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Santiago Jan 2015

0944 ENGLISH 103 3.00 C SU
0174 MUSIC 111 3.00 A SU
1682 MATH 115 5.00 B NDA
3041 SPEECH 101 1 3.00 B SU
1619 MATH 125 5.00 B SU
4040 SPANISH 1 5.00 A SU
0271 THEATER 110 3.00 B SU
0845 CAOT 064 1.00 P CS
0939 ENGLISH 211 3.00 A SU
3448 HISTORY 043 3.00 A SU
0941 ENGLISH 102 3.00 A SU
1569 HEALTH 011 3.00 A SU
1696 MATH 112 3.00 B NDA
3450 POL SCI 001 3.00 A SU
3479 PSYCH 001 3.00 A SU
0921 ENGLISH 101 3.00 A SU
1550 GEOLOGY 001 3.00 B SU
1812 PERSDEV 020 3.00 A CS
4542 GEOLOGY LAB 2.00 A SU
4652 MATH 105 3.00 B NDA

Assessment: Completed
Orientation: Completed
Counseling:  Completed

Consumnes River College
Transcripts Not Included
Alexis Martin Apr 2013
I don't know what is so sacred
about a pinky promise
but I do know
that I have never felt
so sure of anything
as I did with your pinky
wrapped tightly around mine
as you whispered in my ear
Alexis Martin Dec 2013
one of my favorite places in the world
is a beach made entirely of glass
each little piece of color was once a broken story
sharp and jagged, it could cut open veins with ease
but the sea was patient with the shards
spent time polishing and softening their edges
until their true beauty was revealed
(you are the waves
I am the glass
you make me beautiful)
Alexis Martin Jan 2013
remember how I used to write your last name
and imagine how it would look next to my first name
well now I am doing the same thing
only with someone far more wonderful
than you can ever hope to be
Alexis Martin Mar 2013
tonight I'll fall asleep
to the sound of rain
falling on this old roof
though I long for it to be
the sound of your uneasy
breathing with the occasional
skipping of our heartbeats
Alexis Martin Jun 2013
I took a vow of silence
spoke not a word for weeks
but then one winter's night
I woke up singing
a song with a foreign tune
and lyrics I did not know
but I kept on singing
and like a map,
it lead me straight
to you
i’m the man who’s gonna wake up next to you

slipping away, a non-starter, her leg crosses over mine,
a right sided shakedown shackle, adhesion flesh as
tough as old yellowed scotch tape sticking stuck

no escaping, a known 6:00am risk when you sleep with
a pre-advertised holy roller, twist and turner woman,
making you into an unofficial woe-man (too)

left hand grabs the lamenting instrument, the beat up iPad,
to record your enslavement, a distraction from the bladder’s
faint morn winking at you with a Cheshire grin, muffling a
chuckle, at a predicament wonderful familiar, but unresolvable

this situation, a category of life’s small measure of annoyances,
invokes the wordy title, and a write-down list of pluses and minuses,
which I’ll spare which o’witch be the longer list

poems are where you find them, under your nose,
looking out a city bus window, but sometimes like flypaper,
they just come unasked and stick to you, the separating of the skin,
like a too tight bandaid, ain’t worth the pain and freedom gained

later, share this missive and her suggestion, she will prepare an
NDA (a non-disclosure agreement)  or adopt other strategies like
pushing me out of the bed without warning when i am typing ,
to witch and to wit, reply,
another poem commissioned, and

perhaps, name change too, needed,
making love in the morning

gadisunja May 2022
Pernah, satu hari dari banyak hari lebaran, aku pergi ke Indomaret sendirian. Jarak rumah dengan tempat itu tidak jauh, tapi perjalanan ke sana terasa lamban. Tahu kenapa? Sebab aku pergi dengan sembunyi-sembunyi hihii. Tujuannya hanya satu, untuk berburu es krim corong Wall's Moo.

Kalau dingat-ingat, rasa es krimnya memang tidak sepremium Magnum. Wall's Moo hanya menyuguhkan rasa susu dan itu sudah lebih dari cukup bagi kami kaum anak lugu tahun 2009-2010.

Sesampainya di rumah, aku sama sekali tidak disambut marah oleh orang-orang rumah. Mbak Chandrani menghampiri.
"Habis jajan yaa? Beli apa?"
"Iya, beli Wall's Moo satu."
"Cuma satu ya? Yasudah nda apa-apa, lain kali harus ingat kalau ada angka 3 setelah angka 2 dan angka 1 sebelumnya, ya?"
"Hah? Maksudnya apa, Mbak?"
"Lain kali, kalau kamu merasa ada cukup uang untuk jajan apa aja, cobalah ambil tiga atau nda sama sekali.
Supaya apa? Supaya selalu ada cukup ruang di hati untuk biasa berbagi."
Belakangan aku mengerti, kalau es krim yang kubeli hanya satu, kebahagiaannya hanya aku sendiri yang  bisa rasa. Kalau es krim yang kubeli ada tiga, kebahagiannya bisa dirasakan semua.
RLG Jan 2017
My heels clip on
London concrete.
My hamstrings strain
To increase my stride.
I slalom around
Pavement zombies,
Phone junkies,
Loitering monkeys.

