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  Jun 2019 Anika Nelson
Piyush Gahlot
Can I call you ?
I miss your voice.
I miss our long calls.
I want to hear you say my name.

Can i text you ?,
unblock me!
I feel so alone.
I feel so foolish.

Can you come and see me ?
May be for the one last time,
Or Could you please hurt me some more,
And give me something to move On.
Missing her. Not easy to move on.
Anika Nelson Jun 2019
How can one person
who is given everything
from another individual
find it within themselves
to want back the person who gave them nothing
but a body to hold late at night
Anika Nelson May 2019
You're thirsty?
Let me offer you some of my tears!
(I've got plenty)
Anika Nelson May 2019
This nothing much more than our story of decay:

Our relationship started as something new and shiny
Yet as we grew, our hearts drifted
But our bodies? they came closer

It is hard to imagine these past three years without your name constantly appearing on my shattered phone screen.
But times have changed,
and now, I'll go on as the shattered one

When you said your final goodbye, I didn't realize that your last three words were going to be, "Sorry, it's over"
Rather than the "I love you's" we had shared over those 938 days

It is truly hard to accept this ending
I wish I could rewrite it; Or at least make a sequel

But I guess I just have to accept the fact that,
"Long story short, it's over"
ya girl got dumped and is not thriving right now but I think it is pushing me to be the best version of myself now instead of being weighed down
Anika Nelson May 2019
For the past two years your love is all I have wanted.
But now that I have it,
I’ve realized...
It’s not mine to take
Anika Nelson May 2019
By taking the risk of letting you go,
I have now gained everything
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