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815 · May 2018
Have you heard about them?
   (felt the magic…)
They are
the essence of love      
they hold
the beauty of life
they are all around us shining bright.

It's a whisper
of love
that floats 
through the trees
ruffling every leaf
of a breeze.
It’s a hint
of a fairy tale
a maiden
a white knight
a love
blessed by the stars
tenderly held tight.
A love that                  
grows stronger
as hearts became whole
for the love
them comes deep
from their souls.
From the very first moment
love shined
bright and  warm
casting out
doubt and gloom        
even the worst of storms.
It’s a whisper
of love
that floats
through the trees
a promise of eternity
on the sweet scent
of a breeze.
812 · Nov 2017
Be Still
I wish to freeze time
right now
and here
to this moment
of you
me near.
always within your arms
to be
feeling this beautiful love
of you
and me.                                  
a connection so strong
an embrace
so tight                                    
to love you forever
every day                                  
every night
it’s not hard to see
my tears
of love
silky and soft                                          
a dove                                        
our life of hopes and dreams
has just
our journeys entwined
as one                                            
now walking hand and hand
in love                                            
and happiness                                                
my heart overflowing
in this                                                              
so glorious.                                                                                                                
802 · Mar 2018
Painted Words
If I could but paint
in the Beauty of a painters hand,
I’d paint over all my fears
in Colors so grand.

If I could but make
that Looming Shadow disappear,
cast It away
I’d have no more Sad tears.

If I could but show you
this soul of Love,
you would surely be enchanted
by the beauty of Truelove.

If you could but feel
the depth of the Love in my heart,
you would be able to maneuver
through every star chart.

If you could but see
the pain that Shadow brings
you wouldn’t Open the door to it
you wouldn’t Hear it’s ring.

If I could but give
with truly no Fear,
every Song of my heart
would be Heard, ever so clear.

So I’ll continue to paint words
in the Stillness of serenity,
until every color of my Soul
is Seen throughout eternity.
790 · Oct 2017
Eye of newt
          toe of frog
                scale of snake
                              bark of dog.
A cauldron boiling
                         over an open blaze
its vapor makes
                        an eerie haze.
A pinch of this
        a pinch of that
              a magic broom
                    an old black cat.
                  creaking floor
                       scary shadows
                                 on the door.
                                     Howling winds
                                  pouring rain
                              curtains lick
                        the window pane.
                      a Ghoulish scene…

Inspired by good old Shakespeare’s three “weird sisters”, Scene I of Macbeth.

“Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison’d entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights hast thirty one
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed ***.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver’d in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk, and Tartar’s lips,
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver’d by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.”
783 · Oct 2017
My Sweet Angel
It may seem impossible, for me to love you more,
but the love I hold in my heart, is sincere, to my child I adore.
I think about you all the time, but as fall draws near,
my thoughts fill my heart with love, for my child that was so dear.

Ten little fingers, ten little toes,
that strawberry blonde hair, with the curls we both know,
the sweetest little pink lips, that ever I have seen
you were the perfect picture, my little strawberry queen.

An hour before you were born, I knew you couldn’t stay
so I then held you for hours, giving you your perfect name.
It may seem impossible, for me to love you more,
but the love I hold in my heart, is sincere, to my child I adore.
759 · Dec 2017
Beyond Gold
He walked the beach
this man of old,
his treasures never
were made of gold.

The love of his life
was long since dead,
remembering her
he bowed his head.

He missed his love
oh, so very much,
longing for her
sweet tender touch.

Yet filled with happiness
for he knew that he,
would hold her again
in eternity.
Inspired by Pagan Paul's
A Love Beyond
757 · Feb 2018
to him
she said to him…
i love you
    in the quiet of the morning.
i love you
    in the heat of the day.
i love you
    when rain comes without
i love you
    in every other way…

lay your head down
            on the
                soft of my soul
let wander your mind
                 of beauty and love.
close your eyes my love
     as i whisper breathy kisses
                 into your ear
as the moon shines his
                      caressing light
and the pretty angels
        send butterfly kisses
                 from above.
756 · Apr 2018
Love Can Make Time Still

Not every moment is perfect
some of my memories not so sweet,
but that love I hold in my heart
really, is what makes life complete.

Sweet moments can last forever
as love can make time still,
just like the beauty of a first kiss
my love for you lives on in my heart
and always forever will.

