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Concert on Jupiter

Hi dudes and welcome to my concert on Jupiter my first song is summer weather

Ya know it's the summer weather
The BBQ is lit together
The kids are swimming in the sea up and down avoiding sharks
It was the summer weather
Everyone having fun yeah
You see it is the summer weather
And I got my beer to keep me cool
Summer weather
Prepare a nice salad
With lettuce and tomato
And egg and potato
Summer weather
Johnny is jumping in the ocean
From his surfboard into the waves saying he is cool isn't he
Summer weather
The BBQ is lit together
The kids are swimming in the ocean up and down avoiding the sharks
Summer weather
I think the bush fire warning tells them that they must turn the BBQ off because it is
A total fire ban
Summer weather
So we have to think about something else yeah
Like potato salad and tomato and lettuce and a nice Aussie pav
Summer weather
Put the tv on to watch the cricket
To see which team wins the big bash and also see if Australia wins
Summer weather
Go for a yacht  ride on the ocean
A nice pleasurable ride through the waves having fun saying summer definitely rules
It is the summer weather
Cause we have our beer
To keep us cool

Ok here is summer wonderland

Sausages cooking on the barbe
Beer is chilling in the esky
Mum is in the kitchen making the pav enjoying this summer wonderland
Opening presents full of absolute joy
Presents for the girls and the boys
They love it yeah dad likes his beer living in the summer wonderland
On the beach we can build a sand castle and we bury uncle Robbie in the sand
And dad comes out and said hey you bludgers
Give your ****** mother a ****** hand
You see the beer is getting colder as you are getting older
Everyone is saying that we all live and breath in a mighty summer wonderland
You see I drink those beers in the esky
And the flies are a bit pesty
Buzzing around annoying you
Living in a summer wonderland
On the beach we can build a sandcastle and bury uncle Robbie in the sand
Then dad came our saying
Hey you bludgers
Give your ****** mother
A ****** hand
Living strong living long
Living in a hot old land
Walking along sweating so strong living in a summer wonderland

My next song is god bless the merry Tele marketers

God bless the merry Tele marketers I have something to say
Why do you ring me up and express ******* in that way
First of all you don't talk and I feel like hanging up
And other times you say that
People are trying to hack into my computer making me scared to hang up
I know if you hang up they will probably ring again
I wish they will stop calling me
Making me feel like a 10 below 10
I don't believe you have to ring me up every single night
I would prefer to watch a really great YouTube fight
I would like to tell you that you are fucken ****
I know that because of the advice from my mum
I think it sounds like the government trying to hack into the phone and say
If you vote for me in the next election I will give you higher pay
But instead I get people saying
People are hacking into my internet and they make you feel like saying want a ****** bet
God bless you stupid telemarketers I have something to say
You see sometimes you say you Jehovah's Witness saying Jesus was born on Christmas Day
You hang up saying don't call
Me a fucken gain
You see I believe in things
And so should you
You are just a naughty naughty
Really really rude dude
God bless telemarketers
Please stop bugging me mate

