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Stephen E Yocum Jun 2017
Gauguin or Michener
horizon lust inspired,
The South Pacific desired.
From early childhood on.
Fiji in the 70’s all alone in
A Personal journey of self
and world discovery.

From the big island of
Viti Levu, embarked
on native small boat, fifty
miles out to the Yasawa group.
Reaching tiny Yaqeta with
300 souls living close to the bone,
No Running water, or electric spark
glowing. Remarkably bright stars
shine at night, no city lights showing
to hide their heavenly glow.

Unspoiled Melanesian Island people
Meagerly surviving only on the sea
and a thousand plus years of tradition.

I welcomed like a friend of long
standing, with smiling faces and
open sprits. Once eaters of other
humans beings, converted now to
Methodist believers.

Their Island beautiful beyond belief,
Azure pristine seas in every direction,
Coral reefs abounding with aquatic life.
Paradise found and deeply appreciated.
I swam and fished, played with the kids
and laid about in my hammock, enjoying
weeks of splendor alongside people
I came to revere, generous and loving
at peace with themselves and nature,
Embracing a stranger like a family member.

My small transistor radio warned big
Cyclone brewing, of Hurricane proportions.
My thoughts turned to Tidal Waves.
The village and all those people
living a few feet above sea level.
Tried to express my concerns to
my host family and others, getting
but smiles and shrugs in return.
Spoken communication almost
nonexistent, me no Fijian spoken,
Them, little English understood.

It started with rain, strong winds,
Worsening building by the minute.
The villagers’ merely tightening down
the hatches of their stick, thatch houses.
Content it seemed to ride out the storm,
As I assumed they always did.

Shouldering heavy backpack
I hugged my friends and headed
for high ground, the ridgebacks
of low mountains, the backbones
of the Island. Feeling guilty leaving
them to their fate from high water.
Perplexed, they ignored my warnings.

In half an hour winds strong enough
to take me off my feet, blowing even
from the other side of the Island.
On a ridge flank I hunkered down,
pulled rubber poncho over my body,
Laying in watershed running inches deep
cascading down slopes to the sea below.

The wind grew to astounding ferocity,
Later gusts reported approaching 160
miles per hour. Pushing me along
the ground closer to the cliff edge
and a 80 foot plunge to the sea below,
Clinging to cliff with fingers and toes.

For three hours it raged, trees blowing
off the summit above, disappearing into
the clouds and stormy wet mist beyond.

A false calm came calling, the eye of the
Cyclone hovered over the Island, as I
picked my drenched self up and made my
way over blown down trees and scattered
storm debris to the Village of my hosts.

Most wooden, tin roofed structures gone
or caved in, the few Island boats broken
and thrown up onto the land. Remarkably
many of the small one room “Bure” thatched
huts still stood. Designed by people that knew
the ways if big winds.

The high waves had not come as I feared.
Badly damaged, yet the village endured,
As did most of the people, some broken
bones, but, mercifully, no worse.

Back with my host family, in their Bure,
new preparations ensued, the big winds I
was informed would now return from the
opposite direction, and would be even worse.

For another four hours the little grass and
stick House shook, nearly rising from the
ground, held together only by woven vine
ropes, and hope, additional ropes looped
over roof beams held down by our bare
hands. Faith and old world knowledge
is a wonderful thing.

Two days past and no one came to check on
the Island, alone the people worked to save
their planted gardens from the salt water
contaminated ground, cleaned up debris and
set to mending their grass homes. The only fresh
Water well still unpolluted was busily used.

With a stoic resolve, from these self-reliant people,
life seemed to go on, this not the first wind blown
disaster they had endured, Cyclones I learned
came every year, though this one, named “Bebe”
worst in the memories of the old men of the island.

On the third day a boy came running,
having spotted and hailed a Motor yacht,
which dropped anchor in the lagoon on the
opposite side of the Island.