There’s a twinkle in my eyes
a tango step In my walk
it’s been so very long
since there was hope in my talk.

It’s your love,
like a river flowing through my soul
protecting, embracing, graceful,
beautifully, it makes my love whole.

Sweet moments can last forever
as love can make time still,
just like the beauty of a first kiss
my love for you lives on in my heart
and always forever will.

When my hands, you placed in yours
a passion unleashed, that all can see,
burning away the imperfect moments
making room for new sweet memories.

And when all else has been forgotten
when minutes are forever gone,
there’s a song that will continue
our love will play on and on.

Sweet moments can last forever
as love can make time still,
just like the beauty of a first kiss
our love lives on in our hearts
and always forever will.

749 · Mar 2018
Loves Beauty
In the deep of night
she comes to you,
bringing with her
dreams come true.

Pressing her lips
upon your face,
in tender love
souls embrace.

Holding tight
through faith and hope,
forever joined
by loves golden rope.

By song of heart
a melody sublime,
in mystical sound
of rhythm and rhyme.

In the deep of night
magic transpires,
giving the beauty
of loves eternal fire.
736 · Nov 2017
Loving Kiss
Starlight, glowing and bright
beautifully twinkling and divine,
send upon, this very night
a kiss, to the one who’s mine.

Let him feel, love of heart
through the fates’ own design,
loving kiss, to comfort and soothe
his soul to mine, entwined.

Let your powers flow
through sparkles and shine,
upon his soul, please bestow
this loving kiss of mine.
726 · Nov 2017
To Share With You
A walk on the beach
dinner beneath the moon,
stargazing on a blanket
loving to a slow tune.

Home cooked meals
made by our own hands,
if you clear the table
I'll do the pots and pans.

You pop the popcorn
I’ll pick out a movie or two,
cuddling on the couch
is what I really want to do.

Kiss in the rain
a drive to the coast,
a morning in bed
enjoying jam and toast.

Taking the dogs for walks
or a day at the county fair,
these are only just a few
things with you, I want to share.
724 · Sep 2017
Forever Home
Down the aisle she came
an image of bliss,
dressed in purple and white
elegance, wrapped in a kiss.

The flow of her hair
the petals under her feet,
the roses and lavender
all simple and sweet.

Such a lovely vison
this lady in white,
and the man by her side,
enchanted by her light.

The music played lightly
as the vows were read,
all listened passionately
to every word being said.

The kiss so sensual
with a magical air,
showing all who witnessed
the love they share.

And then they danced
a dance all their own,
looking deep into the eyes
of their forever home.
Written for my son and daughter in-laws wedding
720 · Jan 2018
On Moonlit Skin
Meet me* in that place of silence
as the wind blows softly the trees,
where moon dust sparkles our skin
and the stars whisper in the breeze.

Dance me through the stars
twirl me up and over the moon,
pull me close and love me
to the melody of lovers tune.

Meet me in that place of silence
as the stars sparkle and glimmer,
where the wind blows softly the trees
as moon dust falls and shimmers.

Hold me in your loving embrace
as our souls again entwine,
let me forever be lost
in a dance so heavenly divine.

Meet me** *in that place of silence
as the wind blows softly the trees,
pull me close and love me
as the stars whisper in the breeze.
712 · Sep 2017
The Cherokee Rose
Deep in the forest
where the wild fern grows,
in a secret little meadow
blooms the Cherokee Rose.

Planted many years ago
by many mothers fallen tears,
blessings are given
where the bloom appears.

A promise of white flowers
to give courage and strength,
to all who would see them
during their journeys length.

Over years the winds blew
carrying seeds everywhere,
planting these tiny blessings
in natures loving care.

Sheltered deep in the forest
grows the Cherokee Rose
blooming courage and strength
as it tenderly grows.
© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
Oklahoma Cherokee Legend of the Cherokee Rose
This version of the Cherokee Rose legend comes from the Oklahoma Cherokees.
Retold by Barbara Shining Woman Warren

In the latter half of 1838, Cherokee People who had not voluntarily moved west earlier were forced to leave their homes in the East.

The trail to the West was long and treacherous and many were dying along the way. The People's hearts were heavy with sadness and their tears mingled with the dust of the trail.

The Elders knew that the survival of the children depended upon the strength of the women. One evening around the campfire, the Elders called upon Heaven Dweller, ga lv la di e hi. They told Him of the People's suffering and tears. They were afraid the children would not survive to rebuild the Cherokee Nation.

