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Oct 2024 · 55
lexis Oct 2024
staying small means taking less damage
less air
less space
though your bones will creak and groan in agony, the amount of movement needed to survive becomes minimal -
like a doll, holding your breath until it becomes frozen in your chest
watching life go on without you
adapting to the complacency.
it almost feels okay
Sep 2024 · 1.9k
Cosmic Metaphor
lexis Sep 2024
Dostoyevsky said, “your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.”

I've felt rage seething in my chest for as long as I can remember. I've felt as his talons ripped open my sternum, digging for a place to call home. this rage has nestled deep into my ribcage, devouring my will to survive while carelessly residing within my nightmares.

I've surrendered to this forsaken depression fury has vacated deep in the confines of my irises - despite witnessing myself across grey-tinted glasses; a smoldering storm rippling miasma throughout my body, manipulating my hands into a devout pyromaniac; suffocating every chance to heal.
I've known nothing but bitterness congesting my heart. My dreams were burdened dreadfully with the stench of wrath. it mutilated my arms; burrowing into capillaries, and asphyxiating my habit to vanish.

This incessant sin I've endured has brought me to my knees, existing only to ***** out my ability to be a mortal in an unforgiving universe. I am not a cosmic metaphor, the iron residing underneath my skin has become impenetrable.

I am adorned with stillness while this betrayal has bloomed into a supernova. the things in which I lack have ignited into an endlessly violent explosion -

Atomizing my bones, swirling stardust into a forlorn emptiness.
A world that was held by the unfaltering resistance I persevered against, it has ravaged my memories, my moribund existence trembled; shivering from the growl of the recoil - the remnants of creation kissed abysmal lips within the faraway distance of a boundless abyss, raining tears for the last time as the destruction leaves a life void of meaning.

The last words ever heard in this universe spoke softly as if to lull the existential bereft into a long hiatus -

"This was all for nothing, just as destitute as this vacant nothingness, human life is ill-fated to be star-crossed and powerless."
I hold so much bitterness in this small body, and for so so long. I question why I've allowed this bitterness to control certain aspects of my life. Why do I let it consume me until I feel devoid of emotion? I feel powerless. I cannot escape. I feel like I'm patiently waiting for my existence to explode, like a dying star, what will all of this wasted time mean in the end?
Sep 2024 · 1.0k
savior in disguise
lexis Sep 2024
why do i apologize when im the one who got hurt?
how many times must i search for forgiveness in the hands of someone who limits the air i breathe? while they wipe their sins on my clean clothes, the filth makes me a martyr
my body doesn't feel like my own, the faded scars on my arms seem so unfamiliar
what have i given up to be able to blame myself for all the ways in which someone can hate?
my skin has become unyielding, not allowing the words i have to say spill from an empty canvas onto deaf ears
this heart has caved in, occupying the empty spaces that once belonged to functional lungs -
where have they gone?
everything has become so blue, an ocean has swept me away, and the stars have taken over the sunlight glistening within the waves
why must everything become doomed in the end?  
if i fall to my knees in defeat, face the pain of others and call the afflictions i've been given freely, as grace.
does this mean that I've been saved?
I'm not sure who I am when I apologize for the pain given to me by others. I feel less of a person, I feel like I'm sinking. I can't breathe and I question what will help me ground myself, before I can struggle, the peace of losing myself completely in a place where it's just as unknown as I am feels like a saving grace.
Sep 2024 · 85
anger is a weapon
lexis Sep 2024
“She is a lost cause. She’s better off dead than the way she is now. She’s the single most pathetic and laughably idiotic person I’ve ever met in my life. I find you laughable for wasting any amount of time on her. She is one of the scourge that plague the earth and make humanity not worth it. If she would stop ******* about her problems, **** it the **** up, and ******* deal with it for once, she’d be better off. But she’s bent on making herself miserable and being overdramatic about everything. Anyone who tries to help that god-forsaken excuse for a person is doomed to be dragged into her chaotic and twisted game. Good ******* luck, you’re gonna need it.”

a poem
Sep 2024 · 74
to love, or not to love
lexis Sep 2024
To love or not to love - that is the question: Whether its easier to remember, or to forget long memories and, by hiding, avoid the pain.

