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Cripp May 2013
with fangs prepared
we wait
by stepping out cavern of blue thoughts
and into

night sky
lit by glow of stick-end
night sky
carried on the back of an ant
night sky
begs remorse's end

night sky
brings out unsuspecting fools
to dither aimless
to seek nocturnal sweets
yet hunger dangles in ropy clots
only to find acrid wind.
Ever heard that 'joke' about the guy who.....

lying down, peaceful
relaxing in curls of smoke
looking up at the brilliant night sky
seeing flying stars over dipping moon
pondering the meaning of life and its beauty

and then, suddenly wondered:
well, just where in the the hell is my roof ???
cait-cait Jul 2018
i hate you,
i think, as you try to shoot me to death.

standing above me with a gun in my face

you feel
rage like undissolved sugar in
warm milk -
there’s blood on the floor and
then there’s me
                          dying and almost dead,
you left my eyes open ,
and i know
you forgot the ****** weapon:

so i’m going to take it with me.

one day ,

i’m going to heal ,
and i’m going to remember —

you took my gun ,
took all my bullets
                                too .

and i still won’t ever shoot back.
im actually in japan right now! Having the time of my life *****!! Staying in a suburb of Tokyo with my previous host family doing mundane stuff... it’s great! This poem is inspired by what my friend said to me after I sent her a happy pic of me... basically told me I looked out of place and was wrong for enjoying myself. It made me feel terrible and like ****. Anyways long story but something happened and she left our group chat and I didn’t notice!! But now she joined again and won’t tell me why she left and I think it’s because she knows she ****** up. Some people’s punishments are just being themselves. Sorry for the long description. Happy summer everyone!!
ChinHooi Ng Dec 2022
I went against the grain
by tightening the blinds
turning off the lights
the bedroom then became
a bottle of ink
filled with ink either black
or blue
lying in my bed
like an undissolved bit
the world is jet black
i close my eyes and mouth
so as not to choke on the darkness
at this point the yearning
becomes light and thin
pale and faint
and finally it faded
like daylight
the stranger I've come to be like.
cait-cait Dec 2016
you are unloved;
undissolved in a world you
watch through glass.

and once again,
you are nine; in the bathroom,
on that floor, as
the blue tiled walls reflect,
and replay
over and over and

you wish that
you never truly woke up, from
the strange mix of dream
and reality you
succumbed to long ago,

like a princess, at
wrapped in thorns

you'd never have had to pack
that sleepover bag every time
he made you cry,

even as the tv still played
cartoons, snot still
ran, and you still
bled (and left).
no one loves as much a i do
Third Eye Candy Feb 2012
odorless bathing salts
in calm
with ashy skin

two cheeks
with silver milk
with odorless
to at least
nausea ,

the beads on a chain
attached to a rubber plug
wearing concrete shoes
in placid
Passes the Time,

even at a fraction of the speed limit
ulcerous enamel
leeching rust
into a pointless bog
of manganese
and zinc

bees wax
on the

she left her

she left hair
on how to recover
from losing your

a box
of wooden matches
can't seem to
get  on
with a crumpled ***
of spent tissue...

a waste basket
that needs therapy
with yellow lungs,
eating a can
of pork & beans
thinking wrinkled hands
are like
house cats

over the lip
of a submarine
with clawed feet
brass proud

with empty
beers cans on the floor
sleeping off
the misadventures
of a reckless

my wallet
splayed prone, under
a slow leak.
admiring the linoleum

better days
in a magazine

of a well appointed

it was furnished
with opulent

they were

on page twelve.

i thought

i knew
i would cancel
my subscription
even if it
Michelle Garcia Jan 2016
even now, there are days I spend floating
in unfamiliar skin that never stops
aching to crawl away from me,
plagued with thoughts that sit
like clumps of undissolved sugar  
in tea that tastes different this morning

outside, I can hear the love song
of snowflakes caressing my windowpane

and it is strange to think that
somewhere, someone is
holding their newborn child,
tiny hands and dark hair, with eyelashes
fluttering like trees in blizzard wind,
and someone else is hearing the ancient voice
of the father they never got to meet
at the end of a static telephone call

my heart leaps for the little girl
with pink dimpled cheeks,
her favorite polka-dotted dress
spinning in unpredictable circles, eyes up
at the kites dancing against the baby blue sky
somewhere warm, whimsical, and
dreamed of

today, there is joy
but it cannot find me
Ryan Topez Oct 2013
The reflection that peers back at me,
In my jo-black coffee,
Is taunting and eerie.

With every sip my face ripples and grows old.
The steam that was my youth is no more,
I have grown cold.
Like the remittence of the coffee that once was,
All that is left is grindings and sugar,

To be drunk, regardless.
Coarse, as it runs down and grazes my throat.
The person who was staring back at me is gone,
And with every coffee that follows,
an unknown reflection, it will host.