The next song is tony Abbott is a *******

Tony Abbott is a *******
A ******* a *******
Tony Abbott is a *******
A big big *******
You see he will ***** the poor and treat us like paupers
And take away our pensions
Like a crazy *******
You see he said he has the power to take away our money
And there is no way we will
Ever get a million
Because Abbott cares about
Is his pocket oh yeah
Tony Abbott is a **** face
A **** face a **** face
Tony Abbott is a **** face
And I hate him oh yeah
You see tony will give me a drink which will be total poison
And when we complain
He will say **** the poor
Tony Abbott is a **** face
A **** face a **** face
Yeah he is a **** face
A real fucken **** face
James Floss Mar 2019
1.  Shoot *****
2. Ski
3. Free-dive
4. Sky-dive
5. Vote Republican
6. Eat raw fish
7. Play naked volleyball
8. Eat haggis
9. Walk on coals
10. Yodel
11. Visit Somalia
12. Jell-O shots
13. Learn Klingon
14. Fish
15. Sell *****-wigs
16. Drink Genesee Creme Ale
17. Run a 5K
18. Pay mortgage
19. Divorce
20. Shoot ******
21. Go to Tupperware party
22. Drink Gatorade
23. Visit Poughkeepsie
24. Tend bar
25. Serve on a ******* trial
26. Eat glass
27. ****
28. Trump rally
29. KKK rally
30. Watch Sally Fields in The Flying Nun
31. Attend a MegaChurch
32. Listen to Death Metal
33. Watch American Dad
34. Moonwalk
35. Eat brussel sprouts
36. Watch Fox News
37. Turn 20
38. Turn 30
39. Turn 40
40. Turn 50
41. Turn 60
42. Turn over in my grave
43. Eat a tern
44. Teach Fall term
45. Terminate a solemn vow
46. Take a vow of silence
47. Disavow core beliefs
48. Operate a snow plow
49. Forget that I do know how
50. Insinuate
51. Dissemble
52. Lie, cheat and/or steal
53. S'Mores
54. Wet my bed
55. **** my thumb
56. **** a duck
57. Watch Little House on the Prairie
58. Rent a yacht
59. Not rescue animals
60. Not neuter pets
61. Not give to Food for People
62. Not appreciate Public Radio
63. Not appreciate Public Television
64. Knot like a Boy Scout
65. Play Parcheesi
66. Pay credit interest
67. Feign interest
68. Pinterest
69. Instagram
70. Eat spam
71. Exam cram
72. Karaoke
73. Jet-ski
74. Snowmobile
75. Pretend what the ******* are going on and on about matters (whoops; that’s number 67)
76. Blame my parents
77. Not take responsibility for my choices
78. Invest in oil futures
79. Renege on promises
80. Waste my time listening to telemarketers
81. Waste my time listening to zealots
82. Waste my time listening to racists
83. Waste your time
84. Waste my time, I hope
85. Not seek truth
86. Not seek answers
87. Not be authentic
88. Not be xenophobic
89. Accept lies
90. March lockstep
91. Buy the latest and greatest
92. Be consumer extraordinaire
93. Not be present
94. Not be conscientious
95. Not be good to my fellow human beings
96. Consume too much
97. Waste too much
98. Boast too much
99. Post too much
100. Not think about consequences
101. Not be me
Sydney Victoria Dec 2012
Let's Hold Up Our Glasses And Make A Toast

Here's To The Liars,
The Cheaters,
The Hatrers,
And The Women Beaters  

Here's To The Feet Draggers,
Body Baggers,
The Backstabbers,
And The Joint Draggers

Here's To The DUI Kills,
People Tryin To Keep It "Trill",
People Who Don't Reach To Pay The Bill,
And To The People Who Need A Refill

Here's To The Governments Killing Their Own,
Here's To Telemarketers Who Blow Up My Phone,
To The People In My Life Who Keep Breaking Me,
To That One Boy With A Heart Cold As Stone

Here's To The Chemistry Tests,
Being Enternally Upset,
Enternally Recked,
Here's To The People Who Scream In My Face

Here's To All The Pain,
Heres To The Knifes Which Have Cut A Vein,
To All The Guys Who Just Wanna Piece Of ***
Heres To All The People I Dread In My Math Class

As You Can See.. I'm Not Even Holding A Glass
Sorry For The Language, Just Tryin To Think Of Rhymes:)I Tried To Make The Format Look Like A Bottle On A Coaster So You Could See I Wasn't Holding It:)
Charlie Miles Mar 2011
When I was eighteen I worked for a company called GLENCOM. You probably haven't heard of them, you're not supposed to.
They're the invisible middleman.
What happens is, when a company wants to set up a call centre but doesn't have the space or the manpower to do it themselves, they call Glencom.
Glencom then puts together a team of people in Swindon,
teaches them the bare minimum about the product they need to sell and sticks them around a table with headphones on,
completely cut off from the people around them being force-fed phone numbers for eight straight hours a day.

