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Annie Jul 2013
She wrote a note to him
outlining the way he
made her heart beat,
and why, because of
this, she couldn't stay.

She wrote a note to him,
slowly and methodically,
carefully planning
every syllable and
letter that graced
the page to him.

She wrote a note to him,
and realized how
much she cared for
him, and knew she
had to let go before
it was too late.

She wrote a note to him
and when she got
to the end of the letter,
she artfully signed it,
*insincerely yours.
Julia Mullin May 2012
In what mind does perfection exist?
In the mind that thinks it knows the answers?
Or in the mind that always searches and never becomes stagnant?

In whose thoughts must I structure my words?
In my own or perhaps I should buy the mold from you
So that my mind can become like jello

If these are the words you are looking for
It doesn’t take effort only the feeling of rejection
But it is what I see in your ink blots

Unsavory words flung about in madness
Miscalculate, unworthy, and even insincere
You don’t want the truth, you want your truth

So here are my words flung up in the air
No real thought, and no effort
Let’s see where they land
Peter Jan 2019
i'm walking down the street
bare feet, without a care
**** uber, metro, I hate public transportation,
i'm dirtying up this sidewalk, for a few years already
i'm writing down a will, in my mind, close to my eyelids,
because i'm on the wrong side of my mind
i feel sick, tasting the bitterness of humanity
when I wipe mankind on the side of the pavement,
at the very deep, there's masculinity mixed with *****,
i'm walking down a bridge full of empty shells
i pass hordes of girls who are smiling insincerely
and again, i feel a boost in my veins
and again, i'm louder than mirrors
and as in the mirrors, voidness space,
and it is me, who takes the best from it
i absorb this poisoned air.
In the ears of mine, i can hear electro heat,
i feel like one man one Jean-Michel Jarre,
rain is pouring through me, sticks to me like fog,
i wrap myself in the warmth of two MDMA's,
someone glances surreptitiously and steals my soul,
you have a backpack full of cash, i have a suitcase full of emotions,
i'm going on a journey through the cursed city
like a hermaphrodite with a broken rod,
streets, like stigmas, cry with hollow screams,
in front of clubs content abortions on the sidewalk,
let's leave this lie, like the walking dead
assertiveness and pride to the gutter washed away.
And again, this booster is kindling my veins
i'm dirtier than a new jerusalem
and similar to it, i'm sticking to everything
and so I'm taking the most out of my heart
and I absorb this poisoned air once again.
and so the booster flows through the aorta
it is flooding my tarred heart,
destination reached.
and my wallet is shimmering with bitter crystal
nothing will change the course of this chemistry,
betrayed. betrayed by their own bodies
vidi, no vici, veni on its own,
and i'm catching a laugh, standing still in the subway
i am still absorbing poisoned air.
i've seen enough.
today, in my city, sun rises in the morning.
you will remember this day forever or forget it for eternity.
That is actually my favorite poem of all
Samir Jul 2012
cliche, boring, bland and weak
based upon a foundation of chic

you distract from your lack
with your apathetic crap
entomology and intonation
i call it character *******

you do it too often, many of you
just be who you are so we can shine through

i just have to get this off my chest...
your subject matter concerns love
who would've guessed

it rhymes and chimes and deliverance isn't best
and if one skims just beginning and end
there is no need for the rest

lacking originality
either resolve or contradiction
not cryptic nor a riddle in sight
not an original thought nor display of risk

you can learn here from this one write
what you could never tell east from west
and even though, you'll be better so
it will never be
as clever as thee
so just hide behind your traditional text

its not that i seek to pick on the weak
its quite the contrary-

start over with command
so you understand
it is the fraudulent that i detest

it is lack of interest and tact
and i won't take it back
your technique is as the rest.

you slack in approach
you couldn't hold my attention
from the first line
to the next

no captivation
no eccentricity
no enigma
flooding, you are, a pest

parasitic in your relentlessness
attention seeking for all the wrong reasons
leading poetry to its death

you bore me truly
insincerely yours,
unafraid to best.

Somewhere in the past
you were deeply affected within your interaction
with one of my accounts.  I don't know who you are
(who the person is that is leaving tangible fingerprints
on the keyboard of this account I am speaking to)
I can only guess,
but I am fairly sure that my guess is accurate,
     so I will keep all of that to myself,
so that you can freely and without fear of being found out,
go back with me to that place inside of yourself  that felt so well
met and seen back then.

In turn, no more *******, devaluing of love
the way that you do so often at close range.

If you pull that horrendously harmful **** again,
I will pull away again, but this time.. never come back.
That being said, I will not leave you hanging,
(or do my best to not to)  
if you bring  towards me  the need within you..
that through your memory,

you so well believe that I can satisfy
(and you already know that I am not talking about the ******).

You feel the deep, internal response--
from deep within that body of yours,  
when love warmly touches  
previously untouched places within you

And you spin them out publicly right in the midst of our
closeness of interaction (which I think is really cool),
just please don't flay me for showing my humanity
by responding back to you sexually.
I will keep that side to myself,  if that is what it takes
to keep you from throwing me under the bus, yet again.
The ****** (within the closeness of warm, loving connection) --
((even in the world of support..))
that very sensuality so perfectly parallels..  
through physical, tangibly-felt metaphor..
all that there is also within the Realms
when it comes to the spiritual.

Healing of that which has become broken by the fallen
******-up version of love this world brings--
that type of healing and restoration back into wholeness
is what all relational closeness is meant to bring,  and stand for.
You want something that you deeply believe that I have,  
yet somewhere..   maybe in another life..
I must have hurt you deeply,
or you wouldn't be sending  all these finger-puppet forays
my way.