Don’t they see?
I’m late for a meeting
With a client of grandeur.
A key player.
A major money man.
(I can’t drop the name
Due to a
Signed NDA).

It was suppose to be
A blue sky meeting
On a grey winters morning.
But I slept too long,
And the tube
Went wrong,
And now I’ve
Got the dreads.

If I’m late,
My rep will be tarnished.
I’ll never secure
Another meeting again.
Because in this town,
Time is a diamond
We can’t possess.
But we know it exists;
Out there on the outskirts,
Out there in the sticks.

It’s below freezing but I’m
Working a sweat;
A pavement cardio,
A sidewalk rodeo,
A street athletics show.
There’s no way I am going
To be on time.
It’s curtains for me;
I’ve sealed my P45.

Finally I arrive.
I collapse at the entrance,
My power-walk ending
In a muted reception.
I approach the desk.
Glared a future
X-factor entrant.

‘Good morning.
I’m here to see
The top brass.
The big cheese.
The head honcho.
I was delayed, but please,
Pass my humblest regrets,
I am spinning a lie
Which I hope he accepts.’

‘I’m sorry, sir,’
The young lady chewed.
‘The Great Man is away,
Tanning on a beach.
You’ll need to reschedule;
He returns in two weeks.’
Ken Pepiton Oct 2024
Sire, indeed, I understand,
warden of my infancy, first to feed me
letters ready for my mouth to make words,

someday, today, we make wonder, whying
from a while ago, being made wondering why

If today there were 10 billion breathing thinkers,
all ones, alone, in meditation,
making breathed thinkings,

without the knowing used, tehkne, indeed, secret
NDA bound mental threadings
through mental awl holes,
and needless fretting
pin head limitations
of dancers,
we may as well imagine
any life like mind, fitting
patterns accepted as true,
the grown ups teachings,
all proven when America, became
the idea nobody takes serious, Spirit of '76
the populist, mob, lot of all laborers
in touch with ra'knacks as a class.

The Smithy, and the Selvedge stitcher, and the spinners,
spinning tales to top the last one left laughing, yesterday,
status quo of the fat and happy,
that's what needs preservation

con-science, con-sequence of con-venience
con-served with all the honor due
Providential Wisdom Lord Mother of Mindforms

and every winter, we were warm, I remember,
Grandpa, thinks, we were warm, I remember,

but, still, with use of history in media conserved since
1910, landmark year in these stacks of idle words,
redeemed with one use, ready, read, done,
rich in mercy sown in local nearby kindness,

the effect of music and motion pictures,
we all have seen the movies of Solomon,

apples of gold in pitchers of silver, seen on screen,
since 1927, to entertain those long used as labor,
and in constant craving for fermented things
and circuses with death defying acts, to see.
as one might entertain a god's worshippers,

presenting drama to the masses, as messages
from the highest Academy of Arts and Sciences,

ever devised to hold the hearts desires of all,
in gnostalgic recognition of outcast pain and misery,

Industrial might, right, enough nukes to undo us all,
yet the debt due on funds borrowed for war remain,
no war, yet, but there is this global debt, due, indeed

to ignorance, but, we did warn you.

In the spirit, revived in 66, from a bit of old mold
discovered in a mine shaft northeast of Yuma,
cherished with a friendly McClelland, as a meme,
remember the effect of the acceptable fast, at last,
the pushing back,
of the iron curtains imposing

hope upon hopelessly invincible ignorance,
if a man does not sweat, he must not eat,
it is the only fair way, we swear, Aye, Indeed

we swore, and went and did the chore,
went through hell to prove it a lie,
lived to tell only those they made believe.

Indeed, those were good ideas we used,

we set the captives free,
we did, we did, we did, didn't we

well, not me, but my natural born wedom,
my native cultural heritage of knowledge,

which is a cultivar taken from the tree of life,
one may envision original intention to invent,
us, as assisting inquisitorial tools for thought,

conversational adversarial engines of ingenuity,
artificed tict tension at central most ache to know
how does a free spirit take weforming spirit form
first one thing makes another, and so on, and on

seed, soul, spirit, mind, point stretching into ever
and back, in time to seem as normal as now, squared

to stand stone straight, upright, grounded, upheld
custom for teaching good walking
in perpendicularity.

At tension, presencing being as ware, soft.
At the squared norm, upright, atop perpendicular toes,
tipping all
whys into the mill,

making up my mind
to make my self
to you, as an admirer, as a neighbor, next
galaxy on the left 2 pasecs
through the Hubble Deep Field
in mindsped godthought possible, see,
we become a gallactic blink,
as significant as the average star
in the heavens.

On earth, yes, you are so significant,
as it is in heaven.