I swam out to the boat and was welcomed
aboard by the Australian skipper and crew.
Shared a cold Coke, ham sandwich and tales
of our respective adventures of surviving.
They agreed to carry me back to the Big Island.

A crewman returned me ashore in a dingy.
I crossed the island and retrieved my things,
Bidding and hugging my friends in farewell.
I asked permission to write a story about the
storm and the village, the elders' smiles agreed,
they had nothing to loose, seemed pleased.

One last time I traversed the island and stepped
Into the yachts small rowboat, my back to
the island. Hearing a commotions I turned
seeing many people gathering along the
shores beach. I climbed out and went among
them, hugging most in farewell, some and
me too with tears in our eyes, fondness, respect
reflected, shared, received.

As the skiff rowed away  halfway to the ship,
the Aussie mate made a motion with his eyes
and chin, back towards the beach.

Turning around in my seat I saw there
most of the island population, gathered,
many held aloft small pieces of colored cloth,
tiny flags of farewell waving in the breeze,
they were singing, chanting a island song,
slow, like a lament of sorts.

Overwhelmed, I stood and faced the shore,
opened wide my arms, as to embrace them all,
tears of emotions unashamedly ran down my face.
Seeing the people on the beach, the Aussie crewman
intoned, “****** marvelous that. Good on 'ya mate.”

Yes, I remember Fiji and Cyclone Bebe, most of all
I fondly remember my Island brothers and sisters.

Two years later I returned to that island, lovingly
received like a retuning son, feasted and drank
Kava with the Chief and Elders most of the night,
A pepper plant root concoction that intoxicates
And makes you sleep most all the next day.

My newspaper story picked up by other papers
Galvanizing an outpouring of thoughtful support,
A Sacramento Methodist Church collected clothes,
money and donations of pots and pans and Gas
lanterns along with fishing gear and other useful things.
All packed in and flown by a C-130 Hercules Cargo plane
out of McClellan Air Force Base, U.S.A and down to Fiji,
cargo earmarked for the Island of Yaqeta and my friends.

On my return there was an abundance of cut off
Levies and Mickey Mouse T-Shirts, and both a
brand New Schoolhouse and Church built by
U.S. and New Zealand Peace Corps workers.

This island of old world people were some of the best
People I have ever known. I cherish their memory and
My time spent in their generous and convivial company.
Life is truly a teacher if we but seek out the lessons.
This memory may be too long for HP reading, was
writ mostly for me and my kids, a recall that needed
to be inscribed. Meeting people out in the world, on
common ground is a sure cure for ignorance and
intolerance. I highly recommend it. Horizon Lust
can educate and set you free.
Evin Smith May 2013
A dash of personality
Two teaspoons of wishfull thinking
A sprinkle of beauty
A sprits of humor
Is all you need
You'll fall in love an then you'll see
All you needed was a bit of conifidence
Of which you got from me
rare-and-rad Sep 2014
stars racing towards a planet to hit
way to dosed to focused on this ****
the waterfall runs of orange and pink
Way too distracted, can’t even think
The sprits are running through the walls
getting kicked out of class, now I’m dreaming in the halls
the rabbits, the fishes can’t come to a stop
getting way to blown, I’m in front of a cop
jet planes flying the opposite way
guess I should’ve taken this tab another day
Randhir kaur Feb 2017
We are thousand miles away.
Still I say,'stay away'.
People meet either because they are meant to be isolated or to be in their life forever.
We know we want each other,knowing that it won't happen.
Are you here to lessen my soreness and increase my my sprits. Let me tell you dear,I am in love and relationship with lugubrious. I am the most propitious and wealthiest person because I had had ever you in my lifetime, a cache.
What are we meant for?
For schism or forever?
When we are meant for nix,then let us not give each other unfulfilling expectations.
Star BG Nov 2017
Beggars, I am
asking for clarity
inside our life journeys
from spirits guidance.

Mendicant I am
toward Source taking steps
to feel my inner self.
To release tattered veil of forgetting
so I know who I am.

