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(As she is usually expressed with a Seraphim beside her.)

Well meaning readers! you that come as friends
And catch the precious name this piece pretends;
Make not too much haste to admire
That fair-cheeked fallacy of fire.
That is a Seraphim, they say
And this the great Teresia.
Readers, be rul’d by me; and make
Here a well-plac’d and wise mistake
You must transpose the picture quite,
And spell it wrong to read it right;
Read him for her, and her for him;
And call the saint the Seraphim.

Painter, what did’st thou understand
To put her dart into his hand!
See, even the years and size of him
Shows this the mother Seraphim.
This is the mistress flame; and duteous he
Her happy fireworks, here comes down to see.
O most poor-spirited of men!
Had thy cold pencil kist her pen
Thou couldst not so unkindly err
To show us this faint shade for her.
Why man, this speaks pure mortal frame;
And mocks with female frost love’s manly flame.
One would suspect, thou meant’st to paint
Some weak, inferior, woman saint.
But had thy pale-fac’d purple took
Fire from the burning cheeks of that bright book
Thou wouldst on her have leapt up all
That could be found seraphical;
Whate’er this youth of fire wears fair,
Rosy fingers, radiant hair,
Glowing cheek, and glistering wings,
All those fair and flagrant things,
But before all, that fiery dart
Had fill’d the hand of this great heart.

Do then as equal right requires,
Since his the blushes be, and hers the fires,
Resume and rectify thy rude design;
Undress thy Seraphim into mine.
Redeem this injury of thy art;
Give him the veil, give her the dart.

Give him the veil; that he may cover
The red cheeks of a rivall’d lover.
Asham’d that our world, now, can show
Nests of new Seraphims here below.

Give her the dart for it is she
(Fair youth) shoots both thy shaft and thee.
Say, all ye wise and well-pierc’d hearts
That live and die amidst her darts,
What is’t your tasteful spirits do prove
In that rare life of her, and love?
Say and bear witness. Sends she not
A Seraphim at every shot?
What magazines of immortal arms there shine!
Heav’n’s great artillery in each love-spun line.
Give then the dart to her who gives the flame;
Give him the veil, who kindly takes the shame.

But if it be the frequent fate
Of worst faults to be fortunate;
If all’s prescription; and proud wrong
Hearkens not to an humble song;
For all the gallantry of him,
Give me the suff’ring Seraphim.
His be the bravery of all those bright things,
The glowing cheeks, the glistering wings;
The rosy hand, the radiant dart;
Leave her alone, the Flaming Heart.

Leave her that; and thou shalt leave her
Not one loose shaft but love’s whole quiver.
For in love’s field was never found
A nobler weapon than a wound.
Love’s passives are his activ’st part.
The wounded is the wounding heart.
O heart! the equal poise of love’s both parts
Big alike with wound and darts.
Live in these conquering leaves; live all the same;
And walk through all tongues one triumphant flame.
Live here, great heart; and love and die and ****;
And bleed and wound; and yield and conquer still.
Let this immortal life where’er it comes
Walk in a crowd of loves and martyrdoms.
Let mystic deaths wait on’t; and wise souls be
The love-slain witnesses of this life of thee.
O sweet incendiary! show here thy art,
Upon this carcass of a hard, cold heart,
Let all thy scatter’d shafts of light, that play
Among the leaves of thy large books of day,
Combined against this breast at once break in
And take away from me my self and sin,
This gracious robbery shall thy bounty be;
And my best fortunes such fair spoils of me.
O thou undaunted daughter of desires!
By all thy dow’r of lights and fires;
By all the eagle in thee, all the dove;
By all thy lives and deaths of love;
By thy large draughts of intellectual day,
And by thy thirsts of love more large than they;
By all thy brim-fill’d bowls of fierce desire
By the last morning’s draught of liquid fire;
By the full kingdom of that final kiss
That seiz’d thy parting soul, and seal’d thee his;
By all the heav’ns thou hast in him
(Fair sister of the Seraphim!)
By all of him we have in thee;
Leave nothing of my self in me.
Let me so read thy life, that I
Unto all life of mine may die.
Mark Upright Nov 2015
~you know who and what is your true nature~


Special Prayer for Protection at Night

*In the name of Adonai the God of Israel:
May the angel Michael be at my right,
and the angel Gabriel be at my left;
and in front of me the angel Uriel,
and behind me the angel Raphael...
and above my head the Sh'khinah (Divine Presence)
Demon of destruction has set out to destroy me...
From morning to night it feeds out to control me...
But the Light of Christ has enabled to comfort me...
Mandated from Darkness it sets out to capture me...

