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Elemenohp Feb 2016
Crumpled sheets
from an empty night
of restless comforts.

Contently lying, confined
yet camouflaged, in the ripples
lay every word unsaid,
through years of
  restless comforts...

Sleeping in positions
comfortable or not,
still gets us rest.

As to define a good nights sleep;
     I couldn't tell you.
    I've slept soundly on floors, and in cars,
   But these nights I toss and turn
  Leaving nothing in wake
But these
Crumpled sheets
from an empty night
of restless comforts.
Elemenohp Sep 2017
What's revenge,
If not a kiss
Who's pallete ranges, from sweet
To bitter.
Elemenohp Jul 2017
I look for you, as I walk through the grocery store.
In that brief moment, wondering if there is milk at home or not.
My eyes wander, hoping to find you,
Whilst my mind skips the thought.
I'll see a sliver of a car drive past me,
And I cant help to look at the driver, in case its you.
Elemenohp Aug 19
You fell into the darkest space -
A place where sound, was silence
That ocean of murky waters.
Look up, see your reflection
Meet those eyes, staring down -
Take the hand which is offered
Make sure that you don't drown.
Elemenohp Aug 12
.         Let me out. Please.
                               Please, let me out.
          Let me out, Please.
                               Please, let me out.

Unlock the door. Please.
                               Please. Unlock the door.
Unlock the door. Please.
                               Please. Unlock the door.

I hear a key scrape inside a mechanism,
                                                      In a lock, down the hall.

   Let me be next. Please.
                               Please. Let me be next.
   Let me be next. Please.
                               Please. Let me be next.

Footsteps clap the floor,
      Then I peer shadow, under door.

    Open the door. Please.
                                Please. Open the door.
    Open the door. Please.
                                Please. Open the door.


                                                      ­                          Silence.



Then those same steps...
                                                 Tap softly...

                                                      ­                               Away.
Elemenohp Mar 2011
I'm the type of noob who gives up before I get pwned,
Then turn off the console, and **** kick it til it no longer works.
But where is the console to this cruel game of life,
Some god we live for, who can only cause strife?
Give me some ******* cheats, you ***.
I'm already bound to travel through the gates of hell,
I've been granted an all access pass,
The only thing that will last.
Elemenohp Sep 2011
I'm wondering how I've got to here,
this point where I'm ready to face all my fears.
Where all these cries of hatred,
will fall upon deaf ears.

Smoke which clouds the trail ahead,
Swiftly and smothly clears.
A wave of a hand, could show us a place to land,
or wipe away warm tears.

A sence above all others,
Past tence, or present stutters,
define what we hide behind our shutters,
and barley spoken mutters.

There is a height which we can reach,
once we decide to breach
this barrier which seems to keep
in these words we wish to speak.

Each branch which may, lay in the way,
can be overcome with one great leap,
as each and every single day,
is one more day we keep
small secrets in the deep.
Elemenohp Feb 2011
I'll wait,
Like I wait.
So I wait,
And, I wait.
Give me something
To sedate,
So my hate
Will not break,
Free, from myself,
And destroy you,
Like it does,
Like it has
Destroyed me,
Who I was.
Who I am
Is now ******,
Cause you've scammed
Me, and my mind,
To think time
Is just fine,
To waste.
While I wait,
Like I wait.
And I wait,
So, I hate.
Elemenohp Jan 2012
Should I let you in,
Should I let love, win?
My whole wide world, is brought to a stop,
Then my heart spins and twirls, when I feel so high atop
Of this world as a mountain, where my dreams are like fountains,
Which pour out these rivers, and chill spines with shivers.

I should let this win,
I will let you in.
I'll jump upon the feeling express,
And race to explain with abrupt finesse,
Just how you do. Just what you do,
to show me that the word is true.

Show me what lies so deep within,
What joins two together to create our kin.
Believe in me with the same trust
Of those whom you love but do not lust,
Just tell me how you feel today,
and promise me it won't go away.

I know that in my heart you will forever stay,
I knew from the start, without any delay,
How you make me love you
Like a well written screenplay,
Or the wheels of cars, on an open freeway.
You make me love you, and I will tell you, someday.
Elemenohp Dec 2010
The moisture congregates on the surface,
and a single drop condenses quickly.
With a blink, it is released.
This salty drip of anguish,
it will crash to the ground below,
or absorb into my clothing,
Until I am drenched, in tears of woe.
One after another, emanated from each cavity,
each oculus becomes clouded, with liquid distress,
as I sit here reduced, to a beautiful, rueful, mess.
Elemenohp Apr 2011
I am an ant,
And you are my world.
I travel by foot,
To explore every crevace
In which I can reach.
But I can not breach,
This crust that you have,
And I can be nothing more,
Than one measley ant.
I can try, I can try,
To be more to you,
But I can't do enough,
So I can't get through.

