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 May 2015 JAM

i looked
at your world
through an
the first place
i looked
was where
you put words

what i saw
shocked me
to the bone
i saw a child

i saw a wall
built up
with great care
i saw a ship
that flew
through the air

i saw
a unicorn
awash in a field
covered with dew
fresh water
had healed

i saw a tree
blasted with heat
i saw an old man
with no shoes on his feet

i saw a victory
i saw a war
i saw a butterfly
with a pin
in its

but before i knew it
i was startled
to see
the glass was a


what i saw was


 May 2015 JAM
Weronika Piela
The Shot
The Gun
The Bullet
The Fear

Everything is trembling
The Death is near

The awakening
The shock
The confusion
The dread

The sun shines bright
Are you really dead?

Then the conclusion
Then understanding
Then fear is gone
Then this mad grin

The world wakes up
It was just a Dream
 May 2015 JAM
and the first question that came to my mind
was how on earth did I even survive?
Because I know why I wrote what I wrote
and I know how much I choked
on the agony of words that poured out of me.
I know what I have been through
and these poems record it.
They know too.
And to a degree,
everyone who reads them knows as well.
But at the same time
no one else knows for certain
what exactly was my Hell.
How did I survive?
Why did I choose to keep on going?
Why did I choose to stop writing at one point?
Was I really that depressed?
I guess I was.

*I guess I was.
 May 2015 JAM
RJ Days
How fast fade most pinkest trees
How digits dance 'neath Catalpa breeze
Ignoring last October's deadest death
They arrived on time then took last breaths

Scattered seeds among their foes
Had no need of planting earthen work
As cycles shadow ploughman's dream
The fickle fruitless cherry grows

He rode rough crests over wildest waves
His ship stayed unsunk under skinny toil
His family landed and held holiest hope
Now blossom buds over grassy graves

Darkness darkened darkest health
Metal sheets broke bones full force
Lungs would not get the care of air
But hours still channeled wisdom wealth

She bent the knee for sacred loves
She scraped it on the firmest strife
Her pies nor pulchritude but soul inspired
Now stillness stays beneath starry moves

When bloodiest blood ****** didn't produce
It drained itself from veins and strained
Veiling valleys making mountains make-believe
But sharpest tongue emptiness refused

What meagre maggots worthless worms
Are those of us who never yearn!
We rarely learn to live so well as they
Who gave us genes and grace and days

All I offer oft only when I try and I work
Nothing else can I do nor more can I hope
This most modest shallowest honor to give
Of them in springtime remembering is
For Grandma & Pap
 May 2015 JAM
 May 2015 JAM
The two of us
Thick as thieves

The two of us
Thin as martyrs
"Now and then, I miss you..."

 May 2015 JAM
Walter W Hoelbling
colorful paint
on a blue canvas


crossing borders
   & languages
flowing into hearts
   & minds

      at ease

the bottom end
   of the canvas
   is not
   the end
of the message
Inspired by a computer graphic of Maria Luisa Grimani
 May 2015 JAM
Ivy Swolf
Why do the most truthfully heartfelt
statements begin with, "I know it's silly, but..."

No. Stomach your apologies so that
the rest of you won't remain
undiscovered. You're a map made of
with feelings about yourself more
tangled than yarn woven in and around
all your bones.

I want to make brutal honesty the new
fad. Have everyone fall in love with boldness
in words
so that it becomes
therapeutic to hand out paper keys during
to unlock someone's heart.

Scream out at the top of your lungs,
and smile
because you know you've never spoken
truer words
and because
nobody knows it.

Honesty has now become your
secret, and it will be the lightest
load you've ever had to bare.
probably could have written it better but I didn't feel like going back and changing the whole thing... my muse for this: wallflowers
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