Come and get what you want and need,
and if you believe I am shorting you your rightful blessing  
by missing it..   or simply just being generically stupid,
then instead of flaying me publicly,  
privately come to me  in boldness,
   and shake it out of me--
that which is rightfully yours-- my healing-response.

and do it brazenly,  with a fierce, yet open and vulnerable heart
the way that you have shown in your poems. Maybe in time
you will find out all on your own  
that what you thought was hurtful from me,  was felt
out of perception,  rather than what was actual.
If I really did do something,  tell me what it is
so that I can own up to it and tell you that I am sorry
for ******* everything up that way..
if, in fact.. it was something I really did.

I will only talk to you  from here (my M Vogel account)
so that you can rise and fall
concerning what things you need most from me,  

by the responsibility of you,
and of me.

You already know that I am Paul.
You can call me that,  or M Vogel,
or stupidface..
or any of my other account names if you want,
but get inside of here with me what it is that you came for.

If it is something that I am able to give or be a part of..
then know it will become yours  in time.
  You have the ability..
    even though being spoken to this way
    both wildly turns you on
    and completely scares you shitless

    (and probably both at the same time)
you have  proven,  through your posted words  
that you are actually able to be a part of   and do,
what has for so long  felt so horribly distant from you,
   and so horrendously impossible for you to attain.
You have earned every single part of this very rightful place
that you now have in here with me.

Please don't stupidly **** it up the way that you so well
and so often do.
You are brilliant, girl. We both know that.
Stupid things are possible because your world has had learn
to be so incredibly indirect in order to survive.
What has saved you up until now,  out there..
will destroy everything for you,   in here.
But you are human, and rendering old things   dead
may be too much to ask for.. so I will tell you now--

that even  if within your broken, PTSD-filter--
you make a mess of the closeness--  at close range..
then with poetry, find your way back into my heart--
by speaking solely from yours  as you have.
**** me over too insincerely and callously  without remorse,
and you yourself will have stolen  you--  directly from
that of the deepest of places within my own heart.

Your call, kid..
You are not a little 14 year old  clad in combat boots anymore.
Yours is a living, breathing heart--
left withering  within the dry desert of indirectness
that you have  been forced up until now  to live in.

Every single day the sun comes up, anew. Those words mean
everything to you for a reason.
Through love and accountability,  breathe life in to them.

That is how you will make them real.

Let him know that you know best
'Cause after all, you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
without granting, innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong--
the things you've told him all along

And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you

As he begins to raise his voice
you lower yours,
and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road

or break with the ones that you've followed

He will do one of two things..
he will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
and you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong
(I lost a friend)
Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