They do this for dozens of companies. And there are dozens of companies just like it.
Producing nothing, just doing other peoples ***** work.
The jobs they don't want to do themselves.
Like Telemarketing. Cold-Calling.
You know when you've just got into the bath,
or you're sitting down to dinner and the phone rings and you think
'I don't want to answer that but it might be important'
and when you answer it it's someone you've never met desperately trying to sell you something you don't want?
And no matter what you say they don't seem to listen, or care,
they just keep reading standard procedure from a script until you can't take it any more and you just hang up?
Chances are, that person is a Glencom specialist telephone agent.

I loved that job, I really did.
You probably think I'm crazy for it, it's the kind of job that middle class kids do for a little extra cash while they're at university,
until they get sick of the soul-crushing routine of getting yelled at and hung up on, yelled at and hung up on and they stop showing up after six weeks.
Year after year, cold-calling is rated in the top ten things people hate about the modern world.
I was part of the problem.
And I loved it.

You see, when you get one of these phone calls, you don't realise that it's a real person on the other end of the phone.
Of course, you do know that it must be a person, that's common sense.
It's just not in your nature to think of that disembodied voice as having a face and a mind
and a favourite food .
and a family
and a history
and a home that they go to every night at seven thirty.
They're a spirit.
So you don't treat them like a real person,
and that's OK, really it is, we're used to it.
As far as you're concerned, whoever you're talking to is just a faceless corporation,
so you yell, and you swear,
way more than you would if you were face to face with someone, say, at your bank or in a shop.
Every little thing that has ****** you off that day gets unloaded onto that person because,
for those five minutes,
with your bath getting cold,
or your dinner getting overcooked and blackened,
they are everything that's wrong with society.

So by the time you finally slam the receiver down, and return to whatever it was you were doing,
you're face red, out of breath, can't remember the last time you were that angry
they've ruined your evening.
You swear you're going to complain,
but you know that if you do that you'll just get caught up in their red tape and rhetoric all over again.
There's nothing to do but let it go.
So you do, and with it, something strange happens.
All that anger and tension that you've been carrying around all day just leaves your body slowly.

The traffic that morning;
your workload at the office;
that cold you just cant shake;
the barista who got your coffee order wrong, but your were running late so didn't have time to complain and get a new one;

All those little things that you can't control,
it doesn't seem worth worrying about them now.
You think of how angry you were at that little voice coming out of the telephone speaker and you feel sort of proud,
like it makes up for bending over and taking **** from your Boss all those years.
from your bank all those years
from the gas and electric companies
and your phone company and internet service provider all those years
from your politicians all those years
all that doesn't sting so much any more.

Because you just stuck it to the man.
You stood up to the big corporations and you got the upper hand.
You start to see the funny side,
you'll tell everyone at work about this.

That's the thing about telemarketers: They're one of those little annoyances that people love so much,
like the weather or queue-jumpers.
Something we all hate, but can all relate to,
a lynch-pin of small-talk,
that inoffensive comedian you like so much was talking about it on tv the other night.

But this time you get a chance to stri ke back.
It's not like getting a parking ticket,
or stubbing your toe,
you get to yell at this inconvenience, tell it exactly how you feel without any fear of repercussions.

Without you realising it, that telemarketer has just done you a valuable service.
You've just saved yourself an hour in front of a punch-bag,
or a session with your therapist or *****.
Without knowing it you are in a better mood than you've been all week,
so you don't smack your kids when they spill paint on the carpet.
And you don't yell at your wife when she forgot to pay the electric bill.
You float on a cloud of air until bed time, and probably make love to your partner for the first time in weeks.
You sleep a healthy eight hours and wake up to breakfast  and coffee and drive to work feeling like you did when you first started there,
when you could still see a bright future ahead of you.
All thanks to that soulless,
disembodied voice on the other end of the phone.
All thanks to me.

