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 Jul 2020 Meera
put down the pen,

gown thyself in coats
of many riotous colors,
banish ‘never’ and ‘hope’
from thy lexicon, and
begin with a smile
always a smile as you
walk the streets as if to say
open open says me,
open sesame and let the
good works begin,
for having found your
captain of the muses,
your Calliope,
your rosebud,
lucky you!
you will need not write

another word
 Jul 2020 Meera
The sun no longer
Makes me cry
I refuse to love a lie

I can't express
A color scheme
Wordless thoughts
Are all I see

In poetic tongue
My emotions confess
Beautiful words
When I'm a mess

I can't describe
A moonlit night
A star filled sky
I'm not that bright

When my feelings overflow
About to burst
About to blow
I run to my pen
To save my soul!

The sun no longer
Makes me cry
I refuse to love a lie
Traveler Tim
 Jul 2020 Meera
Coraline Hatter
candles light up her room
it smells like herbs
and flowers

fall is her favorite season
she enjoys the rain
while dancing trough the woods

she's one with nature and the sun
but in love with the moon
everyone's terrified of her
 Jul 2020 Meera
Stefano Benni
Le piccole cose
che amo di te
quel tuo sorriso
un po' lontano
il gesto lento della mano
con cui mi accarezzi i capelli
e dici: vorrei
averli anch'io così belli
e io dico: caro
sei un po' matto
e a letto svegliarsi
col tuo respiro vicino
e sul comodino
il giornale della sera
la tua caffettiera
che canta, in cucina
l'odore di pipa
che fumi la mattina
il tuo profumo
un po' balsé
il tuo buffo gilet
le piccole cose
che amo di te

Quel tuo sorriso
il gesto continuo della mano
con cui mi tocchi i capelli
e ripeti: vorrei
averli anch'io così belli
e io dico: caro
me l'hai già detto
e a letto sveglia
sentendo il tuo respiro
un po' affannato
e sul comodino
il bicarbonato
la tua caffettiera
che sibila in cucina
l'odore di pipa
anche la mattina
il tuo profumo
un po' demodé
le piccole cose
che amo di te

Quel tuo sorriso beota
la mania idiota
di tirarmi i capelli
e dici: vorrei
averli anch'io così belli
e ti dico: cretino,
comprati un parrucchino!
E a letto stare sveglia
e sentirti russare
e sul comodino
un tuo calzino
e la tua caffettiera
che é esplosa
finalmente, in cucina!
La pipa che impesta
fin dalla mattina
il tuo profumo
di scimpanzé
quell'orrendo gilet
le piccole cose
che amo di te.
 Jul 2020 Meera
Anais Vionet
so much
 Jul 2020 Meera
Anais Vionet
So much to say
You’re the first one I blame
The first one I shower with anger
You’re the first one I yell at
But you’re the first one I run to
the first one I look for
the first one I need to hug
the first one I ever loved
I love you mom
Happy Birthday
a poem for my mom's birthday
 Jul 2020 Meera
Anais Vionet
I want to be a writer -
and like a new poker player -
I'm starting to evaluate my cards.

I post on several poetry sites
I find syncing them kind of hard.

'Cause I'm the model of imperfection
heck, I'm the Edison of mistakes -
a teenager half-heartedly committed
to doing whatever it takes.

Does it help that I'm never happy?
That I constantly make updates?

At times I feel the proverbial cat
chasing its own tail -
but I think I'm making progress
- like a literary snail.
A poem about wanting to be a writer
 Jul 2020 Meera
Amanda Kay Burke
Use caution! Work zone!
Active poem in progress
Under construction
Wear helmets on site please or should I say on "cite" bahahahaha
 Jul 2020 Meera
Rearrange you
 Jul 2020 Meera
And like rage, your words
boil inside me.
it’s like I don’t even know you
 Jul 2020 Meera
Whit Howland
not much for you
by way of kind words

but i have to say
i love the silver beads

of morning dew
on lawns

with summer

Whit Howland © 2020
Imitation is a form of love.  An original.
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