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Jan 2017 · 488
I belong to you
Alia Jan 2017
When I first got to know you everything shined
Mornings turned brighter and nights smiled
When I first got to know you everything changed
My heart is freed, it's no longer caged

When I first saw you my heart rushed
My smile grew wider as I blushed
When I first saw you I was amazed
At the stars your eyes held I gazed

When I first touched you a garden grew
Overlapping each and every vein in my body, this feeling was new
When I first touched you I felt an immense amount of belonging
The only thought I left with was that I belong to you.
#belonging #smile #heart #nights #mornings #stars #garden
Nov 2016 · 810
Alia Nov 2016
At times I wonder,
what's between us two?
And at times I know there's nothing at all.

At times I think,
there's something to confess.
And at times I know, even if I did it'll never lessen the stress.

At times I believe,
I can't find a way out of this circle of questions and doubts,
but I also believe that as much as I hide, you have something hidden too.

And there will come a day where we'll speak our minds and hearts out,
with no fear of regret.
Nov 2016 · 582
Alia Nov 2016
I'm not a writer-
but you made me a one

I'm not a poet-
yet I wrote poems about you

You gave me the feelings
and I had the words

And when those two collide-
their beauty can never be concealed
#words #feelings #writer #poet #you
Jul 2016 · 482
I'm between
Alia Jul 2016
I'm between being and not being,
between holding on and letting go,
between missing you and between forgetting who you were,
I'm between being and not being
between giving up and between having some patience
between you and myself
between now and the past
between papers and pens
between my head and my heart
I'm between surviving and not fighting at all
between being and not being that's where I am.
#between #being #past #heart #head
Apr 2016 · 508
Days passed.
Alia Apr 2016
Days passed, and you're still on mind, nights were dark,
days aren't bright without you, the only light I've seen the only light I've ever needed was you.

Days passed and I don't know how are you. I don't know where are you nor with whom you are, days passed and I know nothing about you.

Days passed and I'm broken missing you, days passed and I'm shattered waiting for you, days passed and in pain I was though.*

                                *Days passed and I still love you.
Mar 2016 · 947
You lied.
Alia Mar 2016
You told me you'll be real,
You told me you're here to heal,

You told me you'll never lie,
You told me the truth is you're mine,
Its a lie.

You told me you'll always be by my side,
You told me not to fear anything, you told me you're with me in this ride,
You lied.
Feb 2016 · 453
For you
Alia Feb 2016
It's been a year now, we're not tallking
And we stopped speaking

I'm tired of always alone walking
My eyes are still seeking

For you.
Feb 2016 · 394
Alia Feb 2016
Trust was a must
For us to last

For us to never break
For us to never fall apart

But when its lost
Its never back again

For us to return
For us to burn the past

Trust was a must
For us to last
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
He said.
Alia Feb 2016
He said: I'll never leave you alone.
And here I am marching on my own.

He said: I'll love you even more.
And here's my heart broken and torn.

He said: You're mine and I'm only yours.
But he's with her, he slammed all my doors.
Feb 2016 · 786
She's your mom.
Alia Feb 2016
Tissues aren't soft like her hands
Pillows weren't comfortable like her laps*
She's there awake for you
She's there living for you
She's the one who'd always carry you
*She's your mom, she's never leaving you.
Feb 2016 · 611
Lets say.
Alia Feb 2016
Lets say we never met,
And you weren't here and I've never been trapped in that net.

Lets say we weren't meant
For us to stay attached, for us to never bend.

Lets say you never promised me,
For me to wait and then you'd disappoint me.

Lets say you never loved,
It was only you the one loved.

Lets say the truth for once,
For us to get over our loss.
Feb 2016 · 596
I'm the star.
Alia Feb 2016
You're the morning sky, and I'm the star,
Once the sun comes and shines you bright,
You'll forget about me shining at night.

Unlike me I'm the star,
I'm still there, even when you've got the sun,
I'd wait in place, I know you'd need me one day.

And by that one day I meant the night,
The sun leaves and I'm your only light.
#night #star #light #morning #sun #know #shines
Jan 2016 · 341
Alia Jan 2016
Friendship was the ship,
That took us both on a trip,
Like the birds we were, we only knew how to chirp,
Friendship was the ship.
Jan 2016 · 305
I needed...
Alia Jan 2016
For every scar I've tried to hide,
For every feeling I couldn't express,
I needed a hand that holds me tight,
I needed a hug which takes the stress.
Jan 2016 · 551
As long as you're with me.
Alia Jan 2016
I'll be always me
No matter where we'll be
Living in a palace or under a tree
I'm me as long as you're with me.

I'll be always me,
Even if we don't stay as we
I'll never forget the good you've done
Even if it hurts to know you're gone

I'll be always me
That's what I said when you were there for me
Cause if you came back you'll find the same me you left before
I'll be always me, do I need to roar?

— The End —