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 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Failed Love
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Our love
Was destined to fail
Instead of seeing me
For all the things I was
You saw me
For all the things I was not
It took me a long time to realize I was good enough all along.
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
It is not the future that I am afraid of
The prospect of repeating the past
Is what scares me the most
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Your lips on my neck
And your hand between my thighs
Is better than any antidepressant
A dr could prescribe
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
I awoke to a sunrise so beautiful
Monet himself dare not
Attempt to capture its beauty
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Every time a heart breaks
It grows a little harder
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Loneliest  is the moment
When you have no one to run to
The one that eases the pain
Is the one causing the hurt
Where do I go now? To whom do I turn?
Back to the lips that lied?
Back to the finger tips that betrayed?
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
When you lie with her do you think of me?
When you lie with me do you think of her?

When you lie with me I think of her.
When you lie with me I think of her.
When you lie with me I think of her.
I feel like I am losing it.
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
My Words
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
You can take my breath
You can take my sanity

You can take my spirit
You can take my heart

You can take all that I am
But you’ll never take my words
Sometimes I feel like these words are all I have left
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Look into my soul
You’ll see walls a mile high
Unreachable and safe
Confined and alone
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Counting Lies
 Jan 2019 F
She Writes
Most count sheep when trying to sleep
I count lies that have been told to me
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