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Her skin
Soft like a newborn.
Her legs wrapped around my waist.
Her eyes are staring into mine
I see the stars forming.
In her cornia.
Her body heat
Slowly elevating mine.
Her lips tight against mine.
She is all I've ever wanted
And here she is
Upon my waist.
Upon my body
upon my mind
Here she is,
Her muscles tightening
Her breathing rapidly quickening
Her soul flying
Her lovely sighing.
She is all I've ever wanted
She looks so perfect tonight.
She seems to always know
just what I like.
Her chest up against mine
Her heartbeat strong
Her breaths now so long.
And it is everything for me
Not to lose myself.
She is all I've ever wanted
She is the one for me
And she cried the day
I got on one knee
Here we are
Alone tonight
My hands on her curves
Her hands gripping tight
She is
But my, I dont mind
She can have her way
After all
She is all I've ever wanted
And when i saw your name there
I no longer felt the oh so familiar
Butterflies in my stomach
Tugging at my heartstrings
Chaining me down
Clamming me up everytime i glnaced at you
Sneaking glances
Doing everything to get your attention
Saying hi when you never really gave a ****
And then I learned more about you,
About differences that we could never overcome
I heard a few negative things about you
And i
Convinced myself that they were all wrong
You were perfect, velvety and smooth
You were you
You could do no wrong
But then i witnessed it
Something so trivial and yet
It shook me out of this trance i was in,
Opened up my eyes to all your flaws
We all have flaws
But some of yours were inexcusable to me.
And then i came across your name again
And i
Felt nothing
And then,
I smiled.
It hit me today quite suddenly
That it would never be you
We cling to each other because we need to survive the night of youth
But with daylight fast approaching
Your figure becomes ghostly
And I once again cling to empty echoing words
Bitter sweet lingering touches
A thousand tortured looks
And of course the nothing's left unsaid

He is standing there on the corner of my dreams
His face obscured by the shadows of my yesterday's
But his being is sturdy
His soul rooted to the earth
A tree where I can rest my weary soul
A place to grow and bear my fruit
He waits patiently there for me
While I make love to my ghost
He knows I will need him when the burning sage smoke clears

With every drink of your clear blue eyes
I pray you are him
That when the light touches his face the sun will illuminate your soul with mine
But alas with every kiss upon my cheek I feel you pass through me tearing holes every time you disappear
 Feb 2016 Alaska Elliott
Flowers and petals cover my pain.
The sound of your voice drives me insane.
You I won't miss.
As you ******* a kiss.
Go ahead throw my heart down the drain.
 Feb 2016 Alaska Elliott
The mask that I embrace,
Is a smile that covers my face.
My whole life's been a lie,
Behind my laughter I cry.
I am useless, stupid, fat,
Very ugly and insulted at.
The pain inside the truth,
Is rotting away my youth.
I conceal my pain at a cost,
For everyday is a battle I've lost.
My tear stained face is hidden,
To show it's true form is forbidden.
But you just stole a chance to see,
Now I'm screaming don't look at me!
 Feb 2016 Alaska Elliott
The thought of being away from you
blackens my thoughts,
black tar slowly mixes with the bright colors
the rainbow slowly fades into fifty shades of grey,
my whole drive grinds to a halt,
I regress into a state of melancholy,
I stand above the hole in which
my happiness is being buried,
I'll wait night and day
until I see that blessed breathtaking smile.
just marlon
 Feb 2016 Alaska Elliott
 Feb 2016 Alaska Elliott
I stand on the edge,
teetering between existing
and becoming a long lost memory.
I fall.

The darkness,
it engulfs me.
The deeper I get,
The more I forget.
I forget all the bad memories.
I forget all the bad people.
I forget me.

I forget how much I am truly ruined.
How I can't go a day
without thinking of him,
the man in black who waits.
for me.
with open arms and a wide smile.

I think I've finally joined him
and he's making me forget.
Oh, how I've fallen into his trap.
I love him.
He helps me to not feel.
Other people should know him too,
know this sweet release.

I'll get them to come.
He can teach me.

I will wear black
and beckon others into this trap
with a sweet smile
that is poison.

nothing but black and his smile.
I am truly nothing now,
completely dissolved.
into him.
You were my first boyfriend,
my first date,
my first kiss,
my first slow dance,
You were the first to make me feel special,
my first love,
my first heartbreak,
But you weren't the first to use me,
Degrade me,
Hurt me,
Leave me,
And you probably won't be the last,
I still think about you now and again,
But it doesn't hurt as much as it used to,
It doesn't rip my heart out anymore,
It just shakes it,
The same way I shook my head the first time you said you loved me,
I was unable to believe you felt that way,
Like my heart still isn't able to believe you would hurt me like that,
I loved you,
And you left.
I found someone new
 Feb 2016 Alaska Elliott
Of all the voices
in my head,
yours was my favorite.
Dear “I used to know”
I saw you in the crowd and you glare at me now
Your smile is gone ever since I moved on

I’m sorry for the scars written on your heart
I know they’re in my hand but I can’t take them back

I’m sorry you still see me through a nostalgic rose-colored lens
But I won’t let you drag me back
I keep my eyes locked on my narrow path

I said I loved you then and I never lied
I planned on forever and happy ever after
But there were things I couldn’t ignore

I’m over it
I’m done with this

We had our good times
and now
we’ve said our goodbyes
It’s time to move on
It’s time to let go

— The End —