Gal v la di e hi spoke to them, "To let you know how much I care, I will give you a sign. In the morning, tell the women to look back along the trail. Where their tears have fallen, I will cause to grow a plant that will have seven leaves for the seven clans of the Cherokee. Amidst the plant will be a delicate white rose with five petals. In the center of the blossom will be a pile of gold to remind the Cherokee of the white man's greed for the gold found on the Cherokee homeland. This plant will be sturdy and strong with stickers on all the stems. It will defy anything which tries to destroy it."

The next morning the Elders told the women to look back down the trail. A plant was growing fast and covering the trail where they had walked. As the women watched, blossoms formed and slowly opened. They forgot their sadness. Like the plant the women began to feel strong and beautiful. As the plant protected its blossoms, they knew they would have the courage and determination to protect their children who would begin a new Nation in the West.

Southeastern Legend of the Cherokee Rose

The Cherokee Rose plant first grew in the Carolinas, the home of the Eastern
Cherokee Indians. This version of the legend is from the rose's first home.

Years ago, a Seminole warrior was attracted to the Cherokee tribe by the beauty of an
Indian maiden. After surmounting many difficulties, he won her as his bride.

As she left her childhood home for the fragrant orange bower of the Seminole Indians,
she plucked a trailing stem of the wild rose, the flower she had always known and loved, and hiding it in her *****, she carried it to the land of the Seminole, which we know as Florida. She placed the rose beside the orange tree at the door of her husband's lodge.

Today the beautiful white rose is trailing over the decaying walls and falling timbers of
the ancient lodge of the Seminoles. Wherever it grows, its fragrance is wafted on the
breeze as incense to the memory of the Cherokee Indian maid.
703 · Oct 2017
Colors of Love
The Sun a golden yellow
in a sky of cobalt blue,
blooming emerald leaves
under flowers of purple hue.

Dazzling bright colors
beautiful feathers of white,
soaring through the sky,
mystical doves in flight.

Flowers fresh and sweet
strawberries drizzled in cream,
beautiful visions of love
kissing every single dream.*
She comes to him
  while he dreams
     floating down
to lay upon him
kisses so sweet
for she loves him
so very deep.

              With her loving
               embracing light
                  she wraps
                around him
               holding tight
                  her eyes
            he sees her love
          as the stars witness
         from the skies above.

He reaches for her
to gently place
the sweetest kiss
upon her crying face
he caresses
her body
while touching
her soul
as together they become
of one whole.

          The love they create
            so deep and true
        from the dusk of night
        til mornings first dew
when all is done and all is said
            upon his chest
         she lays her head
     hearing his heart beat
            for her alone
     a greater love
                     she's never known.
684 · Oct 2017
Her Sweet Dreams
With sweet memories of love
filling the night air,
her heart fills with bliss
in the love that’s shared.

In the silence of night
with her head upon your chest,
sleep beckons her body and mind
to a peaceful nights rest.

You see, never in her life
has she asked for anything new,
the only thing that comes close
is asking for a love pure and true.

Not just love of heart
but of body, soul and mind,
that honest love of truth
that is so hard to find.

So as her eyelids start to dance
and images start to form,
she gives into these beautiful dreams
that are now being born.

As sleep takes you into dreams
and you feel her head on your chest,
know that it’s your faithful love
that gives her peaceful rest.
674 · Mar 2018
The Only Place
Under sprinkles of stardust
in a midnight of blue,
the only place I want to be
wrapped in the arms of you.

Loving under the silver moon
as stardust falls from the sky,
as the love of our hearts flow
and our souls float up and fly.

A dance through the stars
loves fire ablaze,
blissful sensations
lost in a passionate gaze.

In loving embrace
through dawns first light,
as our fire of love burns
in glorious hues so bright.

In the warm rays of the sun
under a sky so blue,
the only place I want to be
wrapped in the arms of you.
673 · Nov 2017
Love Unbound
A moonlit walk, on empty beach
she appears, within his reach,
his arms reach out, a cradled kiss
his tender touch, their hearts of bliss.

A midnight touch, a shadowed dance
they leave footprints, in the sand,
her joyful heart, their midnight fate
a kiss of grace, the love they create.

