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3.5k · Nov 2016
"Smiling Eyes"
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
I never knew a heart could feel
the pleasures of a smile;
But when I saw your gorgeous face
I felt I'd run a mile!

My heart sped up and blood ran hot
while flowing through my veins;
I knew right then, deep down inside
I'd never be the same!

If this is love, I must be new,
I've never felt like this;
For now I've found right here on Earth
a smile of Heavenly bliss!

I've sought for you my whole life through,
made far too many tries;
But now I've found my one true love
with gorgeous Angel eyes!

Now that you're mine, I've come to see
you're gorgeous out AND in;
Since you've became my Queen of hearts
my lover and best friend!
3.3k · Apr 2016
"Clouds of Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
I feel your love so close to me,
   while looking at the sky;
I sense your watching me right now
   as soft clouds roll on by!

No fear at all within my life,
   like Eagle in the wind;
I know you're always by my side,
   on You I can depend!

Although I fall away sometimes,
   with sins you must abhor;
I feel the devil tug at me,
   as waves tug at the shore!

I've seen your mercy in my life,
   sun shining down in rays;
My sins are all forgiven now,
   as moonlight turns to day!

I feel You working in my life,
   slight touch of guiding Hand;
I know You're present here with me,
   see footprints in life's sand!

I know You've never left me once,
   as lightning danced around;
I've felt so safe within Your arms,
   such peace and love I've found!

You fill my heart with joy each day,
   You take away all pain;
I feel Your love wash over me,
   like standing in the rain!

I thank You Lord for saving me,
   for guidance from above;
I know I'll live my life for You,
   tucked under clouds of love!
3.1k · Jan 2017
"Country Boy's Prayer"
Kenny Whiting Jan 2017
Oh yes I'm proud to know for sure,
   I'm goin' Home one day;
But Lord I've got just one request,
   'bout where I'm gonna stay.

You see My Lord you know quite well,
   I'm country through and through;
I have these big 'ole hopes and dreams,
   'bout being there with you.

I know you've got a place for me,
   huge mansion in the sky;
But livin' big ain't ne'er been me,
   no matter how I try!

I'd like to make a bit o' trade:
   my mansion, harp and crown;
For just a simple cabin placed
   on outside edge of town!

I'll give up walking streets of gold,
   for pathway through the woods;
As long as Heavens where I'm at,
   my friends and I'll be good!

I ask for just a piece of land,
    the place I'll hang my wings;
A porch with hooks up in the roof,
  to hold my wife's 'ole swing!

A view of hills with grass so green,
   in shade of big 'ole trees;
The smell of sap caught in the wind,
   will be alright with me!
2.9k · May 2017
"My Mother Dear"
Kenny Whiting May 2017
A mother's love is not just love,
   it's more than that you see;
It's closer to agape love,
   my mother's love to me.

She never failed to wrap me up,
   when ere I felt some pain;
To make the bad turn into good,
   her hugs were all the same.

She picked me up those times I fell,
   brushed off that dirt of life;
She stood by me no matter what,
   for me she'd stand and fight.

I'll always be her baby boy,
   from birth all through my years;
My friend, my hero, queen of hearts,
   my mother oh so dear!
I know everyone says their mom is the best, but if you actually could meet my mother then you would see it my way...I DEFINITELY have the sweetest, most supportive, and phenomenally loving mother absolutely ANY man, woman or child could be blessed to call their mom! Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, but most importantly to the beautiful lady I am proud to call MY mom .... Carol Whiting. I love you mother!!
2.4k · Mar 2016
"Faithful Friends"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
There's one thing I must share with you,
I've learned I can depend
On certain people in my life,
My family and my friends!
I thank you for not judging me
As sin in life I trod
Instead you knelt and prayed that soon
I'd give my life to God!
I'm thankful that you stood by me
Through sorrow, pain and strife
You've never let me hurt alone
Not one time in my life!
I thank you for encouraging me
As Jesus worked on me
I hope that you now know down deep
I'll forever thankful be!
I'm thankful for the love you've shown
A blessing from above
A package that My God sent down
A taste of His own love!
I thank you for your prayers for me
For lifting up my name
Without your friendship in my life
I'd never be the same!
I'm thankful for best friends like you
On whom I now depend,
A special friendship sent from God,
My faithful lifetime friend!
2.3k · Dec 2016
"I'll Be Waiting"
Kenny Whiting Dec 2016
I tell you now, in all my life,
   not once I ever knew;
That love could bring such peace of mind,
   'til moment I found you!

Oh sure I dreamed that one day soon,
   I'd find that special girl;
But never dreamed I'd meet someone,
   who'd change my whole wide world!

You've more than made me happy now,
   you've softened this 'ole heart;
You may not know how much til now,
   on me you've left your mark!

You've turned my clouds to sunny days,
   my winter into spring;
Gave strength in times I'd fallen weak,
   breathed wind beneath my wings!

So when times comes, He calls me Home,
   or die before I wake;
I'll wait for you so patiently,
   right there at Heaven's Gate!
2.0k · Oct 2016
"More Than A Man"
Kenny Whiting Oct 2016
I take a pause to write these words,
   to say what's on my mind;
To tell you 'bout a man I know
   with strength so near divine.

He's quite amazing in each way,
   a beacon on life's shore;
He stands alone no matter what,
   his goal, to serve my Lord!

He follows close when God commands
   for him to do his part;
In everything he does his best,
   in life, He's left his mark.