um, yourself
you gorgeous little ****  <3
Those unchained melodies are heard-
slayed and naked, like a lost soul-
wand'ring along a village; a dejected village!
And hark, hark to how they plead!
O, how they beg to be alive, to be free
from the deadness of these winds.
But no-one greets them, with a handful
of care!-how ill, and thievery is,
such inattentiveness! What a smug
egotism!-For these areth living
creatures, not lurking shadows as they'th seemed!
Blackened willows, stiffened dust;
trembling trees, affronted branches-
bending in their nakedness, a scene of vulgarity
with no ******* and sensations-
to capture attention, o, am'rous
attention! How poor these humans are! Brutes
are they to natureth-dappled with disgrace,
insincerely prayin' for more and more to feed their
ungrateful innuendoes-which prey on their
mortality-to fascinate their tongue,
and *****! And elements with no such marks
are out of them, no thinking is set on them;
no moreth! Peek, peek now, at how those
bountiful thorns blureth, and dieth!-at the scorn
and rivalry amongst humans-and still no-one bothers
kindethly-to eventh peek at 'em, yon miserable,
pitiful creatures! But 'ose humans, whose spitefulness
is awayth from b'ing praiseworthy, are aboundth with
death; cannot they defy it, inescapable as it's always
been-for death is not destined to dieth-never!
Thus thy sins, humans, wilt swing thy joys into swamps
of guilt, denial, and suffrage-be unafraid of which,
straighten thy chins-for these are all what thou'th
deserved, all along! Thou'th betrayed nature, and now
thy souls wilt be thy subtlest enemy-thy veiled threat!-
beware of 'tis, but still perchance, it is futile to
exhort thee-now and again! Thou art stained with
remorse, and prefereth doth thou-to follow thy own
course, rather than nature's bliss's vows.
Taylor Marotto Aug 2012
I can't help but doubt you or
Your loyalty
My heart clutched by fear
Insecurely, I worry
that I'm not enough.
Insincerely, you assure me,
No need to think so much
My mind is on fire
The Pressure
is creeping.
Slowly but surely
gripping my throat
It has left me breathless
and blue.
Jeremy Betts May 2022
I'm an open book with the tendency to get mistook and overlooked now more than ever cause the binding and the cover are extraordinarily ordinary
The frail, mousey lead character labeled fragilé and plagued with insecurity lacks any measurable or substantial substance, no originality, even the unremarkably troubled back story is unapologetically void of creativity
Absolutely zero structure to the flimsy plot lines leaving the majority unfinished and frustratingly empty, holes in the Swiss cheese history are aplenty, no matter the number it's always one too many, never held any water to begin with but regardless they surface constantly, scattered with no purpose throughout condemned property
The gaps in the sketchy timeline and the untimely flashbacks make it extremely difficult to follow, subsequently leaving the reader feeling uneasy, maybe even queasy
Couple that with the fact that the blood, sweat and tears that poor from me onto every page render every letter a blurry mystery
Ink rapidly bleeding beyond any point of legibility so I scurry into obscurity like the first bit of graffiti to hit the walls of a lost city
Or unlit cave dwelling residency that sheltered the beginnings of humanity, I don't say that metaphorically, this is all factually documented as actually happenin' to me
Completely being brushed over, over and over, leaves little to no room for closure, how could it be there is no retail value either even though I'm the soul owner of the one and only lonely copy
I must confess that honestly it's in rough shape visually, no secrecy, anyone and everyone can easily see, so it's insincerely looked over briefly with contempt and downgraded accordingly but unfairly
While momentarily left in dormancy to see if the monetary value to society rises any or will it be one to continually trend downwardly, accepting mortality
At this point breathing is just a formality, I know tomorrows not a guarantee so I scribble away feverishly, going at it tirelessly, throwing words around recklessly
Pointless? Quite possibly. Meaningless? Most definitely. Worthless? Well, how could it not be? I'd quickly place a bet on all three being casually mentioned in the book review, or what some of you might call my obituary
It could be and seems most likely to me to be revealed that it belongs in it's own category or at the very least a separate offshoot subcategory
OR, or, it could be disrespectfully decided to never even ever let it be represented digitally or physically in any online or city library across the entirety of this comically hypersensitive and ridiculously touchy country
They be watching over me shoulder every day as I dot every i perfectly and diligently cross every t, proofreading religiously so they take me seriously and can't use it against me
It's limited edition but surely nothin' special, hopefully still worthy of somethin', but here in reality it's realistically nothin' more than knockoff Gucci or black market Versace
Sounds fishy, I know, but what else could it possibly be when I have the answer key, it's literally my story, I not only wrote but lived every word you see and it still doesn't even hold any significance or importance to me
Every chapter awkwardly forced upon me, it'll clearly end horribly but I'm no visionary, not even close actually, would never catch me even trying or claiming to be
I just precisely record the facts on the spot as they happened to me no matter how bizarrely scary some happen to be, it's important to me that you see what I see
See, you'll see the cruelty in the issue that taunts me as it haunts me. The hot seat question then becomes can you possibly understand the conundrum that is me or even slightly comprehend my cursed duality?
A comedy turned tragedy then unfortunately forced to take the back seat immediately as people barbaricly laugh mockingly at said tragedy, the jokes on me apparently and I've never found it to be very funny
Notice that it both plagues my future and tarnished my history and I'm presently left with presumably only a falsely and improperly placed memory of happy
Remembered as nothing but the worst of me, my eulogy will most certainly read like a roast minus any dose of comedy
If you choose to take this journey and walk the path along side me you're more than likely to come to the same conclusion as me that the powers to be are stingy with the good karma while the bad energy is unnaturally loaded on all *****-nilly in spite of me with little concern for safety
OSHA be ****** apparently, all it takes is the thought of me being a presence in the vicinity of you and your family to make you question both your safety and my sanity at any given moment, occasionally I'll switch it up randomly to avoid the monotony
A painfully pitiful joke that seemingly seems to be getting worse optically, a ****** B movie parody of Steven Kings Misery, all pain, no joy, no money, I mean no interest, I mean no possibility of a remedy
A mocumentary if you will, but the pain is real still and it's going steady, a run on sentence dragged out endlessly through a raging sea of emotionally charged assault and self battery that continually thrash relentlessly all around me
The weight of my world has always been too heavy since all the way back in my infancy, flip to the first couple pages to jog your memory if need be, then take and make a mental note that today I'm pushing 40

******* that's a long time to knowingly be held in captivity,  I've already been through it and the recap still surprisingly hits me hard with a backing of PTSD

Your cross is just a fashion accessory, my cross drags in the dirt behind me and wasn't set properly, shoulders barely able support it and I couldn't transfer the load any
So I grab a penny for each eye, yet another money based payment ritual for the ferry man to finish the last chapter the best he can with mixed in commentary from the peanut gallery that'll ultimately reveal my true identity and destiny hidden in the smoke screen of my twisted personality
The one predicted by the aforementioned conflicting and confusing history, though obviously if you've been following closely at all you've seen the rate of my fall and calculated it's trajectory down to the nth degree
It has always been and will continue to be aimed directly at the fiery lake for all eternity, not much different than where I reside currently so really I'm in no hurry if its more or less going to be the same scenery
I guess if you want to be a **** about it you could probably make the argument that my life played out accordingly, regardless, I'm getting what's owed to me cause I bucked conformity and normality, spit in the face of misplaced authority
Whoa is me? Yeah no, whoa is you buddy, you should worry because the last page doesn't mean end of story necessarily, I'll live on in your thoughts as something far more scary
See, I wouldn't be able hurt you or even touch you physically but I'll guarantee to use my literacy platform to completely destroy your psyche like what was so savagely and aggressively done to me, looking back that's all I see
I've sighted every atrocity three pages from the back glossary if you ever have the need to fact check me, again, feel free but know that my story board is messy, I'm not use to entertaining company
The facts get a little bit more hazy every day and where slapped together haphazardly with no rhyme or reason to what I have too say, not a thread of continuity, and you can go on and forget about decency, that word isn't even in my dictionary
I want to take this opportunity to openly welcome anybody that can hear me to read my diary, I've made it easy and removed the lock and key, humor me and start with my autobiography
Get to know your enemy, you'll find what to use against me personally but also what I'll do to wipe you from my minds eye permanently before you grace the pages of my memory
Take this as a priority mail special delivery type promise inside a threat spread widely through a reputable distribution company
And now, since having the rare opportunity to slowly but fully get to know me just a wee better, you must know then that to doubt me is stupid risky, just facts here, no theory of relativity
May I suggest you completely drop expectations and turn each page carefully, it's not for the faint of heart obviously, don't approach this carelessly or it could consume you entirely, but that's not my responsibility
Erie from the start, so it'd be smart to get ready, it's about to get heavy, prepare yourself mentally, this is the type of gory, all guts no glory underdog revenge ****** mystery story that wouldn't even make late night cable tv
Though it'd truly be funny to slap a PG rating on the first copy just to watch them fully lose their **** and collectively scramble to get said copy pulled indefinitely
Anyway, no movie adaptation in the works, no straight to DVD release party and that's all fine by me, I ain't even angry about it really, okay, maybe I am a little grumpy but that comes with the contemporary territory
Read it, don't read it, buy it legitimately or steal a copy, it's all the same to me, everything you need to know, and some **** you wish you didn't, is right here in the typography
From living righteously to becoming a bully to getting lost in my own hypocrisy, it's all laid out lazily for every single truth seeker and neigh sayer to see
There's nothing left to say anyway so pretty please, once free from the pages, can you finally, quietly but quickly, leave and just let me be me? I'd appreciate it emencly

Alrighty, let's begin shall we.

