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 Apr 2014 Aditi
Please repay me
My childhood!
I want to listen
My lost assonance in my mother’s enunciation!
To refresh myself with melody of eternity!

Please bestow me
My childhood!  
I want collect dew from the leaf!
To amass nature’s blessing!

Please confer me
My childhood!
I want to flee my kite to perpetuity and
mist in the hallowed invisibility!
Remembering my childhood days out of materiel world
 Apr 2014 Aditi
 Apr 2014 Aditi
"Don't you think those shorts are too short for you?"
He says
He dictates my decisions
And like a puppet master
He forces his will inside my body
Hollows out my soul
To make room for his own desires
Carves out my humanity to make me a puppet
A play toy
An objectification
While still saying "I love you."

With broken wings
I feel so low
The blade a reminder
This is no nightmare, this is reality
And the only dreams I have anymore
are "Why am I still here?"
The escape is subtle

How I survived
The suffocating blanket of "no more"
Parachuting away from your curly hair
And hands that mimic: thief
When my body, is a no trespassing sign
And I finally respect that law

Too late, the walls are peeling
Insides decaying
A lost building
Not taken care of
When will the demolition begin?

Mother nature finds her decay
Caresses her vines around her broken frame
Pulling her down, but inward
Trying to rescue her from the enemy: man

She develops a fear
Her shyness morphed
Into distrust

She stumbles for a tomorrow
Watching for the spears of remembrance
That lurk
                                                In her reflection

The subtle tea of time and books
Help her
Physics and light shows
Burning glass and cloud towers
The amnesia dissipates
The hate remains
But behind so many walls
You find her

The man who speaks the language of my mind
With shaking fingers
And adamant statements that I'm not damaged goods
You place the straw back
In this scarecrow body
You find my heart

I forgot I had one in the first place
You adorn me with your smiles
Grace me with acceptance
And tell me "You look cute in those shorts."

#love   #suicide   #sad   #anger   #life   #heart   #pain
Still needs work....
 Apr 2014 Aditi
Raphael Uzor
When ink kisses paper
Leaving his marks on her
Staining her Immaculate white
Corrupting her innocent purity
With unspoken words and lines,
Punctuated with figurative styles,
Embedded with phonetic rhymes
Of divine charismatic beauty;
Sweet poetic lyrics are born...*

© Raphael Uzor
 Apr 2014 Aditi
Alex Crockett
You said you’d have me in five years,
You knew how I young I was then
It’s been almost ten
That morning we lay there.. Perfectly honest
Perfectly naked
And we knew that that was the end
But those visions never ended
Those nights never stopped
In my thoughts we were tangled
Like lovers who knew no end
Sometimes All I remember are your stockings
Sometimes I remember You trying take a better position
To feel more stretched up against my chest
But, what I remember most is the light and the skin
The knowing before the night began
We knew what we were
Hoping that we might be more
Than the morning

Now I can only dream about you
You have become my lesson
The other world
Another place
Hope in a desperate time
The secret that life is cruel
And in its cruelty I am its fool

Last night I dreamt we lived together with my mother
I spurned you as we sat naked, your ******* perfects still
Your stomach relaxed as you sat on your knees
Half covered
In sheets
And to my mother you ran
Ignoring me
Avoiding me when, like in a ballet I followed you
Following my mistake
Desperate to correct
The mistake I made in those days of youth

The tragedy of reason
The foolish responsibilities we feel we have
To those other than ourselves
You were my lazy lover
A lover for whom and with whom I was too young
You flowed over me with your passion
My passion was yours to have
And I gave it to you like it was all I had
Now I have none
None for life but ornaments
Ornamnets who are the trophies of second place
 Apr 2014 Aditi
i want to call you up,
and cry into the receiver,
drowning your thoughts with my tears.
all you need to do listen.

i told you that i hope drugs are loving you the way i never will.
drugs don't love, though. (not the way i can, at least.)
drugs constantly consume.
they take your mind,
your body,
your rationality,
your love,
and they also took me away from you.

drugs are parasitic, my dear.
sick, twisted, soul-******* beings.
they make you believe that you want them,
that you need them,
and they also lie about their destructive aftermath.
they don't tell you how your nose will slowly disintegrate,
how your lungs will make suitable charcoal mines,
how your brain will only think about drugs,
only drugs,
maybe *******,
but you'd only indulge in that after you popped a molly.

i was your withdrawal.
i made you scream.
you knew i wholeheartedly cared about you;
having that new support was scary.
i made you cry.
i sent you letters and poems late at night,
when your stars aligned with mine and created unbelievable wonders.

now your withdrawal symptoms consist of lonely nights alone,
pounding headaches,
sweaty palms,
a heart plagued with convulsions,
and a body that hates you for what you've done to it.
even though you still appear as a bright star,
you have long since burned out,
and soon people on earth will be able to see this.
oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my.
 Apr 2014 Aditi
Amitav Radiance
Words are irrelevant
Silence is the language
Try deciphering it
A powerhouse of information
No need to play with words
And get entangled
Words have interpretations of many
The language of silence is one-to-one
There is no language barrier
Become a global citizen and win many hearts
Just, if you can learn the language of silence
A heart to heart talk is in the offing, which stays forever…
 Apr 2014 Aditi
 Apr 2014 Aditi
To know you is to know love
To love is to know you
the two can't be ever separated
*you're love, and love is you
 Apr 2014 Aditi
 Apr 2014 Aditi
A bouquet of dead roses wrapped in a cobweb. - A metaphor for me at night
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