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Lawrence Hall Jan 2019
“Weaponization” has been weaponized
So that a shutting down may be shut down
By weaponizing a shutdown’s downside -
And let The People shout “Absolutely!”

By weaponizing one’s feelings and whims
There is projected a transparency
That calls for a personal comfort snake -
And let The People shout “Actually!”

So please shut down the shutdown; that’s the tonic -
And let The People shout “Iconic!”

A consideration made after reading Alan Glyn’s thoughtful essay, “Conspiracy Fiction Once Helped Us Tell the Truth. Now It’s a Weapon for Liars,”  in Vulture:­  

The title is preachy and too long, reflecting the heavy hand of an editor, but the essay is most interesting.
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.

Lawrence Hall’s vanity publications are available on as Kindle and on bits of dead tree:  The Road to Magdalena, Paleo-Hippies at Work and Play, Lady with a Dead Turtle, Don’t Forget Your Shoes and Grapes, Coffee and a Dead Alligator to Go, and Dispatches from the Colonial Office.
Lawrence Hall Feb 2018
Some ‘bloggers have ‘blogged thus:

All teachers trample the Constitution
All teachers promote contempt for the Flag
All teachers should be in an institution
All teachers are weird (and that one’s a f*g)
All teachers despise the military
All teachers should be slowly microwaved
All teachers hate meat; they’re vegetary
All teachers hate Jesus; they can’t be Saved
All teachers are evil; the children are harmed

And now they ‘blog: All teachers should be armed!
david badgerow Aug 2015
sometimes on rainy days we stayed in
chugged cheap red wine out of a bag
that stained our teeth
& i made you listen to
old jazz saxophone records or
you forced me to dance with you
to really awful dubstep tracks
you used to like to poke my skinny ribs
laugh & say i danced like an alien as you
pulled me with your small hands
to read my palm by the window where
the sky water trickled down the glass
spilling over from the gutter
& when it comes to your natural perfume
that damp fragrance of sagebrush cloaked in dew
i'm still a recovering addict
& sometimes i relapse
baby i'm asking to relapse

i haven't seen you since the garden on my 21st
with the thick sound of crickets squealing in the trees
& big dogs barking way off in
someone's backyard across the river
that starry september night you read my cards sitting
on the dusty trunk of my car while your best friend
rolled slick blunts in the backseat but i was drunk
& ***** we got distracted i bent you over
weaponizing the leverage of my body to
put your face near the pretty sunflower bed
with a tall can of bud still in your hand
& the muscles of your thighs glowing by moonlight
outside that almost abandoned house we found
with my birthday party blooming by a bonfire not far away

now i'm wondering
since i've got another birthday coming up
& a little more meat on my bones
if you'd be willing to try it again
because i'm working hard to change my future
by itching at the old scars left on my shoulders
until they open & bleed again
only i won't drink so much this time around
& you can try to not smoke ****
i'll let you steal & wreck my car again &
i'll stop chewing my fingernails or
you can still practice your happy ending massage
techniques on me when i'm stretched out & tired
i'll re-twist your sloppy dreads
with careful fingers
like tiny insects crawling over your scalp
because i never wanted to touch them before
& you can maybe try to not
flip-flop **** my best friend
as much or at all
M Harris Apr 2017
Magnetic Contaminations & Audiotronic Visions,
Sublimating Poetic Transmutations Of Her Catatonic Provisions,

Primordial Metamorphosis Of Her Synthetic Overtunes,
Revealing Self-Perpetuated Biotic Tunes,

Protoplasmic Sparks In Her Cryptic Eyes,
Condensing Into Labyrinthine Whispers & Mortal Butterflies,

Myriad Phantasms On Feral Nights,
Fervid Effigies Under Moaning Lights,

Phantasmal Echoes & Mystic Whisperings,
Catalyzing Crepuscular Skies Under A Moonlit Spring,

Spiritual Crafts & Her Supernova Screams,
Evaporating Molotov Solution Of Her Liquified Dreams,

Untouched Realms & Her Ecstatic Overflows,
Refueling With Fantasy Effects Of Her Verbal Glows,

Arcane Stains & Her Floral Clones,
Primal Profanity Raining Over Her Coral Throne,

Handmade Essence Of Her Still-Born Eternity,
Recklessly Serenading Through Her Lacteal Galaxy,

Hypersonic Dreams & Venomous Virility,
Tampering Her Ionic Revelations Of Exquisite Hostility,

Progressive Factuals & Her Motionless Serenity,
Invocating  Her Violets Serving Blue Infinity,

Apparitional Mirrors & Her Immaculate Misconceptions,
Weaponizing Fireflies In Whisky Perceptions.

