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Butterfly Sep 2019
All the words that I wanted to say,
a re gone
I need to take a deep breath and calm down.
But I can't.
The look in your eyes are drowning me.
I can only think of one thing.
And that is pressing my lips against yours.
I'm such a **** hiihi
Butterfly Aug 2019
Me: hahaah you should dye your eyebrows blue.[jokingly]
My gf: sure[serious]
Two days later..
gets picture of blue eyebrows
Butterfly Aug 2019
My mental health is like a rubber band.
If you pull it too far, it will get tight.
Until you pull it to hard.
definitely not one of my best
Butterfly Aug 2019
If i don't make it through the night, don't hurt yourself. There are alot of people that can replace me.
Can i just not be in pain fore more than 8 hours.
Butterfly Aug 2019
I can't hold on any longer.
The words of the people i love cut deeper in my hart then my knife does. I tell myself every night that i can do this.
But all i tell meself are lies to keep me going. I see the truth in the lies that i tell.
And if you keep lying to yourself, you loose all the trust that wasn't even there.
This is a mess but that` bc i don`t have my grammer check on this laptop.
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