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Zechary DeWolf Jun 2014
Have you ever felt the ache?
That twinging,
need, when you're alone,
wishing they were near.
The tumultuous storm  in your gut when
plans fall  through,
or you have to go a
But tell me, is it worth
that twinging,
feeling of guilty paranoia when you
              and lie?
There are two pains in this world,
that of loneliness,
and that of deceit.
Can you understand
my frustration
at the choice?
I want to
see you,
        hold you,
              kiss you,
but not in deceit.
I'm sorry if this ends us,
but lying will end me.
J-J Johnson Aug 2023
Ode to the clouds of the far west
The rains that fell on the absence
Kept to grieve the sorrows of tomorrow

Ode to the waters of the blue seas
The waves that crushed on the bare soles
Left to sweat the love of the shy heat

Ode to the joys of the tears not cried
The smiles that faded with each warming heart
Bled to keep the life from the twinging strife

Ode to the war that never will end
The love that stokes the silent wails
Felt to **** the death of an aching soul
F White May 2013
How are you?
[no I'm not. I'm not. Everything is falling apart] Great!

[I need to hide. hide before my seams split open] What's new?

How was your day?
[frustrating. brick walls. ice daggers. you name it. I need a tall building] Not too bad, yours?

How are you feeling?
[shattered. please don't...I can't] Sleepy, a little.

[bursting out. spilling. tidal wave of complete wrongness. ribs rattling around uncontrollable feelings. rage. throat tight. calves twinging. head spinning] Smile!

Could you-
do you?
really desire this knowledge?

Unwanted, unwarranted, personally, so I won't regift.
I'm not sure your ears  really want the weight of
it, anyway.
copyright fhw, 2013
Kirsty Feb 2014
morning gracefully glides
over the lingering night,
icy crystals like diamonds
effortlessly hovering in the daylit sky,
sun's golden warmth
joins hands
with the twinging frost,
and the lingering night
gracefully glides
over the morning.
David Watt Jan 2011
Sick today of twinging strings,
And watching the happiness that my magic brings.
Today is the peak of this ever lasting longing,
Far surpassing lustfull shortlived snogging.

I want a warm hand to clutch and hold,
And with me watch the beauty of this world unfold.
In perpetual youth his love will keep me.
instead of weary cold loveless and empty.

Immortality keeps me from this destiny,
for with it comes  my lovers repeating finality.
Every death is always the same,
tormented in moments of heartaches pain.

I cannot love one or any at all,
for the climb gets higher from every fall.
ive lost the pleasure,
of these heavenly endeavours.