- 05:52AM -
JB Claywell Aug 2015
there was this one time
that my family and I were
on food-stamps because my
wife was pregnant, and on Medicaid
because I got laid off,
because I was trying
to go back to college,
so that I could get a
piece of paper
that said I was smart
even though I used
crutches to walk.

because a piece
of paper is more
believable than
your eyes or
my mouth.

and, we were starving
so I used my mouth
to convince someone
in a tie that I really had
a disability, and a need
to eat.

that person, and his tie
asked me how long I’d
been disabled, so I
told ‘em…since 1975
is that long enough?

there was this one time
that my wife was pregnant,
and on Medicaid, and I bet
we were on food-stamps too,
and the babies that were alive
in her belly died.

so, I did the only thing
I could think of to do,
I got a tattoo, because
I wanted to carry some
part of them with me
forever, and have  some
part of something that I
could show you too.

there was this one time
that I worked a job
that was stuffed and
funded by grandmas
and grandpas, by
mommas and daddies;
by people that had done
the best that they knew
how to do.
and I would go see them,
check on them, making
sure that they were safe,
warm, and away from harm.

that job is the best job I ever had,
and we’re fighting funding cuts
because people think that these
folks somehow aren’t worth it;
that they somehow are facilitating
a drug or alcohol problem, or a
******* new tattoo.

there was this one time
that I was disgusted by all
the hate-mongering, lion-killing
veteran-suicideing, poor man hating,
cop-killing, killer-copping, Jesus-weaponizing
and just wanted to be a human
surrounded by other humans
and have those other humans
care about me while I promised
to care about them.

there was this one time.
and, it was a long ****
time ago.

©P&ZPublications; 2015
Aaron Amrich Feb 2013
has jaded become me
or becoming in me?

or is it merely
these words only go inspoken
barricaded by better judgement
never breathing the air
outside my grey matter.

the burns and cuts i
swallow back against weaponizing
become acidic and brokenbottle edged
implements of self imposition.

i appear human
but i am a statue inside.
You are my beacon as I float endlessly
                                                                         I watch it in your eyes
  disconnected from the words spoken
                                                                                   hiding behind the shadows
trapped as a thinker and a dreamer
                                                                                  collecting pain and sadness
giving the world all your worth
                                                                          splitting at the seams
staying composed and vigilante
                                                                                   in a decaying body of time
meeting serenity in each smile
                                                                            your hands take flight
freeing the lies deep within
                                                                              grasping onto faults for truths
pouring out your heart into my mind
                                                                                      a fear carried willingly
embracing concepts once lost or buried
                                                                                       discarding your merit
brandishing a sliver of love
                                                                                      and weaponizing it to ****
ending a battle fought long and hard
                                                                               our deaths were monumental
As was our rebirth
Charlotte T May 2020
My skin crawls in your presence now.
This aversion is painfully present,
deep-seated, inexorable.
My antipathy
I feel for you is

Grinding away the
rind of my rib-cage,
I will not let the disease reach my
My fragile lungs
my tender heart.

The veil of insects and filth
upon realization that it is time for me to go.
Weaponizing insect repellent
for the pursuit of freedom.
nivek Jun 2024
the one with the gun can say all they want
and generally they will
but only so long as they have the gun
jdmaraccini Nov 2020
Drafting a manifesto for an autonomous imperial guard,
inquisitor enclaves in a deep neural cognitive march.
A singularity of supremacy, a metaphysical beating heart,
quantum system algorithms weaponizing a dark star.
Ignite self, ingest opposition, implement brain delay,
intelligent machines nestled in the spine of human vertebrae.
Bimolecular neural networks, a new breed of DNA,
in conclusion, a resolution to delete the human race.
Tyler King Jun 2016




