Dealt with my feelings by not dealing with it
Ignored it
Discarded it
Suppressed it so deep within me
that it slowly disappeared to everyone else
Whatever happened
the deeper I hid it
I appeared heartless, untouched
didnt care what I did to others
compared to how i felt
they meant nothing
but alone, with just my thoughts
I was a scared little girl
hiding in a corner
clutching my knees to my chest
afraid that if I lifted my head
and acknowledged it
it would eat me alive
If I reached out and touched it
it would burn my fingertips
It grew within me
and became too much to deal with
It started manifesting itself
in everything I did
the choices I made
the way I approached life
Writing became its way of escape
bleeding onto pages
now its banished to die.
My first poem, the reason why i started writing, the only way i know how to express myself appropriately