To love, to love to feel - no more - and by thinking to say I lost the happiness I had once felt and that of his own - it’s a loss I do not wish to feel.

To love, to feel -

to feel - perhaps to cry. Yes, its the truth, for in feeling what awful actions may come after when I am running from death’s call, someone must make me stop and live. That’s the thought that makes a mess of ones heart for who would want to face the truth of thine fears, the first loss of something beautiful, the crushing weight of forever, the ache of loss in your heart, the emptiness in your chest. My breath is shallow and I cannot see for the light is no longer shining. Soon the darkness will creep upon me but when will my emotions come to life?

Who would heed the threatening tears, to scream and cry through the many days, the horror of losing thine sanity to love makes me twist in agony and the demons came faster than the time went for my heart to stop beating.
I stand in a blurred daze, wanting to go back a few weeks, instead of wasting that crucial time tearing myself apart looking for answers that’ll never come.

Thus the chance of missing life makes us move on and thus the pain of love is made clear by the reality of short lives and minds made peaceful, with thoughts of a new beginning may you lose the dark thoughts of tomorrows night.
A play on Hamlets, to be or not to be. I had to write this in my pre-AP class in high school.
Sep 2024 · 68
lexis Sep 2024
on the day I finally lost the courage to say your name, it was on the tip of my tongue, thundering from every star in the sky but I couldn't comprehend it anymore.
i'm starved by the lies I was told as a child - the fairy tales, the love,  and the endless desire I hungered for.
this famine created a sermon manifesting the love we had shared, reconstructing melancholy in grief, anchoring jaded half-hearted partings within dense clouds.
perceiving sadness in vivid blues, opals smoldering within fire, saturating ignorant lips.
inhaling your soul like it's destined for me, just to become another substance blow bordering the deafening euphoria you claimed to have won.
selling my soul to the devil seems like penny-pinching compared to the apathy stifling my words.
Sep 2024 · 284
road rash
lexis Sep 2024
In the morning, make me a cup of coffee and cascade the emptiness with all of my regrets, salt the wounds then add a dash of mistakes.

let it spill over, burning a road map down my arm and guiding us toward every house that wasn't home. let me savor each drop bit by bit until my energy turns into persistent delirium. let the traffic lights be every person who caught you on fire, and let the stop signs be moments you stopped breathing before your lungs decayed into road rash

we're moving again

traveling on a road of desperation wondering if anything could be different had we chosen an alternate route.
my brain says, "take a back road. become lost"
my heart retorts with, "weakling, you're already lost."
unable to make a difference, this map will forever lead to the same destination.
this pain will continue, amidst the eternal return  
traffic lights accumulate, stop signs become unbearably longer while my breathing becomes the only heat I can feel against this coldness, an open wound continually dragging across asphalt
over and over again
my bones begin to disintegrate underneath defeated limbs, within the times I've told myself I'm okay, sorrow formed a foundation around my demons. these pretty lies had become my best friends, they gave wings to my broken spirit while once so bright, it had been extinguished by the sea that flowed between my grief.
all at once, the lies I've told possess mouths with razor-sharp teeth, and their deep-rooted fury has proliferated for what feels like a century that I've held them captive in my hands.


it has been 27 years since honesty was gifted the sun, while it burned her hands, she smiled and said,
"It is agonizing but it is so beautiful"
how much longer will I suffocate under the burden I've become?
"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you"
(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1882)
Feb 2023 · 187
lexis Feb 2023
I am a vessel of veins and bones, a tumor of love that'll destroy any worth you give to me. Teeth like knifes that'll cut through any truth that you may believe. Call me baby, choke the life out of me until I feel alive. The heart that you hold is full of thorns, covered in paper mache so you can't see how ugly it really is.