-Chapter one-

      Our story both begins and ends in the same fashion in that neither needed to happen and the fact that they both did changed nothin', a breath of life wasted on a nobody with nothin' left to offer but what's left of the shattered dignity and pride, otherwise emptiness resides and we'll be taking a look back through pain filled eyes, recounting the rise and fall, the crippling journey and what ultimately triggered this poor man's untimely demise...

Absent Minded Mar 2010
I wanted to be witty and sly
or dare I say without trepidation
trailer park brilliant and loose
as they stood forlorned and tired
soaking in the rain before me
but I had little or close to nothing at all.

The look on those grey faces
heavily stunned, vacant and lost
almost as if the very eye itself
were pacing down the hallway alone
as if things were registering
without having registered at all.

Reaching down deep and wide
farther, broader and well beyond
the sea of black in my heart at the time
I gathered and mustered at a very low decibel
the only few words or thoughts
electable on such a grave night.

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Low Lands.
I… Cornelius Appleton, bid you good night!”

Just fifteen words spoken out loud
on the pier that night above the water
heard by those in and of the crowd
each and every word offered insincerely
against little or no resistance at all
from the natives, their neighbors and kin.

Then turning I left- no faster then normal
going, never to return in time or space
or to be heard from again in truth
hence forth just a shadow of a thought
of a man once there and in the know...
now gone without explanation or conclusion.

However, during the shifting doldrums of many nights
awakening- from the eternal springs of sleep
I see those faces and I hear their thoughts
and I recollect the dreams they had- of tomorrow
because it was I who lit them into fire
then smiled as they rose away in smoke.

In the bitter end when the day closed
neither I nor they in any way, fashion or shape
were any more grandiose, evolved or pleased
for having run the race  that we all ran together
but that race was run, it’s true and it’s in the books
perhaps in the future- we can run it again.
epictails Apr 2015
A hanging thread of breakable ends
She was the spectacle of the carnival from hell
The belle of the lonely ball
Her face is the tail end of dreams once pure
Broken smiles painting tears in the clear skies
But her hands,
Oh her hands!
I pray they hold me close
For they unravel the sands of time
Speaking to me, quite insincerely,
About a past  uncertain of its fate
And of a girl intoxicated with the promises
Of empty tomorrows
Awaking her up more broken each day
Olivia Kent Sep 2013
Last Love!

Haunting my heart you came.
Entered my head as a spectre of time.
Dressed in an aura of aubergine.
Invaded my very thoughts.
Build a bridge to span my sighs.
Gently you kiss my memory.
Hopefully not really goodbye.

I'm mesmorised.
Stuck sat in a satin dream.
Shining gloriously.
Bleeding a little.
Portents were given .
I shall not pretend.
Could not heed the omens.

Fell in love, my friend.
Don't know how.
Know not why.
You are different.
Believing that your brain is true.
Uttered words maybe insincerely.
Death will come and ****** me.
Before I love again!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
asg May 2014
This is my goodbye letter:

   I hope to never see you face again. Not because I hate it, but because I hate the way it makes me feel. I don't like feeling confused when one shan't be confused. It does not sit well with me. There are many emotions I have come into check with but confusement is where I draw the thickest and final line. I must say I adored you, and idolized and revered you. I never saw myself beside you until you made it slightly apparent I was worth it. But that picture was never drawn, was it? It was never meant for us to be one no matter how much I yearned for it. We cannot simply be together so we must be far, far apart. So adieu, my neverwaslove, I hope I never see you again.
          Very Insincerely,                  
**Broken and Unsatisfied
Jeffrey Robin Aug 2016

this the first day

She ***** highways of hell

Looking for heaven in a man !


She ***** the world ugly looking for her ***-fix

In real

( Destroyer of lives )

She ******* ****** poems across our faces

Glorifying her moronic pain


She dies
She rots
She stinks

Bad !

She says she is sorry so insincerely


It is

As another day of wasted opportunities fades from sight


We are lost children

We do
Not seek to
Be found

We are so

I wonder if we know the difference between

Being dead or alive


Somewhere in the past,
you were deeply affected within your interaction
with one of my accounts.  I don't know who you are
(who the person is that is leaving tangible fingerprints
on the keyboard of this account I am speaking to)
I can only guess,
but I am fairly sure that my guess is accurate,
     so I will keep all of that to myself,
so that you can freely and without fear of being found out,
go back with me to that place inside of yourself  that felt so well
met and seen back then.

In turn, no more *******, devaluing of love
the way that you do so often at close range.

If you pull that horrendously harmful **** again,
I will pull away again, but this time.. never come back.
That being said, I will not leave you hanging,
(or do my best to not to)  
if you bring  towards me  the need within you..
that through your memory,

you so well believe that I can satisfy
(and you already know that I am not talking about the ******).

