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2.6k · Jul 2023
A mystery of a masterpiece
Caage Gaber Jul 2023
Joy conceived in the vision
The Lily of the drought
Volunteer of the incision
And a seed of doubt

Black silky Intertwined threads
The touch and sound of care
Love, warmth, comfort spreads
Your intensity in all rare

Infinite options hang above
Spinning a smoky vortex
Simply what you hate or love
Discombobulates my cortex

Only clues to a mystery
Yet partials of a masterpiece
Less of shortened history
Wonder moves me not to cease
Someone asked me to write how I felt about them so I did
1.3k · Feb 2022
Live & Die
Caage Gaber Feb 2022
I lived through my mistakes
I lived through the stress
I lived through the aches
I lived for success

I lived in moments of joy
I lived in optimism
I lived innocent yet coy
I lived through criticism

I lived and showed love
I lived and showed fear
I lived in belief of above
I lived a life unclear

I died because I was tired of all that came with living
I’m not dead nor suicidal. This poem was just a random passing thought. I want you to read it and think. It’s not for me it’s for you. Thank you, Ayesha for inspiring me to write a little more again.
1.2k · Jun 2023
Next to Hate
Caage Gaber Jun 2023
I fully hate you.
No questions to my detest.
Why am I here though?
My determination. I hate some qualities and that makes me believe I hate the person that personifies those qualities. Why though do I end up around said people?
939 · Dec 2020
Bitter Black or Cool Cream
Caage Gaber Dec 2020
Bitter tasting sip
Or a sweet and creamy glaze.
Black cup or cool whip?
I'm not a big fan of dark coffee. I'm the kind of person who has coffee with his sugar
792 · Apr 2021
Forget It
Caage Gaber Apr 2021
I remember you each day
through my crying heart.
I'd rather forget than stay.
Everyday a heart is broken to tiny little pieces. Someone out there is crying, someone out there has lost everything in life, someone out there just wants to forget everything ever existed.
560 · Sep 2020
Office Life
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
A dark room filled up
The shadows stretching
Like a full cup
In the darkest etching

The aroma of ink
The crumble of paper
The eyes that sink
The dusty vapor

The click of a pen
The bright desktop light
The typing again
The inscribing of graphite
Eh... I think I'm just a tad bit too obsessive with the small senses in life. By the way, if you're wondering my strongest sense is my smell. Everything, and I mean, everything has a specific aroma in my mind
418 · Dec 2020
Sorrow Can Be The End
Caage Gaber Dec 2020
Tears wash down a face.
A heart drowned infinitely.
The barrel in place.
It's right there in front of you. An escape. Do you really want to take it?
400 · Sep 2020
Trading Hearts
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
My heart begins to melt
while my hands sweat.
I begin to hide where I dwelt.
Afraid to make you upset

You make me shake like never before.
My words slowly stumble and crumble.
Either I'm falling or taking off to soar.
I elegantly dance or tumble and fumble.

Staring into your soul through the depths of your eyes
Captured in your laughter and delirious grin
Reliving each moment as I agonize
what I should've said when it started to begin.

Can you love me? Do I love me?
If love is so powerful, why are we apart?
I guess sometimes life makes us set'em free
All I need to do is give up my heart
I'm not much of a romantic but I still have a soul. So here's one of my amateur love poems. I must say these things don't work as they did in the renaissance. Well, I guess being single has its pluses... I don't have to share food!
391 · Sep 2020
Hands of Exploration
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
Lines map my rough palms.
My nails a jagged notched path,
My hands a trek of bronze.
I wonder if my curious hands are searching or being searched...?
357 · Sep 2020
Senses Orchestra
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
Melting on my tongue;
a soft and savory taste.
It plucks the sense to strung.
When I wrote this, to be honest, I was thinking about marshmallows. I guess it applies to a lot though...
259 · Sep 2020
Individual in a Dull Sky
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
such a gorgeous and grand word.
Though dull, it's visible.
It took me a while to figure out, but I love people that throw away the act that the world expects you to have and plays as themself.
193 · Sep 2020
Your Life = Expectations
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
Would you sink into the sand
or could you remain even on shaky ground?
On the elevation, could you stand?
When your hands touch the sky, can you stay earthbound?