It's pretty, isn't it?

I am a mountain that'll tumble rocks down on your hands so you're unable to pick me apart. Just like my broken morals, it'll be so uneven that you wonder why you ever believed that something so dangerous could be so beautiful -
they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and my eyes are as blue as the sky, deeper than the ocean ever will be. They'll pull you down until you can't breathe, inhaling water that feels just like love. My hands carving "I love you" into your back every night like it's a holy grail. Blood on the bed spring hiding all my good intentions like I had any to begin with -
It feels good, doesn't it? The agony, the pleasure I'm screaming into your ears.
It sounds lovely, doesn't it?
Almost believable, isn't it?
Feb 2023 · 158
lexis Feb 2023
am I uncomfortable with myself or the people around me? if I tell you how I feel then the only thing that comes out are screams -  

does it make it any less believable?

do I turn into the girl who cried wolf when I can't give you proof? i'd gladly show my veins nevertheless commit any sin for credence.
I began to ask the stars if the wounds I’ve given myself outweigh the times I've been abandoned or caused desolation to the things i love let alone touch.
they whispered to me -

"I don't think your resolve could ever be enough in this lifetime."

it started to rain.
I'm not sure if it came from the clouds above or rather my own eyes.

they all let go of my hands, only to be given the chance to surrender so they may save themselves from drowning in my maelstrom. we are humans after all, naturally born with the instinct to survive. they realize that the me they’ve come to know is as empty as my words seem to be, they disappear from view while every road leading to introspection seems to flood - I'm stranded in a convex over places I've submerged; watching in envy as the ones who chose to move forward are so far ahead now, maybe drowning would be better than being shipwrecked observing life go on without me.

the universe seems so arcane now
Feb 2023 · 1.2k
lexis Feb 2023
did I speak too softly?
did I laugh too deeply?
breathe too loudly?

were you too cold - the way that I was too cold? were you searching for warmth in my ribcage? I’m covered in frostbite.
I can’t stop shivering.

is my hair too long? did you wrap it around your fingers too tightly? It must’ve hurt. my shirt is tinged in red, the stains won’t wash out.
I can’t look at myself.

were my hands too soft pushing you away? I must’ve forgot to tell you that I’m not very strong. I guess you wanted to figure it out for yourself.  
I can’t stop ripping the skin off my bones.

did you look too far into my eyes and drown?  were you suffocating enough to forget who I was? is my fear that forgettable? could you not breathe after extinguishing the fire i built to warm myself?
smoke inhalation can be deadly. -

while you survived, I’m still in a coma.
I want to disappear.