I worked out that in any given day,
I got yelled at or told to ******* or otherwise unnecessarily lashed out at maybe thirty out of every hundred calls.
That was thirty families who were going to have a nice dinner,
without the usual arguments for once.
Maybe a few times a week I could prevent an abusive husband from having that one whiskey too many and bashing his wife from room to room.
If you believe in a butterfly flapping it's wings in Tokyo, and all that,
then maybe I, without ever leaving my desk, could stop a ****** from happening, perhaps once a year.
I was making a difference and all I had to do was let my computer dial a random phone number and to introduce myself as
'whoever calling from wherever to let you know about a valuable promotion...'

When I realised all this I decided I would work harder to up my productivity.
A hundred and fifty calls a day,
two hundred.

And I had to provoke more anger.
Subtly of course, I would try to be more obnoxious and inept.
I got peoples names wrong;
I talked over people.
Soon I was getting fifty hang-ups a day.
So I, like a good employee, constantly tried to better myself.
I sniggered at peoples names;
I requested needlessly extensive and intrusive personal information;
asked to speak to 'the man of the house'.
I was getting balled out with every other call.
Seventy, eighty, ninety times a day.
Every time I was called a nuisance I gave myself a pat on the back.
Every time someone said they wanted to speak with my supervisor, I just said they weren't in and then rewarded myself with a cookie at break time.
I got more competitive with myself.
I considered it a personal gift when I got someone with an Indian name,
or a speech impediment.
Gay couples were a Godsend.
I corrected peoples grammar;
I cursed;
I slurred;
I made thinly veiled ****** references.

I was thorn in the side of everyone just trying to enjoy a quiet Sunday afternoon.
I was the itch that no-one could reach.
I invited venom, longed for hatred.
Because if it was aimed at me, it may as well have been aimed at the moon.
I was a necessary evil.
I was the common enemy of the whole country.  
I can't say how many relationships I must have saved,
how many lives I touched.
Suicides prevented? You never know.
I was making the world a better place, one botched customer service attempt at a time.
I was saving people without them even knowing my name.
The anonymous benefactor,
the masked hero.
I was Zorro, I was Batman.
And I loved it.
I thrived on it.
I had found something I was good at.
I could have stayed there, soaking up insults, absorbing peoples troubles, lightening their burdens, forever.

Until three months ago when my manager saw my sales reports.
He, of course, didn't understand why we were really there.
He thought it was about money, about generating figures for whatever company we were hired by that month.
He threw buzz-words and management speak at me.
Improving Revenue.
Optimising Productivity.
Promoting Synergy.
Utilising Opportunity.
Sentence fragments that wouldn't make sense if he meant them.
Nonsensical ramblings littered with capital letters.
By Glencom's standards, rather than my own, I was the worst specialist telephone agent that he had ever seen.
I didn't bother trying to explain.
He wouldn't have understood,
I wanted something real.
Glencom could have been the first call centre to truly,
what's the phrase he would have used? Attain it's Potential.
We could have been pioneers in the business world, providing a service that the public really needs.
But there was no point, he had listened to recordings of my calls and had no choice but to fire me on the spot.

That job was the only thing I had loved for a long, long time. T
he only thing that gave me purpose,
my reason for getting out of bed,
for putting on trousers and shoes.
It was all I had and I lost it,
blacklisted by the employment agency that placed me there.
For a while I tried calling people at random from the phone book but it didn't work out.
You have no idea how much it costs to make a hundred phone calls a day on a pay as you go mobile.
Ten pence a minute
times by sixty minutes an hour
times by eight hours a day  
minus a half hour for lunch equals more than jobseeker's allowance is willing to provide.
I switched to contract but these days everyone has phone number recognition,
so everyone can see that you're calling from a personal phone rather than a business one.

Eventually I started getting phone calls from the phone company explaining that I'd be cut off
and fined if I was using a personal phone for random telemarketing without a license.

The operator was clear, polite and ultimately very helpful.