I'm blessed to not just know this man,
   he raised me from a lad;
You see, he's so much more to me,
   my father, friend, and dad!

He raised me right to know the way,
   to God, the narrow path;
He prayed those times I ran so hard
   for God to spare His wrath!

I pray some way I've made him proud,
   when time on earth is done;
I write these words to tell him now:
   "I'm PROUD to be your son!"

Then when time comes, the roll is called,
   the saints all gathered 'round;
I'll stand SO proud to see my Dad
   receive each one his crowns!
I wrote this one as a tribute to the strongest most Godly man I know, My father. I love you dad!
1.9k · Jan 2017
"My Loss....Heaven's Gain"
Kenny Whiting Jan 2017
I'd like to say a few quick words,
   what's really on my mind;
I feel almost upset right now,
   it's me you left behind!

I know it was your time to go,
   my Jesus called you Home;
But still I feel so crushed inside,
   without you and alone!

I've tried so hard to just move on,
    but nothing feels just right;
Your in my thoughts and prayers each day,
    as well as dreams at night!

I think back through the years gone by,
   and all our memories made;
To make it through another year,
   no, more like day to day!

I see you still at times I think,
    then realize I'm a fool;
I know it's just a trick of mind,
   but still it seems so cruel!

I guess right now you know how bad,
   my missin' you has been;
I'd give up every thing in life,
   to hold you once again!

So when I lost you here with me,
    there's one sure thing I know;
That Heaven gained a precious gem,
    when Heaven gained your soul!
1.8k · Mar 2017
"Beautiful Land"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2017
Let's take a stroll here in this time,
    a stroll through Glory Land;
To paint a masterpiece of old,
   by brush in Master's Hand.

The background hails of purest blue,
   in Heaven's by and by;
No beauty matches close on earth,
   to yonder in the sky.

A pathway marked by shining light,
   each soul anticipates;
What grandest beauty He'll unveil,
   behind those pearly gates.

They're opened now so step inside,
   to see all glory there;
To feel no pain, no hurt at all,
   nor shed but one more tear.

The blind will see the lame man walk,
   first step on purest gold;
Each one of those who've lost a love
   will have them there to hold.

Our Lord and King will shed His Light,
    with Him we're soon to stand;
That oh so glorious day,
   we'll see our Beulah Land!
Can you imagine the beauty that awaits us?
1.7k · Feb 2017
"My Kind of Crazy"
Kenny Whiting Feb 2017
There's somethin' 'bout this girl I love,
   she's more than right for me;
A bit of crazy mixed with love,
   but fills my every need!

She's full of fire, don't make her mad,
   o sure, she's always right;
But that's my girl, the only one,
   near perfect in my sight!

You see, my girl is so **** cute,
   an angel in my eyes;
She's Heaven sent straight from My God,
    to match my every stride!

A friend to most, a queen to me;
   she shows me that she cares;
When every day she makes me smile,
   with love you'll naught compare.

She's so much more than just my world,
   she's more than just a lady;
My Father formed her just for me...
   my perfect kind of crazy!!
1.7k · May 2017
"True Meaning of Love"
Kenny Whiting May 2017
Let's take the word "love"
  and study it close;
The most famous word
  in life I suppose!

It's taken for granted
  by most all of us;
It's said as an ending
  as we bicker and fuss!

We throw it to family
  as we walk out the door;
So misused by all-
  by rich and by poor!

We feel it has meaning,
  if used every day;
No matter how spoken,
  a word that we say!

I pray that you see it
  before it's too late;
Love is more than a word
  to throw at your mate!

It's not just a noun
  to be casually thrown,
It's FAR more than that
  when its physically shown!

There's one HUGE example
  how to show others love;
It's found in My God's Word,
  from Heaven above!

God sent His Son Jesus
  to die on a tree;
He bled on Mt. Calvary,
  to set us all free!

He hung on the cross
  for our sins to erase;
To save all our souls
  from the judgment we face.

God showed us the meaning
  of love on that day:
To sacrifice wholly
  ourselves all the way!

You see, He came down,
  from Heaven above;
To show us Himself-
  true meaning of love!!
What does the word "love" mean to you? Is it just a word that you tell people to make them feel good? Is it a word to let certain people know they mean more to you than other people? Or is "love" not just a word to be said, but more importantly a word to be shown ?
1.6k · Apr 2016
"Wrapped in His Arms"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
There's one thing now I know in life;
   My God will answer prayer.
He watches 'ore me night and day,
   my burdens for to bear!

He's willing to forgive my sin,
   if simply I will ask;
He'll heal the wounds, the broken hearts,
   and leave them in the past!

Don't worry 'bout those little things,
   just give them all to God;
He'll show you He is in control
   in ANY life we trod!

When ever feeling all alone,
   just trust in this one thing-
My God is always by your side;
   your sheltered 'neath His wing!

He's sure to let some hard times come,
   He let's us feel some pain;
He'll make our hearts more pliable,
   with heat from trial's flame!

Don't EVER get so down and out
   and think He's left your side,
Just turn and look - He's standing there,
   with arms spread open wide!

So think about this in your life,
   when Satan means you harm;
My God has got you safely wrapped-
   in comfort of His Arms!
1.5k · Nov 2016
"Just What You Mean To Me"
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
I thought I'd take the time right now,
to make a little list;
To tell you what you mean in life
so focus just on this:

You're more than just the world to me,
my all is what you are;
You stand alone yet shine so bright,
beyond all other stars!