“I fell in love with you while you were terrified”
Feb 2023 · 135
never ending bender
lexis Feb 2023
do you think about dying? not the “I’m so tired of living” thoughts but the intrusive thoughts you get after a ****** or while dozing off into sleep; unwelcome scenarios of how life would be without you. flashing images of your son growing up without you; images of all the things you cherish not lying around your room because the room you’re in now doesn’t exist anymore. do you see yourself hovering above the ones you love or would you rather not see the world go on without you? is it regret? is it sadness? jealousy? do you forget for a moment that you’re still breathing?
Jul 2021 · 180
lexis Jul 2021
you’re magnificent and I’m a ******* with no understanding of how this world works - I’ll smoke a cigarette, maybe the smoke will make my lungs feel the way you once made my heart feel and this emptiness will drift out with what I’ve filled myself up with, maybe I’ll blow it in your face the way the world blew up in mine. hopefully it’ll take your breathe away till you suffocate.
suffocating doesn’t seem too bad when you’ve been dead your whole life but you don’t know how that feels, do you? lucky little boy with a lucky little life filled with everything you could ask for but nothing is ever good enough for a narcissist with a mind that fights you till you fight someone else. How foolish of me, I called that love. The bruises looked so beautiful to me, it made the suffocation feel like home -
My therapist said that I find home in every depreciating joke, every boy that hurts me, every drug that makes me fly. He told me that I’ve lost myself because my love isn’t alive. It’s buried in between my thighs.
Apr 2021 · 1.4k
lexis Apr 2021
I get paranoid after throwing up my fears the night before, intoxication comes easy when you’re lost in the worries of not being enough. The whispering from my nightmares become real, their faces distort in disgust when they look at me and the weight of terror eats me alive.
Apr 2020 · 195
ptsd resembles you
lexis Apr 2020
before the darkness, when I was 5, my mother would **** me to sleep with her sullen lullabies. they were always about a woman who had nothing but self-hatred. her words were as haunting as my father seems to be and he’s been gone for 12 years. the woman my mother would softly sing about was this Demon she befriended at 16, named ****. **** was nice to her for awhile, maybe even a saving grace until she stole the happiness from her and dyed her life the dullest color. i figured it was a somber lullaby with a stronger meaning that no one but her could understand. ive had enough running into offices that smell like spoiled milk and blood. “It won’t **** you like you think it will”, mom always told me. she says this while looking at the decorations covering half her body along with my ****** hands, knees and bruised lips. your friend **** has a way of picking fights with you; making the walls at 3am rock like we’re on a boat during a storm, you’re trying to get saved by screaming their names while I’m laying here trying not to get sea sick from your abandonment. all I can hear now are your heartless moans of forever
I wrote this at 17. It’s old
Apr 2020 · 236
lexis Apr 2020
the angels are screaming in my ears. They’re warning me that there’s a forest fire roaring inside of me; the sweet alyssum that bloomed from the decaying memories I buried deep in my bones have burned into ash, revealing a fragile foundation that was created by scarred flesh and empty promises. I’m a pyre wrapped in a fiery rage that’s devouring my heart, igniting my lungs; inhaling the stench of smoldering melancholy, exhaling pain that resembles smoke from my cigarettes. I’m choking on my own corruption. My blood has turned into embers, keeping this fire growing louder.. a reminder that my misery will never be heard. my feet have become roots, digging into the earth that’s swallowing me like a decomposing animal; yet i will never be home, ill always be lost
home has never existed for me. i have a lot of thoughts I can’t get out, sorry if this is bad and doesn’t make sense. I never seem to make sense anymore
Apr 2020 · 467
salt water
lexis Apr 2020
you looked into my eyes which always seemed to remind you of the ocean. you said your dad never told you that you may drown while admiring the waves, your smile said not being able to breathe would be worth it. I thought about how you’re like the ocean breeze, giving breath to tired lungs. you swirl the sea, placing troubled minds at ease. you built sandcastles with your voice which I began to call home but it’s quiet now, all I can hear is a tsunami and I can’t seem to catch my breath
everything is about you now
Apr 2020 · 220
lexis Apr 2020
“hurt me like the world hurts god”

if you’re not a believer, turn on your favorite song then hurt me to the melody that’s causing your heart strings to snap; hurt me like roaring tornados disintegrating everything in its path. hurt me by severing an artery, let’s portray the fear we hide inside by painting with my blood. It’d make such a pretty picture but we’re all too busy tricking our minds into believing that fear is weakness and weakness is ugly
I really tried, my fear stops me from doing a lot of things. Weakness is in my blood. It makes me so ugly
Mar 2020 · 149
burn me
lexis Mar 2020
how many times do I have to burn your name into my clothes? your smell lingers, It’s the closest reminder of the places I tore down to make a home I never knew. how many times do I have to break my wrists? I still feel the way you gnawed on my bones, sharp words that you dug deep into my rib cage. I don’t want these cold hands that once held the warmth of being stable. how many times will I fall to my knees? dripping blood, pleads of forgiveness that’ll only be washed away; never heard. how long will I be afraid?

— The End —