******' Amateur.
Stacy Mills Mar 2016
I cannot give I'm broke
I do not have that's no joke
What you ask I cannot abode
Still payin on what is owed
I'm sorry I cannot comply
And do not wish for a harsh goodbye
But I cannot do what is asked of me
For I have nothing you see
So no matter how it is you put it
I have no money not even a little bit.
I'm unsure as of how to name this. Any ideas?
Mark Parker Aug 2015
A shadow cast over days past,
like a mast spread for a wind blast
hailing from the wintery north.
Don't think it done until the day's won.
The mistake was made,
the spider web spun over a grenade
that landed on our shores.
They attacked our backyard,
yet we don't act scarred,
we brush it off despite
their continued shelling,
like we can refuse what they're selling.
Telemarketers don't send tapes yelling
that we're all gonna go to hell.
Only enemies that know
we have already fell.
F White Jan 2013
My body is not
a wonderland.

there is nothing
sultry about
A Cold.

'Come hither' with a
red nose?
Oh Baby...

Commentary on
Modern Music,
nearly halted by
an almost snot rocket...
Authority tempered
with a rasp.

"Did you know you could
DIE if you hold in a sneeze?"
9 year old anecdotal prophet's
looming outline, right up close to
my face.

messy  half-dreams under the
futile winter-hat Reality Shield in the
backseat of  Homeward bound
Economy Wheel Gathering.

**** Man Voice to

No sir, that's Mrs. White.
copyright fhw, 2013
Connor Mar 2015
My tired eyes,
my fatigued mind
falls slow and time becomes obscured by
the drowsy raven sailing sunset sky boulevard.
My phone is ringing orders and misdirection calls,
that funny little radiation box hollering voices
of somewhere, telemarketers in India, automated messages,
spurious connections anywhere but here.
The rain-shine of approaching April Wednesday
trails golden hues among the treeline being viciously
torn like a gradual atomic bomb flattening the hoary hills
and spectacular firs beryl in frequent times of showers.

Each day I hope for that fabled resurgence,
nearly a year my fingers have been crossed
while wars are still wars, politicians still politicians,
gods still gods. Everything is so still, silence among fury.
Carpet bombings, protests, genocides, reforms, riots, the drowsy
raven circles in view of the window and my thoughts cycle around
my washing machine consciousness wiping off the grit of untruths
of everywhere else but within myself. That seems to be the problem
with most people.

As the clouds roll in, as the sun subsides into darkness,
as my mind is clouded by that ever-expanding raven encompassing
night sky and nightmares, I realize I hadn't even gone out at any point
that day and probably wouldn't the next.
We've become so dull some of us.
Vacuums inside of vacuums.
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
shunning all "new possibilities"
we move in Simple Patterns!
in Well Known Rhythms!


......................(out there)


telemarketers and muggers
are all around


the Puppets of the
Financial Manipulators of the Markets!

the Puppets of the
International Lawless Corporations!

wallowing here in the new
Quasi Slave State
formerly known as


we shuffle
pure Steppin Fetchit

thru these
abused and abusing Days

occasionally F--king
or getting Drunk

hearing about ourselves on the "news"
and yet


all .........."new possibilities!!"


Robin Carretti May 2018
Modern Crimes to be
Or you forgot
Set the mood
Or set the stage
My home
Two lovers oversee

met his sunset
The love reset

Don't hock
my best
South Carolina
Ever finer
24 karat
Gold one-sided
Movie blinded

up the ((Ring))
They cannot act
Like Bald eagles
The Bee Gees
Staying alive
Baby boomers

Place me set me
Free me
Bride and Dog Groomer

"Beverly Hill of Billies"
But for me?

"Whimpering *******"

To dream on
Singer Arrow=Smith

How much
he could
loved you yeah?