Beggars, I am toward Sprits guiding voice
trying to grab hold of innocence
to ride waves of love
inside grace.

Beggars, yes Beggars
we all are divine and sacred,
possessing magical sparks within.

And once aligned in heart,
highway opens with no roadblocks.
Just endless possibilities to roam free
in world of grand realities.
Inspired by Lazhar Bouazzi
Francie Lynch Nov 2023
To begin with,
We have YOU,
And we have Me.
As well, we have:
Gender Binaries
Gender Blenders
Drag Queens
Drag Kings
Gender Dysphoria
Gender fluids
Gender Non-conformists
Gender Queers
Gender Variants
Two-Sprits... and
(Flora and Fauna?)

Does Genesis have anything right?
Got a brochure outlining the above and saw a "found poem" in it.
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
We are all free sprits all destin to roam And so, From our homes we leave again ,summoned by the heat and wind

In Sweat soaked shirts ,and with battle worn tools
Mother nature suffers no fools

Dusty boots that have been through hell. Chasing the embers as they fell.

Choking ash and thick grey smoke,getting the line in is our only hope

Single file we make our way ,through the day and into the night we are kindred sprits in this  fight.

Some from near, some from far some are young , and some are old but in their hearts they are all green and gold.

If we pass on the line, a brief nod will be just fine , you are all my  brothers and sisters, we are all of like mind.

With this i leave you there isn't much time don't morn for me because iam fine .iam  the cool spring rain, the warm summer sunshine, just nod as you feel me bump up the line . my job is done here, it ended too quick, carry on my friend I got your six.    

Bill Hamilton
Ode to all who kept me safe ,and a special encounter in moon meadow oregon.
Keenan Felder Dec 2011
1 me trying something new +
1 you giving me a chance even though you didnt want to +
3 dates that brought us closer +
4 argument topics that tore us apart +
5 of our favorite positions for make up *** to bring us back together +
8 of our closest friends that keep us on our toes +
3 haters that do their job very well +
Our 2 sprits that apparently were meant to be
Gives me 27 reasons to love you more
Joe Bradley Jul 2016

The pistons rusted, the furnace grew cold and
I lost you at the coal face.

The cat had got it

and the rest was just noise


We left the strong-men, that mean looking lion.
We pushed back the linoleum ***** of a smaller tent,
liking the rubber on our hands.

I’m after the fortune-teller telling me
on the slopes of The Bones, she will say yes.

The tent was cloaked in this rotten perfume.
So smokey, you couldn’t see your hand for your fist.
I was dealt the Queen of Pentacles,
her the Hanged Man.
I watched her nose reflect in the crystal ball.


I watched a ghost
depart the dunking stool -
a soul disintegrate
from a Romany curse.

I was dizzied by the strike of a lampshade.
those shoulders I stood on
Were yours.

I rocked as your body was taken away.


The storyteller had the world on his back!
Half Atlas, half time-snail, he was
Sticky with aphorism.

We listened to his TED Talk and when he left
the soil was fertile with prayer…

But nothing grew
til the sweat of the shovel-man
granted the earth some water.


The attendant sprits
Spoke wisdom in
basic steps.
‘One thing at a time’
A stone cracked.
‘One thing at a time’
An Aegean Daemon watched,
A genie whispered…
‘One thing at a time’


‘We’re putty.’
-Sarah stood up in class, obnoxiously-
‘Forged in volcanos, capsules of perfect evolution.
We’re of earth, of mud and rainforest and canyon.
Of the same stuff as moons, the sparkles
across a twilight ocean, the particles
caught in sunbeams. We’re the dust that worked.
We moved towards this... this beautiful complexity.
And you can be anything.’


I drew a smile in lipstick
Across the face in the mirror


Sewing Machines.
dumpf dumpf dumf
Carolina’s hands.
working the tender silk.
Dumf, dumpf, dumpf,


Ella’s lips around his *****.
David thrusted like a Spartan.
she comes


I trust, honestly,
I trust what I see with my own two eyes.
I see us infected by Delhi Belly,
the muck from Gangees is flooding the Seine,
the Hudson the Thames.
It’s like the third morning
After one day of snow.
My father’s father
Has been forgotten.