Your beauty still astounds me so,
so precious out and in;
If ever once you doubt it though
just ask, I'll share again!

The fact that you have stood by me,
all through life's weary way;
Means more than I can put to words,
to know you're here to stay!

Since now you broke into my heart
you've shattered all the binds;
I never knew a love exists
this love, like yours and mine!

Since finding I could love this much
and feeling once again,
I realize now I love you so,
from now til very end!
1.4k · Apr 2016
"Angel of My Eye"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
When looking at your gorgeous face,
   the truth I can't deny;
I find myself so lost inside
   those precious Angel eyes!

My God Himself took special care
   not easy to appease,
He took a glimpse of you at birth
   His precious Masterpiece!

Your quite a rare and special breed,
    A beauty out and in,
And every time you cross my mind
   I fall in love again!

You feel i might be stretching it,
   or telling you a lie;
Look from my view, you too will see,
   an Angel through my eyes!
1.4k · Apr 2016
"My Shepherd's Call"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
All through the years I ran from God,
  I lived my life my way;
As family friends and loved ones prayed,
   I'd turn to God one day!

He watched 'ore me as hard I ran,
   He kept me safe and sound;
Just as I ran the other way,
   He turned my life around!

This one lost sheep had went astray,
   My Shepherd brought me in;
Back safe into His Fold again,
   He rescued me from sin!

My God reached down in darkest depths,
He plucked from Satan's bind,
New life he gave me on the that day
   to follow His design!

Such grace and peace He fills me with,
   my heart doth overflow;
Since I began to walk with Him,
   such joy I came to know!

It's all because He loved and cared,
   He kept me safe from harm;
He gives me now such comfort and
   sweet solace in His arms!

Yes through it all He stood by me,
   He never let me fall-
So far from Him I couldn't hear
   My Shepherd's beckon call!
1.3k · Apr 2016
"God's Plan"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
In life you feel you've hit a wall,
  there's something just not right?
Look to My God, He'll stand by you
  to help you win the fight!

He made you who you are today,
  He knows your every need,
He wants to talk with you right now;
  if just His Book you'll read!

You see He knows whats best for you,
  He's got a bigger plan;
He cheers you on from Heaven's Throne
  My God's your biggest fan!

So as you feel your all alone
  get on your knees in prayer;
My God the ruler of everything
  is waiting for you there!
1.2k · Apr 2016
"My Lord and King"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Just how well do you know My God?
   He's the Ruler of everything,
He's Almighty and Omnipotent;
   My Jesus Lord and King!

He made the earth with spoken word,
   all just in seven days;
He formed the moon; each star in space,
   He set a certain way!

Not long from then, My Jesus came,
   as a little Baby Boy;
He came to earth to show us how,
   to live for Him with joy!

Here on this earth, He marveled us;
   as displaying God's Own power,
He taught us how to love and give,
   to pray near every hour!

He took five fish, and broke five loaves,
   then thousands did He feed;
He showed His men what true faith was,
   by walking on the sea!

So many had doubt when Moses said,
   "My God will make a way!"
God parted the sea, they walked right through,
   then Pharaoh's men He slayed!

He healed the sick, made blind men see,
   with touch of His dear hand;
He led the Jews through wilderness,
   on to the promised land!

He died for us on Calvary,
   our sins became His pain;
He washed away each one for us,
   then later rose again!

I hope you'll see how special He is,
   My Lord, My King, My God;
He touched the lives of millions here,
   on earth and far abroad!
1.2k · Apr 2016
"Second Chance at Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Your lying here right by my side
Wrapped snugly in my arms
Your sleeping sound just knowing that
I'll keep you safe from harm!
You make me feel like Hercules
Or strong as superman
Cause when life gets a little tough
You leave it to my plan!
I'll always hold you tight and safe
I'll stick to you like glue
You ever feel a bit alone,
Just look, I'm here for you!
I took my place right by your side
Just on our wedding day
I promised you I'd honor you
In each and every way!
I know I've let you down some times-
Forgive me for the past
Just give me one more chance to build
A love to always last!
It won't take long to prove to you
I'll never leave again
I'll stand with you and hold you tight
From now till very end!
So as you lay right here beside
Lost only in your dreams
Know I'll  be here through all our life
And show what true love means!
1.2k · Mar 2016
"Heavenly Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
I've never found a love like yours
Here's what your love is worth
You share a love that's far past good
A hint of Heaven on earth!
I'm filled so full of emotions now
Just heard your voice again
Each time I hear that precious sound
I feel my heart give in!
You love me unconditionally
Through all mistakes I've  made
You pray My Lord would help me when
It seems I'd lost my way!
You stood by me though hard it's been
A pillar in life's sand
Each time I stumbled down again
You lent a helping hand!
With love like yours I'll never know
The feeling of alone
Whenever I was feeling down
Such comfort you have shown!
So as I write these words right now
I'm fumbling for the words
To show you everything you are
Yet one things just occured-
You're more than good, far more than great
You're sent from God above
To show me each and everyday
A touch of Heavenly Love!
1.0k · Feb 2017
"Country Heaven"
Kenny Whiting Feb 2017
I've heard about this all my life,
   my Home in Beulah Land;
Those pearly gates and streets of gold,
   all formed by Your own hand.

I hear You've built a mansion there,
   a special place for me;
Its on a hill with greenest grass,
   beside a Crystal Sea!

