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i thought i had
a tattoo of our
love somewhere
deep inside me
but maybe our
passion was
ink from a pen
a heart shaped
drawing on the
surface of my
pale skin that
a river of tears
washed away
after all those days
I begged and begged
for you to stay
and you didn’t
Alow her open pinion's
I glanced aloft mine

Her nimbus was lit
And around her Lip's:
Heaven's color's

O' the strap's from mine feet
Were removed, as I fell
Back in awe and

I remember the day
I saw her face, the innocence
Of God, the beauty and

Into her tropical gates
I entered yonder;

She gave me her love
As tis her love I took shelter.

Mine darling, mine lass; O'
Best friend, mine helper;

What wouldst I do, without
Thee mine Muse;

What wouldst I do;
O' what wouldst I

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Alow- archaic for below.
Pinion's- outer part of wings, feathers, wings.
Aloft- up into the air, overhead.
Nimbus- a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.( Halo)
Yonder- over there.
Tis- it is
Mine- means my archaic form.
Lass- young woman.
Thee- you.
Wouldst- would.
Every night,
I feel I fall deeper
into the dark.
It's a safe place,
A small sanctuary
To be myself.
The shadows pass no judgment,
They understand the ups and downs.
I can do what I need to without guilt.
I can sit and think,
Scrawl hate on a page,
Or punish myself for my misdeeds.
I am but an artist.
And though it may be morbid,
My body is my canvas.
#SelfHarm #Cutting #Darkness #Nocturnal
Outside my window, lays a world to wonder and explore
from the kissing couples to the newborn babies
from the opera house to the art museum
from the candy shops to the freshly baked bakeries
the list goes on and on....
from sunrise to sunset, there's so much to explore
it's a pity, that we can't explore it all.....
Our doubts are already forming a library
with thousands of books rising high above the wall
 Aug 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia
I'll be your destruction,
But you,
You will fall in line as another casualty
To my cold and cruel ways.
I wish to help you escape
Before you become trapped
In the labyrinth of my mind,
But not even I can escape.
I would love to be summer to your heart 
And autumn to brightly colour your days 
Winter too - in her graceful beauty 
And spring in all her glorious array 

I would love to be the summer rain 
That falls on you from an open sky 
Or the winter's welcome golden sun 
That warms and touches with a smile

I would love to be that blowing breeze 
That sings  the sweetest melodies 
The joy of seasons - that lifts the heart
Shielding you neath love's canopy
 Aug 2016 Arfah Afaqi Zia
I see you liked my poetry,
how do you like my brain?
Does it seem like it's original,
or another 'stain 'pon the page'?

No, tell me in all honesty
How'd you end up here?
Make it a grand story
(Even if it's actually lame)

Wait, did I mention honesty?
Bah; not like I'll see the lies.
And here's my small philosophy:
lies make for real fun times

So this won't get many likes
I figure that now, I just don't mind.
Bah; who do I look like I'm kidding
Be nice and give me a like!
*Something witty and follow-worthy*
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