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Ian Mar 2019
How could you have been so foolish,
As to believe that love prevails?

How could something retain a victory,
When it exists only in your mind,
It daintily persists, so ever convincing,
That surely your fears must be an illusion.

Though, there they stay, before your very eyes,
The dismay that comes with the removal of the veil,
As the twisted husk of deceit grabs your face,
Pulling you close, your eyes glued open,
Force to glare into the visage,

Of utter despair.

Of course this is how it would go,
It always has, and why should the tale you've told so many times,
Change before your very eyes?
Ian Mar 2019
A story of love aged with time,
Enveloped and inmortalized in joyous rhyme.

There once was a fae guided by the Sun,
Showing the way, he need only follow and run.

Kept under close watch by a vigilant eye,
The fae boy felt that all must be ary.

The world the sun showed him he was sure,
Must be perfect, whole, and infinitely pure.

But hardly was that dream so true,
And with each moment, the sun's fervor grew.

So demanding and resentful were the Sun's ways,
The boy cursed with scorching, destructive days.

But his will persisted, for he knew no other,
Stranded and tired, trading loneliness to suffer.

One evening he pondered on what to do,
Escape back to suffering alone, but where to go?

Then, with the gift of the sunset all was clear,
For what came after was what he knew to hold dear.

Before the fae arose the shimmering Moon,
His eyes fixated on such a dizzying boon.

The Moon wrapped him in bright, soft light,
Assuring the fae that now all would be right.

He felt comfort in the welcoming glow,
At last a gentle soul wanting to see him grow!

The fae openly proclaimed his adoration,
The Moon's presence the source of his frantic creation.

Weaving words of passion and desire,
Finally free of the past destructive mire.

Never once moving in such a flurry,
Desperate to prove his love, but he needn't worry.

The Moon enamored with him for what he was,
And valued him for all that he does.

With guiding light and a glowing heart,
The fae boy knew they'd never want to be apart.
Ian Mar 2019
Entranced within the enveloping dark,
I'm stuck alone with intangible thoughts,
Those that dwell in the mind constantly,
Ruled by the tyranny of doubt, and anxiety,
They rattle my mind, bouncing to and fro,
Reminding me that I'm desperately alone,
And they'll be my only solace.

There's a true terror, in your greatest enemy,
Being that which guides your every motion,
It seems like just as much as the mind is on your side,
It's waiting for the perfect moment to remind you,
Just why you're so insignificant.

Every action that you think correct,
Reflected back as a horrible misstep,
Or an embarrassing display of stupidity,
Another failure so plainly in view,
How can one succeed under such a critic?
Ian Mar 2019
Walking through the store,
Surrounded by racks of other lived world's,
Given to be shared with someone else,
My hands brushing across jackets and shoes,
Feeling where someone tripped,
Or where a moth found it's way.

My thoughts meander to my own world,
The scuffs decorating my shoes,
The fraying strings of this jacket,
The torn pocket of these jeans,
All part of me here, and wondering,
Just how much you'd see of me in them.

I'm passing the time all the while,
My search idling between,
The articles of lives, and the ones moving around me,
Waiting for the certain one that led me here,
Leaving me to fend alone for just a moment,
A slight grin my only clue to run on.

Wandering back down, my mind was a flutter,
Before me, radiant and glowing,
The magnificence of your presence
Breathing a whole new meaning,
To a prismatic dress,
And a perfect black jacket,
Captured so brilliantly,
In my enamored mind.
Ian Feb 2019
Whimsy and flowery language,
That's what I'm guided too when I think of you,
The softest of phrases, the gentler of thoughts,
A beating heart floating on the rivers of life,
Yearning simply to beat in unison with that one,
That feels so distressed and distant,
But is never more then a thought away.

Alas is it so,
That the flowery world of my mind is only there,
While the realities of the world rest heavily,
Upon the shoulders of your weary mind,
Making the joy mutually adored,
Feel like a pleasure unbeknownst to reality,
Distorted in the storm of disarray.

But, nonetheless that adoration persists,
It's permeates peace of mind,
Like a respite in the eye of that storm,
A resistant rebellion against the worst,
And a optimistic direction toward the future.

Oh it won't ever be,
So daunting and exhausting, navigating this world,
For by your side is a crew everwilling,
Led by a restless captain, with a light heart,
Yearning to beat in time with the queen of the sea.
Ian Feb 2019
theres an unraveling feeling building in his gut,
he sits in a cell, trapped amongst towering machinery
guts churning at they run idly against the walls
clinging to the voice on the other end,
spelling out despair
the grinding of metal becomes almost deafening
desperately trying to drown out the words spoken
but they ring ever present
things would be forever changed

its not a wonder things should be so very this way
the twisting thoughts of demons hanging overhead
one fears that if they get to close they might strike
rather dangerous when they cling so tight
what can one do but stand to help
against another's constricting shackles

maybe the dream will be enveloped in the mass
splitting the seems and rupturing the chaos
the cell could erupt and the future could lay bare
but maybe ever still
this place will be where it stays
Ian Feb 2019
its a comforting notion, this feeling i feel with you,
when i look at you, the constant buzz ceases,
the uncertainty melts, and the worries quiet,
i'm able to put it all aside, just for you,
and would it be selfish to say,
that i do it so i can see that soft, loving smile?
maybe so, but nevertheless,
my drive to see your joy is limitless.
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