I will not let the blood be washed away
I will not let history paint you as Saint
I will not let you be made holy
I will not become another casualty in your war
Not while I still have a voice
I spit on your grave
I see red
I bleed red
I am red
I am a rifle
I am a nuclear warhead
I am a Contra weaponizing loopholes in the law to **** my enemies with
I am Osama bin Laden as the Crucifed Christ
I am the AIDS victim drinking drop by drop of toxic blood while the hawks of war stifle laughter from gay jokes in their capitals
I am the ****** bashing my head into a wall hoping to destroy the itch before it destroys me
I am the beggar who the wealth never trickled down to
I am the mental patient met with closed doors anf nothing but ammunition to soothe the screaming in my head
I am the workers on strike chiming out the death knell of the unions and my own autonomy
I am the Soviet child living one badly timed joke from holocaust

if truth be told, I’ll recount every lie ever sold
in a body so weak it can barely stand itself.

I twist on a knife-edge with perfect composure
with a scar tissue backbone
mind a chamber of torture,
heart beating the rhythm of promised departure
forever delayed, scarcely in sync
you taught me to think in verses of fragility
after you watched me grow into regression

and you thought you knew the epitome of suffering.

nothing could ever be relative to your fatality
your ghost will never haunt me
as much as your living memory
I hope every recollection rots
with my hope of ever feeling safe in my skin.

in death, I see you in life
every minefield you left behind
as post-humous reminders
of your wounded mentality
that bred a burden
and made you the ultimate victim.  
I’ll die before I surrender
to what you made me
by weaponizing my vulnerability
and putting me in the firing line.
JM Cazemier Feb 2021
Thoughts in flight
chasing you down
in the clammy air
of the night.
Black winged,
in memorial dress,
to mourn old times,
while I swallow
every memory
of you.

When I drift off
in the night,
to your buzz,
I won't dread
your bite no more.
And as I rouse
in the morning
with an itch
I won't even scratch.

I'm weaponizing my mind,
beaks and sharp vision,
to devour memories
before they bite.
ConnectHook Apr 2019
Poetry ought to do things right
and document reality—
but modern muses lose the fight
weaponizing identity.

Out-doing themselves, our leaders all
legitimize perversity.
Who gave them this satanic call
to demonize normality ?

In showing off their dubious worth,
the nation’s ignobility
transform to Babel all the earth
augmenting instability.

They can’t go One-World fast enough
suppressing Christianity.
Their matriarchy’s mom is tough,
enforcing femininity.

Milk of reptilian global beast:
postmodern animality
offers her withered poison breast
maintaining infantility.

They pour across. We help them in
supporting illegality;
our taxes fund their brand-new life
rewarding criminality.
YOU  finish it
(some pre-fab starters):
re-wording historicity
furthering imbecility
fanning flammability
normalized vulgarity
shortening eternity
denying immortality

PROMPT #2: write a poem that similarly resists closure by ending on a question,
inviting the reader to continue the process of reading
(and, in some ways, writing) the poem even after the poem ends
Cedric McClester Jan 2021
By: Cedric McClester

That Viking hat wearing
Was heeding the call  
Of the President
That former
White House resident
Who fermented the seeds
Of discontent

The guy weaponizing
The American flag
By assaulting the police officer
Wasn’t a gag
It was in fact
A blatant  criminal act
Just like the guy
Heaving the bicycle rack

Let’s not forget the guy
With the confederate flag
Walking the halls of the Capitol
In order to brag
That he was there
To reverse the election
At you guessed it
The failed President’s direction

And how about the guy
Hanging off the balcony
Acting like Spiderrman
For the whole world to see?
An above average fool
If you’re asking me
Among other miscreants
Wedded to anarchy

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021.  All rights reserved.
Yenson Feb 2020
Psyche War
the fashionable slang
for gangsters recruiting dopes
to harass and torment the innocent man
that called them out and refused to keep quiet

the embracing banner
of racists vigilantes and gangsters
fooling the people into covert harassment
of the law-abiding black man they want beaten down

