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Jun 2015 · 15.1k
Janine Jacobs Jun 2015
you found the crack in my wall.
all of you has made its way in me.
beneath the well polished surface,
amidst the chaos and howling storms.
you feel at home.
comfortable in this awkward mess.
relating to my weirdness.
our demons nod in recognition.
we discover our compatibility
in our brokenness.
Janine Jacobs Jun 2015
... compare war stories
and overanalyze the depth of your scars...
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Family mourns together
Janine Jacobs Jun 2015
We are worlds apart
seperate lives
each on their own

We don't talk as much
or make the time

but when surrounded by heartache

We reunite,
We find our way

We hold each other's hand

Wipe each other's tears

We stand together...
united by blood
to say goodbye to the fallen one
Wrote this after my godfather passed away!
Janine Jacobs Jun 2015
we discovered each other's depth
through mutual love of poetry
Getting to know someone, by just sharing the poems that touches our hearts
Jun 2015 · 747
wish we never met
Janine Jacobs Jun 2015
Thoughts of you raises a pleasuring pain
While the devil's whispers roar within
Its deafening persuasion to ignore what is right
and lust after that which can never be mine
Torture so sweet, I beg at your feet
To crawl under my skin and consume me
May 2015 · 1.0k
The poet's aim (10w)
Janine Jacobs May 2015
You spit cold words,
mine evokes empathy in stone hearts
My first 10 word poem, off the back of my poem titled "Xenophobia"
May 2015 · 550
Sometimes it can't be
Janine Jacobs May 2015
Sometimes you meet people
You recognise your soul’s counterpart in them
Somehow you’re just in sync
Same way of thinking, rationalising, dreaming
You can’t explain it
Something so familiar in them
Sometimes you meet them at the wrong time
The connection you both recognise is forbidden
Even though you crave them in the most innocent form
Where lust and love isn’t involved
Friendship in ways that only they will understand
Where the walls you have built doesn’t exist
Sometimes you just want to get to know them better
Yet this too is a sin
This simple request has too many complications attached
May 2015 · 2.9k
Corporate Lynching
Janine Jacobs May 2015
Struggling to catch my breath
as the corporate noose tightens
with every mundane task flung my way

Slowly losing my contentment
with this poor disguise of slavery

Suffering alone in silence
with a fake smile plastered on my face

I swear I've been here before...
living the same year on repeat

This can't be it
there has to be more to this boring game

“Money can't buy life”
realisation burns like a slap in the face

I'm smarter than this
I won't get caught in this web of numbness
that comes from only existing

Opening my eyes with a blade
it hurts... the truth always does
Opening my eyes to life
...that feels good though
May 2015 · 12.0k
Janine Jacobs May 2015
Narrow minds plague our streets
Ignorant views and empty arguments
Hearts filled with hatred for no reason

Are we not a country that fought for equality
Has the long walk of freedom not been walked for us
Did I misunderstand the meaning of Ubuntu

What happened to love, peace and empathy
The simplicity of an act of kindness
Has fear swept all your morals away?

They bleed when they are cut
They cry when they are sad
We breath the same air
Laugh at the same jokes
and even dream the same dreams

We are the same
It's not even about colour
How is their black different to yours?
brother hating brother
They too are Africa

Soften your blows
Try on their shoes
Its hurting them
and it will hurt you too
Recent Xenophobic attacks in South Africa
May 2015 · 738
True Reflection of Feelings
Janine Jacobs May 2015
Dealt with my feelings by not dealing with it
Ignored it
Discarded it
Suppressed it so deep within me
that it slowly disappeared to everyone else

Whatever happened
the deeper I hid it

I appeared heartless, untouched
didnt care what I did to others
compared to how i felt
they meant nothing

but alone, with just my thoughts

I was a scared little girl
hiding in a corner
clutching my knees to my chest
afraid that if I lifted my head
and acknowledged it
it would eat me alive

If I reached out and touched it
it would burn my fingertips

It grew within me
and became too much to deal with

It started manifesting itself
in everything I did
the choices I made
the way I approached life

Writing became its way of escape

bleeding onto pages

now its banished to die.
My first poem, the reason why i started writing,  the only way i know how to express myself appropriately
May 2015 · 4.9k
Janine Jacobs May 2015
Under your gaze I become undone
Possessed by your everything

My soul feels bereft from its mate
and my heart cries softly from longing

Oh but this love is conjured in my head
for such perfection cannot exist

But how sad that day would be

When I have to let go
of such a sweet dream
May 2015 · 3.0k
Janine Jacobs May 2015
I dream about tomorrow
every minute spent with you now
my heart hopes for tomorrow

Only in tomorrow
you will know the secret behind my smile
the intentions behind my stare
words I long to say

I patiently wait for tomorrow
when your feelings will surface
where love will prevail

I cry for tomorrow
come quickly I pray
take away all the pain
from the loneliness of today
May 2015 · 4.1k
Business as usual
Janine Jacobs May 2015
“Business as usual” prophesied
by sombre faces with panic stricken eyes

Whispers of crooked plans
cultivated behind closed doors

Loyalty called upon from the poor few
that know the muffled truths
while honey coated promises blinds the rest

The innocent to be sacrificed
to spare the tragedy from the rich

Who is safely nestled on their lifeboats
while watching the ship sink

— The End —