So in your hands i place the choice to love,
and set it on white wings of my most beautiful Dove,
and throw myself onto the tides of eternity,
never to feel the gifts of divine maternity.
or to waltz to a song.
that plays a single life span long.
brandon nagley Mar 2016
From thy neck
To thy visage;
As thou doth
Ache, and thy
Head pound's;
Like a clock
With none
Ending. O'
How I want
To healeth thee, and sprinkle God's
elixírio upon thine twinging. As when I shalt,
In thine ear's; thou shalt feeleth ringing. The chiming wilt be
Of the prognosticator's breathing, as Yahweh's sovereignty, shalt explode through the poverty of the wrong's all flesh maketh. O' ourn Lord shalt giveth, not taketh, yet when he taketh; it's for the good to those that loveth God. His will unknown, a holy applause. As we wilt clap ourn hand's and bow to his throne. On knee's, head looking to his features, fulsome and overwhelming in the most amastery shown. His figure monumental, all ardent, upon his seat. Omnipotent in his pity; as therein lies the metropolis of the spiritual Host's, wherein none dead is aloud to enter, nor fearing, nor ghost's. Tis only a toast of the blueprint map of the city of King David, the new Jerusalem awaiteth to cometh down to earth. As thee mine vasílissa Jane, Elohim shalt cureth thine pain's; mayest the Almighty's name be praised, as right now the sickness is leaving thou, and returning to Tophet from whence it came.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Visage - persons face. ****** features.
Thou- you, doth- do or does.
elixírio- elixer in Greek.
Twinging- suffer sharp pains.
Prognosticators are like prophets.
Yahweh- what Christians call God - Hebrew word for God.
Amastery is a word I made up meaning- mastering in godly way.
Ardent means- archaic literary burning; glowing. Which means enthusiastic or passionate which gods is both definitions.
Omnipotent- having unlimited power; able to do anything, also means God!
Therein- in that place. Archaic form.
City of king David ( christs ancestor was as king Solomon David's son, Jesus was related by blood to both  of them fun fact and christ was sent in form of flesh as humble poor carpenter man like christs earthly father Joseph. Jesus took form of humble poor man even though his ancestors were rich because he was showing humbleness and he is king of kings especially after he died. He was also showing he is The Savior of not just poor. But rich all alike! He told all to come to him. Not poor or rich! ALL.... A mericful loving Savior to all of us.. A humble Savior...
vasílissa- means queen in Greek tongue.
Elohim- another word for God in Hebrew tongue Christians also use. Also( the great  I am) also Eloah. Also El- shaddai. Or El. Or jah. And Jesus gods sons name was originally pronounced as Yeshua written like this hebrew way (ישוע) yeshua means ( safety and peace. in old Hebrew tongue,) also ironically yeshua or jesus' name yeshua means ( salvation) as he is our Savior so his Name Matches who he was and forever will be and forever is!!! The Savior! Our salvation in which our hopes firm for those who know him! And those who don't know him or seek truth. Christ spoke ( I am the way truth and the life, NO MAN comes to the father ( meaning God) but by me. John 14:6....  Also he spoke there is no other name under heaven by which men MUST be saved. Goes like this exact.
Acts 4:12King James Version (KJV)

(12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.) You don't know him? Wanna know his love mercy and what he's about and his Salvation? Plz write me and ask. Because he is the only way truth and no life is given but through gods son Christ. I won't be politically correct on mine faith. If I didint tell you of christ I'd be more of a sinner than I already am our duty here on earth is to tell of Christs gospel!! And big purpose of loving and forgiving all beings, yet the world's in chaos because Satan has many demons working overtime to temp and hurt and persuade people. Not me.. I deal with very ( real ones) that scratch me. Curse. Mock God. So on. Not people. REAL demonic forces, and dark beings... This is reality. You can choose the way of Christ ( life) or death and hell... A real place and reality. Though what do you choose? Life? Narrow path in Christ? Or death( hell) broad path many take.? Not mine decision we all have free will.
Tophet- another name for hell in Hebrew...

PS; originally wrote this for Jane sardua mine queen, or Jane Nagley as you know her, because she's been getting many headaches for long time now. She doesn't like taking headache pills which I understand why. So much junk in pills though we were given medicines to help us, and for curing and illness. And we have choice to use even natural stuff doesn't have to be nonsense from a store... Jane denies medical treatment unless I beg her to take headache meds... Lol. She won't see doctor and always has head pains. Either from tension from stressing over school constantly which sorry Jane that's sad, that our world puts education before others ourselves and God and family. Though it helps while on earth, though when doing education you must balance education, and if you let mainstream false education run your life you will get sick!!!!!! And get illness beyond words... You need balance since doing schooling as you know I back you 100 percent for engineer schooling... Hard for anyone who hasn't seen what engineers do that's what Jane does hahahahhaha mine smart Reyna!!! So anyways. Jane doesn't wanna see doctor. For headaches, plus she's been getting cold out of nowhere. All this poem is for you Christians who pray and would like to pray for Jane! I ask you pray for janes healing physically woith headaches and her healing with sickness and cold she's been having as she's losing her voice to. Plz pray for Earl Jane Nagley. Also know as earl Jane sardua( yellow majesty) in some places.... Thank you friends...
God bless
Brandon Nagley
Aly Feb 2019
This thinning wall of my heart has searched for healing  over and over again.
Behind smiling eyes is a burning sadness.
Fake a smile, sing a song, fool them all.
I have a sunny disposition but a dark dark soul.
The louder I laugh, the harder I’m crashing.
Some days I wish to stay inside and never feel the sun on my skin.
Unaware of my own  adversity.
Unaware of the negative energy pervading the minds of those around me.
Wallowing in what feels like a bad dream.
When this beautiful life awaits on the other side.
Tiny voices bursting loud with laughter.
Calling one of my many names.
Reaching toward this twinging heart.
With joy never so pure.
But all the while,  the darkness waits in the shadows to consume me.
I try to run away.
A shrug of the shoulders to push the pain down.  Build a happy wall. They won’t see me break.
But buried within my eyes, the lonely girl lives inside.
Sayeed Abubakar Dec 2015
Going to slaughter the death like a bull felling it on ground
binding tightly its four legs, we have made our earth
full of death more.
Going to uproot the shrubs of weeds,
we have filled our life-land with more weeds.
Going to destroy the darkness with all its roots,
we have fallen down slipping into the darkest ditch.