Like the empty cup,
I have been rendered useless, by my own nihilistic judgement.
Sam Temple Feb 2017

The morphine undissolved upon his dry and cracked tongue
Mother frantically grabbing and sobbing
asking 'why' even though cancer
had been devouring him for years

I slid a silver ring off his cold finger
feeling the thin and frail culture
I thought back to massive hands holding wide leather belts
who would be able to discipline me now

More pills swirled around the toilet bowl
everything that wouldn’t get mom or I high
sank and disappeared
I think I flushed my feelings that day too

Fading images play in my mind
his braided hemp cord necklace woven around a tiger’s eye
the black heart earing that I lost almost the same moment
they wheeled his body out into the day
mom collapsed like a dying balloon
in dad’s chair
her red watery eyes looking up at me
still holding the same questions   /
Ayesha Apr 2021
There is a plummeting within me
I reckon not unlike tumble ****
in a lone, stranded desert

That of violence
so long silenced
That of anger, and hail storms
upon freshly blossomed hyacinths

a smothered baby bird
or a tree towed down
the twigs and shrivelled seedlings
cry out
and dry gusts hear
One upon other lunges

And I, them weeds—
them weeds— and more,
a deafening brawl

Rolled, as wool, into an orb
That laughs an unkept,
dimming painting
Jumps over rocks
this wicked, rotten child,
And descends under still

A brick that stumbles out the wall of my skull
and down my depths,
it begins to explore

The den
where an injured bird
snores bleeding
And ceramic bars that surround
Down still—

A churning, twisting furnace
Burning all menace to gold
And labyrinths
Restless as they warp
upon themselves—
Them groaning snakes

It plummets down still
past the stars
past the battered moon

On, on ’til the cracked rocks
Pull it under, under, under

and my steps feel heavy
A fat brick kiln burping within
And steam and smoke
strangely slither

Then one more brick breaks loose
then one more, then—

and there is a plummeting within me
Like that of beads from a broken necklace
They lurk
from flesh to flesh
Climb up my bare white trees
filled with mud

This faded landscape painting
claws down my spine
And ***** its stollen hues out
Like those

of battles
or slaughtered moths
Of old, crinkled terrors etched
with foolery
Hymns of fury undissolved
and those of naked, shivering sheep

a kitten’s skull
stuck down the drain

There’s a plummeting within me
terrifying, and disgusting; angry and
beautiful— all hyped up to scream
I fear the landslides will
carry me along
and I will let them.
Rabiu Ameen Aug 2024
From a small coven
To a large overwhelming crowd
All clustered under the burning oven
With our voices chorusing and loud

In the heat of a brooding chaos, behold! The guns and boots
Spouting warily with nictitating crocodile eyes, marking for some kills
As other swarm of hoodlums rejoined with their loots
The breath of rightful deeds felt clogged like diseased mackerel gills

We must ward off this harsh rule in one massive anguished buzz
We must stand with one beating heart yet unresolved
With defiance or blunted zeal, not just a mere fuzz
Despite scattered dust mixing with the oozing off tossed canisters, we marched undissolved

We have tolerated enough to inspire many hunger wars
We are refusing to let our voices be contained in an enclosed stage
Be silenced, nor be put behind bars
Like some hunted wilds stocked away in a zoo cage

With such unbearable vultures' cry hovering around hyenas' feasting pile
With such rebellious act, yet justified with empty belly sense
"Where are the truckload of palliatives?", Someone alarmed with a stone projectile
In retaliation, a series of warning shots poked the skies, perhaps to flaunt firearms license

If not let to roar with animal rage while wagging its jungle tail
A hunger protest still; To what end, If not let to march towards the banquet gate of hell
If not let to bring down the profoundly deaf mushroom walls with a molotov cocktail
So sickening till dawn, yet we await the political butler to ring the broadcast bell
Amirraahh Mar 2021
Heartstrings spill into a solitude of silence

As undissolved fears whisper to escape the violence

Dreams melt within the darkening hues of a silken sky

When my soul burns to a velvet lullaby


As the eve of night fades, each moonlit lash that lines my eye flutters beyond the depths of why

Thou shall not render me cry....

Do I die to a lie?  

Repercussions of a releasing breath slowly leave my chest as I falsy face my death

Only one moistened reprieve

Are my ending thoughts as

I can no longer breathe

Bloodied tears leave

As this angst entwines my soul's sonnet

Silver dewdrops fill the bruised space of every hearts laconic pocket

With wasted moments briefly swept away between the sips of  poisonous tonic

It's iconic

My heart seeks its timeless destiny past the saline sea of eternity

That's where you will see me

In the sea drenched to empty

I will sink within the indigo ink as the waves of the ocean softly blink

For which, I pause & rethink
Onoma Feb 2021
purple is

the oral history

of our undissolved


— The End —