You feel the deep, internal response--
from deep within that body of yours,  
when love warmly touches  
previously untouched places within you

And you spin them out publicly right in the midst of our
closeness of interaction (which I think is really cool),
just please don't flay me for showing my humanity
by responding back to you sexually.
I will keep that side to myself,  if that is what it takes
to keep you from throwing me under the bus, yet again.
The ****** (within the closeness of warm, loving connection) --
((even in the world of support..))
that very sensuality so perfectly parallels..  
through physical, tangibly-felt metaphor..
all that there is also within the Realms
when it comes to the spiritual.

Healing of that which has become broken by the fallen
******-up version of love this world brings--
that type of healing and restoration back into wholeness
is what all relational closeness is meant to bring,  and stand for.
You want something that you deeply believe that I have,  
yet somewhere..   maybe in another life..
I must have hurt you deeply,
or you wouldn't be sending  all these finger-puppet forays
my way.

Come and get what you want and need,
and if you believe I am shorting you your rightful blessing  
by missing it..   or simply just being generically stupid,
then instead of flaying me publicly,  
privately come to me  in boldness,
   and shake it out of me--
that which is rightfully yours-- my healing-response.

and do it brazenly,  with a fierce, yet open and vulnerable heart
the way that you have shown in your poems. Maybe in time
you will find out all on your own  
that what you thought was hurtful from me,  was felt
out of perception,  rather than what was actual.
If I really did do something,  tell me what it is
so that I can own up to it and tell you that I am sorry
for ******* everything up that way..
if, in fact.. it was something I really did.

I will only talk to you  from here (my M Vogel account)
so that you can rise and fall
concerning what things you need most from me,  

by the responsibility of you,
and of me.

You already know that I am Paul.
You can call me that,  or M Vogel,
or stupidface..
or any of my other account names if you want,
but get inside of here with me what it is that you came for.

If it is something that I am able to give or be a part of..
then know it will become yours  in time.
  You have the ability..
     even though being spoken to this way
    both wildly turns you on
    and completely scares you shitless

    (((and probably both at the same time)))
you have  proven,  through your posted words  
that you are actually able to be a part of   and do,
what has for so long  felt so horribly distant from you,
   and so horrendously impossible for you to attain.
You have earned every single part of this very rightful place
that you now have in here with me.

Please don't stupidly **** it up the way that you so well
and so often do.
You are brilliant, girl. We both know that.
Stupid things are possible because your world has had learn
to be so incredibly indirect in order to survive.
What has saved you up until now,  out there..
will destroy everything for you,   in here.
But you are human, and rendering old things   dead
may be too much to ask for.. so I will tell you now--

that even  if within your broken, PTSD-filter--
you make a mess of the closeness--  at close range..
then with poetry, find your way back into my heart--
by speaking solely from yours  as you have.
**** me over too insincerely and callously  without remorse,
and you yourself will have stolen  you--  directly from
that of the deepest of places within my own heart.

Your call, kid..
You are not a little 14 year old  clad in combat boots anymore.
Yours is a living, breathing heart--
left withering  within the dry desert of indirectness
that you have  been forced up until now  to live in.

*Every single day the sun comes up, anew. Those words mean everything to you for a reason.
Through love and accountability,  breathe life in to them.

That is how you will make them real.

Let him know that you know best
'Cause after all, you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
without granting, innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong--
the things you've told him all along

And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you

As he begins to raise his voice
you lower yours,
and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road

or break with the ones that you've followed

He will do one of two things..
he will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
and you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

um, yourself
you gorgeous little ****  xox
Donall Dempsey Oct 2023

"Ok...!" said the day
"Here's your morning
ya want rain or sun with it?"

I looked at the day
as if it was crazy or

"Com' on com' on
make up your mind"
the day said irritably

"Sun!" I snapped "Sun!"
"Alright alright keep yer hair on!"
I straightened my toupée

the day smirked
gave me an extra helping
of rain with rain on the side

"Oh funny guy!"
I swore
the day said "Wot...wot?"

then if it didn't
****** well
turn the sun on again

"This your idea
of a joke is it?"
" 'tis...'tis indeed!"

"I'm not laughing!"
"So..." said the day
"So you're not!"

I swore
"Language please!
Take it or leave it!"

I left, leaving
some time behind
to pay for the morning

"Missing you already!"
sing-sang the sun insincerely
"Yeah, right!" I spat

"Oh temper..temper!"
the day finally
cracked a smile

I walked out into
God's own sunshine
my face soaking it up

and that was when
the day turned
the rain back on again

"Gawd **** that
gawd **** day
gawd **** it!"
Bob B Feb 2022
On February 1 each year,
Black History Month begins.
Major contributions of Blacks
Are praised, and everybody wins.

But yesterday, we heard the shocking
Reports on the nightly TV news
That fourteen--yes, fourteen!--bomb threats
Occurred at this country's HBCUs.°

Threatening lives and causing disruptions
At Black institutions of learning,
The culprits' hateful acts display
Behavior that is highly concerning.

And at the same time, many states
Are passing laws that sadly embrace
Innocuous and unrealistic
Ways that teachers can talk about race.

If educators are forced to cover
U.S. history insincerely,
Students won't learn the truth of our past,
And Americans will suffer dearly.

So why Black History Month?
What started as an important endeavor
To recognize accomplishments
Is now needed more than ever.

-by Bob B (2-2-22)

°Historically Black Colleges and Universities
orchestration, and utilization,
a moss fungi (fun guy) attests his marriage
synonymous with symbiotic relationship.

Nostalgic acquiescence about fictitious life,
oblivescence about current travails
and reminiscence about
transcendence into utopia
prompts me to revisit livingsocial,
now that yours truly
among the grateful dead.