You are the world
You have so much to do
And you can't ever stop,
So I'll never have you.
Always spinning, always living,
Never stoping, and still somehow, loving.
The attention I get, never lasts long,
But it's all that I have which helps me stay strong.
I want you all for myself,
Is that so wrong?
Cause I can't get enough,
When you're always gone.
Elemenohp Jul 2019
I've never learned to wade in the waters of a soul before venturing deeper,
Instead I jump right in, an eloquent dive into the deep end.
Elemenohp Oct 2013
I am the graphite, in the pencil which you hold.
I make my appearances where you place me, and nowhere else.

You use me to scratch out your thoughts.
You use me to draw these lines of conformity, to which I wish not to abide.
But I must - as you create these lines from myself.

Write on, you hold the power the same way you hold me,
With a firm, yet slightly loose grip.
You hold all control.

"I do not wish for this."

I was once full, respectable and of use, but you have worn me down.
I have been degraded, and as simple graphite I can not simply put myself together again.
You have diminished my encasing, sharpened away my boundary's.
Elemenohp Apr 2012
A morning breeze crawls in through the window
Over the skin and  across my back..
A shiver and then a sigh,
A little too cold, and a little too dry.

I've set my sights upon a silent space,
Where I may show no feeling, and withhold all grace.
Wrapped in thoughts of many topics,
My mind's but a storm in the tropics.

To move, to walk, or to run along,
To never stop if you are strong.
To keep a pace, to win your race,
To gain just what one can't replace.
Its like I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
Ability to write, where hath thou gone?
Elemenohp Aug 2015
Twisting, turning, tides o churning
Diving down, to drown the burning
Fires flying, dreams of dying
Yearning and still learning.

Chase the oil slicks,
Douse the blackness.
Flee the river styx,
Let go of false desires.

Set the past, ablaze with matches.
Destroy this hatred, in its masses.
Follow footsteps, frightened faces,
And find fate hides, in many places.
Elemenohp May 2016
Complimenting a succubus, may not go as planned,
For every line you feed a *****; she will want several more.
Words are fuel for her fire, keep it burning, her desire.
More, and more, and more it takes,
To satisfy, to satiate.
Give me some ******* more,
And I'll be your little *****.
Elemenohp Jan 2011
Luscious green botanics,
brought back to life by a drenching storm.
A single tendril of rain remains,
slowly rolling down a branch.
Watch, as it lingers in its last moments,
holding on to the tip of a leaf
before falling to the ground,
soaking in, to all that's around.

The air, so fresh,
as to say the world can breathe again.
Life, seems to appear from everywhere,
both plants and animals come out to play,
and I realize that this is where I want to stay.
Elemenohp Sep 2020
What do I do, with this sadness.
There's still more left after it spills onto canvas.
I write some words with my pen into a journal and then,
I slip further into this state of madness.
Elemenohp Dec 2010
A flower,
an accent,
distinguished appeal.
You are the vase,
your love, the water,
the nourishment,
which keeps this flower,
from wilting.
Without you,
I would not live as long,
I could not be, as strong.
You contain, everything I need
to live a fulfilled life,
within your exterior.
I only wish, to get inside,
to attain, what is in you,
that keeps me alive.
For this reason, I stay.
I feed off of you,
while I keep you full,
with me, you are whole.
A give, and a take,
without any mistakes,
this, may be our fate.
we could be, soul-mates.
- From Improvising.
Elemenohp Aug 16
Eyes glance into each other -
These souls, they don't understand
They watch you wade into those dark waters...
"Where are you going?" They ask.
"Home" you said, in a matter-of-fact tone
Knowing where you go, you head out
Elemenohp Feb 2011
My sun in the rain,
And my warmth in the winter.
The chill in my spine,
And what makes my eyes, glimmer.

Interlaced, yet slowly paced,
For all but one, can make true haste.
So, much of time will go to waste,
Though hours are not how lives are based.

Your craft, my art,
To do either, we need heart,
And desire
To finish
What we,
February 22
Elemenohp Jul 2019
Paralyzed with possibility;
These choices stun something within me.
Yearning to grasp what it is I want,
Whilst keeping myself chained. A taunt.

The animal within stirs up a chorus of growls,
The innocence slips past that thought which fouls.

My claws are sharp. My teeth, the same.
I am one who can not be tamed.
Elemenohp Dec 2010
The morning came to my surprise,
as I woke again, with salty eyes.
Cool chills and air, fill up my room,
This could be the cause of my rheum.
I am unwilling to leave my warm cocoon,
You may portray me as an unwilling poltroon.
Wake, rise, absorb some sunshine,
I'll give today the impression, I will consign.
Bored, morning. no reason to be awake, yet sleeping in would have been a mistake.- From Improvising.
Elemenohp Nov 2010
To see and to feel,
To hear thoughts so real.
To bring out a tear,
or a smile, from fear.