Brian awoke on another Wednesday
gratefully ******* his gums.
Unlike in his dream
he still had his pearly whites.


The dogwood fire licks his face.
Sunrise through the dense Bitterroot and
‘There is no separation,
Us and the river.’

I looked into the wisemans face.
But all I wanted was to sketch an outline,
and step in to the silhouette of
Someone else.
Macstoire Mar 2014
It started well, so cleanly
Soaked in Lush stuff she soothed the aches
Whilst wife was meanwhile cooking a treat
Cider soaked pork and apples
The taste was tremendous
Precedent set for the night ahead

Feeling cool as ganstas we bopped and grinded
To hip-hop only Jurassic 5 could please me with
We were few female amongst a crowd of masculinity
And we relished the imbalance
Flirting my way to the front of the bar
I reignited my relationship with the favourite Jaegar-Bomb
And there dust settled upon the cleanliness

Things turned hazy but in a good way
Post gig we flooded onto the streets of Brixton
And drank the finest foreign beers from an overflowing alehouse
The company was our long-missed men-friends
And yet we still meeting more
As we shared the ingredients to ***** our lungs
They asked for 50 shades of grey in return for rizla
So I rose to the challenge in my half-cut state

This time is was always my intention to wash the weekend down wildly
And starting Thursday this premature session could progress to only place
…the Queens Head
Where dust turned to grime as snapshots of evidence
Prove it was on the credit card that those Jaegar-Bombs were paid
Time and time again
We had become team-mates and it was time I fed them
So we muddled back to my place
Trumpeting our voices through the building
As I served slow roasted pork from glasses
Apparently felt good choice
But next day our melted fingerprints disagree
Our heads also disagree with the antics
And it takes two rounds of tablets to numb the pain

Before later forcing recovery as in Shoreditch we start again
Gathered at Bettys we watched music played
Our rumps rested on armchairs upon the pavement
We continued drinking until the early hours of the day
Then searched for somewhere to take us on the dance floor longer
After only brief grimes of movement and Jaegar
Our night ended abruptly to our dismay
Instead had my first take of kebab
And went north where *** took the night away

Once again woke next morn in bed with man-friend
No memory but surely not in a **** way
Now the skies ******* a mocking mirror of our livers
It seemed a sign to sink further
And the finest ****** Mary led the way
And together sat on sofas we philosophised subjects that we deemed great
Then we ogled sparkly get ups
With prices that we couldn’t afford to pay
So went south to join more friends whose film we met to celebrate

The beginning of the end of madness
Needed cocktails-all we could tolerate
We had formed a tribe of friendship
And we hunted somewhere to prolong the rave
By now all sense of cleanliness long-time washed away
So a downstairs dive provided venue fit for our friendships to extenuate

Then outside met a generous stranger
Who offered tastings that lead our minds astray
Our insides dirtied beyond belief
But sprits high so when we stumbled upon a private party
We were welcome guests to join their birthday

What happened next I needn’t say
For inevitably it had become Sunday
So ***** now we were beyond grey
In wife’s bed I lay
Whilst my insides showed their dismay

This would take some cleaning
June 13-15th 2013
Shadows Apon The Floor

Music within the air memories to
heal the bitter soul.
The sounds of the past come to life
in rock n roll.

The lights from the stage.
Cast ghost's of many.
Taking us all past the pressent.
To a perfect timeless age.

Nights of passion that exist evermore.
Casting the sprits magic.
dancing with the ghost's light's
casting shadows apon the floor.

Secrets of lovers and new best friends.
We kiss blindley taseting the magic.
For that moment all is real no
one pretends.

As the night flows like a curtain apon
a gentle southern breeze.
From the floor to the legend
this night does ease.