Now Lord don't take this wrong at all,
   I'm thankful for all things;
But since I'm just a country boy,
   a mansions not my dream.

A little place, just outside town,
   surrounded by huge trees;
The sounds of nature at my door,
   would be morefit for me!

A broken down old picket fence;
   with squeaky wooden gates;
A muddy road not travel worn,
    to me would five star rate!

A tire swing hung 'round a branch,
   the buzz of honeybees;
A bed so full of daffodils,
   a few small dogwood trees.

A cozy place to call my Home,
   a noisy front porch swing;
No more I'd want for all of time,
   but place to hang my wings!

You see My Lord, not hard to please,
    I'm just a simple man;
A cabin made from Heavn'ly logs,
   now THAT'D be Glory Land!
1.0k · Mar 2017
"Love's Hercules"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2017
If love is what you're looking for,
   I've got the magic potion;
It starts with trust and discipline,
   then ends with full devotion!

It comes with lending all your time,
    just giving up yourself;
To show the one who means the most,
   their love means more than wealth!

You must forgive each other's wrongs,
   don't live in times gone past;
You've got to focus on today,
   for ANY love to last!

Now show her that a passion burns,
   for her inside your heart;
Romance her with your love each day,
   a love to never part!

Don't ever leave her when you're mad,
   not one foot out that door;
Until you've made ammends with her,
   don't ever leave her sore!

Now spend some time in prayer each day,
   get on your knees with God;
Then hand in hand together walk,
   the road not often trod!

You take to heart these words I say,
   to make a simple plan,
In love you'll be a Hercules-
   to her, a Superman!!
Not many people these days know what true love and devotion are all about. So many people are to worried about what others think or want totally losing focus on that beautiful love they have right beside them faithfully everyday. Don't make this mistake, pay close attention to the things that really matter in life...those ones we love!
1.0k · Nov 2016
" If Only For Today "
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
If I could make a list right now,
   regrets of my own past;
It'd take too long to list them all,
   in this short time I have.

I've asked forgiveness for them all,
   forgiven for each one;
But still some haunt me everyday,
   they're never really gone.

I keep my head up pressing on,
   now tryin' to do what's right;
I fight each battle as they come,
   to win each war at night.

I take the things I learned from past
   and all the battles won;
I use them daily for the best,
   to change the road I'm on

I find the strength to live each day,
   do better from the start;
To fan the flames of better man
   that burn inside my heart.

I know I'm better than I've been,
   far better than the past;
To live each moment here on Earth
   just like 'twil be my last!

It's all about those precious times,
   each little memory made;
So live your life to do what's right
   if only for today!
959 · Apr 2016
"Family Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Have you ever stopped to think,
   if tomorrow never comes;
Will your family know you love them,
   when your last day here is done?

Do you fill your life with earthly things,
   or work your life away;
Thinking money, fame or fortune,
   will get you through each day?

There's not one thing up on this earth,
   even those things God has given;
You can take with you upon your walk,
   through those pearly gates of Heaven!

God placed those loved ones in your care,
   He thought you'd do your best;
Have you nurtured, taught and loved them all?
   If not you've failed His test!

Now love, you see, is not a word,
   to be thrown at them each night;
But wrap them up many times each day,
   and forever hold on tight!

When you're angry, mad or hateful,
   thoughts floating in your head;
Don't say those words you're thinking now,
   but go to God instead!

Just show your family often,
   hug and hold them every day-
How much you love each one of them,
   then together kneel and pray!

Just ask My Lord, whose on His throne,
   to guide you from above;
He'll lead you family day by day,
   and fill you with true love!

Then follow God's example,
   and when your laid to rest;
Your love won't be in question,
   then yes, you'll pass His test!
How much do you love your family? How much do you show and express your love to them? Have you placed them in front of all the day to day "humdrum" of life? I hope you enjoy this piece I wrote questioning just this...if today was your last day on earth, will your family know how much you loved them? Think on it...they deserve 110% of us!!
921 · Mar 2016
"Beneath His Wings"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
Everytime I think about,
  what My Gods done for me;
The more I give my life to Him,
  more mercy I can see!

It blows my mind to think how long,
  I ran the other way;
Thank God, My Shepherd found this sheep,
  This one that went astray!

He called my name, then brought me in,
  from sinful life I lived;
He talked to me and paved the way,
  My sins to ALL forgive!

Now each new step I take in life,
  My Lord now close beside;
He walks with me each night and day;
  He matches every stride!

Such joy and grace I've came to know,
  since God came in my soul;
Such hapiness and peace I have,
  Since giving Him control!

When now in life the hard times come,
  His arms are open wide;
He gives me shelter in those arms,
  A loving place to hide!

Now looking toward my Heavenly home,
  since death has lost it's sting;
I'm sheltered now from all life's storms,
  Beneath My Saviour's Wing!!
So here it is a brand new week, a whole new week of love, adventure and blessings, as well as a whole new week of trials and struggles. The greatest thing about being one of His Children is that in good times and especially in those hard or stormy times of life, we have a special place we can go to for shelter and protection! A place we can rest in the peace God's Love brings as well as a safe place to regain our strength to face what comes next in life! You too can find solace here beneath My Saviour's Wings!
898 · Apr 2016
" 'Twas Grace "
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
'Tis all my burdens lifted now
  because of My God's grace.
He's seen me through the trials of life,
  He'll see me through life's race!

