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Amy Apr 2018
My heart calls
For someone who’s not there
I swear I can hear it

I want to confess it all
Every wrong I did to you
But where do I begin?

How I hated myself so much
I searched for love in others
That didn’t give it to me

When you were always there
Bursting with sunshine
I was hiding in the shadow
Of my sins
Amy Apr 2018
Call my name
                        Whisper it
Or shout it
         To hear
Your voice

Chasing you
The flowers
           And mud
Wishing you’d chase after me
I reached for your hand but it was never there
Until now
Amy Apr 2018
The garden

Flowers are growing in the mud of my soul
The aches turned to pleasures
The bruises turned to birds
Path once overgrown
Now pruned
The dust and debris
Swept away
By a lost sweeping brush
Forgotten in the corner
Until you shone your light
And the tools
Were found again
Amy Apr 2018
My thoughts are the bark
Of an old tree
At the top you can still find the finest fruit
But first you must climb
the rotten branches
Don’t slip on the damp moss
Be patient
The first bite will be worth it
You may fall
But you will come back for more
Amy Apr 2018
She has a golden outer shell
Sometimes the inner blackness bubbles to the surface
In the form of
a harsh word
Or a look of annoyance

I thought she was happy
But she’s incased herself in a vale
Of pride and glitter

The cracks begin to show
When winter comes around
Amy Apr 2018
We are fishermen
Sharing a net
Instead of catching fish
We catch the world
Amy Apr 2018
i feel the light shining through
me as though water one day decided
to go through a stone
in one magnificent line
as if the stone had become air
and forgotten it was a stone
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