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Sometimes the things that they do
Come from deep within their souls
Others may not understand
The passions that they hold

They will give their time to others
If they know there is a need
Volunteer to help someone
Get them back up on their feet

They do not ask for money
Want no payment in advance
Expect nothing to be given
When they lend a helping hand

The moment that we understand
They do this free of charge
Is when our lives begin to change
And it fills our inner heart

Sometimes the things that they do
Comes from deep within their souls
Others may not understand
The passions that they hold

*Carl Joseph Roberts
Candy Strippers, Election Workers, Church Members, Volunteer Firefighters and Police. There are So many who volunteer there time with no outward recognition required. To all who volunteer I want to say Thank You for all that you do.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Ann M Johnson
I am looking for a Love that makes sense
I want him to be Blind to my faults but truly see the true beauty in me
I want him to be Deaf to others opinions of me and have the ability to listen with his heart concerning me
I want him to be Mute after a long day and reach out and give me a hug
and just let our Love communicate and truly appreciate everything about me
I want Him to enjoy every touch and to read my body language and to Love everything about me that is uniquely me
I know this kind of Love just makes sense, maybe he is out there searching for this kind of Love too
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Paula Lee
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Paula Lee
An old friend stopped by today

Your'e face lit up, you were shining

He joked with you, you called him "*******"

you wouldn't know you were dying.

First time in weeks Iv'e seen your smile

Amazing what old friends can do

For just a few moments

Out came the old you.
My Mom has only responded to this old Friend of mine that she raised.
Thank you Jim for giving me her Smile!
 May 2014 Hayleigh
s h e
 May 2014 Hayleigh
she, a willow wisp gone sour in the sunlight.
she, they said, a wide-eyed one time choking laugh
she, a too-bright moon with craters only calloused hands could read
she, they said
she bit her tongue with their teeth wrapped around her like spikes

here I am to tell you that I am not she, I am not your word or prayer or curse. I will no longer let you confine to the the lower-case, huddled down, back room existence of she.

I am I, Me, Woman.

I am.
may, 2014.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
 May 2014 Hayleigh
last call,
she wrote, with her fingertips still tangled in the wire wrapped around her faulty heart.

each breath laced with shards of glass, an aching pull that was simple in the darkened sheets and quiet. an answer that seemed too simple because there was no question.

i'm dying,
she cried as her hands slipped on the tear-slicked phone that couldn't quite convey the way that she was trying to be so, so brave with each labored breath.

there were no words in the screams that pounded off the yellowing linoleum.
a desperate, hoarse cry pleading that she needed someone on the other end of the static to wipe the sweat off of her brow and call an ambulance.

when are you coming home?
little bouncing ponytail of four is grasping fingers and trying to fix injuries with whole-wheat goldfish. her pink salt-scuffed snow boots are breaking hearts down the hall.

and i'm here again. once cheery monkey slippers worn through the toes shuffle down hallways lined with trepidation and antiseptic. this isn't old-fashioned, white-apron clad matrons grasping hands and adjusting crisp peaked hats. medicine is doled out in plastic sheets like candy, accompanied by bent knees and scanned bracelets.

privacy concerns, signed waivers, no liabilities. hospitals are less for healing and more holding cells, storage lockers, fraught with too-thorough questionnaires and grasped pens like swords defending trustee boards from lawsuits.

my mornings are finger ****** and sunlight that seems empty without those sweet trills and a whipping reach of wind. stagnant air, the faint smell of ***** hiding under regulation bleach wipes. this is what i wake up to. soft chimes aren't rousing, nor soft, at eight am lulled through too-new loudspeakers.

the ***** mint green trays never lose that sickly smell of rotten food like the undergrowth of a fallen tree. the only coping skills i've mastered this far are how to effectively channel all my breathing solely through my mouth. hospitals never lose that smell, the ache of death and sorrow that clings to the floorboards and plays cards under the bed, waiting for its turn to reach corners much further than the cleaning crew can.

eyes draw to the torn edge of my sweater, revealing the milky white skin that lost it's sweetness. i've been ravaged by needles and rubber tubes and electrode pads full of gel that shouldn't sting, but does. i spent fourteen hours climbing the walls of my subconscious while gloved hands made adjustments flanked by heavy shoulders and eyes that seemed to never shed their bitter tears.

fourteen hours, i spent with my id. it passes in jumbled snippets of emotion that are still lost in that haze.

i was a creature,
without reason,
or cause.
february 20th, 2014.
 May 2014 Hayleigh
Little Room
 May 2014 Hayleigh
For ****'s sake, Carol. My heart just stopped for a little. I’m not dead yet.
“Oh, Frank...”
*Don’t ‘Oh, Frank’ me. I’m perfectly fine, see? Just help me get my boots on.

Being in the hospital is a lot like being in prison, but with more fluorescent lights and the constant smell of death and tongue depressors. I want to go home, but I can’t seem to move my legs. Or my arms. Or anything. I want to scream at the ******* who keeps messing with my IV, but I can’t find my words. I think she’s starting to get the hint thanks to the speedy and steady beeping of my heart monitor and my amazingly high blood pressure. I have to go. Now.
They say I may never make it out of here. To hell with them. There’s nothing I want more than to sit in my recliner, open a cold one or five and watch the Big Blue beat Brady one last time. Heh, the look on his face when we ruined their perfect season. Still one of the greatest sights in my lifetime.
“Hello, Mrs. Rosecrans.”
Oh, Jesus Christ. Not this airhead again. Don’t you talk to my wife.
“Dr. Wasser, he looked at me today. He’s there. I see it. Are you sure?”
“Based on the CAT scans we’ve taken, the possibility of him waking up is very, very slim.”
“But he looked at me...”
“It was just a reflex. Look, if I pinch his skin, I’m not getting a reaction.”
What is the matter with you? Going around pinching people who can’t yell back... I wish I could give this guy a piece of my mind right about now.
“Okay. So, what can we do?”
Her voice is shaking. I want to tell her that there’s nothing to worry about.
“At this point, we would need you to start coming to a decision.”
The room goes silent, and I can hear my barely beating heart sink.
I don’t want to die here.
Flash fiction based on the song "I Don't Wanna Die (In the Hospital) by Conor Oberst
 May 2014 Hayleigh
In your despair
you survive
wrapped in pain
no one could ever comprehend
and no one could save

You jumped
and yet here you are
bearing a gift
to ease the pain
of stranger sitting across from you
with tear stained eyes

You fill the world with light unknown to you
brighter than any darkness
and you do not mind
that thanks comes in the form
of an endless stream of tears

Your story
Your name
If only I knew
before it was too late
I would have treasured
every hour spent
in the cold and quiet
hospital room

And now
You fill my mind
With every crevice
you live on
and I live
for you

How foolish
that my reason to live
another day
comes from a small gift
from the stranger sitting across from me
with blood on her wrists
and a warm forgiving smile
on her lips

Who would ever know
that all the thanks I have
would belong to the golden heart
of a broken stranger
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