Our wisdom is now eating our whole body
pecking at all limbs like a vulture.
All our books and idle times of our laboratories
are biting our soul and existence, raising their hoods
like a cobra.
We do not know where we have reached
running like a bull tearing its rope.
Our science and technology are pouring black heat
upon our skulls.

Our dull eyes are getting overturned again and again
like an unhappy housewife hanging herself
with a ceiling fan.
Even the eyes of our heart are growing feeble and inactive
by getting fade every day.

Spitting upon all our rotten knowledge, wit,
welfare and blessing,
spitting upon our democracy twinging like a septic boil
and spitting upon all our destructive inventions,
we are eagerly waiting like swallows,
like the thirsty fish  of a dry pond
or like the cracked fields of Summer-
if it rains!
if peace descends!
if the last white pigeon comes
flying from the distant sky-civilization out of this sky
engulfed with bombing planes,
carrying the message of peace!
Amy Perry Apr 2018
The shards of a heavy dagger
Remain in me every moment.
You reached into my wound,
Wanton and haggard.
I gazed at the jeweled weapon
Tucked out of view
And the gape in my chest
I thought I outgrew,
Covered and sutured,
Well treated and healing.
But like a cold draft entering a weak archway,
You plunged deeply, weightlessly,
Leaving me reeling.
Poking, prodding,
Pointing out my shards and my scars.
I told myself I removed all of you
And the dagger soaked with love's poison.
You showed me shards from
The poisoned blade still linger,
The truth lies deeper than
Where I can put my finger.
You touched my wound with
The force of words.
How it stings with the sharpness of pain.
Twinging inside me,
Twisting like ivy,
Welling my eyes like a curse there to find me,
Pointing out my poison and shards,
Fiddling with the sutures of my scars,
And like a haunting winter's chill,
You left as quickly as the blood was spilled.
NeroameeAlucard Oct 2014
Wake up
get my weight up
walk to the kitchen, okay my meds ain't up,
What's this?
another nervous tick, shxt! I hope I can learn to deal with this.
Head twinging I think I better lay back down
Again? I feel like I'm an ostrich against my head in the ground
Wake up from my unintended nap
Now i feel a little bit better but my headache is whipping my a$$
Now this isn't a normal day for most
Forgive me for being a poor host
But my brain, because of my condition can haunt me and torture me like an unwanted ghost.
You see, I suffer from a disease called epilepsy
I'm not whining about it I've learned to carry this burden,
but people always asking "what's it like" is tedious like butter churning.
Andrew Guzaldo c Sep 2019
“Immediately a decisive alluring connection from the onset,  
As our ****** accoutrement deceptive lay’s softly on ground,
As the captivation of our present euphoria lays beneath our skin,
Complacency and beatitude with the enticing joy betwixt us,

I had fallen in love with her as the flowers cling to the earth,
Hearts hewed as one beating with powerful acquiescence,
Convivial contentment to us both as eve slowly turns to daybreak,
Reflex of love there is enigmatic elation never before perceived,