Hearts of fire, their love unbound
two souls in the night, forever found,
joyful love, loving sighs
for love resides, within their eyes.
671 · Dec 2017
Love Song
The whispers of early morning
carry the love of my heart,
upon the soft breeze of dawn
to my one and only sweetheart.
                    In the sky of shadowed blue
                      through the white clouds above,
                         my soul sings out to you
                           in a melody of sweet love.
In the warmth of the sun
when its rays are high and bright,
my heart sings out to you
through the beauty of love and light.
                     In the sky of painted colors
                as the sun sets in rose and gold,
             my love sings out to you
         of a song forever told.
As the moon glows in the night sky
and the stars twinkle bright,
I sing my love to you
as a whisper through the night.
650 · Jan 2018
Silence of Night
in the silence
of night….when I’m all alone,
I can hear whispers
calling from home.

every “I Love You”
that has ever been said,
fills my heart with light
through my soul, it spreads.

Wrapping me in peaceful love
holding me gently, but tight,
letting me always know
I’m never alone through the night.

in the silence
of night…..when I’m all alone,
I can hear whispers of love
calling to me, from home.
644 · May 2018
From Here to There
I may not be right there
every night and every day,
but I feel you here with me
in so many loving ways.

So many miles between us
yet distance can’t keep us apart,
and nothing could ever change
all the love for you in my heart.

It could be a sweet dream
or a memory we have shared,
it only takes an instance
to get from here to there.

Even though I always feel you
standing by my side,
I cherish every single memory
that lingers through my mind.
639 · Jan 2018
Too Her, He Said
In you, I have found….

A peaceful happiness,
eyes to imagine in dreams
a calmness    by your soft touch
a warmth…
a sweet soul    to rock with me on a swing
I have no fear of losing    or hurting.
to wander the trail that leads
   just into the woods
nowhere special, thousands of them on earth.
to listen to a bird’s chirp
and see the beauty in it like I do.
to share smiles with as we make faces in the clouds.
to hold onto in the darkest recesses of insecurity.
to balm my wounds and kiss with tears
to love, like love has never been seen.


*Far off in the misty glow
of one centurion
distant show
of a bursting new star
all alone
her brightness
to draw him nearer
near to her
and he was reborn
as a nebula all pink and red all showy
as gravity and space collided
they made love
in the heavens dark.
His words to her, she just put them together to be in one place with the first poem he wrote for her :)
635 · Dec 2017
Poet of Past
I’m reading a book of poetry
it's nine hundred pages long,
penned by a man of many dreams
whose words are historical songs.

I remember reading those words
when we studied him back in school,
the class was "American Lit"
masters of the "poets pool".

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
whose work has endured the years,
ole "Wordy Wadsworth” he was named
by the men who were his peers.

His writings contain many musings
spanning the centuries of time,
my favorite story of all
a narrative poem, "Evangeline".

This particular poem, a masterpiece
blending talent, knowledge, and heart,
containing pathos, love, and history
t’was recounting the “Cajun” start.

Numerous stories he's told
using plenty more words, or few,
tales wringing either hard, or soft
embellished with wondrous hues.

Spellbound, in awe of his words
I'm carried away on the wings,
of thoughts, dreams and fantasies
to where his poetic muse springs.
This was written one night after one of my many time of reading "Evangeline".
it’s such a beautiful story and touches my heart so deep, I have never been
able to get through it without crying my eyes out.
630 · Sep 2017
Peaceful Moments
The forest floor soft and glowing
sun-rays shining through the trees,
light orbs sparkling through the shadows
like fairies dancing on the breeze.

Sitting beneath the pine trees
where the ferns grow thick and green,
some growing sharp and tall like swords
others like wide green screens.

There’s a little stream running through
bubbling over rocks worn round and smooth,
getting lost within the music of the sounds
relaxing my soul, it caresses and soothes.

Lost in these tranquil moments
such precious times spent,
remembering, hoping and dreaming
surrounded by sweet and spicy forest scents.

© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
625 · Sep 2017
Touching my
heart making
spilling your
deep in my
beautiful colors
sparkling hues
bonding connections
love so true
a web weaved
love and desire
tangling of threads
beauty and fire
always moving
twisting and turning
forever entwining
hearts touching
forever burning
touching my
heart making
by spilling your
deep in my
622 · Nov 2017
Sweetest Moments Recalled
Let ethereal fingers
   of my thoughts
      reach out
    like wisps
every inch of* [you]
     in a spectral
  lovers embrace.

A thousand miles
they shall reach
as I recall
      a smile
  brown eyes
      and the gentleness
        sweet touching flesh.