'Twas grace that brought my loved ones down,
  each one all to their knees.
They prayed for me to stop my run,
  to shake the devil free!

'Twas grace that opened up my eyes,
  once blind in sin I trod;
But now I see there's more to life,
  when living it for God!

'Twas grace that washed away my sin,
  the time I first believed.
My God had paid the final cost,
  His blood my sins relieved!

'Twas grace that took away my fear,
  through hard times come and gone.
My Jesus held me close to Him,
  all through life's night till dawn!

'Twas grace that showed me how to live
  for My God every day.
I strive to spread His love around
  in everything I say!

'Twas grace that paved my way to Him,
  for one day soon I'll stand;
Home with My Jesus face to face,
  in Heaven's Beulah Land!

'Twas grace that brought this sinner home,
  now in my rightful place.
Thank God I've got another chance
  with His amazing grace!
896 · Apr 2016
"My Father's Hands"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
There's times in life I feel I'll break;
   a pain I cannot stand.
It's in those times I often hide
   in Hollow of His Hand!

He helps me through the toughest times;
    those times I feel are hard.
It's in these times He lends a hand-
   a hand so worn and scarred!

With gentle hand He leads and guides
   me through life's weary way.
He'll be there to protect me,
   when times I go astray!

My Father's Hands are mighty hands;
   His touch can calm the seas!
My Lord can do just anything
   with greatest sense of ease!

With healing Hands He healed the sick,
   He made the lepers well,
And anytime He spoke the word,
   not once did ever fail!

My Father's Hands are nail-pierced Hands-
   a sign of sacrifice;
He bore our load upon that cross,
   our sins is why He died!

Now one day soon I'm going Home-
   to Home in Beaulah Land;
To see My Jesus face to face,
   to touch His nail-scarred Hands!
889 · Apr 2016
"Special Friends"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
There's not too many people,
   who have but one true friend;
A shoulder for to lean on,
   on whom I can depend!

Someone who'll always be there,
   for when in time of need;
That special one who'll always lend,
   a hand or helping deed!

A friend who'll always help you,
   they'll go the extra mile;
Someone to hold you up all day,
   if only with a smile!

A person who will listen,
   when pouring out your heart;
The one who's never left your side,
   has been there from the start!

That wholesome leader as a friend,
   whose lifted you in prayer;
That special one you'll never doubt,
Or question if they're there!

The one who never judges you,
   as sin in life you trod;
The one whose always knelt and prayed,
   you'd turn your life to God!

I thank God for your friendship,
   through sorrow, pain and strife;
I pray someway I can repay,
   your friendship in my life!
879 · Apr 2016
"All My Dreams"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
In these moments I've spent here
I've thought about my life
I realized all I've put you through
The sorrow, pain and strife!
I'm sorry dear I have to say
I've caused so many tears
No matter what, you stood by me
So strong for all these years!
I don't deserve a girl like you
A blessing all my own
I can't imagine living one day
Without you and alone!
You've often made the hard times pale
Those times that seemed so bleak
You stayed so strong and fought so hard
Those days I'd fallen weak!
I'll never find the words to say
How much your true love means
You're on my mind and in my heart
You're filling up my dreams!
I've prayed I'd find you all my life
I'd almost given in
Now that I've got you to myself
Won't ever lose again!
You're every thing I'll ever want
You're all my dreams come true
My life now makes such perfect sense
Since moment I found you!
878 · May 2017
"Omnipotent King"
Kenny Whiting May 2017
I tell you now, My God is King;
   the Ruler of all seas;
Almighty and Omnipotent;
   My Lord, The Prince of Peace.

He's with me on the mountaintop,
   or on the valley floor;
He's with me when I'm lost at sea,
   or resting on the shore.

He's seen me through the worst of times,
   He caught me when I fell;
He changed my life with just one touch,
   by breaking devil's spell.

He broke the chains that bound my life,
   thus setting my soul free;
So much more than My Lord and King,
   He's more than life to me!
847 · Sep 2018
"Jealous of Heaven"
Kenny Whiting Sep 2018
I'm jealous and I'm crushed inside,
   God's taken you away;
Few words describe the pain I feel,
   how lost I am today.

I'm jealous of those pearly gates,
   to know you're just beyond;
'Tis more than I can take right now,
   to think you're really gone.

I'm jealous of those streets of gold,
   you'll stroll on everyday;
I'd visit you there if I could,
   one chance, I'd come to stay.

I'm jealous of the angels there,
   with you right by their side;
My time with you cut far too short,
   real peace I've been denied.

I'm jealous of your happiness,
   you've finally been set free,
So crushed inside, I'm lost for words,
   you're happy without me!
This life is short, so many people have loved ones that have left this earth for a better place. Everyone grieves differently with a myriad of different emotions. Live and love today like its your may be...
Kenny Whiting Apr 2017
As I sit alone to pen these words,
   my mind is stuck on you;
I think about you everyday,
   in everything I do.

You see it wasnt long ago,
   I saw you standing there;
You smiled at me your gorgeous smile-
   you know it wasn't fair!

You know quite well it pulled my strings,
   my heart had skipped a beat;
Just thinking 'bout it once again,
   my heart does oft repeat.

I said"hello" and "how are you?"
   You said "I'm doing fine";
I knew right then, with just those words,
   your heart would soon be mine!

I walked to you, stepped far too close,
   you stole a little kiss;
The blood ran hot within my veins,
   I'd never felt like this!