We write are own chapters all
ading in lifes book.
Regrets should be few.
For out of this night as much as we gave
we also took.

Hearts entangled memories forever
do we adore.
Dancing with ghosts of lovers past.
Keeping time with the shadows apon
the floor.
Suzanne Baran Aug 2014
Subdued and serene,
His eyes feast on the
Crowd gulping down
Their sprits with haste;
A sea of faces clinking
Glasses and ******* face—
Transparent beings who
Masquerade as Players,
Kings and Queens,
Sexpots and Swankers.
His kaleidoscopic
Mind captures their
Emptiness and
Art is born on canvas
Through his piercing
Gaze and careful
Paint strokes
Observing they
Who cannot observe
For themselves.
Yesenia Acevedo Sep 2015
Hope escapes the sanity of subtle essence drifting in the wind...
long ago, fused to the memory of your love. Caressing a dark bitter heart abused by betrayal of familiar faces within beating life, mirroring its own. Corruption spews from those tender lips; releases its venom into rushing crimson. Clovers wilt at the sight of you, unaware your beauty is your confliction. What is a sight of beauty when morals lack, sprits tainted, Stars extinguished overtaken... by desire of ones own will to rewrite them against a higher beings will. Is it possible to rewrite stars? Is this destiny to deny a dream dreamed sweetly amongst the clouds an plucked for an instant the light rendered pure...  manifesting darkness at ever turn? In the end, does the love I feel no matter how true really worth the heartache caused upon myself reflecting onto them?  Shall I end this? Do I continue such a darkened path with no ending in sight.  I crave these rusty chains turn to dust or the life drained from me.

Yesenia Acevedo
Dacia B Oct 2011
Now morning had broken,
Everything is exposed
Our Passion,
No longer enclosed.
The thousand twinkling,
and winking eyes,
Of the night,
To sleep, they have gone.
But now,
The birds sing a sweet song.
The grass,
Covered with a diamond-dew.
The flowers,
Rise their heads,
With the sun.
The night is gone,
All is new.
A warm rain,
Will soon fall from the sky.
The sprits,
Tenderly kiss the earth,
Morning has broken,
And I think I'll stay with you
Amour de Monet May 2014
She follows you

Because you welcome her in

You send out fancy invitations

With calligraphic RSVPs

And wax stamped seals

You sprits them with the
 of your heartbeat 

And cradling arms

dare you not to risk

letting herself deny

The memory of  “we”

Dare you not let any sense

Ever evoked be


You sit patiently in hand

With understanding and silence

With independence and      love
Secretly lusting

For the moment

She rests her delicate feet

Firmly at your door

And you open with      

There she is

Ever so fragile

With her tear stained face

Needing you

Making you feel worthy

Giving you her life

Her breath

Her body 
that she unselfishly

Throws under you

For you

Dirtying linens

Where purity once lay

Taking your fill
Another piece of her empty
lonely soul
Weak fragile...and all yours

And you wonder why
She screams for you
   You say she can't let go
               Of course she can't darling
Heba Badr-El-Din Oct 2013
Some days are good.
Some days are bad.
Someday make me happy.
And others really mad.

I know they don’t mean to break me
My sprits will always fly
But the words say hurt
And makes me want to cry

They love me, I know they do
They just want to help
But why can’t you?
East Wind Mar 2017
I want to write to save my life.
To put to rest what’s eating me up inside.
Pull it out from the traps within my heart and watch it unfold.
I pull it out with the might of my mind and the dexterity of my fingers. Good bye. So long.
They will finally stop scaring my sprits to the corners of my soul. They will no longer shiver. They are Reborn.
Maybe what saves me can save you. And what saves us can save them. A seed, a bud, a tree. I write so I save me.
Somewhere between the here and now lies a place forever, where I stand with you in the morning sun beside a waterfall and watch the river of creation flow gently to the sea .