Mans best movie
and dog bark ee-me
Woof La femme bakery

Movie slavery
Not one ounce
of your undivided

That bad movie

Webbed into a mesh
Flesh to flesh

*** Chromosome

Get me geared up
So willing movie set
His way
no way out
So pay up
"Coffee Creed"
movie cut
my lip

Pitt bulls
In her
******* Jacks
Well packed
Honey Comb
Movie on the limb

Pocket comb
She left her heart
Movie set
came out
Bella Italian gravy
graved me
Honey engraved
of scary wits
Bunches of Honey
No redemption

College drunk dorm
Mega babes 3d glasses
Griswall honeymoon
light my Fire Morrison
Burned me house

Dump her
One  pill

Purple hazed me
how to  
raise Movie  family

Do what
do drink
***** off

Roaming hands
Not a valentine
Poem set
I Smartphone
Made-man dumber

But no one listens!!
Maybe $$$ pants
I need to fasten

The robot
Lotto lucky
Charge him
On his Visa

door girl
Actress Mona
His Bodyguard
Is home
Diggity Dogs
barking up
Funeral home
Rock and
Roll hall of fame
playing a

Count to five trying
Only five fingers left
What happened in
the movie
The movie can be boring old man snoring, please!! We need to make it fun I needed to perk it up a bit so it
fits inside my poem get your buttered up popcorn
Fenix Flight May 2014
You know those oh so annoying calls?
They **** you off so much right?

Wells heres tips on how to deal with them

1. Don't be rude to them
its not their fault your number popped up on their call list

2. Don't be mad when their information is wrong
again ITS NOT THIER FAULT that the lists they were given were never updated

They are Smart people annd know when you are, They have feelings to you know!

baby, sweetheart, hunny, sweety. Its creepy, uncomfortable, and makes you look like a disrespectful creep

*****, The C word, *****, ect ect, all it does is make you look like a complete and utter disrespectful Douchbag

6. the most improtant one of all!!!
If you are fed up completely then just NICELY ask them to put you on thier do not call list
It takes 30 days for that request to go through after that you wont be bugged by them again

Sorry I know its not really a poem, But I needed to vent cuz some chick called me Baby and mocked me so horribly.
*deep breath* I'm good. On with life
John F McCullagh Jul 2013
Telemarketers get a bad rap.
People call us impersonal drones.
We’re just trying to eke out a living,
armed just with a script and a phone.

My place is called “Cubicle City”.
It’s the dream of a lifetime for me:
Five thousand square feet of space underground
where the bowl-a mat once used to be.

Joey is one of my workers,
For years he’s been one of my best.
He knew how to deal with rejection
and make many more sales than the rest.

Just lately, his work has been suffering.
Last night he was crying on phone.
I see he’s been calling one number
far too often. I see that it’s his own.

Now I am a curious fellow
about all these short calls to his home.
I pick up my handset and dial it
to tell her to leave Joe alone.

Of course I would get a recording;
A woman’s voice, honeyed and sweet,
It seductively says “leave a message,
when you hear the sound of the beep.”

Puzzled, I asked his co-worker
To tell me, when Joe’s not around,
“What has been up with him lately?
I notice that Joe has seemed down.”

Judy tells me that Joe’s wife had left him.
For weeks he’s been living alone.
The calls have become his obsession;
Just to hear his wife’s voice on the phone.

I nod, but elect to do nothing;
I, too, had a wife of my own.
I recall when she left me- just four barren walls
and the sound of her voice on the phone.
Katelyn G Dec 2013
I don't want to go
I never loved them
Not like my friends
I recently lost

They all have lives
I live with my mom
I have no future
Planned out

The only way
I hear a friendly voice
Is when I answer the phone
When the telemarketers call

I have no job
They all pay bills
They look at me funny
Like I'm pathetic

They don't know me
Not anymore
I don't want to go
I'm too embarrassed
Mark Toney Oct 2019
Why is there so much distrust,
Fueling hatred, malice and lust?