Fortified by the Armor of the Almighty...
I fight the battle with Divine Splendor...
From the deepest part of your soul your Umi tries to control and overpower Yami.
From the deepest part of your soul your Umi* fights control Yami* (Umi:Darkness Yami:Light)
Objective is try to not let Umi win over Yami.
We shall fall in battle weary, armor broken, divine splendor shattered...
Ready to give in when the Highest...
Saves us from doom from complete darkness...

The Radiant Morning Star shall emulate light into your soul essence...
Furthermore, restore the power of your Divine Armor...
Conquering the pestilence that roams in the dark...
Destruction demon weakening prayer empowerment rising...
Then we drawl in the Heavenly sword...
Which shall slay the demon decapitating his head...
Hallelujah the judgement from heaven has been made...
Stand united Brotherhood of Light...for this is an ongoing battle between your Life and your Soul...
1 being alive to do as much good as possible pleasing The Almighty daily and at all times. 2 Allow God to be in control and your outlook on Life and what it brings the good the bad the ugly...Christians must stand war ready for our spiritual temple to wedge war against principalities, dark powers, witches, witchcraft, spells, plagues of doom, prophecy from the other realms, dreams, illusions, perdition and lastly soul contracts.  Jesus Christ the intermediator and The Father and the Holy Spirit...
Lucifer doesn't sleep doesn't eat doesn't give up from the day you take your first breath till the moment you take your last...

Let God help you can truly feel free of worldly chains... disobedience to The Almighty and Denial of the Work of The Spirit Of Fire...
Eight blue flamed tongues...
The immortal and unimaginable power he holds...
The Holy Spirit the doppelganger of The Father...or The Almighty One...

Allow spiritual sleep come be awake and allow the force of God the Omnipotent, Omnipresent the One Ethereal Benign Being...

Love is his ultimate power the Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. Existence recreating itself within itself...a world of random possibility. But with direct order from its atom microorganism the human being. We choose right from wrong we are given "Free Will" and in the end God shall judge all...

~Stand Prepared for Judgement Day~...for HIM known as God shall judge according to his divine will and perfect impeccable truth within truth a experience so drastically real you will know exactly where your headed....the Heavenly Realm situated in the ultimate realm of the Multiverse. Or Hell the Eternal Sanctum and punishment of Wicked Corrupted Souls, souls that denied The Holy Spirit Of God. Within the Heavenly Realm this majestic immortal being  exists the entity known as God...
From there inside the Holy Throne to the right of The Almighty...sits the Only Begotten Son (Ultimate Atonement for Humanity: The Lamb, Jesus Christ) then his Querubins,Seraphims and Messagers. Followed by Holy Beasts and 24 Holy Kings...

The power of Lucifer Prince of Darkness...God Demon. Ruling over Leviathan, The Black Legendary Dragon, a hierarchy of Demons from Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Wrath etc.

Are you with us...Christians Warriors Of Light...or against us...

Decision is crucial here we are battling for your eternity your salvation...

Come now calls the Lord come home...

To a Wicked Generation Lost in it's inevitable end and final resolve.

Don't be Godless remember Love is what God is made of...come ye weary lost souls come...Amen
©Franko the Christian Poet
Demons vs Angels the battle rages on. Love vs hate battle rages on. The color of your skin... racism must be abolished.
Come we shepherds, whose blest sight
Hath met love’s noon in nature’s night;
   Come lift up our loftier song
And wake the sun that lies too long.

To all the world of well-stol’n joy
   He slept; and dreamt of no such thing.
While we found out Heaven’s fairer eye
   And kissed the cradle of our King.
Tell him he rises now, too late
To show us aught worth looking at.

Tell him we now can show him more
   Than he e’er showed to mortal sight;
Than he himself e’er saw before;
   Which to be seen needs not his light.
Tell him, Tityrus, where thou hast been,
Tell him, Tityrus, what thou hast seen.