To take you in the water like a nymph all dressed in dew , while our sprits soar to mountain tops to fly with eagles and climb with ewes . In love is an eternity that cannot be concealed , but no matter what you say of it it’s only what you feel .
Nameless Mar 2012
Words, stones and guns
Blood, sweat and tears
Life, death and sprits
We don't dare to fear
Matthew Sep 2018
That's what they're calling me now.
I can't seem to produce their language.
But that's what the elder sprits
Have been calling me.
I guess it freaked them out at first lol
Sure as hell rocked my world..
But they see the stability resuming,
As I feel my strength return.
Now everyone wants to know what
I'm going to do next.
It's obvious, is it not?
When a shaman is having big big spirit troubles, then it's time to meet a smarter shaman. I've already been making calls.

A lot of people think I should check into a psychiatric ward. Maybe they're justified in thinking so. But this is burning in my chest. I will not subdue it under a blanket of antipsychotics. No..that would make me truly insane, or worse.. **** my heart with my body still trapping it.

No, my friends, this is a spiritual matter. A matter of heart and honor and such. Satan himself is the enemy
And we are on a mission from God
Life as a tuned psychic is..uhhg
Paul Hardwick Aug 2012
Tonight we will drink the old town dry
sprits high.
I love you, they're the hardest words to say
but the easiest to engage in mind, sometimes.

Deeply flawed man I am,
drowning in my images
my escape from reality
well, sometimes, sometimes
face it head on;

I love the ways your hair soothes the storm,
within, blasting the wolf from it lair, your
hand softens my tense frame, this
pen shakes.

I love your flaws, they seal my wounds and I too
can help seal and heal yours.

There is no but here,
it's from the heart, so take it
eat, and let's dance amongst the stars
as sprits of the animal night,

I know it's sentimental
I can't help the way the woods made me,
carved out of clay, stay a little longer
make me happy, this is the way, lay
down and hold my hand as I slip,
I will grip yours when you trip -

Back into the mire, into the murk, we shall be together, forever
in these woods, two wolves amongst the sheep, howling at the moon,
is it ever too soon?

I don't think so, no.
Show me your heart -
I can take away the pain.

As I wane, I wane away in my ivory
tower - craned neck to the stars
I love you, don't explain -
I love you Yulia
no if's or buts,
no refrain.
a love poem
Satsih Verma Jun 2020
I look at my hands to
read your destiny.

I fall to kiss the
moon dust. You were
my desire in sleep.

The spirit hovers
like the golden eagle
to rest the talons.

I stop the game.
Some cards had remained
undealt. I win, I lose.

You were not the
angel. You were not the mortal.
Where do I put my relief?
Skarlet D Nov 2014
I'm not perfect,
I'm not perfect,
I'm not perfect,
I wish i was,
I don't know why.
Sometimes i just want someone to understand,
To understand what i see,
To understand what i hear,
Understand i feel sometimes,
Witch is pain and always will be,
I act like nothing is bothering me,
That everything is OK when it's really not,
That is have no problems and joke about everything,
I admit i act like someone i'm not, Not sometimes but all the time,
When it comes to school
Or day dreaming,
But deep inside i want to cut myself to see if i am who i am,
To see if my pain is real,
To let all the tears out,
To let the truth come out,
To show people i'm not as strong as i am,
In my world,
Sometimes i just want to let lose and run,
Run away in the woods and never stop,
Or just die,
Death pops up in my head most of the time,
But not as much as it should,
I wish i just tell people who i really am,
Or even show,
Yea a lot of people think i'm crazy,
And a million other words,
I want people to live in my shoes just for five minutes,
Only five minutes,
And see how i feel every second of my life,
It only take five minutes to want to run away into that woods and never come back,
I want to be free from my Demond's and from my angels,
Just to see how it feels to be without any sprits fight over me,
Telling me what to do,
Telling me where to go,
What i should and shouldn't do,
Than go back,
Not to my life but to another world,
But to a world where i'm surrounded by angels,
And with people who understand,
Some people think they could relate to other peoples pain,
But I tell you now you can't,
You can't,
You just CAN'T

