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 Mar 2017 Dark Delusion
Eric W
It's obvious, isn't it?
When two similar planets pass by
each other
and get caught in
each other's
It's obvious what must happen here.
The words not said
scream loud enough to
bridge the hundreds of miles,
and we still don't
say them.
Not yet.
It's obvious we haven't been here before.
Into uncharted waters,
we move so
careful not to create waves
before we meet in the center,
careful not to misstep,
so that we can
do things right
for once.
It's obvious.
I'm so unbelievably grateful that my words were selected to represent this amazing community for a day. This is the best community I've ever had the honor to be a part of. Seriously, each and every one of you are amazing. Many of you have made a permanent mark on me with your kind words and friendship, and I'm continually amazed at the positivity and encouragement I see on this site. Stay great, friends. And thank you so much for reading! It means the world.
I deleted every line
That said I ever loved you
Regretted every song
That I had ever wrote you
I can't possibly erase them
They're all a part of me
Reminders of a bad decision
Yeah, that sounds like me
My heart just full of stupid
My head just full of dumb
My works just full of love
And now it's all undone.
And I hate myself with each one I find again.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words, I can't express enough how happy I am that I actually made Daily poem <3
 Mar 2017 Dark Delusion
he won't shut up
when he's around
he wants to write everything
keeps on formulating phrases
couches into flying carpets
swearing that he's seen
the ground from the sky

The Poet
we never know what he's doing -
turning black sheep
into heaven
he's stuck on the inside
looking out

The Poet
he won't shut up
but when I really need him
he's no where to be found

when he wants what
he wants
in these poems of his
I know I'll wind up
embarrassed humiliated and forlorn

The Poet
when he's around
he won't shut up
he keeps going on and on

And when he's gone
 Mar 2017 Dark Delusion
Jim Davis
Lean in
To work
To love
To life
But once
Every while
Lean back
Even God
Took rest
Although never
From love

©  2017 Jim Davis.
Slithery serpent
He did sneak up to my ear
Questioning my worth
That i had held so dear

His secret servants
Up close and near
Whispered for my soul
"Oh look what we have here"

A sweet, sweet kiss
Death's gift to me
He nudged my shoulder
Promising everything he could bring

We fought long and hard
I thought hard and long

When i wasn't thinking
He used this against me
Catching me off guard

All those years i ceased to slit my throat
Death was waiting to tip my boat

An angel on Earth caught me though
Before i went into the light
My mother held my soul
Almost two years ago I wrote about how he told me
that we always had to question ourselves,

Almost two years later I read about the works of
Descartes, Aristotle, and other influential philosophers,

I begin to question all I know,
from whether the finger I write with writes what I or what it wants,

I’m skeptical of whether I am;
If I am, why? Why me?

I also realise how irrelevant it is
for me to worry about feelings and love and pain,

Almost two years ago I wrote daily
about myself as an object with experience

Now I write with skepticism
What’s the point anyways?
Currently discovering that studying for my philosophy exam makes me want to procrastinate, go figure
Because I've been lying to everybody
I even lie to myself
I tell lies that they believe
I tell a lie that I would believe

I know you really don't care
None of you do
Well, guess what
Neither do I

I'm okay
I really am
Express pain in a shorter way
And yes, it's a lie, anyway

You won't understand me
You'll drown
I am more complicated than this poem
You don't even know that this is a poem

I'm alone in a small crowd
Drowned in deserted drought
Blurrier than a vague hope
Weaker than a decrepit old skyscraper
Deeper than the depths of a core
No one
Nonsense, eh?

Well, yeah.
Okay is enough
No weird things to understand
Nothing to elucidate
I'm okay
Just okay
So i said to myself
"Yeah, lets pretend like we don't know eachother,
It's probably for the best anyway
Because when you talk to me
And grab at my shoulders the way
You use to, it all comes flooding back to me
Everything i pushed to the back of my mind
Hits me again like a tsunami
So i'll just turn my head
And walk away
Even though i can feel your eyes
On me.
Watching me.
Like you always used to."
My headphones are on.
I know what I'm hearing.
And I hope you can hear my heart break with every hit.
There is no excuse.
There is no cover up.

You wouldn't allow me to sit idly by and listen to you drain the blood from your hands.
I've been there, I've done that.

Are you even counting? I'm not, and even I know you've doubled up on the hits.

I can hear it.

Can you?
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