We're caught up in every scam's gust
Leaving many financially bust

Including telemarketers' thrusts
Continuously feeding disgust

We're riding social media's cusp
Allowing real friendships to rust

Causing us to constantly adjust
Leaving us completely nonplussed

Making too many tasks a must
Till we nigh spontaneously combust

Perhaps leaving God's Word thus,
On the shelf gathering dust

This matter needs to be sussed
Not with haphazard zeal but robust

By a brotherhood of people we can trust
With a worldwide campaign to discuss

Preventing impending zero-sum bust
Before we're all planetary dust
12/12/2018 - Poetry form: Monorhyme (couplets) - A Monorhyme is a type of poem in which every single line has the same rhyming sound at the end of the verse. A monorhyme can occur in a stanza, a simple passage, or even an entire poem as long as each line has that repetitive sound. - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
Kristen Lowe Jun 2014
There are sixteen messages on my answering machine

Human interaction, you know
I try not to do that anymore

Although I'm not trying much of anything lately
I'm not sure there's anything left to try

Everything I'm feeling has already been felt
Everyone I love has already been loved more

I don't know how to love someone anymore
I don't even know how to be someone anymore

People make my sense of self shake
People made my sense of self in the first place

There are splinters of humans in my consciousness
But mostly it's just me in here

And it's actually none of them on my message machine
Just a bunch of telemarketers
Selling me their souls for nineteen ninety nine

I forgot how silky apathy can be
Constricted around my waist
And laced up in the back of my mind

Always there, always far away
Until everyone's out of sight
Sam Temple Aug 2016
synchronistic wistfulness
as whiskered bliss seekers twist
in the mist - resisting fists
they insist on listing
that which might bring blistering
like a toxic ring – singing telemarketers
embarking journey, Skylark_Buick
truant Mister simplistically playing Twister
sister shifts the syncopate
and we wait
grateful for the break and taking
glitter flake covered roller-skates to the frozen lake
mistakenly banking to sharply
frost bitten carp seems
too dark in the evening
like Marky Mark bringing fresh beats
to a Lou Reed jam on the mean streets
neither much enjoying to eat sweets
but seemingly twin-like between the ole bed sheets…….
spoke out of turn regarding their *** lives
pretty sure at least one of them had a fat wife
who lived off of bonbons and smoked a chipped crack pipe
unsure how to end I can’t help but still write
and because words do flow I consider this just right
can you guess my favorite whale? Obviously,

                            the Right

favorite airplane designers
                             ...... also the Wright -
Charlotte Lane Apr 2014
and here I am
only by the sound
of the rhythm
of the sweet
your voice a melody
caught worlds apart
as I tear through thoughts
and sing sad songs
feeling restless
feeling anxious
hoping maybe its all gone
I’ve hoped for so long
for a trip to see Alaska
finally free
but selfishly
I never wanted to be me
just like you were never you
a beauty of a dream
a picture perfect muse
but here I am
and feeling free
finally feeling like I’m me
but to say it all
you’d say how far
we’ve been
and came
and are
so I wait for telemarketers
to call me late at night
so I can hear the sound
of my favorite parts of me
Luna Jul 2017
Every morning I feed my cats. Little toy soldiers that never wind up (until you pull their tails) They dont march well either. They just eat sleep meow repeat. I'm always saying that they need to lose weight, but maybe I'm the one who needs to lose weight. More off my shoulders and less off my plate.  

Every day I give in to their precious faces. Prancing around in the most angelic of ways. I forget that even angels lose their halos some days. So I feed them. Gnarly minced meat that looks like a drunks *****.  

The phone rings. I'm the type of person that absolutely has to answer. I could be brushing my teeth or doing open heart surgery, and I'd still answer. I'm worse than your granny who picks up to telemarketers. $200 landline bill and a cheeky response of "but it rings" Yes it rings but it doesnt need to be answered. Diamond rings exist but they dont always need to be bought.

Florida called me today. (Yes, the state) They wanted to know if I would test out some skin products but my skin is already a product. I answered the call, in hopes it would be you but it wasnt you, because it never is. Even when it is it isnt because you are never you. (its not like you live in Florida, but maybe you moved?)

