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 May 2015 JAM
Untitled 10
 May 2015 JAM
They said time flies,
that a moment will fall through your palms like sand
If it's so fast we can't see it with our eyes,
how do I react to a pill this size and
move my hands to guard against
my throat opening;
my hands are closing in.
Reality won't be the death of me,
I'll die awake but dreaming
in a fantasy
 May 2015 JAM
Kelley A Vinal
Sometimes, I just want to sit and write
Or read and play
My guitar all night
Sometimes, I want to run outside
Or speak and say
The words on my mind
Sometimes, I want to bathe and sing
To the beat of the flame
As it's flickering

But through everything
I want to learn
and be
in wonder of the world
as it's rotating
 May 2015 JAM
Shut up
 May 2015 JAM
I look at the cracked screen, blistered. Shards ripped, fell into the earth. Glass on my hands, glass in the dirt. Glass in my feet, it doesn't really hurt. Glass in my brain, not fully comprehending what I've just done. Grounded for life, & one broken phone. I'll pay for it to be fixed, I pay for it anyway. But what I pay for most, is the lack of responsibilty. Please lecture on, about my carelessness.
Twas an accident i swear
 May 2015 JAM
Randy Johnson
 May 2015 JAM
Randy Johnson
If you want my ex girlfriend, she's up for grabs.
But if you sleep with her, you will get the *****.
It's possible that you may get ****** too.
Sleeping with her is a stupid thing to do.
I caught her in bed with my cousin and I thumped her.
She sleeps with a lot of men, that's why I dumped her.
I'm giving you valuable advice so you'd better listen to me.
If you ****** my ex girlfriend, you are sure to get an STD.
This is a fictional poem.
 May 2015 JAM
Mohd Arshad
A wooden table
Stacked in a corner;
One leg broken,
Smoothness blurred!
Insects perch
And nibble the dust!
None comes
Save the table cloth,
So torn, so shabby!
Notes (optional)
 May 2015 JAM

I saw her out there in the park
A kite she held up high
Running at a faster speed
It wouldn’t seem to fly

She looked a bit frustrated
And tried it one more time
Now tangled up within the string
Just like a ball of twine

Oh my god, how embarrassing
I think he's heading my way
Looking at me puzzled
Not sure just what to say

I must look rather amusing
Tangled up like a little kitty
Plopping down defeated
No breeze in this windy city

Look at her, she is so cute
Sitting there upon the ground
A light blue kite rests in her lap
And on her face a pouty frown

“Why so sad,” my heart it breaks
She looks like she will start to cry
“Come on, stand up and let me help”
“Together we can make it fly”

I took his hand and stood back up
Untangled from the twine
Now ready to give it another whirl
He positioned himself in behind

He placed his arms around me
Took my hands into his own
The wind is picking up again
From our hands the kite now blown

It soared high up into the sky
We held on to the string
So far it traveled in the air
Her smile it did bring

“You see, that wasn’t very hard,
it just takes some finesse”
But holding her is much more fun
Yes that I do confess
A collaboration with my beautiful girlfriend

Her verses in italics
Your words are dull knives
With a tendency to leave a bruise
Who taught you to speak bullets
Without considering the exit wound?
Are we simply soldiers
Marching in fields of decaying youth
Or are we stars, burning out,
Supernovas of mistaken truths?

We will drown in the rain, the waves, trembling under the thunderous voices of those who oppose us. We are more than flesh and blood, we are stardust.
 May 2015 JAM
Self Defeat
 May 2015 JAM
Spectacular is the image of self defeat
When everything around me shines so brightly
The only thing I can see is darkness seeping out of every beam
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
But how can I make a sound when I can't even breathe?
There's no conclusion to the bottomless pit of this scene
The only thing I can see is my vulnerability being used against me
When everything around me has been built upon lies and secrecy
Spectacular is the image of self defeat.
 May 2015 JAM
 May 2015 JAM
Make me your emblem
Adopt my colours
Let them be seen
Through actions and verse

Make me your flag
Fly me high upon the sturdiest masts
Watch me billow with purpose
Catching the wind that forever lasts

Make me your anthem
With truth in words that rings so clear
Sing me loud and true
Sing me always for all to hear

Make me your creed
Pledge yourself to always uphold
My name in thoughts and writes
Emblazoned across as your brand in gold

Make me your home
Your shelter for when the day's done
A safe haven to return to
With the setting of the sun

Or just...

Make me someone...*
So at least I know that I exist
Make me a simple somebody in your life
Not just a name on a forgotten list
Inspired by Depeche Mode's Somebody
 May 2015 JAM
Paul Hardwick
Just sitting
listening to Alan Parsons
Rubbing Germolene
into my arm
after a battal with the roses
in my garden
rubbing in Germolene
as my arms now stinging
trying to relax
picking up my pen
and writting words down
try to make sense of them all
as the fumes
of the Germolene ant nice
but stopped the stinging in my arm
the gardeners
best friend
and makes you smell like
you've just come
from the gym
So true love P@ul.                  :-)
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