I couldn't take that way I felt,
   I pulled you in my arms;
I knew right then I'd keep you safe,
   Through life from all it's harm.

Now as I lay my head to rest,
   It's you I'm dreaming of;
I pray you too know how it felt,
   this little thing called love!
When you find the one special person God has placed on this earth just for you to honor, love, and respect, it doesn't take long to realize!
828 · Apr 2016
"My Princess and My Angel"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
I'm not the best dad known to man
I don't have money or fame
I definitely don't have super strength
I stagger from life's pain!
I haven't been just where I should
Beside you everyday
I haven't followed My Lord's design
In life or any way!
I haven't lived a life to brag
Or be so proud about
Yet one things known that when I love
It's love you'll never doubt!
So as you read these words right now
As written from my heart
Just know I'm in Gods fold again,
I've got a brand new start!
Now as I live each day for Him
I'll show you love you've  missed
I'll tell you what you are to me
Let's start with this small list -
You're my princess and my angel
My precious shooting star
My gorgeous gem, the brightest pearl,
My ALL is what you are!
I wrote this for my precious daughter Allison. I love you princess,
            Your daddy
814 · May 2016
"Reservation for You"
Kenny Whiting May 2016
In younger years we had some times,
   together often shared;
You might have known, though never clear,
   for you I often cared!

To me you've been a special friend,
   the kind to show true love;
I find although we've grown apart,
   it's you I'm thinking of!

We tried it once, I let you down,
   not ready though it seemed;
Now often times when lying here,
   your feeling up my dreams!

Although we may not have a chance,
   to be together again;
I have to tell you 'bout these thoughts,
   I've had of you my friend!

I'm sorry once I walked away,
   not giving us a try;
I'm sorry that I loved you then,
   but chose to live a lie!

I'll make a promise to you now,
   a special little deal;
If once again I get a chance,
   I'll show you how I feel!

I love you girl, I know it now,
   this time I'll do my part;
To let you fill your special place,
   reserved inside my heart!
813 · Apr 2016
"Heavenly Beauty"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Have you seen the beauties My God made,
   the wonders of it all?
Have you heard the water's thunderous roar,
   or seen Niagara falls?

Have you climbed the highest mountain top,
   of ever scaled Pike's Peak?
Have you noticed all the things He made,
   and formed in just one week?

Have you seen the vastness of the sky,
   or tried to count the stars?
Have you figured just how far apart
   are Jupiter and Mars?

Have you smelled the ocean's salty breeze,
   or felt it's gentle waves?
Have you realized just how big they are?
   I know you'd be amazed!

Have you seen the grandest place on earth,
   the largest things God made?
Have you felt the gentlest breeze blow by
   or watched the sunshine fade?

All things we see here on this earth,
   will all but only pale;
To unimaginable grandeur that
   in Heaven He'll unveil!

For the most amazing thing on earth,
   but only slight reflection;
Of the blessed beauty waiting in
   His Heavenly collection!
759 · Apr 2016
"Packaged Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
I hear you calling out my name,
   soft whisper in the wind;
I see you here with me right now,
   with strength I can depend!

I feel your body next to me,
   soft kiss of springtime breeze;
I know the love you have for me,
   it brings me to my knees!

I thank My Lord He sent you here,
   a gift from Heaven above;
I just can't tell you what I've found,
   all packaged in your love!

If Webster was to look into,
   what true love really was;
It's best defined with you and me,
   a photo just of us!
754 · Mar 2016
"Winner In Love"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
In love I feel I've struck it rich
I finally staked my claim
I chipped away at hardest heart
And struck the richest vein!
I felt I'd never hit it big
I'd nearly given in
I felt I'd never find the one
My heart would never win!
Then one sweet day you waltzed right in
Was so far from prepared
I had to look not once but twice
To see you standing there!
I said "I think you might be lost"
You said "I know my way"
I knew right then I'd hit my mark
I fell in love that day!
You showed me love I'd never known
I soon had lost control
I gambled big, my heart at stake
But love was on a roll!
I took the chance and placed the bet
I shoved my whole stack in
I flopped a flush right from the start
And hearts had won again!
So as you see it all paid off
Although I had to dig
With you I'm now the richest man
In love, I'm winning big!
Kenny Whiting Sep 2016
While standing just outside tonight,
   beneath the star lit sky;
I looked up just in time to see
  my angel soaring by!

I saw a flash of purest white,
  just east of planet mars;
Then watched you as you danced around,
  and jumped from star to star!

You sang me such a precious tune,
  while soaring wild and free;
Then showed me just how high you fly,
  so high I couldn't see!

You swooped right down to hug my neck,
  I held you oh so tight;
Then told you what this meant to me,
  if only for tonight!

You told me not to grieve no more,
  you'll always be my girl;
But now your walking steets of gold,
  no longer this 'ole world!

We talked some more, spent precious time,
  just walking hand in hand;
When time was up, you blew a kiss,
  then soared to Beaulah Land!

I never will forget just when;
  to short as though it seems;
I held you tight but one more time,
  if only in my dreams!
740 · Oct 2016
Kenny Whiting Oct 2016
When traveling on this train called life,
   keep rollin' down the tracks;
Now live your life for just today,
   not focused on the past!

Keep pressing on each step you take,
   keep reaching for the stars;
Set goals above your comfort zone,
   be proud of who you are!

Then always work so hard in life,
   to always do your best;
Take heart to things that others say,
   remember life's a test!