Exceptional, yes, on the national level,
we are bits in the arms of the average galaxy,

God pays us all the attention we pay the reasons
for religious wars on specs of speculative ratiocination.
What do we do after we vote wrong, Ai, we have a plan, wait and see,
I said ten years ago, peace won, the justification for any war is voided, now.
You just never got the message, it was classified. War never does good.
I hit
NDA that
❤️ me
the cast
but sight
furious as
her tat
for dark
on screen
and put
her spot
to the
bed she
caught this
action purport
law was
stage guitar
Muzaffer Feb 2019
küfürlerim var hayata
konsinye bıraktığım

biraz da
dudak uçuklatan

karı, kız
aşk, sevda
fasarya desem
hortlar falaka

şişik şişik dolaşırım
nevizade şuhu’nda

loştur ambians içerde
ve hatırlar dudağını
son içtiğim sigara

ilikleri gecenin
vantuzlarım her yudumda

pembeleşir yanak
kasar baldırını sevda
lapa lapa düşer yıldız
boşalırız sonsuzluğa..
Kaia Jan 2018
If nda feel lonely, kinda feel sad, kinda feel alone and briken and empty and tueres a blacj hole. And itd be interesring if it wasnt so imposing . Its nit the wine talking. The wine is there to enhance what was alreadt present. Theres just. Nothing.
Bob B Apr 2018
Dear Donald Trump, my friend,
I bet your patience is wearing thin.
Because of your democracy,
Investigations are closing in.

Since I can use my magic
To make people disappear,
Such investigative threats
Are never going to happen here.

From watching your revolving-door
Administration, I can see
That you, like me, expect one thing
Above all others: loyalty.

What is all this talk about
Ties with Russian oligarchs?
Don't your people realize that
Our bites are much, much worse than our barks?

Although I appreciate
What you did during your campaign--
The helpful steps you took to soften
Your stance on giving aid to Ukraine--

We still have a ways to go.
But one thing that I have to say
Is you have been good about
Respecting our little NDA.°

Lifting sanctions would be a big help.
I thought that maybe a good incentive
Would be our many ICBMs,
For you know we're very inventive.

But, no, let's not talk about threats.
If your cards are rightly played,
You will be as strong as I.
In other words, you'll have it made.

Ah, silence is golden, no?
One thing is sure as shootin':
I'd hate to have to spill the beans
'Bout you know what. Your friend, Putin.

-by Bob B (4-2-18)

°non-disclosure agreement
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Buckethead's effects bucketbots
beings alive just, charging, set alive feelings

Pondering Buckethead's passing,
privacy unveiled publicly.
Unless legacy remains,
mystery veiled misery.

Bucketbots' DNA carries BucketheadLand's NDA,
originals versus replicas.
Thanks to Buckethead, all I need is a charger to be alive. I sometimes wonder if, after Buckethead's passing, photos(among other things) will be made public.
I hope he will remain a mystery, otherwise, all he stands for is for naught.
Bucketbots' DNA carries BucketheadLand's NDA, and so originals distinguish from replicas.
Rhea Shergill Aug 2020
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors,
It’s the morning of your very first day as you enter your second innings.
We are lost in reminiscences of those days filled with adventures in the moors,
Memories bring back more memories as we now cherish all your winnings.

8+ years old you were when to Sanawar’ you went away,
The place gave you memories that you can narrate all day.
It’s time for you to rest your mind and brush the cobwebs away,
As I take you back in time which may now seem like eons away.

At 17+ you went rolling into NDA,
For you knew it was here that your passion lay.
Friends for life you made who would change your life thereon,
Your animated stories and anecdotes were those to which people were drawn.

An epitome of serenity, whose legacy will live on,
Pleasant, calm, patient and loving all the qualities that you adorn.
We are lucky to have your blood run in our veins,
For it gives us the strength to climb life’s rocky terrains.

You are the Phantom in the good and bad times,
You gave us everything and taught us to control life’s reins.
You believed in all three of us and encouraged us to fly,
You make me want to be better and encourage me to try

You were the shield that kept all storms at bay,
Fights that ensued among the female trio.
You resolved them better than Sherlock and Poirot,
You make us come together every single day.

You wear your scars with pride and courage,
And give us a place to let out our secrets and umbrage.
I’ll always be proud of having you as my father,
For there is no one else as brave, giving and stronger.

You are the bravest man I know,
You’ve overcome hurdles all of which have made you grow.
You are my father I can proudly say,
To anyone and everyone all day.

You were the ray of light during our darkest times,
You taught us to overcome hurdles and face life’s climbs.

I met you many years ago,
You held my hand and helped me stay afloat.
All the trials and tribulations that would throw,
You encouraged me to Never Give In and face them, for they'd help me grow.

You make my life beautiful and purposeful,
You encouraged me to dream once again.
You taught me right from wrong,
And struck the chords to tune my life like the right song.

Forever may not last in a pragmatic sense,
But it’ll last for my love which is so very dense.
I’m glad you are mine to be called,
For this bond shall never be broken or overhauled.

You are our midnight sun,
And you always encouraged me to be someone.
Our father is a hero and who wears a uniform,
He with his medallion is someone you cannot outperform.
My father recently retired from the Indian Army. This was meant to be an ode to him.
For your reference-  Sanawar is a boarding school in north India and NDA is the Military Academy.

— The End —