Let my thoughts
   return to me
     the taste
  honeyed lips
    the touch
  warm hands
   the beauty
   of our kiss
   of our love.

             Allow I feel
          within my heart
           your presence
          holding me tight
            and the warmth
                 of our
          flesh entwined
              the silent
               of night.

Embrace with me
       my love
  of flamed     memories
          of passion
      we have shared.

Yet look ahead
          with longing
               for greater
                      yet to be
within these
       beautiful moments

­                               [you]
616 · Sep 2017
Touching Inks
Touching hearts, easing minds
let ink and souls intertwine
with truth and love so divine
trust the muse to be your guide.

Whisper words upon silken skin
with softest ink flowing from pen
touching souls deep within
trust the muse to be your guide.

Pen your ink in loves design
let beauty fill the heart and mind
as the softest of inks gently combine
trust the muse to be your guide.

Under the stars twinkly shine
let ink and beauty intertwine
kissed by silver moonshine
trust the muse to be your guide.

© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
My first attempt at a Kyrielle
615 · May 2018
Soul to Soul
The tender song of your soul
flows to me with such ease,
feeling your spirit embrace me
like the kiss of a warm breeze.

A soft flowing melody
like a rivers grand design,
flowing water reflects love
tween your soul and mine.

The elegant flow of water
like loving words we speak,
causes my heart to pound
or grow blissfully weak.

That flowing whisper of love
from sweet honeyed lips,
caress my soul gently
like soft moving fingertips.

The tender song of soul to soul
a loving melody of treasure,
with our souls proclaiming
“A Love of now and Forever.”
600 · May 2018
Magical Breeze
Gazing up at the luminescent moon
surrounded by a star-dipped sky,
a touch of magic upon the breeze
as the wind blows slowly by.

The coolness of the wind
caressing gently my skin,
like the sweet kisses of you
over and over again.

The wind whispering softly
as the trees sparkle with dew,
with the most adoring of messages
sealed with a soul kiss from you.

Standing in pure amazement
in the glow of that silvery moon,
hoping that magical breeze
will be sent again real soon.
595 · Oct 2017
Those Three Little Words
[I Love You]


It’s a different kind of love
   then that love we have
        for a family member or a friend.

Saying *
[I Love You]
     can be the simplest part of each day
but really
     there is nothing simple
about what the unsaid words of
[I Love You]
[I Love You] means…
    I’m scared of being hurt
    I hope that we will never hurt each other
    I realize that there could come a time
                when I could get hurt
    I’m willing to take that chance
    trust that we will always find healing

[I Love You] means…
    I want to be not just your lover
     but also your true companion
    one person who you confide everything to
    I do realize that somethings can be hard to
                to share and talk about
    that secrets can destroy a relationship  
    I do hope we can be honest and open
with each other

[I Love You] means…
   I don’t know what the future holds
   I do know that I want us to find out
             what it holds

[I Love You] means…
   I truly want your love
   I truly give you mine
   that nothing we do
   will ever be done the same again
   all that we do from here on
   we will do

[I Love You] means…
   So much more
than just
   Those Three Little Words.

[I Love You]
This was inspired by the readings of e.e.cummings
In The Rain, It May Not Always Be So; And I Say
and [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart]
584 · Mar 2018
Those Sparkles of Night
Across the miles, upon a breeze
beautiful words of love blew,
falling stardust, a midnight moon
whispering words of you.

The night surrounds me
In a swirl of celestial light,
so comforting to my soul
are those sparkling stars of night.

A sense of a loving presence
twirling through my long hair,
a heavenly aura around me
lets me know you are there.

Across the miles, upon a breeze
beautiful words of love blew,
falling stardust, a midnight moon
bring love to the morning dew.
576 · Nov 2017
A Single Thread
Lay back, relax my love
as I softly caress your mind
let me fill your life with peace
leave all past stress behind.

Let your soul soar with mine
gaze deep into my eyes
feel my love surround you
as we float the moonlit skies.

Filling every night with pleasure
enveloped in pure loving bliss
stopping the flow of time
together suspended in honeyed kiss.

Interwoven as one
uniting together, one beautiful light
now and forever a single thread
casting beauty through the night.
572 · Oct 2017
Essence of Love
There’s a peace flooding my soul
that carries through space and time,
the beauty of loves essence
enchanted by melody of rhyme.

The splendor of love, so calming
like the depth of the deepest seas,
a presence wrapping tight my soul
like the warm kiss, of a summer breeze.