Etiology of twinging with euphoria trail of kisses lingering afore,
As in the charisma of a cold chill of that as glacial trails,
Sensed make our blood run cold now as souls entwined,
May she never leave and forestall a broken nature of being,  

I know that deep in the intensity of my heart you triumph,  
There is invariably space for altruism to reside always,
For all the delectation that once were unified of ours,
I not endeavor to conquer my contemplative devotion,  

Your flowering existence sheds invisible petals as I,
Claim them as something I could own should I keep them?
Or scatter them or are they even yours"

By Andrew Guzaldo  ©  09/01/2019 #165
By Andrew Guzaldo  ©  09/01/2019 Poem#165 #HelloPoetry
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
these things are my house, the
house of my body and my flesh
swing singing
singed and swaying
over grass cut freshly short

the knots and roots
of who trees blister
through the soil and meet
with feet
their rough and earthen body.

there is a light piercing the dull
night crisply hurt with twinging
of star song shaking and excellent
inside the smooth nearness
of its dark skin;

my hands make quick fingers
into nice fists of daylight
catching the strummed humming
of its string sound–borne over
the mouth of a mountain–
vibrates and intense.

i walk and the chilled asphalt
is the tiny sound of my feet,,
these halls of night
a rembrancer
and so newly full of nothing
stink with rose and thyme.

i am alive–
i hurt to love and to love
is hurting; my dear i love you
i told you a thousand times
(and a ****)

i'm sorry because both.

i will live
–i guess maybe–
or i will die becoming
worm pursued eating
the earth as eating becomes

the            new          grass

(freshly cut)
grows under
the house

of your body.
Faeza Kazim Jan 2016
Dark eyes and blood lips,
Hope versus few poison sips,
She chose goals to have a tight grip,
Of her life drowned like some huge ship,
Throbbing heart and twinging ribs,
She was just another mess fighting with hardships.
The Flipped Word Nov 2015
I heard the smooth jazz music
When she walked by
Heard the instant drop in the sound
As she flashed a smile
Could vaguely hear the bass
Twinging real low
As she moved like water
Without even knowing so
It was tough not to fall
Splat! At her feet
All I wanted to do
Was hear her symphony
I don't know what I drank
Was it the starry champagne
Or was it her, the one who captured me senseless
The one I was trying to taste
She was an assault on my senses
The deadliest one there ever was
Would've welcomed death openly
Had it been from her dart
I looked at that haunting assassin
Smiling that dooming smile
Didn't she know what she did
When she turned her eyes
I wished almost painfully
That she would keep on playing that jazz
What else could I do but listen and stare
I never even stood a chance
VanillinVillain Jul 2021
Louder now than ever
I hear that twinging song,
see the crimson scriptures
writ of iron-tipped scrawl;
thinking not about the pain
but seeking some control.
Allyvia Jan 2020
His touch clings to me
like spider webs
a tickling irritation.

When I’m stressed -
I wake up -
Fighting him off.
My body remembering his careful violence.

My mind branding over new lovers
with his fingerprints.

Want to mutilate my brain
shed this skin who recalls him
so easily.

No unconscious memories
of other touches
from anyone but him.

I will never forgive or forget.
Condition away this conditioned response.

When will I be free?
Of a man who doesn’t remember me.
I see his features in other men.
That gorgeous corn silk blond hair,
the strong, masculine jaw
even the cuteness of his ears.

Somehow that tugs at my heartstrings
The twinging pain disgusts  me.
How can I still feel this way?

I want to puke up this venom.
The vitriol burning my mouth.
Exorcise the malicious spirit
that wails in my ear
when I see


Or someone who almost looks like you.

My teeth sunk deep in anger.
You foolish, reckless girl - how could you let this happen?
How could you let him do this to you?

How can I forgive myself?
I don’t know how to.
My forgiveness will never be hinged to him.
He will never earn it.

I want to forgive myself.
My naivety, my hope, my lust.
I went in search of affection and base needs of physical touch
Repulsed by his violating me.

Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone
let me go, let me go, let me go.