As a saprophyte,
the missus buzzfeeds off me lovely bones
once plump with excess adipose tissue
otherwise known as body fat,
a connective tissue
that extends throughout body electric
found under your skin (subcutaneous fat),
between your internal organs (visceral fat)
and even in the inner cavities of bones
(bone marrow adipose tissue).

Over the ensuing two score and ten years
after pledging our troth, the missus
(opposed with a vehemence
keeping her maiden name,
or even acquiescing
maintaining surname
with hyphae fun nation),
and yours truly at one time or another
from the day we met
until the present moment

invariably, intolerantly, intimately,
intentionally, intemperately, insultingly,
insufficiently, insidiously, insincerely,
insensitively, insensibly, inscrutably,
inquietly, injuriously, inhospitably,
inharmoniously, infuriatingly, infernally,
inexorably, ineffably, indubitably,
indescribably, indelibly, incredibly,
increasingly, incessantly, incalculably,
ineluctably molded unnamed spouse.

Truth be told, the grudging acceptance to wed
made indirectly and courtesy
unbeknownst and linkedin
to our unborn eldest daughter
about four months in utero,
when marriage date chosen
July twenty fifth nineteen ninety six
since yours truly and my then girlfriend
abstained from birth control
tantamount to playing Russian roulette,
and decided to let natural insemination
trigger conception between
twelve and twenty four hours after ovulation.

Neither of us the least bit prepared
economically nor emotionally,
which urge to procreate
superseded sense and sensibility,
and in retrospect,
I readily admit flagrant
negligent ****** recklessness
(no matter physical ******* monogamous),
and an adamant refusal to use prophylactic
or more commonly known as ******.

Though excited to sow seminal seeds of life
a panic stricken state afflicted me,
when consensual concurrence
to consummate copulation occurred,
nevertheless ecstasy at potential fatherhood
brought courtesy the resultant
unexpected positive result
yielded from pregnancy kit.

Back in the day libidinal longing
(in my pinion) wracked ****
of accursed celibate
Norwegian bachelor farmer wannabe,
where merest suggestion
of ******* thoughts
hounded doggone muttering
dove head lettered man
all the way to Antioch
feverish pitch I could not block
found mine doodling ****
to crow night and day
without let up to dock
****** solitude a worse fate
than therapy zapping gray matter
with wave after wave oven electroshock,
a divine sterling erectile rod
hoping gallivanting frisky felines would flock.
Donall Dempsey Oct 2020

"Ok...!" said the day
"Here's your morning
ya want rain or sun with it?"

I looked at the day
as if it was crazy or

"Com' on com' on
make up your mind"
the day said irritably

"Sun!" I snapped "Sun!"
"Alright alright keep yer hair on!"
I straightened my toupée

the day smirked
gave me an extra helping
of rain with rain on the side

"Oh funny guy!"
I swore
the day said "Wot...wot?"

then if it didn't
****** well
turn the sun on again

"This your idea
of a joke is it?"
" 'tis...'tis indeed!"

"I'm not laughing!"
"So..." said the day
"So you're not!"

I swore
"Language please!
Take it or leave it!"

I left, leaving
some time behind
to pay for the morning

"Missing you already!"
sing-sang the sun insincerely
"Yeah, right!" I spat

"Oh temper..temper!"
the day finally
cracked a smile

I walked out into
God's own sunshine
my face soaking it up

and that was when
the day turned
the rain back on again

"Gawd **** that
gawd **** day
gawd **** it!"
One Mississippi
two Mississippi
three missahippie.
My sweet mama I miss a hippie though she's is completely ******* trippy.
Still the life of the party at a little past sixty.
Tonight I wished her *** was here right here with me.
I couldn't put it more simply. I hate feeling **** so **** intensely.
Incomprehensibly stupid are the people that surround.
I don't think you want to find out what's next do better don't **** around. White moise in my head the static is a deafening sound.
I chase it with clouds of smoke to ties that bind by blood I am bound deep dark thoughts so **** profound
Just merely everything i hold so dearly
I mean come the **** on now really this **** is being to get silly insincerely punished severely.
My pain is now mixed with little bits of my tranquility.
Still I'm feeling rather ****** sometimes im so glad time moves so  swiftly
whatever it is I've got coming just gimme and let me trudge on Weary. Oh my sweet sweet mama was caught up in some ******* drama and is now in county jail a possible thousand dollar bail. Into I seemingly stare.
Is anyone here right now even really there.
It doesn't matter I don't really care.
Back in my day I was the very one, from me you'd die if you had tried to run.
I am not top flight security I will not drop the **** gun. It seems like most of my life I have already been spinning with the exact actions needed when you are conspiring to be spun
against all I stood for into the  calamity automatically sprung. Words were used as ammunition while unbroken remained all of my bones the sticks and the stones really stung. The battle may be over but the war that was freshly was just waged with each sides demonic factors had been chained up and caged this war
Had just begun meanwhile back at the standpoint it was sorry Charlie you're ******* clazy
bloodshed and bodies litter the battlefield
but not even that could have ever phased me
the insane ways others often think intrigues me clearly it