A light shining through
glimmering like golden sun rays,
with tender inviting warmth
brightening even my darkest days.

Enchanted is the melody
of souls knowing where they belong,
in harmony throughout eternity
plays forever an angelic song.
564 · Dec 2017
The World of My Heart
Bundled against the evening chill
I stand in the newly fallen snow,
brightness of the moon and stars
make my world a diamond glow.

To love and feel love
my heart picks up pace,
I watch the dancing snowflakes
as they fall upon my face.

looking up at the sky
I smile at the beauty I see,
then let my heart just float
as high as it wants to be.

I hear the sound of crystal bells
they ring so soft and clear,
they’re like the voices of angels
the music seems so near.

Breathing in the cool night air
I hear the song of our hearts,
a melody flowing between us
like the beautiful sounds of Mozart.

I feel the moisture on my face
tasting it’s cool, sweet flavor,
my world becomes a fairyland
a moment I shall savor.

Troubles melt like the snowflakes
that fall upon my face,
with crunching snow beneath my feet
my heart is filled with grace.
563 · Oct 2017
Floating Dreams
My dreams floating upon a cloud of mist
            in a red balloon, my heart has kissed
                 drifting among the tops of trees
                     dancing and swaying in a light breeze.

                            Hopes and dreams floating away
                     along with the pains of yesterday
            in a red balloon, my heart has kissed
my dreams floating upon a cloud of mist

Day turns to night, night turns to day
         new hopes and dreams float my way
                drifting among the tops of trees
                     dancing and swaying in a light breeze.

                     In a red balloon, my heart has kissed
                new dreams float upon a cloud of mist
        kissed by grace with a gentle breeze
my heart and soul feel peaceful ease.
553 · Jan 2018
Loving Him
I love him
with the passion
that consumes me
[he is the passion
                that consumes me]

I love him
with the beauty
that consumes me
         [he is the beauty
                that consumes me]

I love him
with the love
that consumes me
        [he is the love
               that consumes me]

He Consumes Me
[I love what
               consumes me]
545 · Oct 2017
Her Place
She has this place where she goes
  when she needs to be all alone.
        She calls it her place,
a place where the hurts of the world
       quiet down and fade away.
A place of beauty, where her fingertips
can paint over all the wrong
and all the pain she feels
in colors bright and cheery.

It’s a place of peace, where the fears
        of her heart slow and still…
  A place of calm, where the oceans
       of emotions lay at her feet
            and weep no more.

It’s a place where she can breathe,
where she feels sheltered, protected
from the coldness outside
of her canopy of shade… It’s her place.

                  She went to her place…..
                     ……she visits very often...
541 · Sep 2017
in the feelings
Heart beating
         [just for you]

butterflies zooming

         light head feelings

                      mind twirling

                             a thousand

                                      different ways…

it’s in the knowing, the feelings
exhilaration, tranquilly, delight…magic…

                        take me into your world
                               into your land of dreams
                        hold me close and love me….
                               never let me leave.

mind twirling, heart pounding
ecstasy rides on the stars,
the moon shines its light
wind sending kisses
into dreams
      of near and far…..
535 · Nov 2017
Loving Content
I love the silence of the night
my head upon your chest,
as I listen to you breathe
you deep, in peaceful rest.

The passion of us in the air
stays a sweet memory,
the love which we have shared
in all of its beautiful glory.

Observing your eyelids dance
of the dreams filling your mind,
I wonder how sweet they are
and the delight in them you find.

I could live this moment every night
lost in such loving content,
thanking the stars of heaven itself
for this beautiful love, I've been sent.
529 · Oct 2017
Sleepless Nights
I listen to music by Mozart,
I listen to music by Bach,
I’m carried away through the night,
with no thought of care for the clock.

Sonatas by Beethoven,
I hear waltzes by Strauss,
in fancy, I see myself in beautiful gown,
as I float serenely about the house.

A gentle number by the King,
love me tender, now on my mind,
lost in thoughts, dancing around,
I leave the passing night behind.*
529 · Nov 2018
Just A Dream
Love, Sorrow, Joy, Pain, Beauty, Loss, Peace, Hatred, Hope…
All a part of life’s grand design, and if you have felt them,
then you have lived life.

When there is one, there is always the other,
always a balance so to speak.

