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 Mar 2018 Michael
Why do I come here,
Soak my worries into these healing poems
Dive into someone else's heartbreak
Cry with them
Swim though a tangle of truth written by a nobody
You aren't a nobody anymore
This is a haven, a sanctuary of hope
For all these wandering poets
Wandering through heartbreak
Lies, truth
Death, life
Hurt, healed
So, ask me, why am I here?
Aren't you here for the same reason?
 Mar 2018 Michael
Brenda Mukisa
i.   the first time I saw you, you sat on the floor
at my house, I'd never met or seen you.
You smiled and said my name, then my sister's.
you seemed like the kind of person that belongs.
that fits perfectly and can be held onto.

ii.  we were perfect, making merry and laughing at things
it looked bright for the both of us.
that first night, we promised each other that we could always work it out.
no matter how rough it could ever get.
if only we had seen us now.

iii.  you jeer at everything I do or say.
according to you I am mean and unloving, disrespectful even.
according to me you are selfish, mean, bad hearted, bad mannered, uncultured, disrespectful, childish, unforgiving, filled with anger and jealousy, not moral-ed ..... and all the things I shouldn't have ever met.

iv.   its because of people like you that unmeet buttons should have existed.
Hate is a strong word, but sometimes I feel it when I think of you.
I have been feeling terrible these past few weeks because of someone in my life.....just had to vent here.
We always think of Hell as down.  I wonder if it's not up
And evil souls are burning in the sun, returning the warmth that they stole from the world.
 Mar 2018 Michael
Jeff Gaines
My circle is built for two …

I will stand in my circle …

Alone ….
and wait.

If you step inside my circle …
you must come alone.

I stand in my circle …

If someone else enters the circle with you …
I will leave it …

Because …

If you stay in that circle, with them …
it will become yours.

I will then build another circle.

It will become yours.
if you stay in that circle, with them …

Because …

I will leave it …
if someone else enters the circle with you.

Alone …
I stand inside my circle.

You must come alone.
If you step inside my circle …

and wait …

I will stand inside my circle.

My circle is built for two.
I set out to write this poem as a circle. That is to say I wanted the reader to be able to read it from top to bottom or bottom to top and have it be exactly the same. It took me a while (2 days or so), but I did it.

It is about how I feel about relationships and how, for me, a girl must be "free" of her last relationship before she gets into one with me. Meaning that I prefer for her to have been a "free agent" as-it-were for a bit before entering "My Circle". That way remnants of the old one don't cloud her actions/reactions with/towards me and possibly spoil our new relationship.

Thus ... "You must come alone ..."

Then ... for all nay sayer's ... I did it AGAIN in "Our Circle"
I wanted to express it's meaning, true. But I also wanted to prove I could do the forwards/backwards thing again.

Find it here:

They have been called "Reverse poems" and "Double-back poems". I never knew there were names for it, but I did know it had been done many times by many, many poets. I just wanted to give it a shot.
 Mar 2018 Michael
When it catches me
Warm in the classroom or nodding
Just after my stop,
I curse you.
Heavy eyelids.
Limbs weighed down with care and iron clad fears.
You dance from my fingertips and taunt me moments and inches away on the cool side of my pillow.
Long lost friend. Tormentor of Macbeth.  
That which I yearn for. Embrace of brief death.
You swine. Come to me when I call
Or let me be productive and don't come at all.
 Mar 2018 Michael
Alec Astaire
Okay, I’ll admit it-
Maybe I don’t love you
Because when I saw how his gaucheness made you chortle-
How his mundanity carved your dimples,
I could feel every winged insect inside of me shrivel up and plunge into my deepest cavity.

I know love isn’t self seeking-
But is it so wrong to feel cheated when I once owned the patent to your smile?
 Mar 2018 Michael
Alec Astaire
Are you proud of me darling
That I didn’t give into the flesh
Even with those pills popped
Her pants dropped
I still had the fortitude to deny her requests

And in that moment I was so high
Off of prescriptions I was too drunk to pronounce
I think they were hydro- wait
hold on a secontt
No, I can stand just give me a-
I’m not even that draank calm down

Even with the room spinning
My consciousness fading
My heart closed my eyes and turned me around

Sweetheart are you proud..
That the list of my goals and ambitions
Is stained by your lipstick
To be honest, all of my dreams are too hard to see through these rose colored glasses
But they’re my greatest asset
And if I ever removed them...
Even just to catch up on some sleep
I might give up.
I might give up on you
and my family and friends
and life
and my cat- I know I don’t have one yet
but these rose colored dreams... so delightful-
Alright, I’ll remove them for a verse

Kiddo, am I proud?
Absolutely not.
I am not noble in turning away those who show interest in me because..
Because you aren’t even mine
And I’m stuck in this delusion that everything will be fine
If I give it my all and move to LA
Chase after rose colored dreams until they lose their color someday.
And maybe
No- I know that I could waste the entirety of my existence chasing after your perfection
You’d think by now I would have learned my lesson.

But if you really do admire me like you say
And if distance is the only thing prying our hearts away
Then I’ll throw away this life-
I’ll turn down tempting lasses
And I’ll chase after you with my rose colored glasses
formerly: Untitled (3-22-18)
 Mar 2018 Michael
There's days
where I look outside a window
and feel like I have no talent at all

I begin to say words in my head
that swifty intertwine together
like pieces to a puzzle

I apologize for all the years wasted
looking at the ground
angry at the world

I'm looking higher
than the clouds now
Further than the stars

I see the whole universe
Tbh I just look at the ever changing skies and that's enough
 Mar 2018 Michael
 Mar 2018 Michael
Too many times
Had i searched for homes
Inside some strangers' collarbones

Too many times
Had i been rejected

Too many times had i apologized
To my body
for being cruel.
as I'd found my words poor
so instead made it pour

out my crimson red life.
But those scars don't forgive me
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