The feel right now is completely irrelevant but in this room I would like to address the elephant hallucination
probably about 100 percent.
**** really even barely makes sense. Lately things have made me feel so tense
what comes next don't keep in suspense.
Head's feeling a little too dense.
I swear I only fought back on self defense
that black eye I didn't give you was no coincidence
I am claiming that ignorance is bliss the key is on that stupid **** don't place so much significance. Different places different friends different things I now intend
lower and lower it seems that I am beginning to descend with this addiction I must contend. If you asking me what I am about to do well that will depend if you and I turning in full circles like it's a new trend. I am not your foe but I am in fact a fiend my friend.
Is this some kind of superstition or is this simply a tradition.
This is just another example of the human condition
how long will it be before I break instead of just Bend.
Into the crowd I am desperately attempting to blend.
I'm sorry I really don't mean to offend
it looks like we have hit yet another dead end.
I repeat the complete insanity over and over again.
I'm just a hollowed out vessel harboring these secrets I am forced to keep.
I am trying to be discreet but I am seeing **** due to the lack of sleep
I am a little lost I'm  feeling rather weak I have one hell of a vindictive streak
well this is me  it is who I am  along with demons playing hide and seek now I lay me down my soul I pray to God to keep  
actions speak louder than words because talk is cheap
one day just what I have sewn I'll reap.
Through my old neighborhood slowly I creep. I
slow my roll as I roll down my old street
sporadic in my chest my heart does beat.
I think what I'm looking for is probability right out of my reach
I am unable to just accept defeat. My life is stuck on ****** repeat. Sometimes I consider being out there running with the elite.
Then into the shadows I often retreat fleeing from those moments that are at best bittersweet.
Memories that I cannot delete still my story is in set in concrete it can be anything my broken mind can conceive.
I know the  goals  I've set soon I will achieve that would actually come as a relief
I am staring at the newest version of me in total disbelief right now I don't have time to deal with this grief.  Just who the **** are you attempting to deceive.
I have nothing else up my sleeve addiction is a hell of a disease
can't someone just come and help me please the day is discouraging I prefer to just seize the night..
I know I am so **** far left I just cannot get myself right.
I try with all of my might to make sense of this gifted kind of insight. Flames in my hell don't quite burn as bright.
The voices in my head now have all gone quite
I won't grow old graceful every step of the way I have every intention to fight it.
I smoke I chief on these little green trees I pray for that sweet leaf. Offering me a little bit of a release. How could I forgotten the way my heart rate seems to increase when I start to live dangerously.
Excuse the hell out of me people they only see just what they really want to see.
I stand alone among the debris.
I just have to  live free
to me please don't pay any attention to my contributed delinquency
you have any clue on who it is I am really  supposed to be.
I give in I surender the control I have thought about relinquishing.
I myself am diminishing this project I'm nowhere near finishing
I am supposed to love myself unconditionally
but just not the case when     disbelievingly  in prayer I drop down on bent knee.
I feel like I need so one that's able to represent me.
Maybe I need someone to just reinvent me
I do all kinds of this experimentally
I try to use my resources sparingly yet I move the **** on daringly. though these dark skies I navigate wearily.
This is the story of my life apparently before I lose all my strength despairing
it probably looks like I move all so uncaring increasingly there seems to be a minor discrepancy
. It's the very definition of me trying to emerge with integrity
whole often I find myself just spinning off right out of control colder and more corrupt the older I grow
there's a hole that isn't fillable
in my dark desolate soul
that is what most people simply do not know all the secrets from all of these last years that I have been told makes me want to be like laundry just so I can fold asked no questions so lies have been sold.