But what if, what if there was more,
love, joy, beauty, peace, hope…

I dream of that, although it is just a dream.
I still dream of it!
Deep in thoughts...
524 · Oct 2017
i come here
i come here when i can
to write  
to read
find beauty
to find what i need.

there is so much inspiration
       my heart it does fill
by the flow of all thoughts
      it’s pure magic of the quill.

each writer
has a gift, so unique
and all their own
every day
I’m amazed
at the beauty shown.

i’m also very thankful
for you give far more than you know
knowledge, strength, and courage,
are only a few gifts that you bestow.

…and when someone hurtful
                                         comes along
      you stand tall side by side
drying painful tears
      that one’s eyes have cried.

that’s beauty of heart
                      that’s beauty of soul
a beautiful pressure of love
       turning a diamond from coal.
A Thank You to the many on HP who have shown me strength, kindness, and encouragement lately. I will never be able to truly express my thankfulness. Please just know, I think you are all so wonderful!!! <3
520 · Mar 2018
Silent prayer
Tears fell
all night long
she hasn’t slept a wink
the moon
he tried to call to her
but her mind can’t be reached.
She walked
in the cold night air
hoping for relief
the hurt
is so deep inside
like a form of grief.
froze on her cheeks
but never felt the sting
for the cold made her numb
as she listened to the wind sing.
She said a silent prayer
to the stars up above,
she prayed for her heart
to understand
and to always
be open with love.

Love, like poetry never really dies
words can become blurred,
verses left undone, just as a heart
can break, because of its own love.
This was written after talking to someone who was going through a hard time, emotions that at times I can relate to also.
518 · Sep 2017
Yes, Beautiful It Is….
I stripped my soul
                  my heart
opened myself for you to see,
    to feel what’s inside of me.

I closed my eye’s
   as you caressed my soul
                                 my heart
letting you paint such beautiful art.

It’s deep
            it’s beautiful
                               it’s peaceful
                                                it’s love.

To have another understand and feel
     hopes, wants, needs, dreams
to want the same as you, need the same
and dream the same as you…
                      Beautiful, it is…
                      yes, beautiful!!!

I close my eyes, no need to speak a word,
No voice needed, my heart has been heard….
                      Beautiful, it is…
                      Yes, Beautiful!!!

514 · Oct 2017
Whispering Wind
Love whispers upon a breeze
as I feel your soul touch mine,
savoring every sweet word
like the taste of honeyed wine.

Let the moon and stars witness
loves pure and greatest design,
as two souls come together
and gracefully combine.

Take me into your arms
embrace me through the night,
love me until dew soaked flowers
sparkle in the morning light.
500 · May 2018
Breathe In
is the early morning
dew sparkles
like golden wine
as the birds
start to sing in harmony
and the air
is filled with scents of pine.
Breathe in
the fresh morning air
feel all senses
come alive
as sun rays
shine through the trees
daybreak has arrived...
A soft breeze
blowing through the trees
the beauty of this place
close your eyes
listen to the sounds
as the wind
gently kisses your face.
the flowers blooming
firm on the ground
open your heart and mind
as hope
starts to zoom all around.
to the clear blue sky
the brightness
of the sun
as it lovingly
touches your face
let the joyful cry
of nature
fill your
with beauty and grace.
Just breathe it in.....
497 · Oct 2017
Everlasting Moments
The warmth of water
standing face to face,
lovingly holding close
hearts begin to race.

Eyes meeting eyes
the world disappears,
a beautiful song
the only sound to hear.

Lost in each other
finger traced lips,
warmth of the water
a passionate kiss.

The touching of souls
nothing could compare,
the true beauty of love
everlasting moments to share.

The warmth of the water……*
484 · Oct 2017
Graced Ink
You sketch with words
using scripts of grace,
with every word penned
my hearts embraced.

Enchanted verses
like whispering butterflies,
holding me spellbound
by words that mesmerize.

Touching deep my soul
with the softest of inks,
staining my heart
souls interlinked.

As your lines of grace
entwined with mine,
the weave that was made
was magically divine.
483 · Oct 2017
Melodies of Sweet Love
Our songs sing to each other
every morning, noon and night,
bringing beauty and love into life
so perfect and so right.

The sweetest of our melodies
loving and oh so kind,
playing throughout our histories
since our dawn of time.

That special kind of love
going beyond our final days,
unconditional and pure of heart
enchanting in every way.

Our melodies have played on
as fate allowed us time to grow,
preparing us for the most beautiful love
that our hearts beamingly glow.
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