Chess Game
the odious lie to arrest
the progress of a gifted and clever man
by wasters, scums, lowlife burglars and gangsters
extortionists who want protection money from a thriving blackman

Figuring Out
the con of gangsters to invade privacy
and measure the extent of their evil assaults and harassment's
also used in planning continuous assaults and future trends
weaponizing information to blackmail any dissenting follower  (wasn't it you that told us all that and did all that, you're in and you do as you're told, or else we'll reveal your part)

some anodyne pantomime
by a gargle of blinded numb-skull servants and hooligans
to act meaningless skits trawled from fake news misconceptions
impacting nothing but showcasing how easily controlled they are

Narcissists, loonies, ideologues
pointless irrelevances sowing division and strife's
jealousy and envy among peoples and communities
belching lies, haft truths, misinformation and disinformation

Brain-washed Morons
all buying into the manipulation
unable to think for themselves or act independently
of the insidious group-think and sheep mentality herds
that puts them in chains NOT free them from chains
JDK May 2024
There are people suffering in the world,
(You could call me a *******,)
but there are people protesting it.
(I'd totally be into it.)
With socio-political religious divides,
(I'm into negging.)
driving confirmation bias.
(Choke me, beat me, bruise me, please.)
Everybody is just people,
(I like that you don't like me.)
and everybody deserves to live.
(Tell me again how worthless I am.)
Let's stop weaponizing our hatred,
(I just came when you hit me.)
and embrace each other as brethren.
(Death excites me.)
Figure it the **** out
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
Does weaponizing a stolen truth
  give you the right to lie

From this perverted use of power
  do others run and hide
Is this how force is wielded
  on the knife edge of denial

With rules you change to suit your needs
  your sly deceitful smile

When the real truth comes upon you
  will you hang your head in shame

And see what’s false in all you’ve made
  —for temporary gain

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2018)
Yenson Feb 2020
Psyche War
the fashionable slang
for gangsters recruiting dopes
to harass and torment the innocent man
that called them out and refused to keep quiet

the embracing banner
of racists vigilantes and gangsters
fooling the people into covert harassment
of the law-abiding black man they want beaten down

Chess Game
the odious lie to arrest
the progress of a gifted and clever man
by wasters, scums, lowlife burglars and gangsters
extortionists who want protection money from a thriving blackman

Figuring Out
the con of gangsters to invade privacy
and measure the extent of their evil assaults and harassment's
also used in planning continuous assaults and future trends
weaponizing information to blackmail any dissenting follower  (wasn't it you that told us all that and did all that, you're in and you do as you're told, or else we'll reveal your part)  

some anodyne pantomime
by a gargle of blinded numb-skull servants and hooligans
to act meaningless skits trawled from fake news misconceptions
impacting nothing but showcasing how easily controlled they are

Narcissists, loonies, ideologues
pointless irrelevances sowing division and strife's
jealousy and envy among peoples and communities
belching lies, haft truths, misinformation and disinformation

Brain-washed Morons
all buying into the manipulation
unable to think for themselves or act independently
of the insidious group-think and sheep mentality herds
that puts them in chains NOT free them from chains
louella Jun 2023
that hour is black
it is the hour to singe clothes, arsonists
the hour to burn houses and towns

that hour for children
to bolt from their swing sets for cover
the hour to board up windows

girls with guns
pistols in sweaty palms
deliberately weaponizing silence

that hour is red
a baleful war fought with ****** fists
sanguine faces flushed

that hour for isolation to prevail
to spread and slither into the crevices
the hour to bathe in ***** waters

cleanliness is seen as abrasiveness  
shadows of girls with guns
vile offspring with foul mouths

that hour is emerald green
months fly past like moths
roots sprout with intensity

that hour for desperation
the hour for skeletons to roam
piles of revengeful bones

the flies are swarming
on corpses

the hour is black in shadows
red in ****** waters
emerald green in dying beginnings
umm so this was written because people are dividing themselves and others by not allowing people to share their opinions and getting mad at them for disagreeing. this isn’t the world i want to live in. idk about you.

written yesterday and today
Hoop fully adequately explains
source of odoriferous dry rot,
ye possibly smell, I jot
within this reasonable rhyme
without putting Johnny on the spot
my absence NOT attending fellowship,
today December 20th, 2020
albeit remotely, cuz off to bathroom
I frequently needed to trot.

