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Gemma Davies Feb 2019
Let's talk about mental health,
Let's break down the stigma.
Depression is challenging,
Anxiety, an enigma.
Anorexia, Schizophrenia,
Bipolar or OCD.
Whichever, whatever; repeat:
″Mental health begins with me!"
Don't believe everything you think,
It's ok to not be ok.
Don't rush yourself or force a smile,
Just take it day by day.
It's progress over perfection,
And remember you're not the only one.
Your illness does not define you,
Believe in the person you want to become!
My poem was made into a "Me to You" Video soon to be posted on their YouTube channel at:
Gemma Davies Dec 2018
A dog shouldn't spend it's life in a cage,
Where even a week can feel like an age.
Sad and alone, not knowing when it will end,
Wishing and hoping for a new human friend.
But thanks to every volunteer's donated time,
And every donators dollar, cent or dime,
A new life is given to each beautiful pooch,
A new family to love, cuddle and smooch.
So thank you to everyone, your kindness is rare,
We thank you so much, for your help and your care.

~ Written for the Oahu SPCA
The Oahu SPCA is the largest animal welfare organization in the state of Hawaii. On July 18, 2009, 432 animals were relinquished to the Oahu SPCA after the owner of an animal sanctuary in Waianae passed away. The Oahu SPCA rescued all 432 animals in 48 hours, which marked the largest animal rescue in the history of Hawaii.
Every day they strive to help, care and re-home beautiful animals; animals that don't ask for anything but a forever family.
Gemma Davies Oct 2018
The magic of winter, is all around.
The magic of winter, every sight and sound.
Snowflakes and snowmen, getting cosy in bed.
Soft scarves and mittens, bobble hat on your head.
Red cheeks and noses, warm homes all around.
The magic of winter, every sight and sound.

Happy Winter.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Oct 2018
Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Floating around, pretty and light.
The more of them that drift around...
The more beautiful the sight.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
They make even the messiest garden, shine.
No matter if the flakes are thick and heavy...
Or just a light dusting that's small and fine.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Gliding through the skies, uncaged and free.
Only resting when the winds conclude...
Gently resting on every roof, hill or tree.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Only present for such a short while.
A flying visit, and then they're gone...
But they sure do leave a smile.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Making your garden glisten and glow.
They go wherever they please...
And please wherever they go.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Oct 2018
Why is perfect the goal right now?
Perfect hair, perfect house, perfect waistline.
Whatever happened to just being happy...
Accepting the good, the wonderful, the fine.
There is so much more to life...
Than things, appearance and stuff.
If you spend your life looking for perfect...
Nothing will ever be enough!
Do what makes you happy...
Don't think about what they will say.
Who cares what other people think?
This is your life, live it your own way!
There is no such thing as perfect...
It's untouchable, unreal, untrue.
Do your best, be your best...
Be kind, be nice, be you!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
If I had to do it all again...
Is there anything I'd change?
Would I climb mount Everest?
Invest in the stock exchange?

Would I work harder at school?
Avoid who broke my heart?
Is there anything I'd change...
If I could go back to the start?

I may have not always won...
Or done everything I should.
But would I do it all again...
If I had the chance or could?

My answer is a simple one...
And it's honest and true.
The answer is no I wouldn't...
Because everything led to you!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Kindness is like snow...
It beautifies everything it covers.
Art is like snow...
It's sculptures inspires others.
Happiness is like snow...
It makes everyone stop and smile.
Sadness is like snow...
It only lasts a little while.
Christmas is like snow...
It makes every child cheer.
Friendship is like snow...
It's appearance is held dear!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
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