Gloomy night embraced the place
   Where the noble Infant lay.
The Babe looked up and showed His face;
   In spite of darkness, it was day.
It was Thy day, Sweet! and did rise
Not from the East, but from Thine eyes.

It was Thy day, Sweet! and did rise
Not from the East, but from Thine eyes.

Winter chid aloud; and sent
   The angry North to wage his wars.
The North forgot his fierce intent,
   And left perfumes instead of scars.
By those sweet eyes’ persuasive powers,
Where he meant frost, he scattered flowers.

By those sweet eyes’ persuasive powers,
Where he meant frost, he scattered flowers.

We saw Thee in Thy balmy nest,
   Young Dawn of our eternal day!
We saw Thine eyes break from Their East
   And chase the trembling shades away.
We saw Thee; and we blessed the sight,
We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light.

Poor world (said I), what wilt thou do
   To entertain this starry Stranger?
Is this the best thou canst bestow?
   A cold, and not too cleanly, manger?
Contend, ye powers of heaven and earth
To fit a bed for this huge birth.

Contend, ye powers of heaven and earth
To fit a bed for this huge birth.

Proud world, said I; cease your contest
   And let the mighty Babe alone.
The phoenix builds the phoenix’ nest,
   Love’s architecture is his own.
The Babe whose birth embraves this morn,
Made His own bed ere He was born.

The Babe whose birth embraves this morn,
Made His own bed ere He was born.

I saw the curled drops, soft and slow,
   Come hovering o’er the place’s head;
Offering their whitest sheets of snow
   To furnish the fair Infant’s bed:
Forbear, said I; be not too bold:
Your fleece is white, but ’tis too cold.

Forbear, said we; be not too bold:
Your fleece is white, but ’tis too cold.

I saw the obsequious seraphims
   Their rosy fleece of fire bestow.
For well they now can spare their wings,
   Since heaven itself lies here below.
Well done, said I: but are you sure
Your down, so warm, will pass for pure?

Well done, said we: but are you sure
Your down, so warm, will pass for pure?

No, no, your King’s not yet to seek
   Where to repose His royal head.
See, see, how soon His bloomed cheek
   Twixt ’s mother’s ******* is gone to bed.
Sweet choice, said I! no way but so:
Not to lie cold, yet sleep in snow.

Sweet choice, said we! no way but so:
Not to lie cold, yet sleep in snow.

We saw Thee in Thy balmy nest,
   Young Dawn of our eternal day!
We saw Thine eyes break from Their East
   And chase the trembling shades away.
We saw Thee; and we blessed the sight,
We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light.

We saw Thee; and we blessed the sight,
We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light.

Welcome, all Wonders in one sight!
   Eternity shut in a span.
Summer to winter, day in night,
   Heaven in earth, and God in man.
Great little One! Whose all-embracing birth
Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.

Welcome, though nor to gold nor silk,
   To more than Caesar’s birthright is;
Twin sister-seas of ******-milk,
   With many rarely-tempered kiss
That breathes at once both maid and mother,
Warms in the one, cools in the other.

Welcome, though not to those gay flies,
   Gilded in the beams of earthly kings,
Slippery souls in smiling eyes;
   But to poor shepherds, home-spun things,
Whose wealth’s their flock, whose wit, to be
Well read in their simplicity.

Yet when April’s husband showers
   Shall bless the fruitful Maia’s bed,
We’ll bring the first-born of her flowers
   To kiss Thy feet and crown Thy head.
To Thee, dread Lamb! whose love must keep
The shepherds, more than they their sheep.

To Thee, meek Majesty! soft King
   Of simple graces and sweet loves.
Each of us his lamb will bring,
   Each his pair of silver doves;
Till burnt at last in fire of Thy fair eyes,
Ourselves become our own best sacrifice.
Patrick Leduc Sep 2010
Alyssa! Oh, Alyssa
How your name rolls
Off the tongues and
Into the hearts of men.