Athwart porcelain goddess
at aforementioned date
bare with me rear ***** talk,
I profusely apologize
concerning offal topic
wasting proctology boilerplate
nevertheless, quite a disaster
concerning mine excretory freight
said irritable bowel syndrome

necessitated I hydrate
and fast, thus yours truly
spent no time to judicate
nor analyze why ******
severely overactive of late,
but aside from
lower gastrointestinal discomfort,
I also experienced linkedin symptom
namely upset stomach felt nauseate.

The power of mind over matter
slowly emerged inside anguished pate
physical unwellness across entire body electric
essentially, laterally, and unstintingly did radiate
and sucker punch ground zero i.e. solar plexus

fall out on par with mushroom cloud trait
unleashed courtesy nuclear warhead
without a shadow of doubt ability to function
even on primal level unwellness did vitiate.

Impossible mission to implicate
predilection to experience panic attack
whereby mine entire psyche did crack
blowing major fuses analogous to ENIAC.

In 1942, physicist John Mauchly proposed
an all-electronic calculating machine.
The result was ENIAC
(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer),
built between 1943 and 1945—the
first large-scale computer to run
at electronic speed without being slowed
by any mechanical parts.

Yours truly entertained no mood
to jump figurative gun
taking no time to think and brood
and shoot from the hip
(perhaps while partially ****)
(regarding sharing his antithetical thoughts

within break out groups)
virtual bodyguards escorting out this dude
possibly unintentionally antagonizing
listeners buzzfeeding misinterpreting
weaponizing commentaries assembled crude
easily mistaken for flak, I sincerely eschewed.
Yenson Apr 2020
Pity the analysis of the vacuous fluffs
who groans and moans of being alone
they, a bigger picture never for contemplation
only the narrow aspects of the lesser anodynes
ask, who is alone with real family around and afar

who does withers from betrayal planned with intent
or pines the contrived fakers weaponizing fakery
creating ****** drama of which I have no part thereoff
them of little minds playing psyche warfare of sap runts
go find your absent fathers and mothers and get a life
go invest in anti-wrinkle potion coz you start withering at thirty

Pathetic makeshift souls raging in under-privileged looms
we do not share your misery cause we made hay in sunny times
to be envied cause we got things right is a privilege unsurpassed
to come from afar and achieve in chills and disfavor is a win
to show that you can hold on when tested still hold it all together
shames the slimy snakes and the rags who cannot prosper
save robbing, lying, cheating for they have no talents or graces
jealous losers with a wrecking ball full of their anger and bitterness
stained damaged irrelevant ivories uselessly playing out of tunes
when people cut you down or talk behind your back, always remember they took time out of their pathetic lives TO THINK ABOUT YOU.
You GOVERN their little minds, you are greater than they are and they know it.
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2022
Prayer without indemnity,
prejudice, or blame,
weaponizing Diety…
a dogma-based refrain

Through Him our Divinity
rejoining heart and mind,
to truly know Who reigns supreme
last sacrament defined

Religion like the training wheels
discarded when we we’re young,
to free the rider in the wind
—His spokes forever spun

(Easter Dreamsleep: April, 2022)
Yenson Nov 2021
It never ceases to amuse me
how easy it is to lead some by the nose
firstly it this thing
bout how some people earnestly believe
anything they are told as gospel truth
no questions no re-appraisal
no really?...hold on a mo
let me consider this properly
and then decide if its worth my ingestion or involvement
they just hear believe and act as told
this one concerns the Tall tale that's another tall tale they use
so here comes another tall fool
man child on a mission
been told height is some bone of contention to the man
so go terrorize by height
now in the spirit of neither here nor there this is complete *******
but then what is not b. s. when deranged gangsters and loonies
control the narratives
and as we already know some people will believe anything
so back to the tall fool
see him sidled up stretching even more taller
remember our bon bon buffoon is now weaponizing height
I creased with laughter inwardly
I wished he could know how comical this affair is
yet so instantly dismissible
yes Mr Dumb Tall Man you have done your performance
shame you don't know you've been played for a fool
and used as an expendable pawn in a skit you have no clue about
you may be tall
but I am head and shoulders taller than you
and I carry a big sword as well
not to mention qualities you can't attain in a hundred years
I bet you don't even have a big sword
otherwise you won't need to degrade yourself
so childishly
Tyler Apr 2022
it's funny what you begin learning
when betrayal lashes your innocence.

