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Butterfly Aug 2019
I can't live without:
My partner
My bestfriend
It's a short list but it saves me everytime.
Butterfly Aug 2019
Standing on the edge of the bridge.
Breathe, just for the last time.
And jump for the last time.
I'm so not okay. I can't stop crying, lol
  Aug 2019 Butterfly
The look in your eyes
hurts more
than the blade
on my hip
Butterfly Aug 2019
There I go again.
I was just doing fine.
Everything was fine.
But then it hit me.
I'm not fine.
Save me thank you
Butterfly Aug 2019
Slowly everything is getting darker.
You barely see the teardrops falling on ground.
You don't see the lights any more.
It's all gone.
I really should get some sleep
Butterfly Aug 2019
Your body
Your red cheeks
Your voice
You make me drunk
The only thing is, you're actually good for my heart.
Lately I have been writing love poems and I like it much more so yeah
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