More Time,
i Must Choose.
And One Must Die.
Carsyn Smith Apr 2013
We all travel paths, alone, until we are intersected.
Some paths are wide enough for several people to follow,
Others are a tightrope that you have to balance.
There are roads that loop in circles, never seeming to end,
But a number of trails do not divulge from forward.
And every time a path is crossed, you meet someone new.
And, like every thing, you have a choice.

It's customary to give a piece of yourself away.
It's just a small piece, a very very small cut from your cake,
What difference will it make?
So what if all you say is:
"I love you."
Or you even give away a kiss, or something greater?
What difference will it make?

Every time you give a piece away,
That's a little less of you left for someone more important.
(That's the difference it makes.)
Someone more important than that ex-boyfriend or lost friend,
Or maybe not? Their importance in your life is up to you.
That makes this your choice.
It's up to you whether they are worthy.
This is your soul you're giving away.

Your path will continue, even if they don't choose to follow.
It goes on, sunrise to set, and throughout the night.
Mornings with cotton candy skies, and avian lullabies.
Evenings with fire clouds.
Nights with diamonds.
Don't give yourself all away at once: you'll never see what comes next.
Your path will continue, continue to be interrupted by people.
Good people with good intentions;
Devils with Angelic facades.
How much you give them is up to you,
This is your path, and your choice.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2014
Head up, stay strong, fake a smile, move on,
they always said,
No one will see a broken spirit.

They were wrong.

Your eyes saw past it all.

The way your eyes loved my soul
wasn't in vain or vanity.
They didn't see the complex masks
or the pounds of makeup --
Your eyes saw me in all my simplicity.
You dove into the darkness of my eyes
and found this small broken light --
some strange thing you called a *soul.

Your eyes loved that shattered light --
they held it with kind words and soothing embraces.

I felt like The Golden Girl turned inside out:
a face comprised of dullness and imperfection,
a soul of great beauty and grace.
With words, smiles, and touch,
you convinced me to stay in my skin,
but for once in my insipid life,
my soul felt alive and bright.
No longer would I battle the darkness,
no longer would I be afraid of the monsters inside.
Your eyes struck the match that ignited my soul again.
Any tips? I appreciate your feedback.
~C E Smith
Carsyn Smith Apr 2014
Walk with me, if you please,
in the graveyard that was once
our Eden.
Every flower seems to perk at your touch,
our rose bursting into crimson bloom.
It was easy letting you walk from Eden,
my heart was ready,
the Goodbyes were prepared --
It was the realization at startled me:
this blossom is nothing more than a ****
through the eyes of the next person I invite.
Never again will I plant another flower like that,
not exactly,
not with your touch and your embrace.
No one will ever see the beauty that we see,
forever will the rose be something only you and I will share.
More and more flowers will be planted,
more and more will shrivel into barren hips,
and maybe one day I'll find someone to stop the infestation.
Until then, I cherish the beautiful roses,
the ones planted in laughter and love,
not the ones thrown to the earth with rage and sorrow.
You will not be forgotten,
the rose will not allow it.
I know you will not want to walk with me,
but know that the flowers will remain
just as your good memory hovers above the roses.

— The End —