Raven-haired beauty
Beyond compare, beyond reproach
How I long for your sweet embrace

My love for you is like a
It overcomes all obstacles

My love for you is like an
Overpowering, strong and easy to see
But even easier to feel

My love for you is like a
Towering over all else in life

How I adore your
Slow pace at which
You traverse the land
It causes my heart
To cry out in joy
That I may be close
To you for so long

How glad I am
That you are my friend
Supportive, kind, beautiful
Who knows how I would be
If not for you?

The seraphims and cherubims
Ache at my love
They weep at how I care
For you, your smile gorgeous beyond compare

Ineffable! Ineffable I say!
Such a nymph cannot
Truly exist!
The beauty of God's earth
Is all thanks to you

Alyssa! Oh, Alyssa
How your name rolls
Off the tongue and
Into this heart of mine.
Cunning Linguist Nov 2013
Matter does not exist
The source of all being is consciousness, although
The scourge of life revel in selfishness
Ever still the cosmic force lies tepid
As the malignance grows ever more intrepid

Harbingers of inevitable demise

They preach Order from Chaos
But rather warmonger - masquerading their charades from the sidelines

However, if the time paradigm states light
will shine triumphantly
harmonious to the sound of victory
blaring from the Seraphims' trumpets
Why are we still waiting?
On the eve of battle
in a celestial diner
Is where you'll find Yahweh and Lucifer
Babbling away over tea and crumpets
Michelle Garcia Sep 2016
I am running out of pretty words
to let them know that
my darkness
is not fictional.
It is hidden instead
under crimson lipstick dripping down
blood red sins on the white lace dress
I wore on my First Communion.
My mother does not understand
how my mind, of sixteen years,
has run out of purity—
casualties of fading light
and trembling hands that have forgotten
the dimpled smile on God’s glorious face
the day I was born.
I too, have forgotten that day,
instead dreaming of mornings spent
on my bedroom floor heaven
of rapidly-inflating lungs
and eyes that have seen the reflection of affliction
far too many times to be considered holy.
For I am the sacrificial lamb
slaughtered to the mumbled hypocrisy of praise,
blinded by the guilt
of every mortal sin collecting like bodies in silence;
the sound of shattered souls buried by seraphims.

How much grace can one mortal swallow?

I beg you.
Have mercy on me.
JL Mar 2012
I'm at heavens gates

Where fiery seraphims

Hold a no tresspasing sign

I am at the gates of hell

And I swear it looks

Just like the entrance abc liquor

hello world

i am a single sprout of earth

breaking from my seed case

A single elm branch

Am I

bending in the cool midnight wind

I could be that lake

Where the fireflies reflect

where snakes sleep coiled

next to the garden path

and if I wanted

i could be impaled by your daggers

and fall right to sleep

Now I'm looking for a foothold

Frozen Ache of wind

Blowing on the northern *****

The clouds are frozen solid

And they fall on my head

They pierce my skin

but I laugh at your pain

because ive stabbed the needle

Oh this wind

at your funeral

the grass is green and long

and the roses that lay

long and sharp

in my silent shaking hands

if you would just open the sky for me       let the rain fall    let the clouds billow and thunder  send bolts of heated lightning down upon my head
I think I would feel nothing
or the quit beating
of my own heart
like drums down the river
where the jungle is deep
is side-flip of vivid
awesomely augmented
projection blissings

sated seraphims spin
atop agile toes

but so do
voracious villains

those ******* link arms
and do-si-do

spinning you
wrong 'round

fear dealers
doling out
bunk doses

I keep
throwing up palms
like whoawhoawhoa
not now - got **** to do
inside the ******' zone

ego seen-through
JL Dec 2011
I just want to understand
Someone else
For a single moment
I give up
Drink straight from the bottle
It drinks straight from me
I see seraphims and a calling hand
I hear it say my name
Bruno Gomes Jun 2020
If the men is the biggest creation of god
For sure there is other men in other planets
If the creation of men it's bigger than the creation of the universe
maybe it's unfair to compare, since the universe there is no beginning,
so many mystery around us, so many questions, it's hard to believe some avatars achieve that goal, it's hard to believe that men is the biggest creation of god.