If your entirety builds around others
are you those that you lean on?
Are your choices and mistakes yours or another's?
Are you a king or a pawn

Why do they expect me to be them,
when I want to be myself?
Why should I be another and not be mayhem?
How can you worship one and never accept yourself?
Are you defined by the expectations of your peers, friends, or family... why? Take pride in what you're not... a faceless background character...
190 · Sep 2020
Sense Replace
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
Tasting each flavor like abstract art
Smelling the slightest changes
Soaking the beat of sound in the heart
Feeling the keys and the how it arranges

Inhaling the crisp air of an ocean breeze
Caressed by tempos and harmony
The sparsest sweet aroma noticed by the ease
Stroking skin and sinking in lovingly

Drowning deep with tears flowing
The ****** tang soaking the tongue
Navigated by melodies controlling
Heat slicing skin and searing lungs

Each sense fully fine-tuned
Gathering the missing to advance
Using each process to overcome wounds
Yet still the wish for sight given a chance
I've heard blind people commonly have better senses of taste, smell, sound, and touch. Sometimes I wish I could lose a sense. Would I wish for its return or would I truly appreciate the world more without it? I guess I won't know unless it happens...
177 · Sep 2020
Mind Traps
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
An entrance to my fears
A look into the dark edges
Chills, screams, and tears
My sleep slings me into what trenches

Trapped in my menacing mind
Reality twisting into a paradox
Reminding me through the confine
Fearful of the disturbing faux

The shadows reach for the soul
This treachery haunts my heart
The feeling of separating my skull
My memories ripping me apart

It takes your deepest senses
Manipulates your faintest thoughts
Developing a world of consequences
Twisting your psych into tight knots
Every night you sleep and encounter a nightmare through your journey of the unconscious do you ever wonder where did these sounds, visions, and ideas come from. The scary thing is your mind created this nightmare just for you by using things you've heard, seen, smelled, tasted, and even thought. Can we even trust our own sub-conscious!
175 · Sep 2020
Time's Authority
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
Every day, every second seems to come so slowly
Why though are my flashbacks so swift
Why are there parts so unusually smoky
Why is my life on a quick drift

Time is slowly and sharply skewing in my head
Why can't I contain each moment?
Why am I not dreadfully dead?
Why did I end up becoming a poet?

This reality is bound by the laws of ticking time
Why do I have to follow its rules?
Why must I advance to and through the prime?
Why shouldn't I steal back my time's jewels?
One superpower I always wish I had. Time manipulation. To be honest, though I'd probably disobey all the rules set in Back to the Future. I'd probably make a flash mistake and create a flash point (#Flashrefrence)
175 · Sep 2020
Red Joy
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
It flows down my skin;
a pure and perfect crimson.
What a time to grin.
It really is the perfect shade of red
138 · Sep 2020
Screwed Morals
Caage Gaber Sep 2020
Why is it that you don't exist in my mind
When I see people why are they just shapes
My thoughts, why are they shackled in a selfish bind
How do I uncover my empathetic eyes behind drapes

I so badly wish to be a good person just once
Yet one moment of right is delved in false intentions
All of my attempts to be a hero are only theatric stunts
Why do I constantly and carelessly crave attention

Where did my wretched personality begin
Could I have been born covered in expectations
Did I see their lightened gaze and grow dim
So absorbed in what they say I can become, stuck in elevation

By pushing everyone away did I raise the anchor
Or did I trap myself in a shadowed cage called loneliness
Was all my love, kindness, and joy the ploy of a faker
Possibly a plea for some guide of life; though useless

Why is it so hard to be great and virtuous
I may never know after detaching parts of me
Why is being great compared to goodness so arduous
An evil king who kills and the poor people who die innocently
I wish I'd chosen the ladder
Some people aren't willing to say it out loud but honestly being great does require harming people in way or another whether unknowingly or not. So at times just being normal is fine
70 · Feb 2019
Caage Gaber Feb 2019
A brittle bundle of thatch
One single flamboyant flower
Diamond specs, a rust hatch
Tiny mouse homes by a tower

Illusioned by the despaired
Hope built upon the carcasses
Hidden; stood with the faired
Poor together empty of narcissist

Escaped the dark of plagued
Raven cures tenacious light
A sin burnt flakes baked
A creamy ooze soaks a bite

Gift lively cater the eyes
The lonely item lost or stolen
A sharp needle pierced lies
Dully used as fools golden

— The End —