By: Me (Jocelyn Bennett)
Hadrian Veska Jul 2017
Show me O Lord
Where you yet abide
For no longer can I see
Without you by my side

Dark sprits and men
Have led me astray
A thousand times
Throughout my days

Your word is true
The only key
Twisted by men
More cleaver than me

I am too simple
And easily swayed
To keep up with the demons
That dance in my brain

Come to me Lord
And show me the Way
That I might rest assured
At the close of the day
Lynne Jul 2017
stardust is where we began
and to where we return
souls outstretched
to grab that golden thread
we find ourselves
looking up for an answer
and yet that answer
lies within ourselves.
for we are as numerous as they are
and as exalted as they have been
our souls as inconceivable
our sprits as infinite as they
and though we lay
on this hallowed ground
our bodies desire to push outward
it is our choice
to be free
and our choice to love who we must
our freedom to glisten
as our burning, passionate counterparts
for when you look into someone else
don't you see the universe looking back?
Unpolished Ink May 2020
For those who rise to seek the morning

Joyous airy sprits sing without words

A lyric tune so old

It tells of trees and the endless shifting sky

Warm earth and the clean dry whisper of grasses in the wind

Long before the restless hum of man

Drowned out the forever-song

And the rushing world forgot to listen
birdsong, lockdown
I'm feeling hot in my cheeks.
As your fingers run down my arm.
Pulling me in .
My heart flutters.
You pull me in close , holding me tight.
Your hot breath is breathing on my face.
As you inch closer.
I'm saying "Baby I'm in love."
As you stand still staring at my eyes I start to cry.
You have so much soul .
Your eyes scream I care.
Your hands tell me you will always hold me .
Your heart tells me I will never be alone .
As we embrace each other the sun rises.
Frozen locking eyes.
Turning seeing the world
We run for a world outside ours
At the gate of heaven and hell.
We have to choose.
Heaven :where the angles sing
Hell: where the party is .
I know we can't be in either .
I turn to the horizon and see mid day
I take your hand.
We run for the forest.
Slowly we collapse to the ground covered form blood.
From the roses bushes.
From the sprits clawing tell us to come home.
Embracing, drenched in blood we die in each other's arm.
When our hearts stop beating the earth took our souls and gave them to rivers , sky's , plants , animals .
The roots cover us as the grass becomes a rich green blanket covering us .
To this day we run In the forest living, breathing.
Our souls stay wild , and free.
David Lessard Jan 2018
I'm not fond of hospitals,
the sick, the injured, the dying;
nurses wearing gloves and masks,
catching bugs when I'm not trying.

But we have to pay respects,
to those we love and cherish;
to be there in body and in mind,
when they may sadly perish.

We have to stay quite cheerful,
to lift their sprits up;
to say they will get better,
to be there as they sup.

To make them laugh, not cry,
to encourage them each day;
while they are confined in bed,
till they're released one day.

But hospitals are my bane,
I can't get away too quickly;
from the things that one can catch,
by just visiting the sickly.
we will continue to weep
what sprits have to to say we

ok sweetheart
this one time
only for you

i refer to myself and me as we

for an example
i love you
that is the spirit of love
if i want to steal your heart
that give me the spirit
have these spirits try and get in us

now we hope this explains things for you

an other thing

about the an word
to be honest
the way
it reads
in our
only have
one mind
no portion
has been left blind
therefore we will
cotinue to weep

for my first
word friend
Roxx3000 May 2020
In a silent night
And wind moving in peace
A glimpse of a girl’s shadow
Rises on the streets
With her sparkling wand
And mystical cat
She flies across the town
Wearing her pointy hat
Collecting star dust and plants
Mixing herbs and casting spells
Looking at the crystals
For whom needs help
Interpreting lucid dreams
And Talking to sprits
In her magical breathless sanctuary
Writing her spells like lyrics
She drinks some tea
And then goes to sleep
#the witch #witch #poem #poetry #story #dream

— The End —