What about the angels, archangel, seraphims? They wasn't created by god? they always exists? Are they like the Universe, with no beginning ? why some souls have the privilege like that being an angel? or it's not a privilege and the angels was men before and they have such a high level of evolution after many incarnation process who make they become angels?
In the final goal, everybody will become angel? and them what, to be grateful to god? Become a god? and what? When everybody have all the process of incarnation finished and the cycle broken, everybody living in the highest level of consciousness, to do what? to help who? just to be grateful? is god needy to attention ?
Heaps of mountains in gold and diamonds running rivers in perfect glory into ocean of abundance.

Rampaging beasts in rumbustious death errand,  pushing​ darkening the air of glory and gorging out the eyes of the earth in violent showbiz.

Bowels of the earth gushing out in falls cascading rapidly down in galls of shame and infamy.

Whirlwinds​ in whirlpools, thundering down powers in thunderbolt, routing down powers of darkness in triumphant victory.

It's the dawn of light in rainbows in canopies,  shooting earth to vortex  of power transcendental,  praises in glorious colors, with cherubims and seraphims dancing in colony of glory.
Walking in the furrow of a
a black night,
a brilliant sunny dawn rush
in in winds armada, smashing the congealed acidic cold of dubious clouds of the tyrant skies.

Then a wild wide smile, in a
wafting voice, fluttering with
bouts of excitement, on the earth
swollen face, raining down in gush
of balm of healing and love from
the celestial splendor , drowning
us in cherubims and Seraphims.
The steppe beguiled,
Unfriended by innocence,
Renders powerless the Seraphims,
Within the inner citadel.

The primordial whims,
Engulfs the spirit,
Impulses with unshaken strength,
Charges in, in coaxion.

Plain hues of tinted shades,
Delights the spirit,
Yielding unto the colourful disharmony,
Assailing its walls.

Berefted dignity,
Misses its way,
To converge with shame,
The eden pigmentation.

Torak Sep 2014
These monstrous buildings
that loom above us
cast a shadow
similar to an abusive father,
hand cocked back
as if the taste of his palm
will remind those he sways
of metallic bullets
and the forgotten stroll
the ****** streets
stumbling through lifeless puddles
as if a drunken Jesus
and the lonely seek solitude
and crave desire
and the life that fills the morgues
and graveyards
provides enough iron
for the worlds deficiency,
ashing our fingers as
anxious seraphims
pull out our nails
and staple eviction notices to joy
and mercy me
the trees fall to their knees
as if battered toddlers could speak above the screaming silence
at the table
of a broken home.
And there I was sitting in the dark,
All my thoughts were parked,
I couldn't move none of my ideas or emotions,
Too busy looking at life, boasting,
Then another shade of darkness,
Covered my eyes,
As I sunk deep into the underground skies,
Im a motionless body,
Yelling but nobody, can hear me scream,
I thought to myself, this must be a dream,
But it wasn't a dream
Then a supreme being, approached me with a deep voice,
And offered me a golden choice,
A faceless apparition, that said I had many ambitions,
Once I gave in, my soul caved in, and then a heart felt a blazed,
I was scared at first, what I thought was seconds, was hours in a hearse,
Spiritually purified by this being,
Then after that I started seeing,
Things that the civil eye can't beam, or even dream of,
Tears started runnin' from above, my eye lids as well as my sweat glands,
It took me twenty years to realize, this awakening that was happening,
Seraphims, the right hands of gods, purified my soul against the odds,
My soul was on fire but it felt good but the flames didn't hurt nor burn,
It was the cleansing of my sins, I placed the broken ashes in my mental urn,
When I explained to the pastors, they were quick to ridicule with laughter,
Some preacher aye, can't even explain spiritual phenomenons these days,
Megan Sherman Feb 2022
The Earth revolves because of Love
Like a blessed turtle dove
The cruelty of the overlords
Crushed by native Love of hordes
Their master plan, their evil whims Relegated by seraphims
The world is love, love is the world
A cosmic destiny unfurled
deyrah Nov 2020
Do yhu know, when a person dies.
They lose the light in their eyes??

When a person is lonely
Yhu can tell from how empty their eyes are.
You can almost smell...
When someone's in love.

When love hits.
A sudden good morning
Would sound like trumpets blown by seraphims
Eager to taste sweet nothing.

The Color of love is painted by the heart.
Yet it's not red.

The color of love is...
Love is transparent. It gets a color when you know why you're in love.

— The End —