Don't live above your comfort zone,
   you'll learn that less is more;
Stand strong to fight another day
   in life to win this war!

Now learn from past mistakes you've made,
   to walk a different line;
No matter just how hard it gets,
   tomorrow sun WILL shine!

So step it up, not looking back
   just try to do what's right;
Keep reaching for each goal you've made,
   in life to win this fight!

If once you fall just get back up
   to try your best again;
Don't once give up or 'ere lose hope
   'cause quitters NEVER win!!
728 · Apr 2016
"True Meaning of Love"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Let's take the word "love"
  and study it close;
The most famous word
  in life I suppose!

It's taken for granted
  by most all of us;
It's said as an ending
  as we bicker and fuss!

We throw it to family
  as we walk out the door;
So misused by all-
  by rich and by poor!

We feel it has meaning,
  of used every day.
No matter how spoken,
  just a word that we say!

I pray that you see it
  before it's too late;
Love is more than a word
  to throw at your mate!

It's not just a noun
  to be casually thrown,
It's FAR more than that
  when its meaning is shown!

There's one HUGE example
  how to show others love;
It's found in My God's Word,
  from Heaven above!

God sent His Son Jesus
  to die on a tree;
He bled on Mt. Calvary,
  to set us all free!

He hung on the cross
  for our sins to erase;
To save all our souls
  from the judgment we face.

God showed us the meaning
  of love on that day:
To sacrifice wholly
  ourselves all the way!

You see, He came down,
  from Heaven above;
To show us Himself-
  true meaning of love!!
714 · Nov 2016
"Angel Of My Dreams"
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
Not long ago I lost a love,
she left me on my own;
She turned this heart so full of love,
into a heart of stone!

I felt I'd always be alone,
I'd never find real love;
Till you appeared now in my life,
as sent from Heaven above!

You waltzed into my life one day,
oh girl, you left your mark;
With just few tender words you spoke
you softened this 'ole heart!

You smiled at me that gorgeous smile,
you know it wasn't fair;
Those baby blues pierced deep inside,
I fell in love right there!

A stroke of luck, an answered prayer
too good as though it seems;
I'd finally found that girl I saw,
the Angel in my dreams!
708 · Mar 2017
"Angel of My Eye"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2017
When looking at your gorgeous face,
   one truth I can't deny;
I find myself so lost inside
   amazing Angel eyes!

My God Himself took special care
   not easy to appease,
He took a glimpse of you at birth
   His precious Masterpiece!

Your quite a rare and special breed,
    A beauty out and in,
And every time you cross my mind
   I fall in love again!

You feel i might be stretching it,
   or telling you a lie;
Look from my view, you too will see,
   an Angel through my eyes!
When you truly love someone you deal with the ups and downs and  overlook the flaws to see the bigger picture .... someone special who loves you just as much even with your own faults!
701 · Apr 2017
"Love Beyond ..."
Kenny Whiting Apr 2017
You think that I may be the one,
   with whom this life you'll share;
To have and hold, til death do part,
   with love you'll ne'er compare.

You've got it right, yes I'm that man,
   to let my love light shine;
To make the best of time we've left,
   by making your heart mine.

We've made it through our separate pasts,
    there's more hard times to come;
But now we'll fight each war ahead,
   the two of us as one!

Let's live that life we've dreamt about,
   to find our peace on earth;
To go where only dreams can go,
   to love beyond all words!
At one time in your life you will, if you haven't already, find that one love that no expression, no words, no deeds can ever begin to express the magnitude, the depth, or the enormity of it! Hold on to it, cherish it, and revel in the beauty of it!
695 · Dec 2016
"Soaring High"
Kenny Whiting Dec 2016
I'd never try to put in words
   the pain you're going through;
Though yet I hope to share some love,
   from my heart now to you.

You've lost a special angel now,
   she left you far too soon;
You miss her arms around you,
   every morning night and noon.

You never quite will be the same,
   as long as your apart;
But never will you be alone..
   she's perched inside your heart.

Now hold those memories close to you,
   together that you made;
You know she wants what's best for you,
   her love to never fade.

She's moved on now to better place,
    she's walking Heaven's shore;
No soul on earth can harm her now,
    she's safe there with My Lord.

Now picture her with smiling face,
   at Home in Beulah Land;
She's walking down those streets of gold,
   with Jesus hand in hand.

So as you try to live your life,
   remember this one thing;
You're angel still is soaring high,
   just now she's got her wings!
I wrote this for a friend of mine who lost a special young lady in her life when she was brutally murdered by her husband. It was shared at her funeral.
663 · Nov 2016
"Un-Ending Love"
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
I'm sitting here to write these words
to say what's on my mind;
To promise you I'm changing plans,
to walk a different line.

I know I've lived so deep in sin,
as down life's road I trod;
I failed so bad in many ways
while running from my God!

It's never worked, the way I've lived,
my life from day to day;
The simple truth, I'm still amazed
you never walked away!

You've stood by me, no matter what,
the pain at times so bad;
You never once resented me
or life we should've had!

You've taught me more, though miles apart,
of what true love's about;
You broke the binds around my heart
with love to never doubt!

You're anchored firm, with roots so deep,
you've always stood so fast;
You've grounded me with Godly love,
and shown your love to last!

So now you see you're everything,
my Angel from above;
A special gift God sent to me
all packaged in your love!
654 · Apr 2016
"My Anchor"
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
I pray My God in Heaven,
  please be with me here today;
Please protect me, guide and keep me,
   as life's storms now come my way!