You told me about a week ago that you were "emotionally dead inside" What the duck does that even mean? We're all dead inside! You told me you didnt know how to love. Nobody knows how to love, its just something we're supposed to do. If we dont know we just act. Thats why we have actors and actresses.

I'm not good at questioning you because you're about as helpful as those helpless self-help books that i'm supposed to do (but I never do). You always send me mixed signals and but i'm too stupid to read between the lines.

I always fill my glass with too much soda. I always fill my plate with too much turkey and never finish it. Actually, I have this weird thing where I always have to leave the ends of things. The last bite of Thanksgiving dinner or the end of a Candy cane at Christmas (I hate Christmas) But things like that are normal, and if they're not, they're strange things that nobody really cares about! (so stop asking)

Do you ever get intimidated? I mean really backed up against a wall shaking? Not that 1 night stand kind where your boyfriend forgot where he left his boxers and Mr. Moroz gets off from work in half an hour. No, I'm talking scared shitless. You act so tough like nothing phases you. Everybodys afraid of something atleast thats what ive been told. You like serial killer movies, and getting into the minds of them. I like serial killer movies, and getting into the mind of you.

You started a job placement. I was half heartedly happy for you, but sad also cause you'd be busy most of the day. You tell me you never ignore me on purpose but what about that day you left me on read for 3 hours? Anxiously glued to my phone until a blinking light revived me.

Sometimes you calm the storm. You make me feel alive even though you know i'm dying. You tortured me in a way that I liked it. Laying on top of you, your arms stretched around me, until we both fell into a deep slumber. You told me you've never been with a girl but you'd like to. Truthfully, I've never been with one either.

You love showers. You've never actually told me and I'm too afraid to ask. Is it because the water drowns out all other sounds? Or if you're crying nobody seems to notice. Water isnt that pretty to me. Alot of people dig the oceans view, but I just wonder about the fish and see past the bottom-less pit.

You had penne chicken tonight. Chicken is one of my faves too! I like it fried, greasy and deadly. Heart-attack in the making! You once asked me to pronounce something, I think it was **** but maybe i'm mistaken. I didnt know why then, but I do know now. I'll leave that to you to decode. You cant line up lies like numbers unfortunately. Life skills are a bit more complex than equations.

We all have self destructive behavior. We all dislike something about ourselves. After all, theres no perfect body. Theres no perfect brain. We all cope in ways differently, but indirectly that makes us all conclusively the same.

You told me you liked fire and I called you a Pyro. I should have called you a liar but at the time I didnt realize I was the one jumping through flames. You told me you didnt like fire because it got you off, you liked it because its amazing, its pretty, its miraculous. You told me you burned yourself. This should have rose red flags, I should have got goosebumps and took off running. I wasnt scared though, I was intrigued.

Maybe you're a thrill seeker. Maybe in the process of saving the world you forgot to save yourself. But then I re-analyzed the situation. I took a stand point from a birds eye view. You were never trying to dodge the fire. You were the fire and I should have been trying to dodge you.

You asked me what aroused me. I played ping pong and made you answer first. You said Brittany Snow. I wanted to say you at the time and maybe I should have. Maybe I should have held my heart on the line and watched you tie knots then burn it.
just maybe

i'd     still
here    today
Celso Moskowitz May 2017
Again in my face,
on face:
"That *******, cancer, **** him!
Like if you agree!"

I'd sooner agree to stop this ****,
this childish personification
of disease:
for that, we have
all the priests,
the telemarketers,
the insidious well intentioned,
the shiny cogs rusting from the inside,
the good samaritans smiling
with white teeth
and green wallets
surrounded by black
children they saver
from malaria
("Keep your donations coming
and share this post,
we can really make a difference!)
not least,
the ones who insist
on kicking
at your door at 11 a.m.
any day
of the week.

cancer is not
an *******:
it just happens
to happen
to them
and to others

as well.

— The End —