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 Dec 2023 Andi
Chloe Haas
sometimes I imagine this body
cloaked in cation tape carved like a noose,
sometimes I still see his handprints on my chest,
sometimes I get this sense of fear
that he is still watching me,
and sometimes I still think I am there.
Could mean brushing my hair
Or you combing my emotions for entry points.
Either way,
Untangling the knots
 Dec 2023 Andi
cutting board
 Dec 2023 Andi
you are the reason
that i sliced into
the flesh of my legs
and left lines
like the ones on mama's cutting board
where she chopped up fruit
but my body isn't a cutting board
 Dec 2023 Andi
 Dec 2023 Andi
he ripped the words from my throat
he locked them away
in a box that he calls a 'coffin'
he dug a pit
and buried them six-feet-under
next to the
grave where my innocence lay
 Dec 2023 Andi
I am so mad that I have to live in a world where
**** jokes are funny
catcalling is normal
touching with no permission is not a big deal
and where boys complain that they have to ask for consent
But feminism is bad, right?
 Dec 2023 Andi
i don't know what i expected,
when i walked away with you
but certainly not
for you to do what you would do

it wasn't like you showed it,
it wasn't like i cared
but when i walked off with you
you gave me no reason to be scared

when you leaned in close to me
when you took my hand in yours
i told myself i wanted it
i told myself to open the doors

but then after you had left
when you had made everything worse
i realized what had happened
was an enchanting curse
"All curses are enchanting in the beginning."
 Dec 2023 Andi
 Dec 2023 Andi
my ‘No’ was my lock
and the key was mine
but you became a thief
by stealing the keys
violently breaking in
and taking my peace
Stop does not mean stop.
Stop means that I'll pretend I didn't hear it.

No does not mean no.
No means that I will have to make you say yes.

Accountability means I will hide all the evidence, conveniently leaving out anything incriminating

Stop does not mean stop.
It is a guideline for how far I will go.
I have always wondered what it looked like from his perspective.
 Dec 2023 Andi
Sarah Flynn
go away
 Dec 2023 Andi
Sarah Flynn
"you're alright."
"it's just a panic attack."
"he's not here."

no, you don't understand.
he is here.
he never left.

he’s not in between my legs,
but he’s still invading my mind.

I don't feel like
myself anymore.

I'm not myself anymore,
not fully.

he's still inside of me.
he never left.
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