To follow, to lead,
To conquer a steed.
To love, is to bleed,
It's not garunteed.

To fake an embrace,
To lie to my face,
To falsely portray,
What you do is okay.

To steal me from life,
To never cause strife,
To wait, to impend,
Than bring it all, to an end.
Not finished, comments appreciated.- From Improvising.
Elemenohp Oct 2015
Weeds that grow, wind to and fro
We cannot let them go,
I can not let them go.

Abrasively dismayed
By the ones, with whom she played.

Winding up a glaze,
To cover eyes at which you gaze.

Melting forests, tied with old
Thoughts and feelings, poured the mold,
Upon which hardships now behold.

Carry on your storm,
For it is why the sky was born.
Elemenohp Oct 2013
Shifting times -
The turn of a season.

It's a beautiful, and dramatic change
Which slowly envelops all life.

Coercing leaves to the ground,
And coaxing the cold white into making it's first appearance.

This change happens every year before our eyes -
Plants and animals all change their ways
Yet our habits stay the same.

Man does not react as efficiently as the rest of life;
Man does not always notice this vast change
Until he sees the final leaf fall from tree.
Elemenohp Feb 2011
He breaks her, and degrades her,
Her pain makes him smile.
Though only for the shortest while,
For he isn't sure that she won't get up,
And it's his job to make her feel stuck
To this feeling, she's worth nothing.

You're a *****, you're a *****,
And you're always wanting more.
You get what you deserve.
Girl, you've got some nerve.
You live, you eat, you breathe my air.
You know **** well it isn't fair,
Cause it's all mine. You've had your share.
Take one more breath, if you dare.
I'll choke you with your own **** hair
And toss your corpse, right over there.

You're not worth the time to burry,
In fact, I'll forget you in a hurry.
The main thing I never gave;
Was a **** for you, or what you could do.
Elemenohp Dec 2014
Softly slipping silver spoons
Into fresh and awful wounds

Grinding kneeling stealing feeling
Making shaking faking taking
Soft but shallow breaths untaken.
Elemenohp Dec 2014
Body and mind.
What is one without the other?
Love and trust gone - torn asunder.
This is what one douth plunder
To take just the body, of another.
Elemenohp Dec 2014
Clip these wings, don't let me sing.
A caged bird is a safe bird.
A caged bird. A lovebird.

A cage is not a home.
Elemenohp Aug 2015
I wish, for freedom
For a language of my own.
A place to vent and call my home
When I feel so lost, and all alone.

Rhymes and rhythm once caught my eye,
Though I can not be true when others spy.
I used to want this
Im not sure if I still do
When I am unsure
Of what is true.
Elemenohp Jan 2016
Dig at me
With your knives and your spades,
You will not unburden my heart.
You can not find what no longer remains,
Or what was never there from the start.

Plead with me, your insincerity,
For thy glazed eyes will not ever see clearly.
I am full, of this emptiness.
I am the unhealthy and disgusting piggybacking on bitterness.

Holding every deadly sin in the palms of my hands,
And rolling the dice instead of making demands.

Hell does summon my fire within.
True wrath, is my only kin
Elemenohp Aug 2016
It all started with a few words on a page
And somehow turned into a whole lot more
Cause everything I knew had changed, when I started keeping score

Writing used to be simple poetry,
Instead of the only place my soul feels free.
Elemenohp Aug 2020
Daylight is fading.. the night sky will soon envelop my world.
The light will fade away from day, til darkness is the only thing to stay.
And all I can do is watch.
Elemenohp Nov 2016
The unworded truth lay twisted,
Where teething creatures stir.
Caught in the cobs of forgotten crevasse,
The doomed but dormant menace.

Thy beast shall be relieved of such burden,
Set free to light all darkness in flame
To extinguish all, til no brightness remains.

Putrid air from foul corpses, permeate the living.
Forsaking unfit, weak forces; creating a race of productive courses.
Elemenohp Sep 5
Let shivers trail across your skin,
Let desire crawl across the surface.
Let it stir awake those sleeping feelings,
Let it pull them from their depths.
Coax the sounds from our lungs and chests,
Let them reverberate til theres nothing left.
Elemenohp Aug 21
The season changes -
Warm nights cool off, frost lingers in the morning.
Trees shed their green, while embracing that fading warmth into their tones.
As grasses retreat to the soil, as rivers ice over,
leaves fall from their branches. Letting go.
No longer bound to that from which they grew.
Elemenohp Nov 2010
You're so shallow,
you couldn't hold a raindrop.
With every choice you make,
you need to come out on top.
Compared to everyone else,
you have to get the best,
unable to take advice,
that anyone may suggest.
Prejudice against,
anyone who has flaws,
even if you can't see,
you have the sharpest claws.
- From Improvising.

— The End —