I’m sorry to me for what I didn’t know would happen.
I’m sorry to me that I still blame myself for my violation.
I’m sorry to me how this trauma has burned me so deeply.
How I wish the salve of time and journaling would heal me completely.

I’m sorry to me that I still can’t quite let go.
How he still follows me around - at least metaphorically.
I want my forgiveness.
K B May 2021
"That's a good boy" the old lady rasped weakly in a doting voice as she sent her coal black puppy running into the garden. She smiled faintly as she watched her dog romp happily in the garden, rooting in the bushes for hidden treasures.  Sunlight piercing through the patches in the foliage of the surrounding trees gleamed off the unusually scarlet skins of healthy ripe tomatoes. Whincing slightly at the twinging pain in her back, she leaned heavily on her walking stick as she sunk gingerly to her knees in the soil. Gnarled and age mottled fingers reached forth from grey robes and tenderly caressed one fleshy fruit. Plucking it from the stem, she bit into the skin. Swallowing slowly with ruby coloured juices dribbling down the corners of her lips, she shuddered as she felt a wave ran through her body for a few seconds. With a sigh of satisfaction, she brushed off the soil from her robe and pulled herself to her feet without the aid of her stick. She turned sharply to her right as a rustle in the undergrowth caught her ears. Amused, she watched as her dog trotted proudly up to her with his tail wagging rapidly. His rear sticking up in the air, the puppy lowered his chest onto the ground and proudly presented his prize.  "What's that in your mouth boy".She reached down and pried the decaying finger, too small to belong to a human adult, from the mouth of the dog. The dog whined as she tossed the finger under the maggot ridden roots of one of the plants. She smiled and patted his head. "That's a good boy"
Kat M Feb 23
Sharp and seductive your words linger in my brian
Soft kisses, a wandering tongue, twinging bites
Your teeth on my skin and your hands on my waist
The pull of your sweet subtle venom compels me
I am yours to take piece by piece under your spell
Forever isn’t needed I merely want you in the present
Sanguine intoxication by the fantasy of what could be
Should forever take us both idyllically holding one another
Staring into locked eyes the glint of possibly beckons
Reality states I am merely another fledgling
Admirer bowing at your feet daring to stand up
I am a mirror and so are you, reflecting echos
Of what each of us thinks the other missed
Feedback Welcome!

Thanks, Bess for the inspo!
This twinging, this tingling, this sharp pinching
tugging from my right eye-socket to my shoulder
muscles, tendons, strings of sinew tensing, shortening, sticking
it's like a mosquito buzzing in my ear - an endless high pitched ringing
enough to send the tension spreading across my forehead, teeth clenching
I feel it, the anxiety, vibrating inside of every square inch from finger tips to my right ear.
Wrapping around to the back of my shoulder, pointed blade, locked in angry throbbing webs.
She called it the stress spot, and I can feel you pushing my buttons.
Dennis Willis Jul 2020
I've retracted this line
so many times
I felt I had to say
something to those of you
waiting in my imagination
for my next work
and who need
an explanation as to
my delay

i wish ink still stained
pages with this scouring
and pressing down
sound of blades on parchment
sailing words course through
this cellulose sea
quiet alone now

letters spill on as if
polymeric chains snag
heartstrings past embarrassment
follow one another out into some light
twinging yet owned
sparks of snappy life
shorting forward
and at something
so you see
Dan Gray Feb 5
I sit here many a night
For no reason tears escape from my eyes.
I don’t know for sure why they are there.
I seek within my soul
I seek within my heart
I seek within my being.
Answers don’t seem to arrive.
No matter how deep I seek.
No matter how I feel.
I can not find an answer.
I have been alone for most of my life
And maybe this is the center of the problem.
My past,
No matter how much I try to deflect
Bounces around my mind
Twinging my heart
Pinching my soul
I guess the source is,
I have been alone
For most of my life.

       Daniel Gray
    February 3, 2025
Hopefully have my muse back.  It has been hiding from me for much to long.

— The End —