Please be with me till they pass me,
   and the thunder sounds no more;
Or just take me home to Heaven,
   let me walk that golden shore!

When the darkness often tempts me,
   to at times just hide my face;
As life's storms so fierce around me,
   rest in God, My Hiding Place!

For I feel My God is with me,
   as I go to him in prayer;
He will always be my anchor,
   When I need Him, He is there!

As now in life I give Him all,
   with trust in Him I stand;
I know He'll always watch 'ore me,
   held in My Master's Hand!

Yes, He'll silence Satan's whispers,
   "there's no hope in life at all";
'Cause I know My Lord will catch me,
   any time before I fall!

Now I know My God is with me,
   and tomorrow sun will rise;
For I know He holds my future,
   just beyond those stormy skies!
654 · Feb 2017
"To Be Whole Again"
Kenny Whiting Feb 2017
Your name was called in Heaven's roll,
   one moment far too soon;
I miss you more than words can say,
   each moning, night and noon!

I've tried so hard to just move on,
   though long as we're apart;
There's just no hope to live again,
   with such a broken heart!

We more than made a matching pair,
    we made the best of teams;
But now the only thing I've left,
   is shattered hopes and dreams!

Since now you're walking streets of gold,
   behind those gates of pearl;
I know you're blessed more than I am,
   still strolling this olé world!

I guess in words I'm tryin' to say;
   you've left me on my own;
I'm glad to know you're doin' well,
   not heartbroke and alone.

Just know I'm lookin' for that day,
   to see you once again;
To stroll those streets of gold with you,
   to be whole with my friend!
648 · Mar 2016
"Heaven's Jubilee"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2016
My God went there, prepared a Home
A mansion in the sky
What glory and splendor we'll behold
The very day we die!
We'll all rise up when trumpet sounds
To take Our Saviour's Hand
He'll guide us Home right through those clouds
To Home in Beulah Land!
We'll stop in awe at massive gates
Huge pearls swing open wide
That's but the entrance to our Home
Go on now, step inside!
Your mouth will drop right when you see
The sights of Glory Land
When beauty melds with Heaven's sound
Of Angels in His band!
Take in the sights, soak up the sounds
And stroll down streets of gold
But watch real close 'cause soon you'll see
Your loved ones there to hold!
Now grab their hands and don't lose pace
There's so much more to see
You've yet to meet Him face to face
  My Lord, The Prince of Peace!
These words can't even start to show
What glory that will be
That moment when those trumpets sound
From Heaven's Jubilee!
Are you looking for that day? Are you prepared? What will you think when we finally hear Heaven's Jubilee?
632 · May 2017
"Wings of Love"
Kenny Whiting May 2017
There's times in life we're just not sure,
   which way is best to go;
Those times when life seems far to hard,
    in life we're dealt a blow

We may not see the light to come,
   the end seems far away;
Life really seems not worth it now,
   to wake up one more day.

I know it's hard, I've been there too,
   where dying would bring peace;
Where not one thing could make me smile,
   no help the pain could ease.

Just hear me out, I've got some news,
   I finally found the way,
To stand up strong, to live again,
   to face another day.

I gave it all to God Himself,
   let Jesus fight my war;
And that He did, He fought for me,
   this war and many more!

Now every day I give Him thanks,
   for guidance from above;
For keeping me so safe from harm,
   wrapped in His Wings of Love.
Every day each one of us fight personal battles. We try our best to handle them ourselves while keeping a positive facade. We get deeper and deeper in agony and despair by holding the pain in... Don't try to do it yourself, open up, tell a Friend... He is more than capable of handling all our problems!
630 · Feb 2017
"God Gave Me You"
Kenny Whiting Feb 2017
I've walked, I've ran and sometimes crawled,
   through sorrow, pain and strife;
I'd  looked what felt like everywhere,
   for one thing all my life!

I've seen a so many other guys
   content just by theirself;
They may not care to share their love,
   more focused on their wealth.

But I knew God had made someone,
   to make my life complete;
I'd never be but half a man,
   more lonely week by week!

I made a promise to myself,
   to take no less than best;
To find my one and only perfect love,
   to love the life I've left !

I prayed I'd find someone like you,
   God answered all my prayers;
In fact He gave me so much more,
   He gave me You, my dear!
627 · Mar 2017
"Heaven's Jubilee"
Kenny Whiting Mar 2017
My God went there, prepared a Home,
a mansion in the sky;
What glorious splendor we'll behold,
that very day we die.

We'll all rise up when trumpet sounds,
to take Our Saviour's Hand;
He'll guide us Home right through the clouds,
to Home in Beulah Land.

We'll stop in awe at massive gates,
huge pearls swing open wide;
That's but the entrance to our Home,
go on now, step inside!

Your mouth will drop right when you see,
the sights of Glory Land;
When beauty melds with Heaven's sound,
of Angels in His band.

Take in the sights, soak up the sounds,
and stroll down streets of gold;
But watch real close 'cause soon you'll see,
your loved ones there to hold!

Now grab their hands and don't lose pace,
there's so much more to see;
You've yet to meet Him face to face,
  My Lord, The Prince of Peace.

These words can't even start to show,
what glory that will be;
That moment when those trumpets sound,
from Heaven's Jubilee!
Are you looking for that day? Are you prepared? What will you think when we finally those trumpets sound?
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