They say that if you  don't ever slow down you'll never grow old
. I barely found it inside of myself to be able to hitch hike down this familiar dirt road
teeter I totter on the very brink of a psychotic episode
just give me a second let me go ahead and lock and load
  to have and to hold though the very gates of hell I have **** sure rode.
I am half *** ready to go on and explode you're **** straight if you think that I am throwed.
I slipped right back into beast mode. These big *** cracks in my moral code bodies they will easily hold when the devil made me he **** sure broke the mold I am only taking just what I think that I'm owed wish the progression could be slowed  I'm impossible to be consoled this particular street is often  heavily patrolled there have been very few times my emotions have accidentally shown.. cherished you are in the eyes of the one you actually behold. I think I am a little too exposed quite a bit I'm indisposed this isn't how I supposed this would go.  Being pulled so far down below me and the devil go blow for blow. I go where no one else can follow I wallow in my sorrow I knew that time here was only ours to barrow I am counting on there being a tomorrow Broken it's me laying here hap hazardly for a place just I wait disastrously the truth is even when Im good with all the chaos and calamity I still a walking talking catastrophe. I the job I have done unsatisfactory. Distractedly dastardly reactively to some things I feel so compassionately that to myself I think absently that you are a liability that is just part of the reality. I had a bad bad break in my mentality abnormalities help me with all these legalities that get me off on technicalities. Effectively questionable exceptionally a deception I see. I gather up my **** separately  selectively I trod on defectively I'm unable to see the situation objectively why does there seem to be so much negativity I don't want to suffer through the indignity I need a new identity can't stand the intensity cannot not hold up under the pressure yet I continue on relentlessly I suffer through the Indecently that had gotten worse as in recently halt fire increasingly. It is so hard to get through to me freezing cold I am ******* empty images the fade fleetingly I find I am indeed discontent repeatably the future I can not see fearing Indecently interfering the demons are staring at me indecent in their inhumanity somewhere between this rewritten work of fiction and a fantasy, it's something that for me is hard to fathom understandably underhandedly explicit in the lines of demented profanity. Up to my eyes I'm in elbow grease and ingenuity.  This is so unusually new to me nothing is really left
The feel right now is completely irrelevant but in this room I would like to address the elephant hallucination probably about 100 percent. **** really even barely makes sense. Lately things have made me feel so tense what comes next don't keep in suspense. Head's feeling a little too dense. I swear I only fought back on self defense that black eye I didn't give you was no coincidence I am claiming that ignorance is bliss the key is on that stupid **** don't place so much significance. Different places different friends different things I now intend lower and lower it seems that I am beginning to descend with this addiction I must contend. If you asking me what I am about to do well that will depend if you and I turning in full circles like it's a new trend. I am not your foe but I am in fact a fiend my friend. Is this some kind of superstition or is this simply a tradition. This is just another example of the human condition how long will it be before I break instead of just Bend. Into the crowd I am desperately attempting to blend. I'm sorry I really don't mean to offend it looks like we have hit yet another dead end. I repeat the complete insanity over and over again. I'm just a hollowed out vessel harboring these secrets I am forced to keep. Incomplete I am trying to be discreet but I am seeing **** due to the lack of sleep I am a little lost I'm  feeling rather weak I have one hell of a vindictive streak well this is me  it is who I am  along with demons playing hide and seek now I lay me down my soul I pray to God to keep  actions speak louder than words because talk is cheap one day just what I have sewn I'll reap. Through my old neighborhood slowly I creep. I slow my roll as I roll down my old street sporadic in my chest my heart does beat. I think what I'm looking for is probability right out of my reach I am unable to just accept defeat. My life is stuck on ****** repeat. Sometimes I consider being out there running with the elite. Then into the shadows I often retreat fleeing from those moments that are at best bittersweet. Memories that I cannot delete still my story is in set in concrete it can be anything my broken mind can conceive. I know the  goals  I've set soon I will achieve that would actually come as a relief I am staring at the newest version of me in total disbelief right now I don't have time to deal with this grief.  Just who the **** are you attempting to deceive I have nothing else up my sleeve addiction is a hell of a disease can't someone just come and help me please the day is discouraging I prefer to just seize the night. I know I am so **** far left I just cannot get myself right. I try with all of my might to make sense of this gifted kind of insight. Flames in my hell don't quite burn as bright. The voices in my head now have all gone quite I won't grow old graceful every step of the way I have every intention to fight it. I smoke I chief on these little green trees I pray for that sweet leaf. Offering me a little bit of a release. How could I forgotten the way my heart rate seems to increase when I start to live dangerously. Excuse the hell out of me people they only see just what they really want to see. I stand alone among the debris. I just have to  live free to me please don't pay any attention to my contributed delinquency you have any clue on who it is I am really  supposed to be. I give in I surender the control I have thought about relinquishing. I myself am diminishing this project I'm nowhere near finishing I am supposed to love myself unconditionally but just not the case when     disbelievingly  in prayer I drop down on bent knee. I feel like I need so one that's able to represent me. Maybe I need someone to just reinvent me I do all kinds of this experimentally I try to use my resources sparingly yet I move the **** on daringly. though these dark skies I navigate wearily. This is the story of my life apparently before I lose all my strength despairingly it probably looks like I move all so uncaring increasingly there seems to be a minor discrepancy. It's the very definition of me trying to emerge with integrity whole often I find myself just spinning off right out of control colder and more corrupt the older I grow there's a hole that isn't fillable in my dark desolate soul that is what most people simply do not know all the secrets from all of these last years that I have been told makes me want to be like laundry just so I can fold asked no questions so lies have been sold. They say that if you  don't ever slow down you'll never grow old. I barely found it inside of myself to be able to hitch hike down this familiar dirt road teeter I totter on the very brink of a psychotic episode just give me a second let me go ahead and lock and load  to have and to hold though the very gates of hell I have **** sure rode. I am half *** ready to go on and explode you're **** straight if you think that I am throwed. I slipped right back into beast mode. These big *** cracks in my moral code bodies they will easily hold when the devil made me he **** sure broke the mold I am only taking just what I think that I'm owed wish the progression could be slowed  I'm impossible to be consoled this particular street is often  heavily patrolled there have been very few times my emotions have accidentally shown.. cherished you are in the eyes of the one you actually behold. I think I am a little too exposed quite a bit I'm indisposed this isn't how I supposed this would go.  Being pulled so far down below me and the devil go blow for blow. I go where no one else can follow I wallow in my sorrow I knew that time here was only ours to barrow I am counting on there being a tomorrow Broken it's me laying here hap haphazardly for a place just I wait disastrously the truth is even when Im good with all the chaos and calamity I still a walking talking catastrophe. I the job I have done unsatisfactory. Distractedly dastardly reactively to some things I feel so compassionately that to myself I think absently that you are a liability that is just part of the reality. I had a bad bad break in my mentality abnormalities help me with all these legalities that get me off on technicalities. Effectively questionable exceptionally a deception I see. I gather up my **** separately  selectively I trod on defectively I'm unable to see the situation objectively why does there seem to be so much negativity I don't want to suffer through the indignity I need a new identity can't stand the intensity cannot not hold up under the pressure yet I continue on relentlessly I suffer through the Indecently that had gotten worse as in recently halt fire increasingly. It is so hard to get through to me freezing cold I am ******* empty images the fade fleetingly I find I am indeed discontent repeatably the future I can not see fearing Indecently interfering the demons are staring at me indecent in their inhumanity somewhere between this rewritten work of fiction and a fantasy, it's something that for me is hard to fathom understandably underhandedly explicit in the lines of demented profanity. Up to my eyes I'm in elbow grease and ingenuity.  This is so unusually new to me nothing is really left just air and opportunity sing a song out of tune off melody commit a ******* felony I admit I watch the entire scene play out only seldomly. Drastically I evacuate the building almost magically. Unfortunately I am person that is uncontrollably disturbed emotionally  unknowingly causing a
Commotion imperfectly commit a travesty another ******* tragedy violently over there balcony silently there is now a casualty. It was casually created so callously principles before personalities. I will do just what I **** well please I swallow down quite a few of those and some of these easily. I get myself ****** up pleasing to me a waste of space A space that has gone into waste now it is time to make haste because I am significantly placed  for the faceless ghosts to give chase constantly I fall far from this side of saving grace  I keep trying to save face but it's hard to keep up this quicken pace when with the memories the pain now seems to interlaced. Back to me there is nothing that can be traced steps I have placed this Just in if there is no **** evidence  there. Is no **** case

— The End —