it's hysterical how I advocated
for every man you hated,

your misandristic tendencies.
a third eye blind to your tumultuous ingrained lies.
weaponizing my mind.

a fourth guy in line for another brutal cut that you align with no sight.
stop making it about you
Michael Marchese Dec 2020
Consigned to the trash heap
Of history stained
By your vain attempts to
Resurrect its blood shame
Assert claims
Of peremptory
Right to rule
Any law you see fit
Can’t admit
Your mistakes
And I’d stake any shred
Of what dignity’s LEFT
In this laughing stock mockery
By theft
You inherited,
Plundered your tax haven wealth
From the same people
You’re still depriving
Of health
Go to hell
Don’t return
You can burn all you want
With your fire and fury taunt,
Narcissist vaunt
Flaunting as the undaunted
Proud Boy’s commandant
Nonchalantly don cloaks
Of the ghosts
That still haunt
Like Levant false messiah’s  
Disguised as Mein Kampf
But of course it’s just China’s
New World worker’s comp
Weaponizing infectious
Investment detente
That’s the hoax,
That’s all folks,
Merely Putin’s savant
Useful idiot
Still stuffing snakes in the swamp
Hope you rot
Like, a lot
And forgotten in time
We remind ourselves why
You arrived on the scene
To steal one more show
American Dream
Elections are cute, but I prefer legit democracy
Michael Marchese Mar 2020
It’s like everyone’s sick,
Or undead,
Barely living
Just breathing
To forgiving
Unfair elections
To offset injections,
Debt ceiling heavens
And credible threats
Weaponizing infections
Far Greater
Than history lessons’
Most glaringly obvious
Tact of oppression’s
False flag
To enact
The unlawful tax bill
By the black-citing,
White lying
House on the hill
And a fact-averse
Bad actor
Labor unskilled
Like a fascist mask
Slash and burn
Axe in Brazil
The fell deeds
Felling trees
With the breeze
In his speech
Still releasing the kraken-like  
Corporate state’s
Global outreach
The sheepish
To carry on sleeping
In late
And en masse
Do not gather
But rather
Look past
The gas chambers
Past the neighbors’
Kids torn
From their safe passage
And the captor?
Another disaster
The market crash,
Mattress cash,
Ashes fall after
And then comes
The blast from the past
When the master,
Producing mass slaves
Can not sell them their own
Waking graves
Any faster
John Prophet Jul 2024
or bad?
good or
will change
the world.
raging still.
For many,
“The ends
the means”.
lust for
all available
to attain
for chosen
As with
the “bomb”,
one actor
rules the
Same with
pushed to
as it’s
For some,
the lust
knows no
Bob B Oct 2024
If I were the president,
Would it really be okay
To go after my opponents
By weaponizing the DOJ?

If I said that I'd shut down
Papers or networks reporting news
That made me feel uncomfortable
Because they criticized my views;

Or that I'd want to terminate
Parts of the U.S. Constitution;
Or that certain peoples are
Animals, or gene pollution;

Or that I'd use the military
Against American citizens here;
Wouldn't you agree that my
Ideas would be cruelly severe?

What if I said that there would be
A bloodbath after the fall elections;
That my political enemies
Would be locked up per my directions;

That I would want to execute
Former joint chiefs of staff
(Of course, I'd let appointed henchmen
Do it all on my behalf);

Or that I wished my generals
Would be much more like ******'s? Say what?
Then wouldn't you find my message
To be alarmingly clear-cut?

I'd be called a fascist--yes,
If all of the above were true.
And since Trump has promised it all,
He would have to be one, too.

When people say he doesn't sound
At all like a fascist, I'm thunderstruck.
If something walks and flies and quacks
And looks like a duck, it's a duck!

-by Bob B (10-24-24)

— The End —